Skin Diseases

Erythrasma women, men. Photo groin, buttocks, armpits, treatment, ointments, antibiotics

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Erythrasma - pathological process, formed on the skin as a result of bacterial infection. The disease affects both women and men. Photo diseases allow us to determine the extent and stage of disease development.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Videos about erythrasma

types of diseases

The disease is divided into several types depending on the location. Thus the main places stains are the armpits, groin, abdominal folds.

Patients who are overweight, the pathology affects the abdominal region. Also notes the development of spots all over his body.

Allocate 2 main forms erythrasma - interdigital and generalized. The most common type of the disease first. In this case, the formation of an infectious process develops in the toes. The disease is characterized by the presence of cracks and brown spots, typically between the 4th and 5th fingers.

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The generalized form of the disease develops in the presence of diabetes. Typical stains formed while in the folds.

Stage and grade

The pathological process is conditionally divided into two steps depending on the nature of the disease - the light and heavy.

Mild course of the disease is characterized by patches of tiny pink, striking a small area. At the same time any symptoms absent.Erythrasma women, men. Photo groin, buttocks, armpits, treatment

Severe illness accompanied by extensive lesions of the skin with attendant features - fever, itching, general weakness. In case of untimely treatment pathology can lead to serious consequences and complications.


Erythrasma women, photos of which help to establish the presence of the disease, followed by the relevant symptoms.

Progression of the disease in the first place, accompanied by the formation of type erythematous spots. At the same spots have color from pink to dark brown. Dimensions of formations ranging from a few millimeters to a few centimeters.

In most disease prone men, at least - are women. Extremely rare pathology in children is formed.


  • general weakness of the body, and malaise;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • dizziness;Erythrasma women, men. Photo groin, buttocks, armpits, treatment
  • pain in the site of the lesion.

In most cases, the disease occurs without developing any symptoms. Determine the presence of the disease is possible by corresponding symptomatology - spots located in the large pleats, including inguinal area of ​​the anus.

Causes of

Develops pathology during infection karinobakteriey. The microorganism is not dangerous, as are normally present in most people. However, with the development of various failures and disturbances pathogen begins active multiplication, causing this disease.

Provocateurs disease are various factors that disrupt the normal level of acid-base balance of the skin or causing damage to the skin.


  • diabetes mellitus;Erythrasma women, men. Photo groin, buttocks, armpits, treatment
  • malfunction of the immune system;
  • violation of rules of personal hygiene;
  • increased sweating - hyperhidrosis;
  • elderly age;
  • high humidity;
  • permanent skin friction with other surfaces, which leads to irritation - traumatic form of dermatitis.

Also, the disease develops in the background of close contact with an infected person - sharing the same dishes or bedding, sexual contacts, visit public places (swimming pools, saunas).


Erythrasma women whose photo help determine the stage and extent of disease determined by special diagnostic methods.

To determine the disease are carried out as laboratory and instrumental types of research. In this case, a visual inspection is not enough to make a diagnosis and determine the nature of the origin of the disease.

Diagnostic Methods

  1. Skin tests. A study by scraping the affected area with the further study of the biological material in the laboratory. The method has a high accuracy. A detailed study to determine the presence of bacterial cells and their location.
  2. Wood's lamp. Exposure occurs through a special device. In this case, the affected places in the presence of infection highlighted a reddish color. This method is most efficient and effective.Erythrasma women, men. Photo groin, buttocks, armpits, treatment

Diagnostic event allows to establish the etiology of the disease and to separate it from a number of the following diseases: psoriasis, pityriasis versicolor, Candida diaper rash. Studies can go to any medical institution, dermatological clinic. diagnostic fee of 350 rubles.

When to see a doctor

Refer to those skilled in dermatology is necessary at the first sign of disease. Note, however, that the disease can occur without the presence of any symptoms. The determining factor in this case is the formation of pink or brown spots.

At positive results during the test is recommended to immediately seek medical attention for the purpose of therapy. Otherwise, the disease can cause complications and take a chronic form of development.

Address to the dermatologist requires any form, stage or type of pathological process.


