Infectious Diseases

Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms of pregnancy photo is shown, the treatment, the incubation period

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Measles is now the main cause of death in children aged 2 to 5 years. But also prone to the disease as adults, and have it more severe. Particularly vulnerable are pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies. It is therefore important to know the symptoms of the disease and at the first sign or suspicion on them to seek medical help.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is measles
  • 2 Types of measles in adults
  • 3 The incubation period, stage and grade of measles in adults
  • 4 Symptoms of measles in adults
    • 4.1 stage of intoxication
    • 4.2 stage rash
    • 4.3 convalescence
  • 5 Causes of measles in adults
  • 6 Diagnosis of measles in adults
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention of measles in adults
  • 9 Methods of treatment of measles in adults
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Video of measles in adults

What is measles

This is an acute infectious disease vysokozaraznoe. The contagiousness of measles almost 100%. The causative agent of the disease - a virus Paramixoviridae family. Its shell is composed of specific proteins that help penetrate through the outer nasopharyngeal mucosa or the conjunctiva and quickly get into the blood (primary viremia).

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Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms photos as manifested treatment incubation period
What is measles

Since the bloodstream the virus gets into the lymphatic system and is retained in the lymph nodes. They virus actively reproduces and re-released into the blood (secondary viremia). Due to the destruction of immune defense cells in the body there is immunodeficiency and begin clinical manifestations of measles.

Vessel walls are destroyed and the observed bleeding under the skin and mucous membranes, and specific lesions on them.

In the environment, the virus dies quickly, especially at low temperatures and humidity, as well as ultraviolet radiation. Infection occurs by airborne droplets, is only in contact with a patient - when speaking, sneezing, coughing, in an unventilated room.

Types of measles in adults

Symptoms of measles in adults, symptoms, duration, depending on the type of the disease. It may be typical or atypical. A typical form of measles is more common in non-vaccinated adults from it. It is characterized by all the classic symptoms and rashes, as well as the standard terms of their appearance and extinction.

Atypical form can be of several types, with a lighter or shorter and more severe and prolonged course.

Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms photos as manifested treatment incubation period
Types of measles in adults

In order of increasing severity:

  1. Asymptomatic - revealed by antibody studies, people just for a while is a carrier and a carrier of the virus.
  2. Abortive - can quickly start to grow and symptoms for 1-2 days and then disappear completely.
  3. Erased - may be mild one or more symptoms, and do not have any specific signs of measles.
  4. Mitigirovannaya - this form is common in previously vaccinated adults or receiving specific immunoglobulin. Manifestations moderate - spots may be pale or scanty, mucosal lesions confine light nasal congestion, and the temperature is normal or at 37,5 °.
  5. Malignant - measles virus massively affects T lymphocytes that cause immunodeficiency. This is the most dangerous form of merger or bacterial and viral infections, or the activation of its own microflora, with a penchant for heavy their flow, visceral and generalization of infection process.
  6. Haemorrhagic - a very dangerous, fast-growing form. At the beginning there are small subcutaneous and mucosal bleeding. Then, blood appears in the urine and stool. Against the background of intoxication such blood loss can quickly lead to death.
  7. Hypertoxic - in this form of the basic syndrome - general intoxication. Body temperature can be up to 40,5 °. Often there are internal organ as meningoencephalitis, pneumonia, endocarditis, myocarditis, hepatitis, glomerulonephritis and others. These complications often lead to death.

3 forms of severe measles are more often in adults than in children. Basically, such a course of the disease occurs in previously unvaccinated adults or if they have congenital or acquired immunodeficiency. Measles is especially dangerous for people with HIV.

The incubation period, stage and grade of measles in adults

Symptoms of measles in adults, symptoms appear cyclically, one period of the disease is replaced by another.

Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms photos as manifested treatment incubation period
Signs and symptoms of measles in adults

following periods (steps) is isolated by the typical form:

  1. The incubation period. This is the time that elapses between the contact person with the virus and the onset of clinical manifestations. The average duration of 8 to 14 days, but different people can be more or less duration. Period hidden, but in the last 2-3 days it is already becoming an infected person is contagious to others.
  2. The period of intoxication (in children is catarrhal period). Its duration is 3-6 days, at which time the patient the most contagious.
  3. rashes period. Since the beginning of the appearance of elements on the face before they are blanching at the feet passes 5-7 days.
  4. pigmentation period, he's convalescence.

In atypical forms may not be clear periodicity stages or phases may be more short / long (see. point above).

According to the severity of measles can be of the following forms:

  • light,
  • average weight
  • heavy.

Symptoms of measles in adults

Symptomatology of measles in adults depends on the stage of the disease and the type of flow. In this case, the specific features of measles - enanthema and rash appear after 4-7 days from the beginning of the overall clinical picture.

stage of intoxication

Clinical manifestations begin like this: sharp temperature rises to 38,5-40,5 °, there are strong weakness, headache, and malaise. Then he begins to withdraw discharge from the nose, at first mucous, pus and then. There swelling, reddening and nasal mucous membranes of the mouth, swollen vocal cords, which is accompanied by dry "barking" cough.

Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms photos as manifested treatment incubation period
stage of intoxication

Also, there are expansion vessels of the eye, their pain, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, and increased sensitivity to light. This step completes the appearance of the main feature measles - stains Belsky-Koplik-Filatov (also referred to as German measles enanthema) on the mucosa of the soft palate, or interior cheek surfaces. The spots appear as white dots, surrounded by a red border.

stage rash

In the classical form of the measles rash are specific, helping in the diagnosis of disease. After Koplik spots, begins to appear and measles rash, you have a rash on the skin. It is a maculopapular rash, elements of which tend to merge and cause severe itching.

Sometimes accompanied by a rash and hemorrhage. Characteristic rash spread: first, it appears on the face, scalp and upper neck. Then down below, on the torso. After - moves to the surface of the hands and feet. It is believed that the person is completely cleared from the rash when it comes to a stop.

Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms photos as manifested treatment incubation period
stage rash

3 days after the onset of exanthema, its elements begin to fade in the order of their appearance. In this period also accrue and intoxication symptoms - fever, weakness and headache. May decrease blood pressure, become a frequent pulse and shortness of breath. Complications also develop mainly at this time.


Total patient condition improves - the temperature decreases, and catarrhal conjunctivitis fade phenomenon. Elements of the rash fade, leaving brown spots and skin peeling. Complete restoration of the skin color and structure occurs within 2-3 weeks.

At this time it is greatly reduced immunity and recovering from measles person can easily catch any viral, bacterial or other infection that develops rapidly. In pregnant women, measles occurs in the same way as other people. It can be both typical and atypical of its forms.

Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms photos as manifested treatment incubation period

It is important to remember that the pregnant body is in a state of physiological immunodeficiency, which is necessary for normal gestation. Therefore, the incidence of infectious complications is higher. It plays an important role, and the gestational age at which infection occurred measles.

In the first trimester, up to 12 weeks at high risk of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or formation abnormalities in the fetus (the risk is at least 20%, up to 8 weeks - all 50%). When the infection at a later date, when the major organs and systems of the fetus are formed, the likelihood of malformations in the fetus is low.

Determine whether the fruit was infected with measles, it is possible only after the birth of a child.

Causes of measles in adults

Earlier, before the introduction of mandatory measles vaccination according to the vaccination schedule, the disease were exposed mostly children under 5 years old. Currently, 45-50% of cases of measles - teenagers and adults. This is due to the fact that the tension postvaccinal immunity can be reduced and the body becomes vulnerable to the virus.

the body's defense reduction occurs with age or with immunodeficiencies.

Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms photos as manifested treatment incubation period
Bad ecology

The reasons for the appearance of secondary, ie acquired immunodeficiency are many:

  • bad ecology,
  • taking certain groups of drugs,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • chronic lack of food, vitamins and water,
  • chronic infections - tuberculosis, HIV, and other,
  • helminth infections,
  • cancer education,
  • endocrine diseases,
  • stress.

Some of these people have not been vaccinated as a child, and therefore does not have any protection against the disease. An important positive aspect is that after undergoing measles formed proof lifelong immunity.

Diagnosis of measles in adults

Symptoms of measles in adults - enantemy symptoms and exanthema as well as pathway exanthema at the top and bottom and its extinction in order of appearance. Specific markers and are Koplik spots, appear before a period vyspany. Often, the diagnosis of "measles" can be supplied already during the inspection of the patient, as well as on the basis of his complaint.

Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms photos as manifested treatment incubation period
General blood analysis

To confirm or refute the suspected measles are usually given:

  1. General blood analysis, Reveals the only signs of inflammation in the body. In uncomplicated blood flow in a decrease in the number of leukocytes (especially lymphocytes), and for joining the bacterial infection in the blood will leukocytosis. The analysis is performed in any public or private outpatient laboratories, within the CHI system for free. In private laboratories, full blood count will cost 300-400 rubles.
  2. Virusoskopicheskie methodsAllowing to see the beginning of the disease the virus or infected cells and their final diagnosis. Take the discharge throat, nasopharynx, in stained smears are specific to measles giant multinucleated cells. Also in the early catarrhal stage smears can be seen and the virus itself - by immunofluorescence. When the neurological symptomatology - punctured cerebrospinal fluid, wherein the increase in the number of leukocytes, the lymphocytes is detected.
  3. serological methods - effective only with 2-4 day period and lesions can detect antibodies in blood acute phase (Ig M), and 10 days specific antibody which are responsible for strong immunity (Ig G). Number of measles antibodies in the transferred increases for 25-30 days. The techniques can be - linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), hemagglutination (WG). The cost of blood tests for the presence of specific Ig G is worth 670 rubles (Invitro Laboratory).

When to see a doctor

Symptoms of measles in adults, symptoms of general malaise and even low-grade fever should get to see a doctor-therapist. At high temperatures, and intoxication - better to call "ambulance." If the rash began and the diagnosis became clear, you can contact directly to an infectious diseases doctor.

To him also send the patient and the therapist, receiving test results confirming the diagnosis of measles. In a typical or atypical forms of the disease with a light or medium-heavy condition, possibly medical supervision and treatment at home.

In the case of pronounced intoxication syndrome, severe atypical flow (hemorrhagic, hypertoxic forms), in the presence of brain symptoms or complications, and pregnancy, hospitalization is required in a specialized infectious disease clinic for disabled medical observation.

This is important, because the disease can develop rapidly, affecting internal organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys, liver.

Prevention of measles in adults

Prevention - the primary method of preventing infection with the measles virus. Isolation of patients is important in the early stages of the disease, as well as their contacts. In the room where the patient is necessary to conduct a full wet cleaning with ventilation.

Adults not previously vaccinated, measles can not tolerate or do not have information about vaccinations, from 1 year to 35 years old can be vaccinated live measles vaccine. Women planning pregnancy, vaccination is necessary to put at least one month before the start of pregnancy.

Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms photos as manifested treatment incubation period
Prevention of measles in adults

If not previously vaccinated adult without a history of measles and has no immunity to the disease, in contact with the patient, he introduced a special immunoglobulin. This causes the formation of passive immunity to measles and, in the case of disease, the flow will be easy or mitigirovannym. Repeated cases of measles, after earlier this illness, is not fixed.

Methods of treatment of measles in adults

Specific therapy against measles virus does not exist. Applicable symptomatic treatment to combat specific manifestations of the disease in each case. In mild form of treatment can take place at home, in compliance with bed rest, drink plenty of warm and easily digestible food.

