Infectious Diseases

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. Table list, Symptoms and Treatment

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Infectious disease - the most common type of disease in the modern world, despite the fact that science and medicine is constantly evolving. Most of them are diseases caused by bacteria. To protect themselves against attack by bacteria is impossible, as they have saturated the world.

Most of them are harmless to humans but are hazardous to health toxins released by bacteria in the process of life.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is a bacterial disease in humans
    • 1.1 classification of bacteria
    • 1.2 transmission path
    • 1.3 The incubation period for bacterial diseases
  • 2 What diseases cause human bacteria, symptoms
    • 2.1 intestinal diseases
    • 2.2 Respiratory diseases
    • 2.3 Pathology of the genitourinary system
    • 2.4 Diseases of the circulatory system
  • 3 Diseases of the skin
  • 4 Diagnostics
  • 5 Bases treatment of bacterial diseases
  • 6 Antibiotic resistance
  • 7 Causes of stability of development to medicines
  • 8 Video on infectious diseases

What is a bacterial disease in humans

Infections caused by bacteria, are divided into several types, each of which brings together a huge number of diseases.

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Some of them are harmless and can be invisible to humans, and some - deadly.

Most of these diseases occur with significant deterioration of the human condition, affected negatively on the health of the internal organs, and can leave marks for life. Diseases caused by bacteria that are dangerous because they can easily and quickly transferred between people. Previously, given the lack of essential drugs, some diseases have led to the deaths of entire cities.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. List, Symptoms and Treatment
Diseases caused by bacteria

It was especially dangerous:

  • Bubonic plague;
  • cholera;
  • tuberculosis;
  • typhoid fever;
  • diphtheria.

With each of them, mankind has learned to fight by vaccination and antibiotics.

Certain diseases, such as plague, almost completely disappeared. An important role in this is played by vaccination, the essence of which is to introduce a small man amount of attenuated bacteria, which organism is more successfully combats, and it appears immunity. But even if a person is infected with an infection, it can be treated with antibiotics in the early stages.

classification of bacteria

Most bacteria have a microscopic size and are composed of a single cell. See them with the naked eye is impossible.

These simplest microorganisms having no nucleus and plastids formed, live:

  • in the land;
  • in the air;
  • on the surface and within the plant;
  • in humans and animals.

Not all bacteria are nothing but harm. The stomach contains several kinds of them, which aid digestion. Total bacterial forms exceeds 1 Mill. There are several principles of classification.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. List, Symptoms and Treatment
classification of bacteria

One of them, based on their shape, they are divided into:

  • Rod-shaped.
  • Ball.
  • Rounded.
  • Cubic.
  • Stellate.
  • Crimped.
  • Tetrahedral.
  • C-shaped.
  • O-rings.

In medicine, the bacteria are divided into pathogenic and opportunistic. The latter are part of micro organism, and the first become a cause of infectious diseases.

Depending on the size and type of shell, they are divided into:

  • gram-positive - have a rough protective wall and are the cause of most hazardous to human diseases. These include tetanus, erysipelas, sepsis and pneumonia.
  • gram - distinguished by a thin cellular layer. Diseases caused by them less hazardous, but in the absence of treatment can also be fatal. Most respiratory diseases, gastric ulcer, meningitis caused by this particular form of bacteria. they have also become a cause of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea. They also differ in that they are less susceptible to the effects of antibiotics.

transmission path

Bacteria in the outdoors do not reproduce, they usually are in sleep mode. For reproduction they needed any living organism, including man. Once in the body, the bacteria take root, are necessary conditions for the development and begin to multiply, causing various types of diseases.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. List, Symptoms and Treatment
Disseminated by droplets

Other types of bacteria have different propagation form that can be combined in 3 groups:

  1. Distributed by airborne droplets. This is the simplest method of infection, as this requires only inhale air or drinking water containing bacterial form. Sometimes it is enough to stay a short distance from the patient or a normal conversation with him. If a person coughs and sneezes, the chance of contracting it increases by ten times. For example, in a manner distributed whooping cough, diphtheria and meningitis. Protect yourself from these diseases is very difficult, you should limit contact with the sick, how can often ventilate the room, drink clean, bottled water, and during epidemics wear protective mask.
  2. The spread of dust way. Some forms of bacteria attach themselves to dust particles and can remain for a long time in the sleeping form until they enter the living organism. Such diseases include tuberculosis and diphtheria. To protect yourself, it is important to keep the home clean, often damp mopping and airing the room.
  3. Contact-household way. Infected infection that is transmitted in this way, it is possible after the direct contact with the patient. For example, when one uses it with items, kitchenware, books and other things. In this way it is possible to catch or helminthiasis dysentery. To avoid these diseases is necessary to wash hands frequently, and to do it carefully and always with soap, use only personal belongings and not to use them to give to others.

The incubation period for bacterial diseases

The incubation period - the time needed for bacterial growth from the time entry into the body before the onset of the first symptoms. Its duration is usually dependent on the organ or tissue where the reproduction infection, and is equal to the time required to bacteria, to achieve the respective body and accumulating there.