Erythrasma women requires preventive methods that help to prevent recurrence of the disease. These recommendations are required to adhere to and are an integral part of therapy. During treatment, keep track of the dynamics and effectiveness of the methods you can use photos taken prior to initiating therapy.


  1. Personal hygiene. hygiene procedures, especially those with excessive sweating is recommended daily. Thus it is necessary to carry out processing of folds, the armpits and genitals with warm water 1-2 times a day.Erythrasma women, men. Photo groin, buttocks, armpits, treatment
  2. After water treatment must be wiped dry to avoid any moisture on the skin, which is one of the main instigators of the disease.
  3. Treatment of hands with soap after visiting public places or in contact with potentially infected people or objects.
  4. Compliance with the rules of personal household items. In particular, bedding, towels, clothing, or shoes.
  5. Refusal of synthetic clothing, including bed or underwear.
  6. When excessive sweating is recommended to use the special hygiene products in the form of antiperspirants, deodorants.
  7. Control body weight. Is required to constantly monitor the weight, it is recommended to comply with dietary meals if necessary.

It is also necessary to pass an annual preventive examination by a physician and dermatologist, and engage in treatment of opportunistic diseases, particularly bacterial origin.


Upon detection of a bacterial infection specialist develops individual therapeutic regimen that includes drugs, medical procedures and preventive measures.

An integrated approach achieves complete clinical cure, while excluding relapses and secondary infection.


Erythrasma women photos which help to detect abnormalities at an early stage, can be treated by medication.

In the first place, and the confirmation of diagnosis is assigned a group of antibacterial drugs. In most cases, prescribe topical preparations. In severe illness, and chronic forms of antimicrobial preparations used for oral administration.Erythrasma women, men. Photo groin, buttocks, armpits, treatment

name of product Characteristics funds Features of the application \ Course cost of
erythromycin Means represents a group of macrolides and azalides. It is sold in tablet form. It is designated as an antibacterial agent in lesions of various kinds of gram-positive bacteria - streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, some fungi. It is used in the complex therapy. The drug is taken orally in pill form. With the development of smooth type of disease is assigned to 1 g of means divided into 4 equal daily doses. Take this way for 2 weeks. If necessary, treatment may be extended by resolution of the doctor. from 72 to 102 rubles.
Sumamed (Azithromycin) Antibacterial drug broad-spectrum macrolide. It is effective against most gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic microorganisms. Exhibits activity against certain types of anaerobic bacteria and fungi. Used in the development of infectious and inflammatory pathological processes. Is contraindicated in children 3 to summer, but also in patients with severe renal and hepatic impairment. Scheme dispensing capsules - 0.5 g one time per day. Take for 5 days. Continued use of the drug determined by the attending dermatologist. 196-515 rub.
doxycycline The medicament of the discharge semisynthetic antibiotics. It has a broad spectrum of activity manifesting bacteriostatic and antibacterial properties. Means a part of the complex therapy in various infectious and fungal infections. In lesions karinobakteriey assigned 100mg means 2 times per day. Take over the 1st week. from 60 rubles.
ointment eritromitsinovaya The agent for the local treatment of infected areas. It represents a group of antibacterial drugs. It helps to cope with the inflammation on the skin. It prevents the further growth of bacteria. Liniment is shown as a part of complex treatment. The treatment of the affected areas is carried out for 7 days. Means thin layer is applied 1-2 times a day, depending on the area affected. 20-240 rubles.
isoconazole cream Synthetic antibacterial agent used in the treatment of fungal infections, Candida, dermatophytes. It has a broad spectrum of activity, it helps to cope with inflammatory reactions at the site of infection by inhibiting pathogens. The drug has shown some antifungal activity. Used for 7-14 days. Composition is applied 1-2 times a day thin layer. Course may be extended if necessary by the attending physician. from 750 rubles.
bifonazole Included in the comprehensive treatment of fungal infections. Cream for external use of broad-spectrum. Indicated for fungal infections, various forms of lichen, hyperhidrosis. Medication is contraindicated in 1 trimester of pregnancy. Means used within 3 weeks. Apply 1-2 times a day. from 550 rubles.
Erythrasma women, men. Photo groin, buttocks, armpits, treatment

Among the means for external application may also be assigned using a similar ciclopirox or scheme 2% cream, which includes fusidic acid.

