Infectious Diseases

Scarlet fever in adults. Symptoms and treatment, prevention, photos rash symptoms as transferred, whether on child

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Scarlet fever - common infectious diseases, not only among children but also among adults. Symptoms of the disease in adults appear not as bright as in children - the disease is in a weak form. Sometimes, the disease takes a complex shape that is life-threatening if not started in time the right treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Ways of infection with scarlet fever
  • 2 Causes of scarlet fever
  • 3 Form of scarlet fever in adults
  • 4 Symptoms of scarlet fever in adults
  • 5 Signs of various forms of scarlet fever
    • 5.1 3 typical forms of scarlet fever
      • 5.1.1 mild form
      • 5.1.2 Form of average weight
      • 5.1.3 severe form
    • 5.2 Atypical forms of scarlet fever
      • 5.2.1 Erased (rudimentary) form
      • 5.2.2 Hypertoxic and hemorrhagic form
      • 5.2.3 Ekstrabukkalnye form
  • 6 diagnosis of scarlet fever
  • 7 What diseases can be mistaken for scarlet fever?
  • 8 Treatment of scarlet fever in adults medication
  • 9 Treatment of folk remedies
  • 10 diet therapy
  • 11 Possible complications of scarlet fever
    • 11.1 early complications
    • 11.2 late complications
  • 12 Forecast
  • 13 Video of scarlet fever in adults
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Ways of infection with scarlet fever

In 1675, English physician Thomas Sydenham determined that scarlet fever is an independent disease. In 1882, German bacteriologist Loeffler after Johann study pharyngeal mucosa and blood, who died of scarlet fever, found that it provokes the development of scarlet fever streptococcus.

There are several modes of transmission:

  1. Since the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, most often the cause of the infection becomes sick person or carrier bacteria.
  2. Streptococcus infection often occurs when consuming food, which fall on the surface of bacteria (sour cream, milk, cheese).
  3. Pathogen scarlet fever can enter the body not only by droplets, but also through open wounds or burn the surface.
    Scarlet fever in adults. The symptoms and treatment, prevention, symptoms as transmitted
  4. And the rarest case, considered the transfer of infection through personal belongings.

Causes of scarlet fever

Infection may occur when matching two factors:

  1. The presence of a source of infection.
  2. A weakened body's defense system.

Scarlet fever in adults, symptoms and treatment of which depends on the severity of the disease occurs in people with lowered immunity.

The reasons for the weakening of the body are:

  • frequent acute and chronic diseases;
  • excessive physical activity per person;
  • immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • deficiency diseases and lack;
  • hypothermia;
  • frequent chronic infectious bacterial diseases (angina, SARS, influenza), tuberculosis, cancer diseases;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • lack of sleep.
Scarlet fever in adults. The symptoms and treatment, prevention, symptoms as transmitted

People who are not ill with scarlet fever in childhood, increases the chance of disease.

The disease is seasonal - winter, spring, autumn. Due to the shortage of vitamin and increase respiratory viral and infectious diseases in these time intervals.

Form of scarlet fever in adults

Once the disease was considered dangerous, it had a high mortality rate. But with the improvement of living standards and the advent of antibiotics with scarlet fever situation has changed.

Scarlet fever in adults, symptoms and treatment depends on the type of disease can occur either typical or atypical. For atypical of the disease is characterized by the absence of the main symptoms - rash.

The typical form is divided into three levels of severity:

  • mild form;
  • form of average weight;
  • severe.

Symptoms of scarlet fever in adults

The incubation period of the disease in adults lasts from 2 days to 1 week. Scarlet fever begins abruptly, usually with a severe headache.

The first symptoms of the disease:

  • Strong headache;
  • deteriorating overall health - somnolence, weakness, chills;
  • there is a sharp rise in body temperature;
  • pours characteristic bright pink rash on the face and body;
  • red cheeks against a pale nasolabial triangle;
  • often appear nausea and vomiting;
  • compacted and become painful lymph nodes;
  • inflamed tonsils;
    Scarlet fever in adults. The symptoms and treatment, prevention, symptoms as transmitted
  • Language is covered with gray-brown patina.

Signs of various forms of scarlet fever

Scarlet fever in adults can occur in typical or atypical forms and have different symptoms, depending on what and treatment.

