Infectious Diseases

Measles. Symptoms in adults, photos of rash the initial stage, it looks like treatment

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Measles has been known since ancient times: the first symptoms of the disease have been described in the IX century Arab physician Rhazes. In Russia, the first mention of measles refers to 1744.

Officially register cases of measles began only in the middle of the XIX century, and then it was considered primarily a children's infection with high mortality. Currently, it is increasingly infected adults, measles photos presented below give an idea of ​​the visual manifestations of this disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Features of the disease
  • 2 Types of measles in adults
  • 3 Stage and grade of measles in adults
  • 4 Symptoms of measles in adults
  • 5 Causes of measles in adults
  • 6 Diagnosis of measles in adults
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention of measles in adults
  • 9 Methods of treatment of measles in adults
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Folk remedies
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Video of measles in adults, its symptoms and treatments

Features of the disease

Measles - a disease caused by a virus, which is transmitted from the source (the sick person) through the air environment by talking, coughing and sneezing.

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This infection is very contagious: contagious measles is close to 100%. This means that almost every receptive, ie non-immune persons in contact with the source of ill with measles.

Other tanks, except for the people in the nature of the measles virus does not exist, although in the laboratory possible infection of monkeys. Outside the human body measles virus does not live long in the room at a temperature of 20-23 ° C after only 3-4 hours ceases to be dangerous.

Measles in adults. Photo rash, symptoms of what it looks like, the treatment at home

It is sensitive to heat (loses its pathogenic properties already at 50 ° C), UV radiation, disinfectants (chlorine, alcohol, formalin). But the virus is volatile, and can thus easily move air masses inside the building from floor to floor through the ventilation system, or between rooms through the corridor.

Therefore allowed the possibility of infection in public transport and even in the absence of direct contact with the patient.

Through household items measles infection is unlikely. Before the advent of the vaccine was observed rise in the incidence of measles due to the accumulation of a sufficient number of susceptible individuals every 2-3 years. Currently, due to mass immunization, these intervals have increased and amount to 8-10 years.

Measles is characterized by seasonality, most often the disease recorded in the period from November to May. The only possibility to get protection against measles - have had it since after the vaccination strong immunity generated is not always and not at all. Healthy virus infection in this disease does not happen. Repeated measles is highly unlikely.

Types of measles in adults

For typical flowing measles is characterized by the following features:

  • SARS symptoms early in the disease;
  • two-wave fever;
  • intoxication;
  • the gradual appearance of a rash on the body;
  • conjunctivitis with lacrimation and photophobia.

Measles symptoms in adults (Photo measles rash makes it possible to distinguish it from stains with rubella, chickenpox or dermatitis) is usually pronounced somewhat brighter than in children, sometimes develops atypically:

  1. hemorrhagic views Measles is characterized by severe intoxication, damage to the nervous (disturbance of consciousness) and cardiac (heart failure) systems. Rash at the same time as a measles shows dark hemorrhages in the skin and mucous membranes. Possible detection of blood in urine and stool. This form of measles is rare, but it is dangerous and can result in lethal, so the need to be hospitalized.
  2. When rudimentary (erased) a Measles symptoms (catarrhal phenomena and fever, hives) or mild or absent. Such a course of the disease often happens after vaccination, and in unvaccinated rare.
  3. Mitigirovannaya (weakened) measles develops if the incubation period of the disease was introduced prophylactically immunoglobulin containing the appropriate antibody. In this case, the incubation period of the virus can last up to 21 days, and all characteristic measles periods of the disease is reduced to 1-2 days. Phasing broken skin rashes. Complications usually does not happen.
  4. For abortive form Measles is characterized by a typical start, but 2-3 days the symptoms of infection disappear. Increased temperature in this type of the disease is observed only on the first day, the rash covers a pale face and torso. Such is the nature of the disease in vaccinated people.
  5. hypertoxic form Enhanced measles characterized intoxication nesbivaemoy high temperature, heart failure (dyspnoea, cyanosis of the skin around the mouth and the fingertips), meningoencephalitis symptoms (headache, convulsions, loss of consciousness). Hospitalization is required in this case.

Stage and grade of measles in adults

Penetrating through the nasal mucosal epithelium, oral cavity, as well as the conjunctiva, the virus entered the blood stream in the lymph nodes, where it multiplies within the incubation period.

Measles in adults. Photo rash, symptoms of what it looks like, the treatment at home

After that, he is thrown back into the blood, and with it spread throughout the body. From this point begins the clinical manifestations of the disease. If measles typically occurs, then there are the following stages of the disease.