In the presence of itching on the skin are appointed by the local anti-inflammatory drugs with a means forming part of the active glucocorticosteroid. One of the most effective is Travokort. The active component of the pharmaceutical agent - isoconazole.

Exhibits anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic and antipruritic effect. Applied medicine for the treatment of itching elements for 2 weeks. Composition applied 2 times a day thin layer.

Ekzifin highly proven itself in relation to the heavy and difficult to treat forms of erythrasma. Product is manufactured in different forms - creams, gels, sprays, ointments and tablets. The active substance is terbinafine. Oral medication is used for 14-60 days. The daily dosage in this case is 0.25 g 1 time per day.

Traditional methods

Used only with the permission of your doctor as part of a treatment. As a topical agent for removing bacteria and the stimulation of the regeneration of the skin is used aloe juice, mixed in equal parts with natural honey. Rub the lesion 1-2 times a day. Used to eliminate all signs of the disease.

Other recipes:

  1. Grass bearberry, and swine (unsalted) fat. Twist ingredients in a ratio of 2: 5 by means of a meat grinder. The mass is then put on low heat and cook until the complete disappearance of the liquid from the composition. After that means is allowed to cool. Apply at night with the use of bandages. Butter can be used instead of lard. In this case, the ratio is 1: 1. Apply the ointment for 1-3 weeks or until complete recovery.
  2. Ash and oak bark. It is used for the preparation of baths. Take pre-cooked broth of oak and mixed with 6% m ethyl alcohol, and then added to a mixture of a pinch of baking soda. Take a bath for a month at night. The duration of treatment - 20 minutes. The product is suitable when the interdigital form of pathology.Erythrasma women, men. Photo groin, buttocks, armpits, treatment
  3. Celandine. To prepare the agents take the dry stems, flowers and leaves of the plant and is ground to a powder consistency. Then add plain Vaseline in the ratio of 1: 1. The composition is applied to the affected area twice a day, 1 night. Rubbing a thin layer. Used for several days.
  4. Were mixed in equal amounts flowers and leaves of celandine with propolis tincture. Distribute means a thin layer of 1 times a day.
  5. Birch buds and alcohol. Take chalk comminuted plant and pour 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Pushing means for 7 days in a dark room under the lid tightly closed. Is used as a lotion, rubbing a few times a day the affected areas.

In some cases, apply herbal based on cherry, sweet flag root and walnut leaves. All are thoroughly mixed in equal amounts and ground to a powder mass.

Then, taking 2 tablespoons raw, 1 liter of boiling water and then put on fire and boiled for 10-15 min. Means cooled and filtered. Take over the 1st week. Also, this mixture can be used as an infusion for compresses.

Other methods

Erythrasma women whose photos clearly demonstrate the character of the course of the pathological process, requires additional medical procedures.

As additional treatments are assigned different physiotherapeutic procedures. Aimed at reducing symptoms, eliminating inflammation, itching, skin regeneration.

The most effective procedure is ultraviolet radiation. Impact lets you suppress pathogens, to stop the further spread of infection. The procedure has a local podsushivayuschee and disinfectant action. The number of sessions depends on the nature and severity of disease symptoms.

It is also recommended to take a sun bath. Effectiveness depends on the duration of exposure to the sun. The action is similar to the procedures UFO.

possible complications

Prediction for a full recovery in most favorable in view of the fact that the microorganisms do not penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. The disease is amenable to treatment through timely specially selected antibacterial agents.Erythrasma women, men. Photo groin, buttocks, armpits, treatment

When tightening treatment there are various complications caused by the addition of a secondary infection. Potentially stung skin exposed to other forms of pathogenic microorganisms on against which there is loss of skin streptococcal, staphylococcal infection or fungal spores.

Subsequently condition can lead to severe infectious diseases of the skin, ulceration, formation of necrotic and exudative masses.

Erythrasma in women occurs in a milder form than men. Photo of symptoms to determine the onset of the disease and to prevent its further spread. Subject to all rules and methods of treatment achieved complete clinical cure.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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