Infectious Diseases

Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children, a photo as transmitted virus appears, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

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Meningitis infection has been for many years considered the most dangerous among the inflammatory processes that occur as a result of injury or disease.

The first signs of ambiguous, especially in children, the symptoms are similar to the flu or the common cold, so recognize the disease at an early stage is not easy. Because of the likely occurrence of possible complications to the need to begin treatment immediately.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is meningitis
  • 2 The causes of the disease in children
  • 3 Forms of meningitis and symptoms
  • 4 hydromeningitis
  • 5 viral disease
  • 6 diagnosis of the disease
  • 7 The scheme of treatment of meningitis in children
  • 8 drug therapy
  • 9 antibiotics
  • 10 Vaccination
  • 11 symptomatic treatment
  • 12 Hospital treatment
  • 13 Traditional methods of treatment of meningitis in children
  • 14 The consequences of meningitis and forecast
  • 15 Video of the meningitis infection

What is meningitis

Meningitis - a dangerous viral infection, exposure suffered brain and spinal cord. inflammatory process occurs in the tissues and fluids, affecting the central nervous system. Time untreated the disease can lead to dire consequences, up to brain swelling and death.

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Activators of this disease are meningococcus bacterium. They can get into the human body by droplets from the carrier already sick person or show up as a consequence of injuries and infections.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

It is important to recognize the meningitis. At risk people with weak immune systems, carriers of tuberculosis, premature infants. Also, very often affects children under five years of age and adolescents. The initial form of the disease manifestations are similar in a cold or flu. Immediate visit to the doctor will not only help you recover, but also can save lives.

In humans cured of meningitis produced specific antibodies that prevent recurrent disease and creating immunity. However, several factors can affect the re-infestation.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

Select the average time for the incubation period of the disease is problematic, as it depends on many factors - the nature of occurrence of meningitis infection fortress ill and pathways of immunity infection. This may be a period of from 3 to 20 days.

The causes of the disease in children

Most suffer from meningitis children under 5 years still immature immune and adolescents, whose body is undergoing major age-related changes. It is transmitted through the air and through the liquid and is infectious.

In this case, the bacteria do not live long in an open environment, it is likely because it is infected after close contact with a carrier. Adverse factors such as hypothermia, a weakened immune system, a slight cold, but will contribute to the development of the virus.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

Ways of transmission of the disease a few:

  • and purulent and viral forms can be transferred by contact from the carrier - sneezing, kissing, arms, cough;
  • non-compliance with hygiene standards - through unwashed hands, hygiene items and personal effects, which is especially dangerous for children in kindergartens and schools;
  • during labor (often in the process of caesarean section) from mother to child, provided that the mother is a carrier;
  • the bite of an insect, such as Tick-borne Encephalitis virus is transported from the blood through the body;
  • through blood or other fluids;
  • via spores on unwashed fruits and vegetables (Form fungal meningitis).

Also purulent form of the disease can develop as a consequence of other time untreated diseases such as pneumonia, otitis media, rhinitis, diseases in the oral cavity (cavities).

Bad habits, poor living conditions, infections, weakened immune system, diabetes, incorrect use of medicines are an excellent breeding ground for the development of the virus within the body.

Forms of meningitis and symptoms

The common symptoms of meningitis include fever, headache, chills, rash on the body and mucous membranes. However, the disease has different forms and can manifest itself in different ways.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

Depending on the nature of inflammation meningitis is divided into:

  • Purulent - purulent inflammation of soft lining of the brain because of the presence of microorganisms (pneumococci, meningococci, streptococci).
  • Serous - inflammation of the soft shell of the brain due to viruses and bacteria.

Based on the nature of the origin of release:

  • primary forms - it develops as a distinct disease, without prior infection.
  • secondary form - it is a complicated form of the underlying disease.

Also isolated viral, fungal, bacterial, protozoal and mixed types. The most difficult to identify the symptoms in young children, yet expressing all the discontent and pain with the help of crying.

Therefore, parents of children should be particularly attentive to the following symptoms:

  • elevated temperature (although leg and handle can remain cold);
  • place fontanelle swollen;
  • refusal to eat;
  • vomiting, frequent regurgitation;
  • drowsiness, difficulty in movement and reluctant;
  • stomach ache;
  • pale skin, however, the place of nasolabial triangle may be blue;
  • possible convulsions.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

Meningitis infection (symptoms in children are of mixed character and individually may indicate other disease) appears quite often in childhood. Immediate access to a doctor will help identify the nature of the disease and prevent undesirable consequences, as in children occur very rapidly deteriorating.