Stage of the disease The duration of the period Characteristics
incubation period From 6 to 17 (mean 10) days, during seroprevention - up to 21 days. Symptomatology is absent, but the last 1-2 days the period of a person is already contagious.
Catarrhal (prodromal) period From 3 to 7 days Acute onset (38-39 ° C), and intoxication syndromes catarrhal conjunctivitis. Spot-Belsky Filatov-Koplik and measles enanthema end period.
Period exanthema (rash) 3, sometimes 4 days The rash appears in order, from top to bottom. On the first day of a rash increase in temperature is observed. At the end of the human body ceases to excrete the virus.
period pigmentation 1-1.5 weeks Rash pigmented (dark) in the same order that appear on the body. After the disappearance of the rash can peel off the skin. The patient's condition stabilized.

Depending on the degree of intensity of the main symptoms of intoxication and, typical armature can flow mild, moderate or severe:

  1. mild - the temperature did not exceed 38.5 ° C, catarrhal symptoms (nasal congestion and a runny nose, sore, scratchy and sore throat, cough) and intoxication mild severity, conjunctivitis absent. New temperature rise is not accompanied by the appearance of scars inconspicuous, which covers the whole body, pale pigmentation.
  2. The average degree of severity - catarrhal and intoxication (fatigue, malaise, headache) and rash syndrome more pronounced, temperature 38-39 ° C, characterized by a two-wave fever (the first day of illness and in the early period rash). Can be nausea and vomiting. The face becomes puffy, against conjunctivitis eyelids swell. Possible complications.
  3. Severe measles - temperature of 39.5 ° C and above, pronounced intoxication and catarrhal phenomena, conjunctivitis. In addition to the main symptoms are gastrointestinal disorders, vomiting, impaired consciousness. Emitted from the eyes and the nose becomes purulent. It happens nosebleeds. Rash bright, abundant, tend to merge. There are complications.

For measles can be both smooth and complicated when laminated secondary infection. May worsen existing chronic diseases.

Symptoms of measles in adults

During the incubation period any clinical manifestations of the disease are absent. Start catarrhal period is always marked by a sharp rise in temperature. The first thing that strikes the virus - it is the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Those present at this catarrhal phenomena, increased and painful cervical lymph nodes characteristic of SARS.

Measles in adults. Photo rash, symptoms of what it looks like, the treatment at home
The photo shows the main symptoms of measles in adults.

Typical measles conjunctivitis, accompanied by photophobia, lacrimation, and gradual emergence of purulent discharge from the eyes.

Extremely unpleasant bright intoxication symptoms, nausea, abdominal pain. Measles has a characteristic only for her feature - stains Bielsko Filatov-Koplik. In adults and children, they appear a day before the eruption period, localized on the inside of the cheeks and sometimes on the gums and lips. They look like white grains with a red rim.

They can be easily identified if the advance examine the photographs, but it is important to remember that the absence of these spots does not exclude measles infection. At the same time on the palate can be seen measles enantio - small red spots (3-5 mm) size and irregular shape.

Skin rash in measles - is an allergic reaction of the human organism to the protein components of the measles virus. Convex Small spots (papules), surrounded by redness, the more apt to unite with each other, is more severe than the disease. Together with rash returns fever.

Spots appear in sequence:

  • 1 day: first behind the ears and nose, then spreads over the entire face and neck, upper back and chest;
  • Day 2: torso, shoulders;
  • 3-4 day: limbs.

Next, a rash begins to fade and pigmented exactly in the same order that they appear, and is held in such a form for about a week. Temperature normalized, catarrhal phenomena weaken and disappear. For adults is characterized by more severe course of measles than in children, more common complications.

Causes of measles in adults

Measles (symptoms in adults, a photo of their external manifestations should be studied in order to have an understanding of the disease) in dovaktsinalnoe time was almost exclusively children's infection, so by adulthood, 90% of people had a strong immunity against it.

Adults ill if measles virus was brought to the place where it had previously never met. Now, thanks to mass vaccination of children began to get sick much less, and almost half of all infected adults make it. To become infected with measles, it is sufficient that two conditions.

Measles in adults. Photo rash, symptoms of what it looks like, the treatment at home

Needed, firstly, the contact with the patient, and secondly, the lack of specific immunity to measles. In adults, this may be the case if a person is not sick and has not been vaccinated, and specific immunity had absent or vaccination has been done a long time and / or singly. As a rule, immunity after vaccination is not stored for more than 15 years.

