Common Symptoms

Low body temperature in adults, children, women during pregnancy, menopause, cold. Causes and what to do, than to treat, how to raise the temperature

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temperature fluctuations, particularly lower values, indicating a problem in the body. The most common cause for concern is the high temperature. However, there are times when the body temperature after the measurement is reduced.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The symptoms of reduced and low temperature
  • 2 How to properly measure the temperature
  • 3 The temperature is constantly reduced - a pathology
  • 4 The causes of lowered body temperature
    • 4.1 SARS
    • 4.2 low hemoglobin
    • 4.3 Pregnancy
    • 4.4 Diabetes
    • 4.5 internal bleeding
    • 4.6 Problems with blood vessels
    • 4.7 Intoxication
    • 4.8 supercooling
    • 4.9 Starvation
    • 4.10 skin diseases
    • 4.11 Sepsis
    • 4.12 skin lesions, trauma
    • 4.13 Adrenal glands
    • 4.14 hypothyroidism
    • 4.15 A brain tumor
    • 4.16 asthenic syndrome
  • 5 Which doctor contact at a low body temperature
  • 6 Low body temperature in a child - what to do
  • 7 Low body temperature during menopause - how to treat
  • 8 What if lowering the temperature in the cold
  • 9 Ginger root
  • 10 The leaves of willow-herb and nettle nettle
  • 11 Coffee
  • 12 Baths and compresses
  • insta story viewer
  • 13 Herbs and spices to increase the temperature
  • 14 Video of the low temperature in adults and children

The symptoms of reduced and low temperature

According to the scientists, the normal body temperature varies between 36,2-37,2 ° C. The most common option is - 36,6 ° C. However, a considerable number of people's life (or in some of its period) are different from the normal temperature to 0,5 -1 ° C in absolutely normal well-being and good health indicators.

And there are a lot of different reasons: from major health problems up to jet lag. The reason for low body temperature, and may be a natural predisposition.

Low temperatures expressed in these symptoms:

  • general depression;
  • weakness;
  • constant desire to sleep;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • pale skin;
  • chills;
  • dizziness;
  • mood swings, with a focus in the negative direction.

How to properly measure the temperature

It is important to measure the temperature on a regular basis, for a few days, at one and the same time. It is desirable to use the familiar with the measuring instrument. The control period is better not to allow the regime change. For example, if stress is often a little fever, dense dinner before the measurement is also able to lubricate the big picture.

You can use any thermometer. Popular in the West a thermometer that measures the temperature of the mucous membrane, is especially suitable for children. When measuring the temperature of this device it is important to remember that the temperature in the oral cavity even slightly higher rate - with classical 36,6 ° C at oral thermometer measurement shows 37 ° C.

Low body temperature of an adult and a child with a cold, menopause in women during pregnancy. Causes and Treatment

Within days the body temperature fluctuations are frequent. For most people, the natural performance early in the morning may be 36 ° C, while at about 4:00 pm - 36,6 ° C.

Women in different periods of the menstrual cycle may have a different body temperature. For example, during the time of ovulation, most give notice slight rise in temperature, and before menstruation - lowering. Prolonged hypothermia also affects the temperature.

The temperature is constantly reduced - a pathology

Low body temperature is not always pathological. When complaints about the reduced degrees of doctors carry out examinations and prescribe tests that detect the presence of health problems. If none is found, and the thermometer is constantly observed "36" digits, the temperature is recognized variant of the norm.

Often low temperature observed in premature infants and infants. This is due to the underdeveloped system of thermoregulation and blood circulation.

Pathology is continuously reduced within 35 ° C body temperature. If low (below 35 ° C) temperature is observed for a long time, the diagnosis "hypothermia" and assigned extensive research to determine the causes of the organism deviation, as the body can not function properly under such temperature.

Low body temperature of an adult and a child with a cold, menopause in women during pregnancy. Causes and Treatment

Attention! When the temperature has fallen to a value of 25 ° C, death occurs most frequently.

The causes of lowered body temperature

Often the temperature is just one of the symptoms and may not even deliver any particular discomfort.


Values ​​lower than the norm appears on the thermometer in the cold. The reason for the low temperature with SARS may be general weakness. The immune system - a key fighter against infections and viruses, so it is able to cause a weakening of the new wave of the disease.

At the same time during the fight against infectious diseases body spends many nutrients and low temperature in this case is caused by lack of vitamin and minerals.

Also, the body temperature can go down at a time when the common cold is almost defeated. This is observed in patients receiving drugs to reduce heat - independently body fights disease symptoms and further acts pharmacological agent.

