Infectious Diseases

Herpes stomatitis. Treatment of adults with folk remedies and drugs

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Herpes stomatitis - a disease caused by the herpes virus usual. It is manifested in the form of wounds, ulcers on the mucosa of the mouth. Experts are confident that the disease occurs at a time when the body suffered illness and still weak, not fully recovered.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Symptoms of herpes stomatitis
  • 2 The main recommendations for the treatment of herpes stomatitis
  • 3 Drug treatment of herpes stomatitis
    • 3.1 Processing antiseptic solutions
    • 3.2 The use of antiviral drugs
    • 3.3 Immunoglobulins against herpes stomatitis
    • 3.4 Antiviral ointment in herpes stomatitis
    • 3.5 Vitamin and immunomodulators
  • 4 Traditional recipes treatment of herpes stomatitis
    • 4.1 Packs of potatoes
    • 4.2 Decoctions of medicinal herbs and plants
    • 4.3 Aloe juice and kalanchoe
    • 4.4 oil rinse
  • 5 What to do to illness did not return: prevention

Symptoms of herpes stomatitis

The herpes virus is present in every person, but manifests itself only when it favorable conditions.

Symptoms of herpes stomatitis consider:

  • the presence of one or more blisters on the lips, tonsils, tongue, cheeks, palate, gums (over time they accumulate a pus);
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  • fever;
  • headache, nausea, drowsiness, constant fatigue;
  • increases the viscosity of saliva;
  • there is pain at the site of localization of blisters, it is enhanced by pressing;
  • unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • can sometimes sore throat;
  • observed edematous mucosa;
  • increase in submandibular lymph nodes;
  • after the bursting of bubbles are formed sores that do not heal for a long time.
Treatment of herpes sores in adults. Drugs and folk ways
With the right approach treatment herpes sores in adults it takes 10-14 days

Note! Herpes stomatitis (adult treatment will be discussed later) has two flow forms: acute and chronic. The second of them is easy to earn, if not treated on time.

Considered a disease brings a lot of discomfort: the patient can not eat normally, it is constantly disturbed by blisters that itch and hurt.

Physicians are three stages of the disease, which are given in the table:

stage of the disease Description
easy She is characterized by a small number of lesions, observed slight swelling of the mucosa, small headaches
Central The patient has a fever, swollen lymph nodes, bad headache and throat, nausea, sometimes disturbing
Weight There is a high temperature, a complete loss of appetite, bleeding wounds, a large swelling mucous membrane of the mouth, eyes, blisters can spread to the face, ears, hands, if severe herpes stomatitis form.

Treatment of adult passes much harder and longer.

The main recommendations for the treatment of herpes stomatitis

If herpes stomatitis, treatment of adults should take place in the complex. Accelerate the healing of blisters is not recommended, since it does not guarantee full recovery and that the disease does not return. We need to act on the cause of the disease.

Main and mandatory step in the treatment of stomatitis:

  • blisters treatment, rinsing the oral cavity;
  • treatment of possible dental diseases - pulpitis, caries and other dental professional cost perform cleaning;
  • receiving immunostimulatory, vitamin complexes for lifting immunity;
  • destruction of the virus, which progresses in the body.

Treatment of herpes sores in adults. Drugs and folk ways
Also, it is recommended to adjust the power. You need to go to the soup, pate, frayed dish puree to reduce the trauma of formations in the mouth.

Important to remember! Stomatitis virus is transmitted through the use of the same dish, through the bloodstream.

Drug treatment of herpes stomatitis

Treatment of herpes sores in adults involves the use of specific drugs and generic drugs. The first aim to cure the disease, the second support immunity, anti-inflammatory effect.

Some tablet forms of drugs that are prescribed to treat herpes sores in adults, have a negative impact on the human digestive system, and not compatible with various diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Therefore, before applying you must read the manual or consult with a specialist.

Processing antiseptic solutions

Treatment of herpes sores in adults. Drugs and folk waysDoctors prescribe, without fail the following remedial measures:

  • Chlorhexidine. Antiseptics which doctors are advised to remove pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity. They treated the wound at least 3 times a day.
  • Miramistin. Acts as chlorhexidine, you can sprinkle the misuse on the wound or applying to it application.
  • Furatsilin. 2 tablets to be dissolved in 250 ml of warm water and rinse derived oral cavity misalignment 3-5 times per day.

The use of antiviral drugs

  • Malawi. Is a vegetable preparation, can be used locally on the ulcers, as well as means for rinsing the mouth and throat.
  • Chlorophyllipt. The preparation plant adventures, designed to reduce inflammation and fight germs. 1 h. l. drug diluted in a beaker of boiling water and the rinsing is carried out.
  • Acyclovir Zovirax - these drugs are prescribed more often. They have proved themselves as the best in the treatment of herpes sores in adults. Formulations are available for oral administration in the form of tablets and for local treatment in the form of ointments. Sometimes, in severe cases, acyclovir is administered intravenously.

Immunoglobulins against herpes stomatitis

As strong antiviral drugs are usually prescribed or Anaferon Viferon. These drugs activate the body's defenses, relieve fever, headache, effectively fight infection.