Furthermore, the vaccine may not provide sufficient immunity. If the adult does not hurt and is not vaccinated, measles, he often runs typically, but in severe form, are frequent complications. This is due to low immunity, accumulated with age, chronic diseases. If the vaccine in the past has been, the disease can be erased.

Diagnosis of measles in adults

Measles symptoms in adults (measles enantemy photo gives an idea of ​​mucosal inflammation in the mouth) which include such an unequivocal indication for diagnosis, as spots Bielsko-Filatov-Koplik along with catarrhal symptoms, conjunctivitis, and later - and a rash on the body, with its typical flow diagnosed on clinical grounds and epidemiological data.

It turns out that the patient had measles, whether vaccinated; It clarifies the fact of contact with the source of the disease. Advanced Diagnostics required early in the disease, with atypical form of the disease, when attaching a secondary infection. Laboratory diagnosis is carried out by virological or serological methods.

The first method involves the identification of the measles virus in the blood, urine and swabs from mucous membranes. The virus can be found on the first day of the incubation period. The maximum amount of virus circulating in the blood by the end of catarrhal period and the beginning of the period of eruption, while on the fifth day from the beginning of the rash it is no longer there.

Virus isolation - a complex and lengthy, so it is rarely used.

Serological research method for the diagnosis of measles - a finding in the blood of specific IgM class antibodies. They indicate current or recent measles. Discover they can no earlier than the first day of the period exanthema. Immunoglobulin class M - an indicator of unstable and persist in the blood for long (about 3-4 weeks from the onset of the disease).

Measles in adults. Photo rash, symptoms of what it looks like, the treatment at home

Further investigate the dynamics of increase in antibody titer of class G (IgG), taken twice a difference of two weeks to do a blood test. If they are diagnosed with a fourfold increase of "measles" is confirmed.

IgG antibodies are synthesized by the immune system later than IgM, and analysis of them makes sense to take no earlier than 4 days after the beginning of the eruption, but they are stored in the body for many years (and after suffering a measles - for life) and suggests specific resistant Immunity. The presence of IgG antibodies does not develop measles again.

The most recent analysis in the determination of antibodies considered blood immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This test is sensitive enough, authentic, and thus available: measles diagnostic laboratories paid value does not exceed 800 rubles.

When to see a doctor

Measles (symptoms in adults, a photo which demonstrates the rash on the skin and mucous membranes, is obliged to know and keep in mind every health worker) capable of diagnosing physician, but infectious disease counseling and laboratory tests may be required - in case it occurs not typical.

The disease begins abruptly, and if the temperature exceeds 39 ° C, and symptoms of intoxication are expressed very clearly, the doctor called to the home, especially if there is a suspicion of contact with measles. In a typical course of the disease can be treated at home.

Exceptions are patients whose isolation is difficult to provide - for example, those who are in closed collectives (Military units, orphanages and boarding schools), as well as the impossibility of adequate care and poor living conditions. Hospitalization of these cases occurs epidemiological indications, regardless of the degree of severity of measles.

Compulsory hospitalization for measles to be immunocompromised patients, severe (hemorrhagic hypertoxic or measles), or complicated course of the disease, pregnant women. Even if the treatment is done at home, obligatory medical control to prevent or track time complications.

Prevention of measles in adults

Non-specific measles prevention involves isolation of the patient from the beginning of the catarrhal stage on Day 4 rash inclusive. Contact persons without a history of not vaccinated, are isolated up to 21 days.

The effectiveness of the quarantine measures for measles has been reduced because a diagnosis can not be put in the incubation period of the disease, and it was then that ill becomes contagious. For specific prevention methods include vaccination and seroprevention.

If an adult is not vaccinated against measles and suffered from it as a child, or if the blood test for Class G antibodies showed that immunity to the disease he does not have, it is recommended to be vaccinated. Adult vaccination is not regulated, but up to 35 years, this procedure is done in clinics for free.

The vaccine is injected twice, at an interval of 3 months.

Measles in adults. Photo rash, symptoms of what it looks like, the treatment at home

In the presence of SARS or exacerbation of chronic diseases vaccination is recommended to postpone recovery. If it is suspected a fact of contact with measles source, then for 72 hours after it is possible to carry out emergency vaccinations. There is also a method of passive seroprevention - introduction of specific immunoglobulins.

Serum antibodies desirably administered no later than 5 days from the date of communication with the patient. This measure, if it can not prevent the disease, it is much easier for measles. Action serum lasts 3-4 weeks. Repeated contact with the source is recommended to repeat measles prevention.