Depending on the length of incubation period, identify several types:

Very short The first symptoms appear within a few hours. Usually this intestinal disease.
Short The development of the disease occurs in a period of from 1 day to 2 weeks.
The average duration of Development and accumulation of bacteria can occur several months.
A long period The incubation period lasts for more than six months.

What diseases cause human bacteria, symptoms

Bacteria dangerous to humans, are divided into two groups - aerobic and anaerobic. The first is the microbes to life which oxygen is required. The second, the microorganisms that may be in the sleep mode without oxygen, or do without it.

Anaerobic microorganisms more hardy and able to survive in extreme conditions. Most often they develop in necrotic tissue. Because of this, some wounds may not heal for a long time, even fester and poison the body. However, some forms of anaerobic bacteria are part of the intestinal microflora, without them it would be impossible to complete digestion.

intestinal diseases

The reason for the development of most intestinal diseases are bacteria. Treatment of these diseases is quite problematic, because antibiotics negatively affect not only pathogens, but also on the beneficial microflora. Most often the bacteria enter the intestine with food, or through contact with infected patients in advance.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. List, Symptoms and Treatment
intestinal diseases

The most common bacteria causing bowel disease are:

  • ehsherihiozom - cause inflammation of the bowel, accompanied by diarrhea, acute pain and pathologies of other organs;
  • coli infection - causes of dysentery, enteritis of different forms, which are accompanied by nausea, severe pain, swelling and inflammation of adjacent organs and tissues.

Very often, intestinal diseases are not accompanied by severe symptoms, so the presence of bacterial contamination is possible to speak on the basis of the development of co-morbidities, such as:

  • peritonitis - an infection develops after entering from the intestine into the abdominal cavity;
  • prostatitis - its development is associated with the penetration of various bacterial forms in the pelvic area;
  • coleitis - the disease affects women, its main symptom is inflammation of the vaginal mucosa caused by the defeat of bacteria as a result of sexual intercourse;
  • dysbiosis - develops due to antibiotics, when, together with pathogenic microorganisms is inhibited useful microflora.

Respiratory diseases

More often all respiratory illness associated with lesions of viral forms, but untimely treatment, viral disease can flow in or bacterial cause of its development due to the weakening Immunity.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. List, Symptoms and Treatment
Respiratory diseases

Among the most common diseases which are caused by bacterial lesion can be identified:

  • Rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by edema, copious constant itching and sneezing, often accompanied by fever and general malaise;
  • sinusitis - is often a consequence of ignoring the bacterial rhinitis, patients show constant nasal congestion, shortness of breath and smell problems .;
  • angina - inflammation of tonsils, which leads to the pain during swallowing, high body temperature, malaise body and swelling of the throat;
  • laryngitis - is the result of various respiratory diseases, accompanied by inflammation of the larynx and, Among the symptoms can be distinguished heat, hoarseness of voice, high and problems with the cough breathing;
  • tracheitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea, which is accompanied by the presence of chest pain, severe dry cough and loss of voice;
  • bronchitis - manifested bronchial inflammation and associated with symptoms similar to laryngitis and tracheitis, cough differs with sputum;
  • pneumonia - pneumonia, caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, it is accompanied by high fever, severe cough with abundant phlegm, and general weakness of the body.

Pathology of the genitourinary system

Genito-urinary system is very susceptible to defeat by bacterial organisms. Both from the outside world, as well as from neighboring organs. It is important to identify such diseases in time and start treatment as ignoring the problem can lead to serious consequences, up to infertility and sexual dysfunction.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. List, Symptoms and Treatment
Pathology of the genitourinary system

The most common diseases are:

  • urethritis - urethra defeat pathogens, which leads to burning during trips to the toilet, sometimes there are small discharge from the urethra;
  • cystitis - inflammation of the bladder, which is manifested by pain in the abdomen, increases during urination (urine may acquire a reddish color);
  • pyelonephritis - the defeat of the renal parenchyma infection that usually spreads through the urethra channel, it is accompanied by fever, encircling pain, general malaise and constant release sweat;
  • asymptomatic bacteriuria - a unique state, when the defeat of the urinary tract is not accompanied by any symptoms, it can be detected only after the analysis of urine.

Diseases of the circulatory system

Diseases caused by bacteria and affecting the blood, do not occur too often. But in the case of infection of these diseases, the consequences can cause serious ill health and even death. Most often infection occurs after the bite of the insect, a sexual contact, from mother to fetus or through the used syringe needle.

The most common illnesses of this type is malaria. Its causative agent is usually the malaria parasites.

Usually, the infection is accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, muscle spasms and cramps, migraine, diarrhea and vomiting. Malaria treatment is quite complex, it requires to carry out several diagnostic steps and use a combination of some groups of drugs.