Temperature drops and when it is not yet fully recovered patient decides to resort to considerable physical stress, such as sports training. This will cause fatigue, and she lowering the temperature.

low hemoglobin

Among the reasons for the reduced body temperature - low levels of hemoglobin - an iron-containing protein that helps the circulatory system to nourish the entire body. Insufficient production of hemoglobin leads to anabiotic state against the backdrop of a lack of oxygen, reducing metabolic rate, which causes a decrease in temperature, especially if the lack of constant.

Low body temperature of an adult and a child with a cold, menopause in women during pregnancy. Causes and Treatment

The organism in this case "goes to sleep", reducing the activity of all processes. Often causes a lack of hemoglobin and blood pressure.


Cause constant low temperature in pregnant women may be endocrine disruptors. Very often in the thyroid gland is to blame. Lowering the temperature may be a sign of hypothyroidism, which results in a shortage of thyroid hormones. Gland produces too few.

For pregnant characteristic temperature drop with prolonged and sustained toxicosis. The organism also produces a reduction in reaction temperature in low power, because after the temperature rises to food standards.

Another problem, which indicate low degrees, a weakened immune system. There is a possibility that a pregnant symptoms of diabetes appear. By lowering the temperature in this case joins nausea, vomiting, clammy sweat.


Lowering the temperature in diabetic patients may be due to two reasons:

  • lack of glucose;
  • with sufficient glucose its inability to correct processing and, as a consequence, starvation of the body, energy shortage.

In a serious decrease in temperature or sudden jumps values ​​in diabetes better to see your doctor - this is evidence of serious problems.

internal bleeding

Sharp and inexplicable drop in body temperature may be due to internal bleeding. Moreover, this problem occurs both in acute and chronic bleeding. Prerequisites for internal bleeding: weakened vascular wall, gastric ulcer, tumor growth.

Problems with blood vessels

Problems with blood vessels often entail violations and heat. Often the reason for lowering the temperature in this case is poor patency or weak their content, which leads to a lack of supply of the skin and thus reduce temperature.

Low body temperature of an adult and a child with a cold, menopause in women during pregnancy. Causes and Treatment

Also receptacles may expand, causing a temperature decrease.

The problem with the vessels can be caused by the presence of a pressure bandage or wearing too tight shoes.


decrease in body temperature can be a reaction of the organism to intoxication - poisoning.

Poisoning caused by different substances:

  • mushrooms;
  • Food;
  • medications;
  • alcohol and drugs;
  • toxic substances.

Intoxication is manifested in the suppression of important body functions (heart activity, breathing), which leads to a decrease in temperature.


Prolonged hypothermia can significantly reduce the thermal performance of the body. Such cases are not uncommon, even in relatively warm environment with high humidity or when in wet clothes.

Low body temperature of an adult and a child with a cold, menopause in women during pregnancy. Causes and Treatment
Before you go out, it is important to dry the head. Often, low body temperature is connected with the subcooling

You can not go out with a wet head uncoveredEven if there is + 10 ° C, it also threatens to hypothermia.


During fasting temperature drops due to a lack of energy, nutrients, weakening of the organism. Adherents of strict diets and fasting should be carefully monitored their body temperature and condition of the body as a whole.

Unbalanced diet and hunger often leads to serious health problems. Lowering the temperature signal that the body needs vitamin support.

skin diseases

Lowering the temperature of the body can provoke skin disease. Blood microcirculation deteriorating in certain areas, generally is broken thermoregulation, the result becomes a temperature decrease. By disease provoking lowering of body temperature, include psoriasis, ichthyosis, dermatitis, eczema.

The temperature is reduced for several reasons:

  • vascular injury;
  • violation of blood microcirculation;
  • poor nutrition of the skin;
  • intoxication caused by damage to skin.

When ichthyosis keratinized epidermis, which leads to a change in the heat exchange. Large areas of affected skin, e.g., psoriasis or dermatitis require enhanced blood flow, reducing the overall body temperature.


Upon infection, the blood in the body the bacteria multiply at a fantastic rate, poisoning its carrier. In most cases, this process is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature. However, if a person is weak, there may be a reverse effect.

In serious cases, the temperature falls below 35 ° C, a cause of a problem with the CNS and thermoregulation system shutdown. In this situation, action must be taken urgently because the body is hardly able to resist, death can occur.

skin lesions, trauma

Significant skin lesions (injuries) cause a drop in temperature. Since wounds and injuries accompanied by loss of blood, there is a general weakening of the body, low pressure, which in turn leads to a decrease in temperature characteristics.