Treatment of Complications carried out in accordance with the diagnosis, with the use of antibacterial therapy and corticosteroids. recommended intake of vitamin complexes containing vitamin A. To prevent complications


symptoms manifestations A drug Mode of application
Intoxication, pain Fever, weakness Paracetamol, Ibuprofen ESP is not assigned to reception, drugs are taken as required at a temperature of 38,5 °
Inflammation of mucosa and nasal cavity Redness, swelling, Koplik spots Chlorhexidine solution, soda, broth chamomile gargling and washing the nasal passages, at least 3-5 times a day
Conjunctivitis Redness, eye swelling, tearing, photophobia Sulfacetamide eye drops or Chloramphenicol Bury 2 drops in each eye 3-4 times a day until the disappearance of conjunctivitis
Exanthema itching Antihistamines - Suprastin, Diazolin, Zyrtec, or other Take dosage specified in the instructions to the disappearance of itching
Sore throat Dry cough Bromhexine, Thermopsis, Licorice Take a course to start discharge of phlegm and stopping cough
Immunodeficiency joining the risk of infections Immunostimulants - Taktivin, Timogen, Pyrogenalum, Derinat, Imudon, Ribomunil, Echinacea ESP-reception instructions in parallel with the antiviral drugs
The high rate of viral replication The rapid development of the disease Antiviral drugs that slow down the assembly of new viral units - Kagocel, Tamiflu, according to testimony - Ribavirin The prescribed dosage, course application, at least 10 days.

Traditional methods

Are complementary and are also symptomatic treatment:

  1. For washing throat. Infuse 2 tbsp. l. wild camomile on the cup of boiling water for an hour. Gargle at least 5 times a day. You can also use sage. Alternatively, you can use a mixture of these plants.
  2. When peeling of the skin are effective warm bath with a decoction of bran.
  3. To saturate the body with vitamin C and stimulate the immune system can prepare and take a decoction of rose hips. To it 0.5 liters of boiling water is added 2 tbsp. l. hips and infused over 2 hours. Can drink without restriction in the form of heat.
  4. To quickly get rid of the rash need 2 tbsp. l. parsley roots pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist in a dark place 6 hours. Take on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals for 1 st. l. infusion 3 times a day.
Symptoms of measles in adults. Symptoms photos as manifested treatment incubation period
Traditional methods

To reduce intoxication:

  1. By 1 tbsp. boiling water add 2 tablespoons of lime blossom and infuse for 3 hours. The resulting infusion to take over the entire 3-4 times during the day.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. raspberries need to pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for 1 hour. The resulting solution was consumed for 1 time, per day of such methods should be at least 3.
  3. 8 Art. l. Viburnum poured liter of boiling water and infused in a dark place for 5 hours. Take the infusion of half a cup 3-4 times a day.

possible complications

In adults, not just measles is more severe than in children. They complications are much more common. Complications contributes to the lack of immunity to measles and the weakening of the protective functions of the organism as a whole, the lack of proper treatment and related diseases, especially infectious.

Complications are as follows:

  1. nervous system lesions - meningoencephalitis, encephalopathy, cerebral edema.
  2. Lesions of the respiratory system - laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, cereals (narrowing of the larynx), lung abscess.
  3. The defeat of the senses - otitis media, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, optic neuritis.
  4. The defeat of the cardiovascular system - endocarditis, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy.
  5. The defeat of the digestive tract - stomatitis, gastritis, enterocolitis, hepatitis.
  6. Kidney damage - jade.

Measles - a serious disease at the first sign that you need to see a doctor. In adults, there is a more severe symptoms with a tendency to complications. Since there is no specific treatment for the disease, the most important task is to prevent each. Namely vaccination measles vaccine in childhood or adulthood, and especially at the stage of planning of pregnancy.

Video of measles in adults

What is the measles and how it is dangerous:

Author: Natalia Kalegova

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