3 typical forms of scarlet fever

A typical scarlet fever in adults divided by severity.

mild form

A mild form of the disease occurs in 65% of patients and manifested softly pronounced symptoms:

  • headaches are mild;
  • fever is rarely more than 38,5 ° C
  • no nausea and vomiting;
  • angina occurs without complications;
  • the mouth becomes a bright red color ( "flaming jaws");
  • grainy surface of the tongue;
  • slightly swollen tonsils, but they do not have ulcers;
  • skin rashes or do not appear or are mild;
  • desquamation of the skin at moderate recovery stage.

In less severe scarlet fever and correctly prescribed treatment, the patient's condition returns to normal at 5 or 7 day: on third day disappear symptoms of fever and poisoning the body products of decay bacteria, etc. are rash and angina. The surface of the tongue is reduced at day 10 from onset of the disease.

Form of average weight

In 1/3 of patients infected with scarlet fever.

Symptoms appear in the full range of:

  • the temperature rises to 39-40 ° C;
  • severe headaches;
  • decreased appetite, often repeated vomiting;
  • characteristic plaque may appear on the tonsils;
  • manifested tachycardia;
  • High temperatures can cause hallucinations and delusions.
Scarlet fever in adults. The symptoms and treatment, prevention, symptoms as transmitted

Scarlet fever, was moderate, recovery occurs at 7-8 days of onset of the disease: the temperature returns to normal, disappear initial symptoms of the disease.

severe form

Scarlet fever is a severe form in adults is rare, but due to the complicated course of the disease, requires immediate hospitalization.

There are 3 types of severe diseases: toxic, mixed and septic (toxic-septic):

Type of Features manifestations
1. Severe toxic form It caused a strong intoxication (poisoning) products streptococcus organism activity.

The illness manifests itself suddenly - sharply increases the temperature to 40-41 ° C, proceeds rapidly.

depression or vice versa, the strong excitation state of delirium, hallucinations appearance;

possible convulsions;

vomiting lasts for 2-3 days;

heart palpitations;

decreases blood pressure;

characteristic scarlet fever rash spreads throughout the body.

2. Severe septic form Very rare, it expressed throughout the development purulent inflammation of the nasopharynx.

The disease can begin as moderate and not cause for concern. But after 2-4 days the temperature rises to 40-41 ° C, and the patient's condition deteriorates.

lymph nodes in the neck compacted and increase in size, there are painful;

increases puls- sign "skarlaticheskogo heart."

3. Septic-toxic form (mixed) It is extremely difficult and dangerous. It can begin to toxic forms, and 3-5 days showed signs of septic form. It manifests in accordance with the toxic and septic forms simultaneously

Atypical forms of scarlet fever

Atypical forms are divided into 3 types constitute 9.3% of the total number of existing forms: erased, and hypertoxic hemorrhagic, ekstrabukkalnye form.

Erased (rudimentary) form

For rudimentary form characterized shortened incubation period (up to days). In this group, the disease occurs with no symptoms or with minor manifestations of the disease.

Scarlet fever in adults. The symptoms and treatment, prevention, symptoms as transmitted

Patients with this type of very dangerous.

Hypertoxic and hemorrhagic form

These forms of the disease occur rapidly and severely. meningoencephalitis symptoms often manifest - convulsions, loss of consciousness

Ekstrabukkalnye form

Wound or burn (ekstrabukkalnye) forms - Infection occurs when the infection to the wound. The disease is mild - the incubation period of 1-2 days. Characteristic rash of small rash around the site of infection, sore throat does not occur or is mild.

diagnosis of scarlet fever

Scarlet fever in adults, symptoms and treatments which are entirely dependent on the correct diagnosis is determined by physical examination and laboratory testing.

Upon visual examination, the doctor - infectious diseases reveals the specific symptoms of the disease:

  • throat characteristic colored - 'flaming jaws ";
  • language crimson color, its surface is granular;
  • presence of characteristic rash;
  • nasolabial plot faces pale, is not affected by a rash.

Laboratory examination methods:

  • complete blood count and a blood test to detect antistreptolysin streptococcal infection;
  • smear with mucosal surfaces pharynx and bacterial seeding confirm the presence of the pathogen infection;
  • electrocardiography - the study of the cardiovascular system.