Adrenal glands

Lowering the temperature may result in malfunction of the adrenal glands. Lack of cortisol and sex hormones not only lower the temperature, but also cause other painful symptoms - fatigue, irritability, decrease in pressure.


Thyroid can also cause decreased body temperature. When insufficient hormone production temperature is decreased.

A brain tumor

Oncological diseases provoke low temperature. Particularly common this symptom with tumors of the hypothalamus. That there is a center responsible for thermoregulation. When sprouting tumor, malignant or benign, the body temperature drops.

asthenic syndrome

In asthenic syndrome people suffering from many symptoms:

  • violations of motor coordination and balance;
  • vision problems;
  • shortness of breath;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • pale skin;
  • lethargy.
Low body temperature of an adult and a child with a cold, menopause in women during pregnancy. Causes and Treatment

Lowering the temperature in this case it is observed on the background of the general weakening of the body, coupled with the lack of oxygen in the tissues. Continuing low body temperature may be a sign of one of immune diseases. For example, to complain about such a problem with AIDS.

Which doctor contact at a low body temperature

If the temperature is lowered, it is necessary to address to the therapist. That he would send all the necessary examinations. Be sure to pass urine and blood samples. When identifying a disease or suspected doctor will refer to a specialist.

Low body temperature in a child - what to do

If you have these symptoms should call a doctor urgently:

  • lowering the temperature to 34 ° C, with its further reduction;
  • severe malaise, accompanied by loss of consciousness;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure, hearing and visual impairment, vomiting, loose stools dark.
Low body temperature of an adult and a child with a cold, menopause in women during pregnancy. Causes and Treatment

First of all it is important not to panic. For babies up to three years may be reduced temperature are normal, as well as increased. Unformed thermoregulatory mechanisms may play a bad joke in an excessively warm or cool room, so you should check if the baby is cold.

In the case of hypothermia easy enough to dress warmly (hide) and give it a warm drink. If the problem is not related to hypothermia, you should contact your pediatrician.

Also, the reason for low temperature, a child may be metabolic disease or vitamin deficiency. In any case, without a doctor's appointment is better not to take drastic measures, since it is able to do much harm.

Low body temperature during menopause - how to treat

When menopause can be lowered temperature. The body in this period responds to hormonal changes that provokes temperature jumps. Often, after a strong tide temperature drops. This is due to heavy sweating. Due to lower production of estrogen decreases the immune system that triggers lowering of rates on a thermometer.

What if lowering the temperature in the cold

Low temperature at cold requires complete rest. You can use the old methods and hover legs, drink herbal tea with honey. Many help to warm, dry compresses and warm blanket.

Low body temperature of an adult and a child with a cold, menopause in women during pregnancy. Causes and Treatment

Do not get involved symptomatic drugs - they have antipyretic properties. During this period, you need to consume more vitamins and only warm drink in large quantities.

Ginger root

Ginger has a warming and immunostimulatory effects, which makes it an indispensable tool when the temperature drops. Tea with ginger or compresses, adding fresh root cooked meals positive effect on the body not only at low temperature.

The leaves of willow-herb and nettle nettle

Cyprus and nettles are known for their stimulating properties. A decoction of these herbs can help to cope with decreasing temperature.


Coffee raises the temperature when eaten 3 tsp ground coffee without drinking water.

Baths and compresses

A hot bath can cause adverse effects, including death. Do not take a bath at a temperature greater than 37 ° C - this is the optimal temperature that allows warm body.

Low body temperature of an adult and a child with a cold, menopause in women during pregnancy. Causes and Treatment

At low temperatures, can be used dry warm compresses or alcohol embodiment. The main thing is not to burn the skin - napkins or towels should not be too hot, and alcohol is best diluted with water.

Herbs and spices to increase the temperature

Cpetsii used in cooking, is also able to increase the temperature. For example, cinnamon improves blood circulation, however, adding a little spice tea, can raise the temperature.

Most popular spice - pepper - has the same properties. By reducing the temperature of use of any of its kind, the main thing to remember is that the hot pepper, the better it affects the body's temperature.

Among the herbs that increase the temperature, we can distinguish a sage and oregano. Fragrant plants stimulates the body perfectly.

If the state of health is satisfactory at low temperature, there is no weakness in the body, and she keeps the temperature in the range 35.5-36 degrees, said this is a variant of the norm. In other cases, when the condition is accompanied by fatigue, joined by other pathological symptoms, or the temperature falls below 35,5 ° C, one should speak of pathology.

Video of the low temperature in adults and children

Causes of low temperature:

What to do if your child has a low temperature:

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