Infectious Diseases

Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, price

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Beautiful smile and fresh breath play an important role in everyone's life. But "keep the brand" is difficult if there are problems with the oral cavity. Stomatitis can create serious problems in the shortest time if not to resort to medical care.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Stomatitis in Adults: general recommendations for treatment
  • 2 Analgesics, antiseptics in stomatitis
    • 2.1 Geksoral Tubbs
    • 2.2 Kamistad
    • 2.3 Instillagel
  • 3 Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory drugs from stomatitis
    • 3.1 Lugol spray
    • 3.2 Vinylinum
    • 3.3 Miramistin
  • 4 Healing remedies for stomatitis
    • 4.1 solkoseril
    • 4.2 Imudon
    • 4.3 Sea buckthorn oil
  • 5 Antiviral drugs in stomatitis
    • 5.1 oxolinic ointment
    • 5.2 acyclovir ointment
    • 5.3 Viru-Merz-Serol
  • 6 Antifungal agents from stomatitis
    • 6.1 Candide
    • 6.2 Mikozon
    • 6.3 pimafutsin

Stomatitis in Adults: general recommendations for treatment

Stomatitis - Disease mouth cavity, whereby unpleasant sores are formed which prevent eat normally and provoking the change of taste receptors. Effective treatment should be carefully approach the selection of medicines.

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It is also important to address the increase of immunity, that is:

  • revise the diet by excluding preservatives, by-products, suhomyatku and any other food that could harm the body;
  • start taking vitamins B and C, especially in the springtime;
  • pay more attention to hygiene practices and the choice of toothpaste. After the treatment, it is strongly recommended to buy a new toothbrush.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, price

stomatitis treatment in adults involves the use of painkillers, antibiotic and antiviral drugs.

In some cases, an additional treatment of folk remedies, but it is possible only with the permission of the attending physician.

Analgesics, antiseptics in stomatitis

When stomatitis, a strong throbbing pain, which can be distributed throughout the oral cavity. In order to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms doctor prescribes candy, gel, spray or solution, for the treatment of ulcers and the area affected.

Geksoral Tubbs

Absorbable lollipops without a pronounced odor with a rough surface. Can have color from pure white to yellowish with whitish bloom.

Geksoral Tubbs helps to reduce pain within 10-15 minutes after complete resorption. Due to it decreases the number of organisms present in the saliva, which increases the chances of a speedy recovery.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, priceContraindications include:

  • wound lesions on the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • insufficient amount of cholinesterase in the blood plasma;
  • allergic to the main components of the drug.

Note! Take candy elderly, pregnant patients and mothers during lactation without consulting experts is strictly prohibited.

Adult patients discharged to 1 candy every 2 hours throughout the day. But one day should be taken no more than 8 tablets.

Average price Geksoral Tubbs - 180 rubles.


Said preparation is produced as a gel and is used at the first signs of stomatitis, and other similar diseases. Apply a thin strip (5 mm) to the affected area three times a day.

Due to the gel effect takes place faster healing of small wounds and ulcers on the mucosal surface, reduced pain and destroyed pathogenic microflora.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, price
Kamistad use is prohibited in:

  • high pressure;
  • kidney and liver failure;
  • heart disease;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reactions to the drug chamomile, lidocaine and other components of the formulation.

The average price - 240 rubles.


Colorless viscous gel structure. It plays the role of antiseptic and anesthetic. It applies up to 3 times a day for the treatment of mucosal erosion and reduce pain.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, price

Instillagel should not be used in patients with allergy, as well as women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

If the gel is used during lactation, it is necessary to abstain from breast-feeding for at least 12 hours after the last use of the drug.

The average cost - 1500 rubles. Issued to employees of the pharmacy exclusively on prescription.

When stomatitis (treatment in adults), the analgesic effect of drugs not only help to cope with unpleasant symptoms, but also make it possible to eat normally without experiencing discomfort, sleep and talk.

Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory drugs from stomatitis

Stomatitis is divided into several species, among which the number of bacterial and traumatic. The first type often occurs after surgical procedures, and the second - due to the entry of bacteria into the organism.

