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Atmospheric pressure and human pressure - relationship, compatibility, dependency, air temperature, the table

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According to the forecast it can be seen that the atmospheric pressure of a column changes every day along with the weather. If the barometer digits to above or below the ideal standard 760 mm, depending on the weather metamorphosis I feel it for yourself: barometric pressure indicators and human blood pressure for many correlated.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Interconnection atmospheric and blood pressure
  • 2 Meteosensitivity - risk group
  • 3 The impact of weather on human
    • 3.1 low pressure
    • 3.2 High pressure
    • 3.3 Highs
    • 3.4 cyclones
    • 3.5 air temperature
    • 3.6 humidity
  • 4 Recommendations for weather-sensitive people
  • 5 Videos on the relationship of atmospheric pressure on the well-being

Interconnection atmospheric and blood pressure

Some weather conditions dictate a way of life - is so closely linked to atmospheric pressure, and human pressure.What is a normal atmospheric pressure to humans. The pressure in mm Hg, in Pascal, the effect on health

Surrounding our planet's atmosphere exerts pressure on its surface and all that surrounds us - normal people do not notice. The pressure of the air mass is not stable, this value is changeable. It depends on a combination of many factors:

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  • how high a person is above sea level: the higher, the less concentrated the air, atmospheric column height below - and correspondingly lower pressure;
  • from temperature characteristics of the air when the air is heated, its volume increases, and it becomes easier, so the pressure decreases. A cold air has a higher pressure than the warmer;
  • time of day: morning and evening, the pressure is higher in the afternoon and at night below;
  • the time of year: winter is higher in summer below;
  • Air circulation in the atmosphere (and anticyclonic cyclonic vortices);
  • by geographical location on the planet, there are waist high (at the equator and at a latitude of 30-35 degrees) and low (at the poles and at latitudes 60-65 degrees) pressure.

In the human body in the walls of arteries, veins and capillaries is pressuring the blood that constantly pushes the heart. Often the load on the vascular wall is too high or low due to atmospheric pressure variations.

When the barometer goes down, the impact from the outside of the receptacles is reduced. If the atmospheric pressure reduction combined with low blood, people feel bad.What is a normal atmospheric pressure to humans. The pressure in mm Hg, in Pascal, the effect on health

When air pressure is incremented, and amplifies its effect on blood vessels; If this is combined with high blood pressure - the health consequences are devastating.

The human body is built for and arranged in such a way that easily adapts to any climate, weather and their shift. People who are born in regions with anomalous to most pressure, perceive it as normal. Unpleasant sensations occur when conditions are changing rapidly: the weather changes or the person moves to a different climatic region.

People with diseases, injuries, or high susceptibility statistically more likely to seek medical help. Especially a lot of complaints and crises doctors registered in the off-season - when the weather is changing almost daily.

Meteosensitivity - risk group

Science that studies the weather effect on the body and its functioning is called biometeorology. Studies have shown that adverse weather conditions can have an impact on all people in the world without exception.

Violations in the body is determined by its individual characteristics - the relationship between the atmospheric pressure and the pressure of a person may be indirect. In need of increased attention by those who work the blood pressure is high (hypertension) or lowered (hypotonia).

There are three effect of atmospheric effects on health:

  1. Direct impact. Along with the increase of mercury blood pressure rises, with its decline - falling. Often such a phenomenon occurs in hypotensive patients.
  2. Reverse partial effect. When the change of atmospheric parameters systolic blood pressure (when the heart contraction, the upper figure) changes and diastolic (pressure when the heart muscle relaxed, the lower figure) is the same. The clinical picture may be reversed. Sometimes people with a working pressure of 120/80.
  3. The inverse effect. Blood pressure rises in response to the reduction of atmospheric - in hypertensive patients is a common phenomenon.

More than 50% of people living on Earth can be called weather-sensitive - not all high adaptation resource. In changing weather meteosensitive experience discomfort and malaise.

When meteozavisimosti (meteopatii) condition of a person seriously - a sharp change in the weather, combined with unfavorable factors and unhealthy lifestyle can adversely affect the physical and mental health.

Increased risk are people with old injuries, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, mental disorders. For them, the load on the blood vessels and joints are especially painful and sensitive.What is a normal atmospheric pressure to humans. The pressure in mm Hg, in Pascal, the effect on health

Factors affecting meteosensitivity and meteozavisimost:

  • gender - women as the better understanding of their condition, often complain of feeling unwell at change of weather;
  • age - young children and the elderly are most vulnerable categories of the population;
  • Genetic predisposition: if meteopatiya have parents, usually there are children;
  • lifestyle - people who have bad habits, paying for their health;
  • chronic illness is most pronounced meteopatii probability factor.

The impact of weather on human

Manifestations of the atmospheric pressure and the pressure of human connection, many experienced the headache, sleepiness during the day and insomnia at night, decreased or increased appetite, fatigue on light work, unreasonable emotional outbursts for no apparent reason and the bad mood.