The emergence of the serous form caused by a viral infection.

transmission media three ways:

  • by air - by coughing, sneezing, kissing;
  • when in contact with objects or diseased skin, when they fall pathogens from wounds or mucous membranes of the patient;Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat
  • Water can also be a carrier of the virus, especially in the bathing season.

With this form of meningitis have a high temperature, which can be reduced to 3-4 days, and rise again, headache, stiff neck, where it is hard pressed to his chest, general weakness and drowsiness, symptoms of anorexia and vomiting. As a rule, all this is accompanied by symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection (cough, nasal congestion, sore throat). The incubation period may last up to 3 weeks.

In very young children age grudnichkovogo observed frequent crying, fontanelle swells. When lifting the baby upright, he is trying to squeeze the legs to the stomach. Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

If you suspect a serous meningitis child must necessarily be admitted to hospital and in-patient treatment should be applied.

viral disease

The viral form is similar in presentation with serous. It is caused by a viral infection of the brain membranes defeat. This increases the intracranial pressure, since there is an outflow of the cerebrospinal fluid. Typically, a viral disease is lighter and has a more favorable outcome.

Meningitis infection (symptoms in children described below), which bears a viral nature, is transmitted by air or on contact. The incubation period is much lower - only 2-4 days.

Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat
Symptoms in children with meningitis infection. It is the most dangerous bacteria! Its treatment requires be put off because high chance of dying

The disease is accompanied by the swift lifting of heat, the weakness of the whole body, drowsiness, headache, symptoms of poisoning - diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain, nausea.

Also manifest a cough and runny nose. In infants observed muscle stiffness and swelling of the fontanelle. However, with proper treatment the disease is rapid. Within 5 days the temperatures are close to normal and on average are all symptoms for 10 days.

diagnosis of the disease

When the manifestation of initial symptoms of meningitis is necessary as soon as possible to seek medical help. The earlier treatment begins, the greater the chance of an easy course of the disease and the positive outcome.

At the first consultation the pediatrician should understand history of the disease. The child must be assigned tests, carried out as soon as possible electroencephalogram, chest X-ray, X-ray, CT of the brain. Also, it is sent to the ophthalmologist for pressure estimating fundus. To obtain a more accurate result is taken cerebrospinal fluid for analysis.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

Meningitis infection (symptoms in children described above) is contagious, and after confirmation of the diagnosis the child should be immediately isolated, and treatment should begin immediately.

The scheme of treatment of meningitis in children

Children who have been diagnosed with meningitis are subject to compulsory hospitalization.

Immediately begin treatment, taking place as follows:

  • Hospitalization of the sick child, compliance with bed rest, a special diet and prescribed complete rest.
  • The treatment starts with the selection of an antibacterial drug or group of drugs.
  • When establishing the etymology of viral disease, the antiviral agent is added.
  • respiratory support is introduced in case of problems with the respiratory system

The further course of treatment is adjusted depending on the course of illness. On average, drug support is from 10 to 14 days.

drug therapy

The main objective of treatment is exposure to the causative agent, and as a result, eliminate the cause of the disease.

Treatment is carried out on the basis of their nature and form of meningitis - for each recommended their most effective drugs. Therefore, doctors try to provide a wide range of drugs to obtain test results.

To self can not in any case, because the self-determine the nature of the causative agent is not possible.

In addition to antibiotic treatment must include antihistamines, to prevent the emergence of allergies to medications as well as drugs to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

Thus, in purulent meningitis after antibiotic treatment is required to include vitamins, and degidratiruyusche fortifying agent, ascorbic acid. And the treatment of serous form of the antibiotic added antituberculosis drugs, such as "INH" and "Ethambutol".


In general, antibiotic therapy lasts 10 days, but may be renewed in order to avoid complications, and without fail her term shall be not less than a week after churning temperature.

Choice of doctor type of antibiotic depends on the results of research and analysis of a particular case. For each type of meningitis particular drug selected, the current most active against the given type of bacteria.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

Group antibiotic Effect names of medicines notes
penicillin group The main drug in the treatment of meningitis kills pathogens (meningococcus) "Penicillin"


Often cause allergic reactions (reaction to the ampicillin reception can begin after the deadline)
cephalosporins Like the previous group, it is effective in the fight against pathogens "Cefuroxime"



Can be a substitute for penicillin allergy occurs when
carbapenems Effectively treats certain types of bacteria "Meropenem"
aminoglycosides An antibiotic used to fight tuberculosis, is added in the treatment of serous form "Streptomycin"


To avoid infection may be vaccinated. Its effectiveness is assessed as very high - up to 90% so parents should pay careful attention to this event. Vaccination is carried out in a year, it effect lasts for three years. Also need to be vaccinated against infection transmission through the Tick-borne Encephalitis. This vaccination is done every three to five years.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

Meningitis infection (symptoms in children occur more complicated) is contagious, so if the family has several children, the vaccine should be made throughout. Adherence to the simple rules of hygiene and care of your health and help you avoid contracting meningitis infection.