But in fact, and in another case, experts recommend the use of antimicrobials, as as they help get rid of the main causes of stomatitis, and in a short time removed inflammation.

Lugol spray

The main ingredient is iodine. After use on damaged skin disease protective film is formed, decreases swelling and prevents fluid retention in the tissues.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, priceThe principle of spray application is quite simple: a point by liquid sprayed on the affected areas. Used Lugol from 4 to 6 times a day, with an interval of time not less than one hour.

At the time of spraying must hold his breath, thereby avoiding contact with the drug in the lower respiratory tract.

It's important to know! Before the first use of the bottle is required to perform a test spraying in the air to check the health and to achieve further accurate dosing.

It is not recommended to use the drug with:

  • iodine intolerance and allergic reaction to components of the spray;
  • decompensated liver and kidney;
  • changes in thyroid function;
  • gipertiformnom dermatitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

In case of overdose there is a burn of the respiratory tract, which requires compulsory medical intervention.

recorded Lugol spray cost - 96 rubles.


The preparation is discharged in the form of ointments or capsules. Is used not only in the early, but at the later stages of the disease. It ensures the destruction of harmful bacteria and accelerates regeneration of damaged tissues.

Apply the medicine to pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with pathological diseases is not recommended without careful examination. In the case of compliance with all the regulations are no side effects were observed.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, priceAdmission capsules made 1 time per day, 5-6 hours after a light dinner. On the first day at a time is consumed 3 tablets in the next few days - 5. The course of treatment lasts for not more than 20 days.

The ointment is also taken into the inside is not less than 5 hours after the evening meal. During the 18-20 days the patient should eat every night for dessert spoon of the drug.

It is worth to remember! Vinylinum often found in pharmacies under the name Shostakovskiy balm.

The average cost per 50 g balm - 100 rubles. Price caps starts from 190 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of solution or ointment. Stomatitis - Treatment of adults - require drugs of this type use an ointment at least 2 times a day.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, price
It's enough to put it on the damaged area with a thin layer and do not use anything to eat until the drug is absorbed completely.

The duration of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism. If after 7-10 days will not see the results, health workers can be treated with antibiotics.

Among the negative manifestations: some patients have had mild burning at the site of application of the drug, but it is held for a few seconds and does not carry health hazard.

Ointment has no contraindications, apart from allergic reactions to constituents Miramistin. Data have also been reported cases of overdose. In drugstores of Moscow and other Russian cities This drug is sold at a price of 200 rubles.

Healing remedies for stomatitis

When oral disease sores are formed, covered with a white film. For any contact with the gums or teeth, they cause unpleasant itching and pain respond.

For their healing often uses healing drugs. Their main task - to regenerate damaged areas of the oral mucosa and prevent ulcers increase.

Note! Stomatitis (treatment in adults) preferred drugs of natural origin, and most of the healing drugs is just that.


Preparation sold as an ointment or jelly. Features - the lack of protein, and the use of blood extract cattle.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas several times daily preferably through one or two hours after the main meal. The course of treatment depending on the stage of the disease, but on average lasts 4-8 weeks.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, price

In severe forms of the disease, together with ointment or jelly held Solcoseryl injection solution.

The positive point is that the drug has no contraindications, and cases were recorded overdose. The average price - 300 rubles.


Medicaments in the form of dispersible tablets. During or after use is not advisable to consume food or fluids. In addition to the healing effect, contribute to antibody production and improve basic functions of immunity.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, price
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults selected depending on the kinds of diseases

Method of application: 8 tablets per day is used. The interval between doses should not be less than 2-3 hours. The course of treatment lasts on average 10 days, but for acute forms of the disease can be extended medical professional.

Imudon can be used prophylactically in chronic diseases of the oral cavity. It's enough to 2 times a year guzzle to 6 tablets per day for 20 days.

Negative symptoms and contraindications (other than allergies) were recorded. Effects of the drug on the body during pregnancy and breast-feeding is not known.

The average cost - 450 rubles.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil in its composition has a large number of vitamins, which helps in the treatment of stomatitis.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, price
To achieve a positive result, the affected skin is treated with gauze soaked in oil.