Many people complain that they are concerned for a long time the injuries, sprains and fractures, painful joints and low back pain, post-surgical scars.

Impact on the health of all the weather parameters: wind strength and direction, air temperature, humidity, rainfall, sunlight intensity, magnetic storms:

  • When strong winds doctors known complaints of headache, drowsiness, lethargy, anxiety. Infants respond to the strong wind in the street: restless sleep, often require the chest, do not peel off from the hands, crying. At the mentally ill at this time exacerbated by a phobia, mania;
  • Too low or high temperature jumps during the day (more than 10 degrees) have a negative impact on the patients vascular dystonia. They may bother migraine, pain in the heart;
  • The state of health of patients with asthma and heart disease worsens at high humidity. The other extreme in Russia is more common: extremely low humidity in the apartments. In our country most of the year and a balcony window closed and the battery is very hot stoked. Dry hot air in the apartment reduces local immunity and frequent SARS;
  • The amount of sunlight affects both the physical well-being (production of vitamin D in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation directly affects the bone health, heart and nervous system), and the mental state (lack of sun exposure can lead to seasonal depression disorders);
  • The influence of magnetic storms ambiguous scientific evidence about their effects differ. Accumulated data on the increase in the number of man-made disasters during magnetic storms. Some people clearly linked the deterioration of his condition with strong magnetic storms and solar activity.

low pressure

If the barometer shows less than 747 mm, meteosensitive people immediately feel it: the body works as a weather bureau. Falling atmospheric pressure - and the pressure of the person reacts at once.What is a normal atmospheric pressure to humans. The pressure in mm Hg, in Pascal, the effect on health

In the zones of reduced pressure of oxygen saturation is reduced, which causes increased heart rate and respiration in humans. Growing phenomenon of hypoxia: shortness of breath, lethargy, nausea, nosebleeds. The heart rate increased.

Gipotoniki at this time feel particularly exhausted: complain of dizziness, weakness and nausea.

Patients with impaired heart rate experience severe discomfort in the heart. People with arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis complain of backache and joint pain, muscle pain.

People with labile psyche experiencing anxiety attacks, fear, inexplicable anguish and panic attacks. Individuals with depression may attempt to suicide.

High pressure

Atmospheric pressure greater than 756 mm for the human pressure is bad, people with cardiovascular and digestive abnormalities, high blood pressure and asthma patients quickly felt by such changes. It exacerbates certain mental disorders.

High pressure for hypertensive patients is dangerous. Is compounded for chronic conditions: hypertension and coronary artery disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia - which is manifested in the form of serious consequences: hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke brain.

The consequence of exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia are not only fluctuations in blood pressure, but also violations regulating functions of internal organs: gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hormonal, urinary system.What is a normal atmospheric pressure to humans. The pressure in mm Hg, in Pascal, the effect on health

You may experience cramping stomach muscles - the patient complains of a feeling of heaviness in the upper abdomen, discomfort, belching and heartburn.

Since disturbed regulation of the biliary tract, it causes stagnation of bile and the development of gallstones: patients complain of pain and heaviness in the right upper quadrant.

High numbers on the barometer also affect healthy people: each can vary systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as the upward, downward so. For people with normal blood pressure of special measures is not normally required.


Anticyclone is clear weather with no wind. In urban environments influence anticyclone felt stronger because of no wind in the air exhaust and emissions concentration increases.What is a normal atmospheric pressure to humans. The pressure in mm Hg, in Pascal, the effect on health

When an anticyclone air pressure rises and clearly affects a person's blood pressure. The combined strength of these factors in patients with high blood pressure causes heart palpitations, skin flushing, feeling of weakness, sweating, chest pain, and in his left hand. Hypertensive patients should meet the anticyclone in full readiness and extreme caution.

Cardiac ambulance confirm that the number of calls about heart attacks and strokes when anticyclones possible.

Gipotoniki too, can not easily tolerate anticyclones: complain about the different types of migraine headaches and stomach problems.


Overcast, cloudy, rain and heat - it is the phenomenon of the cyclone. The pressure during the cyclone action is low - this reduces the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere increases the amount of carbon gas: blood circulation and microcirculation deteriorate, tissues and organs power is disrupted, intracranial pressure reflexively increases.

Such changes in the body cause difficulty in breathing, drowsiness, unexplained fatigue, dizziness, nausea, weakness, different types of migraines.

People with low blood pressure difficult to bear cyclones, they rapidly lose their efficiency.

If a person with low pressure will not be in time helped and he will continue active work in this state - the possible complications in the form of hypotonic crisis and coma.

air temperature

When the temperature drops at risk are people who suffer from coronary heart disease and hypertension - there is a vasospasm, start oxygen starvation of the brain.What is a normal atmospheric pressure to humans. The pressure in mm Hg, in Pascal, the effect on health

Cold air causes reflex vasoconstriction, so with a sharp temperature drop - dive on a hot afternoon in the river or out in the cold - a high probability of attack angina pectoris.

