Skin Diseases

Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Picture with explanations on the face, treatment

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Follicular hyperkeratosis is a common skin disease (pilar keratosis, dyskeratosis, goose flesh). Characterized by various rashes on the body of the child and the absence of inflammation. There are numerous triggers that will help determine the diagnosis.

The treatment takes a dermatologist, the doctor selects the drug, taking into account the state of the patient and the degree of development of pathological changes. Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child (popularly called - goosebumps) is excessive stratification of the epithelium and the blockage of the hair follicles.

The epidermis is constantly renewed, the old cells are sloughed off and in their place are new. When follicular hyperkeratosis this process is disrupted. Old cells do not have time to make room for new, closing the pores and causing pathological changes.

The content of the article:

  • 1 classification of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other method
  • insta story viewer
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of follicular hyperkeratosis of the child

classification of diseases

Given the precipitating factors in medicine distinguish certain types of follicular hyperkeratosis in children. Establish an accurate diagnosis will help the doctor dermatologist.

Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Signs, photo facial treatment

It is important to identify the main source of the disease:

Title Description
hair ringworm The classical form of follicular hyperkeratosis, which is accompanied by the formation of skin nodules. In some situations, they become inflamed. Itching or no plaques. In most cases, hair shingles diagnosed in children, held their own, the end of puberty.
Resistant lenticular hyperkeratosis Fegelya Hereditary pathology, the first signs of which appear in adulthood. The disease is characterized by tiny red papules affecting the feet and hands. After removing the bleeding craters remain on the body.
Deverzhi disease The pathology occurs at any age. On the head of thick scales are formed. The disease can develop over many months or years. Through time there genital papules with scales on the top in the extensor areas of legs and arms. Inflammatory lesions rapidly spread throughout the body.
superciliary uleritema The reason may be a hereditary factor or an infection. The risk category are children and adolescents. In the area of ​​the forehead above the eyebrows and the characteristic nodules formed. Over time there is loss of hair.
Keratosis pilaris Morrow Brook Hereditary disease, in people of all ages. The first symptoms - is dry hands and feet. Through time there are skin nodules. Without proper and timely treatment, the disease progresses. Deteriorating condition of the skin and nails. This type of hyperkeratosis similar to Darier's disease. It requires careful medical diagnostics.
Darier-White disease A hereditary disease characterized by the formation of skin nodules with a yellow crust. They emit an unpleasant odor. The area of ​​skin lesions is constantly increasing. Formed symmetrically positioned plaque. Man disturbing severe itching. A high probability of joining the infection.
Keratosis squamous follicular Doha The disease is most often diagnosed in adolescence. Pockets of rashes affect the buttocks and abdomen. The signs of inflammation are absent.

To establish the exact type of pathology will help dermatologist after a full examination. The first symptoms allow a preliminary diagnosis. It is crucial to see a doctor in order to prevent serious complications.

Stage and grade

Given the place of localization of inflammatory lesions, distinguish the following degrees of the disease:

Title Description
localized hyperkeratosis Pathology develops in a particular area of ​​the skin.
diffusive The extent of follicular hyperkeratosis high. It affected a large area of ​​the body or the whole skin.
Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Signs, photo facial treatment

By the nature of the flow follicular hyperkeratosis are divided into the following stages:

Title Description
papular Formed papules of various sizes.
atrophy Affected areas on the body will atrophy.

There is also a form of pathology vegetans (Darier's disease, flat hair zoster).


Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child is accompanied by characteristic signs, given the type of disease and triggers:

Title symptoms
Red hair lichen
  • red nodules of small size on the scalp;
  • horny crust;
  • twisted hair in the center of the nodule;
  • itching in the affected area;
  • skin is rough and tough.
zoster Deverzhi
  • conical rash with spikes squamous epithelium;
  • red or orange plaques;
  • merger nodules;
  • affects the face, elbows and knees;
  • Besnier's syndrome;
  • skin tight;
  • mild itching.
Keratosis Morrow Brook
  • dry skin;
  • thickens and deformed nail plate;
  • creases and cracks in the palms, soles;
  • dry nodules with horny spikes;
  • hair twisted in the middle.
keratosis Fegelya
  • red or brown papules;
  • defeat hand, rarely the trunk;
  • petechial hemorrhages on the place of the removed peel.
Squamous keratosis Doha
  • isolated or arranged beside papules;
  • in the center of the knot gray scale;
  • Black dots in situ removal of the crust;
  • scars on-site papules.
superciliary uleritema
  • knots on the outside of the eyebrow;
  • rashes on the forehead and cheeks;
  • follicular rash scars on the spot;
  • keratinized skin;
  • loss of hair.
Darier-White disease
  • rash skin color;
  • gray-brown crust;
  • affected scalp or face;
  • severe itching.
Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Signs, photo facial treatment
Follicular hyperkeratosis, a child may have different symptoms, such as rashes and itching.

Clinical symptoms, depending on the impact of environmental factors, may increase or have been mild.

Causes of

The main source is unknown before the end of the disease.

But there are triggers, against which pathological changes begin:

Title Description
Congenital Follicular hyperkeratosis often diagnosed in children. High doctors explain heredity Statistics.
  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • application of drugs;
  • serious diseases (diabetes, tuberculosis, HIV, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus);
  • burnout or pathologies of the nervous system;
  • deficiency of vitamins (A, C, E);
  • disruptions to the endocrine system.

In most cases, follicular hyperkeratosis in children is mild. In some situations, there is aggravation. The reason for this can be chicken or hot weather, poor diet, stress, non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.

Electromagnetic radiation and chemicals also provoke the development of follicular hyperkeratosis in children. The same occurs when the infection in the wound or ulcer. In this situation, in the body there are acne or boils.


Examination of the child will need to differentiate the disease and identify the source of violations.

The doctor performs the following tests:

Title Description
Examination by a dermatologist The doctor examines the characteristic changes in the skin, takes into account the accompanying clinical signs.
histological studies The specialist makes a scraping from the affected area on the body and sent to study in the laboratory.
Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Signs, photo facial treatment

Diagnostic activities help rule out or confirm the development of psoriasis, lupus, seborrheic keratosis, or lichen planus.

When to see a doctor

The hospital should be treated immediately at the first signs of follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. You can not engage in self-medication, especially in the case of children.

Highly likely to provoke serious complications and consequences. Improper treatment often results in scars that remain for life. When the child grows up, he will feel uncomfortable appearance.


Warn the disease is difficult, because not fully aware of the basic precipitating cause.

Preventive methods will help prevent the worsening of follicular hyperkeratosis in children:

  1. It is important to observe daily, thorough but gentle skin hygiene. Use baby soap, soft washcloths, long stay in the water a comfortable temperature.
  2. Teenagers should be taught to use a scrub, to renounce the use of hard sponges and comb skin rashes.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze pimples, not to carry infection.
  4. Adolescents it is recommended to use ointments, which include lactic acid, urea.
  5. You need to eat right. Menu a variety of products with vitamins (E, A). Renounce preservatives and dyes. Give preference to vegetable oils, rose hips, nuts, carrots, greens.
  6. The child should go to high-quality clothing, for the manufacture of which natural materials are used. Underwear made of artificial fabrics (synthetics) will irritate your skin.
  7. In the winter time to care for the skin to prevent dehydration. Use moisturizing cream or petroleum jelly.
Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Signs, photo facial treatment

The skin should also be protected from direct sunlight. They adversely affect the epidermis, drying and thinned it. There are small wrinkles and cracks.


Treatment depends on the factors that provoked follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Diagnosis will determine the cause. On the basis of these results the doctor chooses the most effective and safe for the child medication. In the absence of significant contraindications, you can use the recipes sorcerers and healers, to alleviate the condition of the small patient.


Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child in most cases treated with medicine. Prescribe drugs only dermatologist, because many of them have side effects. It is important to adhere strictly to the children's dosage.

drug Group Title application
retinoids "Uroderm", "Acitretin" Ointment cleaves the protein and facilitates communication mild exfoliation of cornified layer of the epidermis. The drug is recommended to be applied to the affected area 2-3 p. in a day. The course of treatment lasts 14 d.
corticosteroid means "Prednisolone", "Diprospan" Drugs have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy and immunostimulatory effects. Children's recommended dosage is 1-2 mg / kg. The drug take 4-6 p. per day.
Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Signs, photo facial treatment

The baby is also recommended to carry out regular hygiene procedures. Warm baths, gentle exfoliation of the horny layer of the epithelium, skin moisturizing baby milk. It is recommended to use a cream and ointment with urea, salicylic acid, AHA acids for external skin treatment (glycolic, lactic, tartaric, malic).

Traditional methods

Recipes sorcerers and healers will not help to get rid of follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Packs allow soften and moisturize the skin, relieve the general condition.

In the treatment of the following tools are used:

Title Recipe application
Aloe Fresh thick leaves dipped in boiling water for 10 seconds. Wipe dry with gauze and leave for 3 d. in the freezer. Then defrost leaves, cut into thin wafers. Aloe is recommended to apply to the affected area on the body. Top wrap film. Compress do before going to bed, leave until morning. After removing leaves the skin should be wiped with salicylic alcohol. Sessions performed 3 r. in Week.
Potatoes The crude product is washed well and grate. The resulting mass is used to compress. A session lasts 1 hr., Then it is necessary to change the wrap to the next. Potatoes used in two district hyperkeratosis. a day every day.
Propolis Means a thin layer applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Top cover fabric or bandage. For maximum effectiveness, wrap with propolis recommended 1 p. 2 d.
Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Signs, photo facial treatment

At home, unless there are serious contraindications, you can use moisturizing masks and peelings. Regular but not daily routines prevent skin irritation. Suffice 2 r. a week to carry out healing sessions.

Other method

Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child later in life help eliminate cosmetic procedures, unless there are serious contraindications. The same applies to physiotherapy. Methods on the skin are selected together with the dermatologist.

In the treatment of follicular hyperkeratosis following procedures shall apply:

Title Description
chemical peeling Given the age of the patient and the extent of pathological processes, applied superficial, middle and deep peeling.
Ultrasonic cleaning Mechanical effects on the skin are missing. During the session, using ultrasonic waves. They create a sound pressure, by which quickly and easily removes dead skin dead cells.
Cryotherapy While liquid nitrogen is used procedures. Deleted horny layer of the epithelium, improving the local exchange processes, recovering the skin's hydration.
photodynamic therapy Affected areas on the body is treated with light-sensitive substances. Irradiated with a laser, ultraviolet or infrared rays. During photodynamic therapy dead skin cells are destroyed.

Laser hair removal (grinding) destroys the affected hair follicles. After the procedure excluded the hair-growth or formation of new nodules of follicular keratosis. Given the depth of the skin lesion, the dermatologist can also assign ablative laser treatment (surface skin treatment) or non-ablative treatment (depth control method keratosis).

possible complications

In most cases, cure follicular hyperkeratosis children help medications, especially if the aid was granted in the early stages of disease development. Some kinds of diseases only cause psychological discomfort.

Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child. Signs, photo facial treatment

When properly chosen therapy experience various eczema on skin. In difficult situations increase the risk of degeneration of cells in malignant tumors. Progressive pathological processes disrupt the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Follicular hyperkeratosis is not a serious disease, if it is to control and monitor it with a dermatologist. It is important to undergo a full medical examination to a child, to exclude comorbidities.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of follicular hyperkeratosis of the child

Follicular hyperkeratosis of the child, causes, symptoms, treatment:

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