At higher ulcers, 2 times a day made lotions - moistened swab is applied to the ulcer in 10-15 minutes.

Use this drug for the treatment of thrush in adults can be up to the complete disappearance of the problem, but it is necessary to make sure at the beginning of the treatment, there will be an allergic reaction.

To do this, the inside of the wrist dripped a little sea buckthorn oil - if there is one and a half hours of itching and redness, it is not an allergy. Oil can be purchased at any pharmacy in the Russian average of 55 rubles.

Antiviral drugs in stomatitis

Herpes stomatitis - a disease which indicate the presence of virus in the body. The next group of drugs intended for the treatment of viral infections and to prevent reinfection.

oxolinic ointment

Said preparation is used not only for treatment but also for prevention of oral diseases. Which should be hold training consisting of several stages:

  1. Bandage or cotton swab wetted in oil solution, and carried on the lips and gums to remove the formed crust. To treat stomatitis adults can use such a drug as sea buckthorn or hips.
  2. Further carried mouthwash warm broth dosage camomile or marigold infusion.
  3. Mucous membranes are treated with an antiseptic to reduce pain.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, priceFor easy application, a small amount of the ointment is squeezed out on a cotton swab or swab after - motions applied neat on the wound. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times a day for no longer than one week.

Contraindications and side effects have not. The cost of oxolinic ointment does not exceed 60 rubles.

acyclovir ointment

Before using acyclovir ointment, it is necessary to clear the mouth of food debris, white and light brown plaque on the lips and mucous membranes. This will help sea buckthorn oil and rinse herbs.

When applied using cotton swab. Ointment applied thinly to 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is not fixed, but often does not exceed 10 days. Price per tube - from 16 rubles.


When using a positive effect on the affected areas of the oral cavity during the first hours after application.

Gentle massage is applied to sores to 5 times a day (sometimes more), provided that the mouth has been prepared for the procedure.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, priceSide effects recorded were not, but used during pregnancy Viru-Merz-Serol be only when absolutely necessary. The average price of the drug - 300 rubles.

When doctors diagnose disease, then, for the treatment of adults, drugs antiviral action used in the beginning, to avoid the development of the disease.

Antifungal agents from stomatitis

Antifungal antibiotics most commonly used to treat yeast infection on the tongue and mucous membranes - is another kind of stomatitis.


The preparation is discharged in the form of an ointment or lotion. Apply to clean the affected area up to 3 times a day. Is used not only to complete disappearance of symptoms, but after a few weeks. This reduces the likelihood of re-infection.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, price
The drug has a negative reaction and does not fit all, which is reflected in the table.

Side effects Slight burning sensation which disappears after a few days on their own
Contraindications You may not use in 1 trimester of pregnancy, during menstruation or breastfeeding
Overdose In the treatment of thrush in adults with antifungal drugs, an overdose is extremely rare and is a threat to life. Expressed nausea, dizziness and severe fatigue even after rest

The average cost in Russian cities - 270 rubles.


The cream that is applied to the affected areas of soft movements 2 times per day. Eating before and after the application for 30 minutes it is not allowed. Treatment is continued until the disappearance of lesions, and 2 days after complete recovery.

The drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Same should be cautious in patients with liver problem and allergy to active ingredients Mikozona.

Adverse effects: problems with digestion (diarrhea or constipation), in the form of rashes and urticaria slight burning sensation on the skin. Price from 140 Russian rubles.


Available in the form of tablets or ointments, but with stomatitis ointment is used more often. It is applied to the affected areas from 1 to 4 times per day for 2 weeks or until complete disappearance of symptoms.
Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults. Instructions for use, priceAmong the negative manifestations are rare burning sensation on the skin surface, which does not require treatment and resolves on its own. Overdose in this case is practically impossible.

Pimafutsin can be used for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding. But before use, make sure that there are no allergies. The cost of cream in Russia - from 290 rubles.

Stomatitis - fairly insidious and unpleasant disease. But with timely treatment and compliance with all the recommendations, it is easy to cure in the early stages. The main thing - the right to choose a primary care drugs and undergo recovery rate to the end.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush in adults:

What drugs can be used in stomatitis in children and adults:

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