Methods of treatment of measles in adults

There are no drugs that would destroy the measles virus. Therefore treatment is intended to facilitate the patient's condition and to prevent the attachment of secondary infections.


First of all, the patient is isolated until at least the fourth day of the rash, to prevent the spread of infection. Usually, treatment is carried out at home.

Standard treatment involves both medication and non-medication methods:

  1. bed rest during fever plus 1-2 days after the temperature, with frequent airing and wet cleaning. The light in the room should be muted.
  2. excessive drinking (Water, tea, fruit juices, fruit drinks); nutrition (dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish diet).
  3. vitamin: particularly important for vitamin A 10,000 IU per day, as observed in patients with measles deficit. Vitamin C by taking 300-500 mg daily. It is believed that even a single dose of vitamin A at a dose of 200,000 IU reduces the severity of measles course and likelihood of complications.
  4. antihistamines (Claritin, Tavegil, Tsetrin (price 150-215 rub.)) To relieve the discomfort of the rash and catarrhal symptoms.
  5. Relief catarrhal syndrome. At a cold use vasoconstrictor drugs (Nazivin, Otrivin (average price 150 rubles.)), With conjunctivitis washed solution furatsilina eye, instilled Albucidum (sodium Sulfatsil price 30 rub.). Topical antiseptics (Gesoral, Tantum Verde (300 rub.), chlorhexidine (15 rubles.)) are used for treatment of throat. Appointed by the antitussive and expectorant drugs such as Ambroxol (135-160 rub.).
  6. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs - if the temperature exceeds 38.5 ° C (ibuprofen (Nurofen, the price of 115 rubles) or paracetamol (Efferalgan (150 rubles) Panadol (50 rubles))... Not recommended for use in measles aspirin as an antipyretic.
  7. antibiotic therapy Required only for the development of infections connected. In uncomplicated measles its use is not justified and is not recommended.

All drugs are appointed in accordance with the instructions to them.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies (herbal medicine) in the treatment of measles permissible only as an additional method of alleviating the patient:

  1. lime broth (2 tablespoons flowers pour 300 ml water, boiled in a water bath for 10-15 min., Then strain) drink as a sedative, diaphoretic and antipyretic 1-2 art. in a day.
  2. Raspberry tea (30 g of dried fruits pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and insist 15 minutes. in a warm place, filter) with natural honey is used as an antipyretic agent. You can drink up to 3 tbsp. on the day of this tea.
  3. Gargle herbal extract (Camomile, sage, calendula - alone or in admixture). 1 tbsp. l. dry raw material soaked in hot water glass of 30 min. filtered and used for the infusion (for on procedure polstakana) 3 rinses each hour.
  4. As an expectorant to relieve cough in measles is recommended chopped marshmallow root: 2 tablespoons pour 500 ml of water and boiled for 5 min., then infused for hours and take 1 st. l. every 2 hours.

possible complications

Measles causes a severely immunocompromised. Because of the immunodeficiency is a risk of complications connection that, in fact, are the only cause of death in this disease. They come in early (manifested in the catarrhal stage or in the first days of the rash) and late (between pigmentation).

Most often affects:

  • ENT-organs (otitis, larinigit, sinusitis, stomatitis);
  • digestive system (gastroenteritis, diarrhea, colitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis);
  • urinary system (pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis);
  • respiratory system (bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia);
  • central nervous system (encephalitis, measles, meningitis, sclerosing panencephalitis).
Measles in adults. Photo rash, symptoms of what it looks like, the treatment at home

The most common complications are otitis media (up to 10% of cases), laryngitis, pneumonia (5%), the most severe, though infrequent - meningitis and encephalitis. The most insidious and absolutely fatal complication of measles is considered subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.

This slow damage to the nervous system, which manifests itself only after 6-8 years after a previous infection and is characterized by mental disorder activity, mental disorders, movement disorders and convulsions, and eventually (in adults after a maximum of 7-8 years), coma and brain death.

Measles - a disease that is dangerous for its complications, especially for adults.

If you know the symptoms of this infection and to explore the nature of photo measles rash, as well as to keep abreast of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment standard, it is quite possible time to protect yourself and loved ones with the help of active or passive immunization, or, in an extreme case, if you can not avoid the disease, greatly facilitate its flow.

Video of measles in adults, its symptoms and treatments

What is the measles and how it is dangerous:

Prevention and treatment of measles:

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