Laboratory tests necessary for accurate diagnosis of scarlet fever in adults. There are a number of diseases with similar symptoms, but the treatment they can be radically different.

What diseases can be mistaken for scarlet fever?

In the initial period of the disease is easily confused with scarlet fever a number of diseases with similar symptoms: fever, rash, headache, catarrhal changes intoxication.

Similar diseases:

  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • food allergies;
  • medicinal dermatitis;
  • toksikodermiya;
  • SARS;
  • lacunar tonsillitis;
  • adenoviral infection;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • pseudotuberculosis;
  • meningitis.
Scarlet fever in adults. The symptoms and treatment, prevention, symptoms as transmitted
Scarlet fever in adults have symptoms similar to meningitis. But the treatment of these various diseases.

The rate of recovery of the patient depends on proper diagnosis and treatment of disease the corresponding purpose.

Treatment of scarlet fever in adults medication

Scarlet fever is a mild cured without hospitalization. At moderate and severe forms of the patients placed in a hospital. To prevent the development of complications, spend complex treatment.

At home and hospital treatment of the person sick with scarlet fever, ensure peace and isolation from healthy individuals appointed bed rest for 5-6 days.

To prevent re-infection, the Chamber should be filled in the hospital for 1-2 days. Capacity chambers no more than 2-3 people. Contact with patients from other wards are not allowed.

The basis for the therapeutic treatment of adults are antibiotics to which the pathogen sensitive scarlet fever. The most effective drugs are considered on the basis of penicillin. In some cases, drugs used macrolides (erythromycin) and 1st generation cephalosporins (cefazolin).

Formulations penicillanic group, recommended for use:

  • amoxicillin;
    Scarlet fever in adults. The symptoms and treatment, prevention, symptoms as transmitted
  • azithromycin;
  • erythromycin;
  • clarithromycin;
  • Penicillin;
  • cephalosporin;
  • Clindamycin.

Furthermore penicillin group used in the treatment of a number of scarlet fever drugs:

  • If the patient's condition deteriorates and begins to develop a toxic form of scarlet fever in adults, without delay, appoint introduction scarlet serum for detoxification.
  • For intoxication take medication Enterosgel, Albumin.
  • To suppress nausea and vomiting help Reglan, Motilium.
  • To remove the itch, rash accompanying prescribe antihistamines: Tavegil, Tsetrin, Zyrtec.
  • Inflammatory processes remove throat antiseptics: Geksoral, Stop angina, lozenge.
  • To reduce the temperature paratsetamolsoderzhaschie prescribed drugs.
  • After the antibiotic treatment required receiving probiotics and prebiotics to restore the intestinal flora (Bifidumbacterin, Lineks, Hilak Forte).
  • To maintain and strengthen the immunity prescribed vitamin complexes, which include those containing vitamins B and C.

The course of treatment is 5-7 days for mild to moderate forms, and from 7 to 14 days in severe disease. Note! Antibiotics need to drink a full course, even if no symptoms of scarlet fever. For successful recovery of patients with scarlet fever should not only take the medication, but to keep drinking regime.

Treatment of folk remedies

For the treatment of scarlet fever, along with medications, used decoctions and infusions of herbs. But without a doctor's recommendation to use folk remedies still not worth it. At the initial stage of the disease can gargle and mouth every 1-2 hours 30% citric acid solution, warm saline or soda solutions.

Powerful disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties has fir oil. For treatment, you can drip on the tonsils 1-2 drops, or lubricate them with a cotton swab moistened with pine oil. The procedure is carried out every 5-6 hours for 1-2 days.

Decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula and eucalyptus, it is recommended to gargle. Furthermore they are treated (washed) skin wound surface.

Scarlet fever in adults. The symptoms and treatment, prevention, symptoms as transmitted

To prevent drying of the mucous membranes, burning sensation, as well as the development of stomatitis, mouth recommended rinse after each meal strongly brewed tea then oiled rosehip or buckthorn.

diet therapy

Scarlet fever in adults, symptoms and treatment of which depends on the correct diet, requires a special diet. For patients need gentle, plant-milk diet. In the first stage of the disease it is recommended to eat warm food in a liquid (shabby) as 5-6 times a day.