Antiviral ointment in herpes stomatitis

Oxolinic ointment is exactly what you need when herpes stomatitis. It fights infection and brings healing. Use it at least 3 times a day until complete recovery.
Treatment of herpes sores in adults. Drugs and folk ways
You can also use the ointment Zovirax Acyclovir and that promote rapid healing of wounds. If the ointment applied at the first signs of the disease, from the herpes sores can be cured in less than a week.

Vitamin and immunomodulators

These drugs are any vitamins and minerals. In their composition must prevail vitamin C, E and B vitamins It Duovit, Biovital, Supradin.

Immunomodulators - tilorona, Arbidol, Immudon. These drugs can raise the body's defenses and resist various viruses and infections. Without them, effective treatment of herpes stomatitis impossible.

Traditional recipes treatment of herpes stomatitis

Traditional medicine has never stood in last place in the treatment of stomatitis. Your recipes, tinctures and decoctions it effectively heals wounds, kills viruses, reduces inflammation and speeds recovery.

Packs of potatoes

You need to clean raw potatoes, preferably fresh. Rub it on a grater, a teaspoon of gruel wrapped in gauze, slightly squeeze the juice and apply to the sore places. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day, hold about 30 minutes.
Treatment of herpes sores in adults. Drugs and folk waysAlso, potatoes can be cut into small slices, but grind to a pulp much more efficiently.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs and plants

1. A decoction of chamomile. 15 g herb chamomile to pour 200-300 ml of hot water. Insist 40 minutes, strain, add a spoonful of honey. Infusion rinse the oral cavity of about 5 times per day. Due camomile can quickly heal blisters, sores, promotes regeneration of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

2. Green tea. 20 g of green tea insist in 200-300 ml of hot water for 20 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion dilute even the same amount of water. To rinse the mouth before each meal for 5 minutes. Green tea has excellent antiseptic, tanning properties.

3. A decoction of yarrow. 5 g of dry grass tysyacheletnika necessary to add 0.5 liters of hot water. Infuse 7 minutes, drain and allow it to cool to room temperature.

To rinse 6 times during the course of the day to 7 days. After, you need a one week break, then treatment may be continued for another week. Tysyacheletnik neutralizes microbial infection.

4. A decoction of sage. 30 g of sage leaves must add 0.5 liters of boiling water. Infused for half an hour. To rinse 4 times a day.
Treatment of herpes sores in adults. Drugs and folk ways
5. Decoction of burdock root. 5 g of dried minced burdock root pour 2 tbsp. boiling water. It is necessary to boil for 30 minutes, drain, cool. Warm infusion to rinse your mouth 5 times a day.

6. Flax seeds. 15 g of seed must be filled with 200-300 ml of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, drain. It got quite a thick broth, which should be diluted with boiled water to ostuzhennoy normal consistency and conduct rinsing prepare 5 times a day.

Flax seeds are well relieve pain, restore the level of moisture in the oral cavity, wounds heal.

Aloe juice and kalanchoe

Apply aloe juice and kalanchoe can be in the form of lotions. Gauze drench juice, attach to the wound, hold 30 minutes. If this is not possible, then it is possible with a cotton swab to spread all the blisters and sores. Also, doctors recommend dilute juice ostuzhennoy boiled with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and to conduct ordinary mouthwash.

Aloe Kalanchoe and has a good effect relieve inflammation, edema, and accelerates the healing of the mucous membrane. In addition, juice cleans the wounds of dead skin cells and tissues.

oil rinse

Treatment of herpes sores in adults effectively conduct sea buckthorn oil.

Thanks to its rich composition - rutin, silicon, manganese, iron, pectin, vitamin C, vitamin B, E, K, and tannins many others, sea buckthorn oil quickly heals wounds formed, raises local immunity, promotes the fastest recovery.
Treatment of herpes sores in adults. Drugs and folk waysApply it is possible in different ways:

  • with a cotton swab to spread all the way to point the wound;
  • means applied on a cotton swab and applied to wounds for 5 min; after this procedure does not drink or eat for 30-60 minutes;
  • finger bintik wind, sea buckthorn oil to lubricate and gently fluff the entire oral cavity, pay more attention to sore places mucosa.

Interesting fact! Almost 30% of patients with herpes-infected stomatitis in public places: baths, saunas, as the herpes virus is resistant to high temperatures.

What to do to illness did not return: prevention

Precaution and prevention:

  • always wash your hands with soap and water;
  • use of personal hygiene - towel, toothbrush, dental floss, underwear;
  • reduce visits to swimming pools, saunas, baths, or visit only approved institution;
  • always keep an eye on your health, take time to survey and medical boards;
  • closely related to the immune system of the body, use immunostimulants, antiviral drugs, if necessary;
  • not to eat dirty vegetables and fruit;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

Treatment of herpes sores in adults. Drugs and folk ways
Herpes stomatitis - a persistent viral disease that is accompanied by the presence of ulcers and sores on the mucosa of the mouth. Proper treatment and prevention of the disease will help in the fastest time possible to get rid of the problem and prevent its re-occurrence.

Herpes stomatitis. Symptoms and Treatment in Adults:

Symptoms and treatment of herpetic stomatitis:

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