Parents should inculcate good personal hygiene to children from an early age, and closely monitor their implementation. Hardening of the body, the use of rational amounts of vitamins - are the main health conditions.

Whenever possible, protect your child from contact with patients with meningitis, and if he still occurred - immediately contact the medical facility and closely monitor any changes in health child.

symptomatic treatment

It is also important to quickly remove the symptoms of the disease, as they may interfere with the overall treatment and be dangerous for an already weakened patient.

It is necessary to take drugs, relieving temperature and removes the symptoms of SARS. Only a doctor can prescribe the child the necessary preparations suitable for his age. Usually it is "Nurofen for children."Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

The total therapy also includes diuretics: it is important to prevent the accumulation of fluid in the body and its location in the soft tissues, including brain tissue.

Commonly prescribed drugs at the same time:

  • "Uroglyuk" - is injected intravenously, is not suitable for kidney disorders.
  • "Mannitol" - also injected intravenously, unlike other preparations of this group is not conducive to leaching of potassium excreted, well lowers intracranial pressure.
  • "Furosemide" - is administered intravenously, the action begins in a few minutes.
  • "Deksametozon" - intramuscular injection, reduces intracranial pressure.
  • Colloid and crystalloid solutions - to maintain the water-salt balance.

Hospital treatment

If meningitis is suspected, an infection of the child should immediately see a doctor. If your doctor also suspects the disease, it is to put the baby to the hospital for inpatient treatment, even if the tests are not yet ready. Any carrier bacteria is contagious, because it is important as soon as possible to isolate.

If the child has been in contact with a patient with meningitis, but the symptoms are not yet manifested themselves, the reason for placing him in the hospital there. It is only necessary to observe carefully behind him and keep under control all the changes in health. Also appropriate to drink boosts immunity vitamins.

Traditional methods of treatment of meningitis in children

Currently, treatment of meningitis in children in the home herbal remedies found to be ineffective, and almost always ends in tears. Without an antibiotic therapy effect is achieved there will be no pathogens will continue to live inside.

Application folk remedies may only be appropriate as an accompanying treatment for removal of individual symptoms, but always in combination with drug therapy.

For example, infusion of lavender is used as a diuretic. Dry lavender flowers bred with water at the rate of 3 teaspoons of flowers per 2 cups of boiling water against convulsions used chamomile - it can be used both inside in the form of a solution and make a soothing bath.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

As a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent used linden flowers. They need to be brewed as a tea. If severe swelling can help enema, it is recommended to carry out a couple of times a day.

All of these tools will not be effective without a main course of treatment prescribed by your doctor medication.

The consequences of meningitis and forecast

Meningitis infection is a very dangerous disease, and the consequences can be very sad. When properly compiled or ignored by treating lethal very likely. Therefore, if there are any symptoms in children are different from the common cold or a very rapidly developing, it is better to show the child to the doctor, and the sooner the better.

The traumas of meningitis in children can be very scary:

  • blurred vision, even blindness;
  • hearing impairment, up to complete deafness;
  • strabismus;Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat
  • problems with memory and attention;
  • frequent headaches;
  • fatigue exhibited chronically;
  • paralysis;
  • epilepsy.

Young children under one year and it may be mental retardation, hydrocephalus, an increase in the size of the brain ventricles.

If you delay treatment, or a number of other factors, the disease can get complications. Possible cerebral edema, which may happen when syncope, large pressure drops, dyspnea and palpitations, edema in the lung.

Due to the accumulation of toxic shock syndrome may begin in the activity of organisms decay products. The first symptoms are heart palpitations, shortness of breath, drop in temperature.Meningitis infection. Symptoms in children as manifested viral, serous, the incubation period, the consequences. Diagnosis, how to treat

Prevention plays a big role in the fight against meningitis infection. It is necessary to be attentive to the vaccination, not to miss deadlines. Much attention is paid to hygiene. In no case can not drink water from the tap, only bottled or prokipyachonnuyu.

Be sure to teach your child to wash their hands after using the streets and in front of each food intake. Also not recommended to eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, just scalded with boiling water. Make time for hardening of the body and guzzle periodically vitamins.

In case of contact with already sick child, consult your doctor and return analyzes. Remember that the symptoms in children can manifest itself in different ways. Any disease is much easier to prevent and important is attentive to any changes in the child's body.

Author: Natalia E. Volkova (gerzennata)

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of the meningitis infection

Dr. Komarovsky of meningitis:

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