
Itchy palms. The causes of flaking and dryness of the skin, skin disease, symptoms

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Independently identify the reasons for itchy palms of the hands, it is not always easy. A similar condition can cause various kinds of diseases and reactions to triggers, which will be discussed in more detail.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Allergy, as the main cause of itching palms of the hands
  • 2 Dry skin of hands, as a cause of itching palms
  • 3 Skin diseases that cause itching palms of the hands
  • 4 Scabies, provoking itching palms
  • 5 Depression and neurosis as the cause of the itching palms
  • 6 Diseases of internal organs, manifested by itching palms
  • 7 The impact of negative external factors that cause itchy palms
  • 8 Why are itching palm: folk omens
  • 9 Itchy palms of hands: to what doctor to address

Allergy, as the main cause of itching palms of the hands

Allergic reaction, provoking itching palms, can occur as a result of strong sensitivity to external factors due to consumption of foods that cause food allergies.

Often allergy occurs due to the use of clothing containing synthetic fabrics, for example, gloves.

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Causes and treatment of the skin, if itching palms. Possible diseases and allergies
Regardless of the reason why itching palms, can relieve itching, taking advantage of people's recipes, such as rubbing the skin, almond oil

The disease can be delayed or develop an acute form. In the first case, characterized by a rough skin, rash, cracking and peeling, itching accompanied by excessive.

In turn, the acute swelling of the skin is characteristic, appearance vodyanok, after which the opening is formed crust, often itchy until complete healing.

Should take anti-allergy drug to get rid of the itch (Zodak, Suprastin), which prescribe allergist. We should not forget about the use of protective creams, in order to maintain acceptable standards of water balance.

Dry skin of hands, as a cause of itching palms

It's important to know: often itchy palms, due to such reasons as pronounced dryness of the skin.

Dryness promotes the formation of cracks in the skin through which the bacteria penetrate the body and the dirt, which provokes itching. It is possible to identify the main factors provoking dry:

  • temperature changes;
  • excessive sweating of the palms;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • material synthetic and wool origin;
  • various types of chemical, cosmetic and hygiene products.

Causes and treatment of the skin, if itching palms. Possible diseases and allergies
Also, dry, itchy hands, often caused by fungal infections. Drugs and duration of treatment by a dermatologist appointed on the basis of the results obtained as a result of laboratory tests, the purpose of which - the determination of the kind of fungus.

Skin diseases that cause itching palms of the hands

Prolonged itching palm is often the sole presence of various symptoms of skin diseases, imperceptibly developing in the patient. By itching palms give the following diseases:

  • One of the most common - allergic dermatitis. His provoking articles of latex paint substances, imitation jewelry and jewelry of precious metals.
  • Itchy palms is also due to the presence in the body of one of the types of eczema, which is atopic, occupational, microbial or idiopathic. The disease is often a complication of running allergies.
  • Hives - characterized by itching and redness in the future - blistering.
Causes and treatment of the skin, if itching palms. Possible diseases and allergies
  • Itching leads fixed and widespread drug reaction, which often occurs as a result of medication.
  • Different types of fungus. One of the most common is candidiasis - is characterized by the formation of red spots or rash on the hands, accompanied by constant itching.
  • Psoriasis - the chronic nature of the disease, which is peculiar to the presence of itching. Exacerbation of symptoms of the disease often occurs depending on the time of year. Causes of - stress, heredity, disruption of the endocrine system.
  • vitiligo also provokes itching palms. The disease is characterized by impaired natural pigmentation due to autoimmune malfunction, in the body of the patient, as well as liver disease or predisposition to genetic level.

Note: in the absence of any symptoms, except for the presence of pruritus is difficult to identify the cause and type of disease. If discomfort persists a long period of time, you should consult a specialist to determine the exact diagnosis and avoid complications.

Scabies, provoking itching palms

The disease is triggered by scabies, which settles in a thin layer of skin on the hands. Within a week after infection the rash appears, the feeling of a strong itch.

The patient's condition is getting worse in the evening. With long-term untreated, symptoms of infection spread throughout the body.

First of all, the presence of this infection, it is necessary to carry out disinfection of infected bedding and clothing.
Causes and treatment of the skin, if itching palms. Possible diseases and allergies
Before calling the hospital, it is recommended to determine the place of infection. To do this, at an early stage, the place of itching should be coated with iodine. As a result, places the skin interact with scabies will be highlighted in brown.