Such food does not irritate or injure the mucosal surfaces of the oral cavity and throat, thereby reducing pain on swallowing.

Recommended useful products:

  • radish, beets, cabbage, pumpkin - have antimicrobial-inflammatory effect;
  • Low-fat fish and meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey) dishes, boiled or steamed;
  • gruels and purees;
  • berries and fruit - vitamins and minerals;
  • compotes, jellies;
  • honey;
  • Fermented food (yogurt) - prevention of dysbiosis.

Strictly contraindicated fried, fatty, smoked, spicy, salty food. It is also necessary to exclude from the diet of chocolate, coffee and carbonated beverages.

To reduce intoxication and withdrawal speed increases toxins must use large amounts of liquid (2 - 2.5 liter per night): broths hips, unsweetened tea, fruit drinks, juices. As the disappearance of scarlet fever symptoms and improvement, the patient is transferred to the common table.

Possible complications of scarlet fever

The main reason for the development of complications in the treatment of scarlet fever in adults - untimely and improperly prescribed treatment. To exclude serious complications is necessary to closely monitor the patient and adjust the treatment in time. For scarlet fever is characterized by early and late complications.

early complications

Due to the rapid development of the infection.

Scarlet fever in adults. The symptoms and treatment, prevention, symptoms as transmitted

These include:

  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • suppurative lymphadenitis.

In severe disease:

  1. Formed secondary suppurative inflammation lesions in the liver and kidneys.
  2. 8-9 days of illness can appear the symptom of "toxic heart" - an increase of the heart muscle due to relaxation and a softening of the walls. This decreases the frequency of the heartbeats and the blood pressure falls, dyspnea and chest pain.
  3. Damage to the blood vessels leading to hemorrhage in the internal organs. The most dangerous - bleeding in the brain.

late complications

Late complications associated with symptoms of allergy or due reinfection (reinfection) in contact with the newly admitted patients.


  • articular rheumatism - a consequence of streptococcal tonsillitis, manifested 14 days of the disease. Manifested by pain in the knee and elbow joints. The skin over the affected joint is red and hot, the pain moves from one joint to another. Rheumatism is treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The illness passes without serious consequences.
  • streptococcal glomerulonephritis (Scarlatinal nephritis) - the defeat of the glomeruli. Manifested by pain in the lumbar spine, edemas. It begins with temperature increase, abrupt deterioration. Increased blood pressure, edema and appear sharply reduced daily urine volume. Acute onset is characteristic of severe nephritis. The treatment lasts for 3-6 weeks, in severe cases, expandable up to 3 months. Typically, in the treatment of renal work is completely restored.
  • Pneumonia - inflammation of the lung tissue. Manifested by 1 week with septic scarlet fever. Serious illness, requires long-term treatment and recovery. For the treatment prescribed antibiotics and restorative drugs.
  • relapse (Reinfection) - re-infection caused by the breach of compliance with health regulations in the hospital.
  • Myocarditis - damage to the heart muscle, the myocardium. Manifested by pain in the chest, cough, swelling of the feet and eyelids, severe fatigue. The inflammatory process leads to rupture of the muscle tissue of the myocardium, subsequently scars are formed in areas of discontinuity. As a consequence of disturbed blood circulation in the heart muscle, which eventually leads to heart failure. For the treatment of prescribed antibiotics, non-steroidal drugs, and drugs for the heart diet. During the illness and after physical activity is forbidden.
Scarlet fever in adults. The symptoms and treatment, prevention, symptoms as transmitted

It's important to know! Despite the fact that the man had been ill with scarlet fever, it can serve as a source of infection for several weeks after recovery and disappearance of his signs of the disease.


Modern pharmacology, in most cases, makes it possible to quickly deal not only with scarlet fever, but also to other similar infectious diseases. Lethal outcome is now virtually zero.

It is impossible to predict the consequences if the disease occurs in severe and aggravated by the development of complications.

Scarlet fever in adults, revealed in the first few days, with the correct certain symptoms of the disease and the designated timely treatment of complications, especially in severe forms, does not matter.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of scarlet fever in adults

The dangerous scarlet fever in adults and what is the treatment of:

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