Hypertensive deadly abrupt temperature changes.

With increasing temperature values ​​decreased atmospheric pressure - people with low blood pressure at the time unwell.

Low temperatures are accompanied by a rise in the index of atmospheric pressure - it impairs well-being with a pathological pressure.

You can note that in cold weather the skin is dry and chapped even while at home. This is caused by spasm of vessels in the skin, which occurs at high rates of mercury.


Too low humidity figures pose problems for people with chronic respiratory tract infections and prone to allergic reactions.

Dry hot air in homes during the heating season - the main cause of reduced immunity, frequent acute respiratory viral infections and ENT infections.What is a normal atmospheric pressure to humans. The pressure in mm Hg, in Pascal, the effect on health

Extremely high humidity air is harmful for patients with diseases of the urinary system and joints and worsens their condition.

Recommendations for weather-sensitive people

Common ground rules at constant phenomena meteopatii:

  1. Every day you must listen to or watch the weather forecast in the annex. In the days of risk is better to reduce the load, arrange rest and relaxation, not to plan an important responsibility Affairs;
  2. Sleep. Good sleep - a prerequisite of normal adaptation to a change in atmospheric pressure. Healthy restful sleep increases the adaptive resources of the organism;
  3. Water. The most important condition for normal functioning of the organism - the consumption of adequate amounts of fluid. Ideal - pure water, but if there is no desire to drink plain water, its body can be obtained from any beverage or liquid food. It is desirable to minimize the carbonated soft drinks and contain a lot of caffeine;
  4. Traffic. Hypodynamy resulting in improper operation of large and small blood vessels, blood stasis, muscle atrophy, reduction of the viscosity of the joint fluid, reducing the oxygen concentration in the tissues. All these phenomena provoke and aggravate meteozavisimost reduce adaptation of the body. Regular physical exercise, walking quiet, easy workout or gymnastics train vessels, the blood was saturated with oxygen, accelerates the metabolism, improves tissue nutrition;
  5. hardening perfectly removes the unpleasant symptoms meteopatii. Daily douche, air baths, walk on the floor bare feet cool, drink, drinks from the refrigerator in small sips, frequent airing of apartments, lack of fear of drafts, a walk in any weather - all these activities strengthen the body and make it ready for pressure drops;
  6. Food must be complete: in the diet needed vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, cereals, bread from wheat flour, nuts, dairy products. It should be preferred cooking and steaming; fried, too spicy, fatty and sugary foods is best to avoid or eat in small amounts;
  7. weight normalization increases resistance to weather changes. If you have bad eating habits, it is necessary to revise them: do not overeat, do not eat at night, close to lunch, to give up fast food;
  8. Eliminate or make minimal contact with allergens: Food, household chemicals and cosmetics;
  9. try eliminate stress and emotional stress - nature meteozavisimosti often psychosomatic. If you encounter unsolvable conflicts, psychological trauma, nervous shock advised to consult a professional psychologist;
  10. Alcohol and smoking act destructively and nullify any preventive measures. Meteodependent people will reject them or rarely used;
  11. If you experience disturbing symptoms should consult your doctor, To find out the cause of the disease and eliminate it or alleviate the symptoms. Should follow doctor's advice and take medications on time;
  12. At extremely low or extremely high temperatures desirable to go out.
    What is a normal atmospheric pressure to humans. The pressure in mm Hg, in Pascal, the effect on health
    Recommendations for a person whose pressure is dependent on the atmospheric pressure

Recommendations for people with low blood pressure:

  • Coffee raises blood pressure. It is better to drink it in the morning, no more than 6 cups per day;
  • Tablet tsitramona relieves headaches and improves low blood pressure;
  • Routine visits baths, saunas, swimming pools strengthens blood vessels and trains;
  • A small amount of red wine may improve the condition during a cyclone.

Recommendations for people with high blood pressure:

  • Continuously monitor blood pressure;
  • As far as possible to reduce salt intake;
  • Heavy meat food is desirable to replace a low-fat and vegetable;
  • Lemon, cranberries and lingonberries slightly reduce blood pressure and relieves during anticyclone;
  • Black tea and coffee should be replaced by water, herbal tea or chicory;
  • Physical activity in the heat prohibited;
  • Should carry on time and take medications that reduce blood pressure.

Atmospheric pressure and human pressure are closely related - the weather conditions affect the functioning of the organism. Knowledge of the effect of weather changes on human help to take care of myself, to pay attention to the warning signs, practice good hygiene and provide the necessary assistance for the preservation of health.

Videos on the relationship of atmospheric pressure on the well-being

TOak is affected by atmospheric pressure, and human pressure on the overall well-being:

How does the air pressure in the hypertensive patients:

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