Diseases of the skin

The skin often exposed to external factors due to which skin diseases are widespread. The reason for their development are often various forms of bacteria. Common pathogens are the streptococcal form that cause streptococcal impetigo.

During infection cocci produce toxins that trigger the appearance of edema. They arise due to leakage of plasma into the interstitial space. Diseases caused by bacteria, is also often associated with lesions of the skin by staphylococcus. Various forms of diseases caused by such pathogens, are accompanied by inflammation of the hair follicle and the tissues around it.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. List, Symptoms and Treatment
Diseases of the skin

Around the inflammatory focus may form a crown of dead tissue. These rashes can be single or multiple, localized in a small area. Usually after 3 days the inflammation subsides and formed a crust of dried pustules. Such inflammation treated by wiping contaminated portion alcoholic solution to 3 times per day.

It should also be noted that the infection triggers the development of boils and carbuncles (accumulation of multiple boils). They are accompanied by skin and adipose tissue, which leads to the development of necrotic processes. If time does not begin treatment, most of the tissue may die out. Treatment should be carried out with antibiotics under the supervision of a physician.


Diagnosing the cause of the disease plays a vital role in the treatment of any disease. The sooner do it, the easier it is to carry out the treatment. Initial diagnosis can be performed by the patient at home.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the body, detect changes and disturbances of the organs, pay attention to the pain, inflammation and various other suspicious symptoms.

If there is even the slightest suspicion of the presence of the disease, should go to the clinic for laboratory diagnostics. The most common method is bakposev. For him, it is necessary that the patient passed the biomaterial.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. List, Symptoms and Treatment

Depending on the purpose of research it may be blood, urine, skin particles, various secretion or sputum. Contaminated material is planted on 2 days in the special conditions conducive to the development of bacteria. After the reproduction of microorganisms and create colonies can be identified by the driver.

It is also possible to further conduct by bacteria for sensitivity to drugs. Additionally use a common blood test, a serological study and research of biological material under a microscope.

Bases treatment of bacterial diseases

To self-medicate with the defeat of the infection is not recommended. So how often do not control the use of antibiotics can lead to the inhibition of the immune system and the destruction of beneficial intestinal microflora. It only leads to a more rapid spread of infection.

Start treatment with a visit to the doctor. Only after an appropriate diagnosis, he can make an accurate diagnosis to prescribe treatment. Prescription medicines should be taken only in strict accordance with the prescribing physician.

And if the patient is already faced with some kind of disease, and it successfully treated with certain antibiotics, not the fact that in Next time he will, as a permanent bacteria mutate and evolve, they develop resistance to certain groups medicines.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. List, Symptoms and Treatment
Bases treatment of bacterial diseases

Usually, antibiotics are taken as tablets or injections. Antibiotics are divided into two types, those that stop the growth of the spread of bacteria, and those that destroy harmful microorganisms. Some types of infections difficult to treat, so prevention of disease and epidemics used vaccination.

Its essence is administered into the organism of a small amount artificially attenuated bacteria, which organism successfully combats and produces immunity to a disease. It is worth noting that the fight against bacterial diseases is much more difficult than to protect themselves from infection.

Should adhere to several types of prevention:

  • immunotherapy;
  • hygiene rules;
  • vaccination;
  • avoiding crowded places during periods mass diseases.

Antibiotic resistance

Diseases caused by bacteria are often resistant to medication, which is associated with resistance of microbes. This property microorganisms acquire resistance to antibacterial agents. It should be noted that bacteria such property had before the appropriate medication. This feature allows the infection persists in the body even after taking antibiotics.

Usually the symptoms disappear, it seems that a person is healthy, but after cessation of antibiotic bacteria multiply again, and the symptoms returned. Moreover, resistance to drugs may be natural, when the bacterium has received it at the genetic level, and the acquired received during activity.

Diseases caused by bacteria in humans. List, Symptoms and Treatment
Antibiotic resistance

To rid yourself of the problem of resistance of bacteria, it is necessary to follow a few rules:

  • You can not take antibiotics without control, to make independent decisions about their use, exceed the recommended dose and duration of physician acceptance.
  • You must use only one type of antibiotic, which adversely affect the kind of bacteria that infected the patient.
  • If the appointment of the drug does not work, the symptoms persist or even increase, it can be switched to another drug.
  • You can use multiple groups of antibiotics at the same time.
  • There are also some anti-bacterial agents that are insensitive to the effects of enzymes bacteria.

Causes of stability of development to medicines

The ability of microbial resistance due to the presence of a particular R-gene gene. It leads to the development of a mutation in the bacterial chromosome. These mutations are resistant to antibiotics, and their number is significantly increased in the process of taking medication since neimitirovannye cells die.

Such genes are usually transmitted by hereditary. But it is worth noting that resistance can be transferred from one bacterium to another. This is done by R-plasmids. human diseases caused by bacteria, require prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Since some types of infections can cause irrevocable changes in the body and even the death of the person. And the self can only aggravate the disease, so it is important to treat only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Video on infectious diseases

Why do bacteria cause disease:

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