Accurate diagnosis is made with the help of a dermatologist examination, anamnesis and taking scrapings, then appointed the necessary treatment with special ointments: Benzyl benzoate, Sulfuric ointment, Permethrin.

Interesting fact: body does not produce immunity to scabies, so for life, the possibility of reinfection.

Depression and neurosis as the cause of the itching palms

Palms often scratched due to a depressive state of constant stress and neuroses. Status psychogenic itching accompanied by an increase in the blood of the patient dopamine and serotonin.

The psychotic state is often observed occurrence of illusions presence of parasites in the body.

Causes and treatment of the skin, if itching palms. Possible diseases and allergies
Such a state is rarely characterized by other symptoms besides the itching, to prevent the use of which is recommended:

  • sedatives (Valerian, motherwort);
  • substances reducing the work of the autonomic system (Afobazol);
  • vitamin complexes (Complivit, alphabet, Vitrum).

In order to stabilize the nervous system, prevent the occurrence of stress and the occurrence of depression, psychotherapy is recommended.

Diseases of internal organs, manifested by itching palms

If itchy palms, the reasons lie in the development of diseases of internal organs, delayed treatment can lead to serious complications.

Thus itching due to features in the biochemical nature of reactions, or is due to hormonal abnormalities. The most common are the following diseases:

  • stomach - is often accompanied by metabolic disorders;
  • Kidney - in addition to pruritus, the main symptom - swelling of palms;
  • Liver - accompanied by numbness of the hands;
  • leukemia;
  • circulatory system;
  • diabetes;
  • jaundice.
Causes and treatment of the skin, if itching palms. Possible diseases and allergies

Often itchy palms provoke infectious diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact: syphilis, trichomoniasis, HIV - infection.

Note: occasionally itching on the hands occurs in the last trimester of pregnancy.

The impact of negative external factors that cause itchy palms

Often the itching caused by exogenous factors, in which the palm of the most exposed to external stimuli. These include:

  • Contact with detergents and other household cleaning products. It leads to a strong drying out the skin, which could result in redness, flaking and itching. To avoid negative consequences, it is recommended to use special gloves and, if possible, move to a means to an environmentally friendly composition.
  • The excessive presence of chlorine and iron impurities in tap water It causes irritation to the hands.
  • Exposure to cold or wind, extreme changes in temperature It can lead to itching palms.
  • The reaction to dust or animal dander.
  • provokes itching the presence of healing wounds, bites of fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes.

Why are itching palm: folk omens

It is necessary to highlight the well-known marks in the people who explain the itching palms:

  • The left hand is believed to have itches to finance inflow. Also, there is a perception that it can be scratched in anticipation of future losses.
  • Itching in the right palm points forward to meeting a new acquaintance, or perhaps a romantic nature. Often, the reason lies in the smoldering resentment, rage or anger.

Causes and treatment of the skin, if itching palms. Possible diseases and allergies
We can distinguish the causes of itching palms on weekdays:

Why itchy palms: Causes, reasonable people signs
Day Palm and reason
The left right
Monday Easy Profits, however, not less rapid loss of finances Rendezvous with a familiar person
Tuesday debt recovery Meeting an old friend
Wednesday The chance of finding the money will not bring good luck. It is recommended that in order to attract good luck, to give people in need the find Familiarity with narrowed man
Thursday The monetary gain, which could provoke a scandal with my boyfriend The return of the second half ahead of time
Friday The probability of finding the money Meeting with former lovers
Saturday Raise in pay Blind date
Sunday The chance of getting an expensive gift Acquaintance with a wealthy man

The fact that itches all completely hand, may indicate a sudden change in the weather in the rainy side.

Itchy palms of hands: to what doctor to address

Reasons for itching palms of hands, after a preliminary examination covered, as accurately determine the dermatologist. After analyzing the results, the specialist will be able to assign the necessary therapy.

The main rule of quality treatment - strict adherence to the instructions, that will quickly get rid of the symptoms that cause discomfort. In turn, self often has the effect that provokes the development of the disease, which leads to an overall deterioration.
Causes and treatment of the skin, if itching palms. Possible diseases and allergies

Prevention of itching of palms is the daily observance of the generally accepted rules of personal hygiene and the use of moisturizing or healing creams.

We should not forget that, to prevent the possibility of the recurrence of diseases and conditions accompanied by itching palms, necessary to carry out the qualitative improvement of the body as a whole.

Why itchy palms. The causes of itching:

Allergy as the cause of itching palms:

Authorship: Tatyana Markina

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