Endocrine Diseases

Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, nutrition, clinical guidelines

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Diabetes is accompanied neusvaivaniem glucose followed by its accumulation in the blood. The disease is type 2 takes place in a milder form than type 1. The mainstay of treatment of the disease is adherence to diet and taking medication.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Type 2 diabetes - especially diseases
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 What happens in diabetes?
  • 4 Symptoms of type 2 diabetes
  • 5 stage
  • 6 Diagnostics
  • 7 Treatment of diabetes type 2
    • 7.1 hypoglycemic agents
    • 7.2 insulinotherapy
    • 7.3 Diet in diabetes mellitus type 2. power principles
      • 7.3.1 prohibited products
      • 7.3.2 How to monitor blood glucose levels in diabetes?
      • 7.3.3 List of approved products with an indication of the GOP
    • 7.4 Folk remedies
    • 7.5 Physical exercise
  • 8 complications of the disease
  • 9 Clinical guidelines for diabetes type 2
  • 10 Videos about the treatment of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes - especially diseases

For normal functioning of the body needs a continuous supply of energy that is produced from the food consumed. The main supplier is glucose. To digest the tissues of sugar needed hormone - insulin, which is produced by the pancreas.

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In diabetes the 2nd type of iron is functioning properly, but the cells develop resistance to the hormone. As a result, the sugar is delivered to the cells, and remains in the blood plasma. The body begins to experience a lack of energy. The brain responds to the signal situation to increase insulin production. An increased concentration of the hormone does not change the situation.Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines

Gradually, the production of insulin is greatly reduced due to the wear body and depletion of, and may stop completely. The disease develops gradually and initially has no distinct features. In advanced stage of the disease, it can go in the first step.

Causes of

The second type of diabetes usually develops as a result of wear of the body, so the greater the pathology occurs in people older than 40 years.

But there are other causes and triggers of the disease factors:

  • transmission at the genetic level. If there are relatives with diabetes (of any type), then the likelihood of developing pathology is increased by 50%;
  • obese people are more prone to develop the disease, as fat reduces the sensitivity of cells, as well as reduce the functioning of the organs;
  • improperly compiled diet. Frequent consumption of sugary, fatty foods and fast utilizable;
  • low consumption of energy resources, occurs when a small amount of physical activity;Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines
  • pathological changes in the pancreas;
  • frequent infections that affect the functioning of the organs of the digestive tract;
  • nervous and physical exhaustion, as well as frequent stress and depression;
  • portion of the pressure;
  • violation of medication with the development of side effects affecting the operation gland.

Pathology develops immediately in the presence of 2 or 3 causes. Sometimes the disease is diagnosed in pregnant women. In this case, its occurrence is associated with hormonal changes in the body. Disease (usually) self passes after delivery.

What happens in diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes (diet and treatment with medicines linked: without complying with the diet, taking medication is not effective) affects the whole organism. In the early development of the disease is reduced tissue sensitivity to insulin. Pancreas and other organs are functioning normally.

Without proper treatment blood glucose concentration increases, leading to a "saccharification" protein in the blood cells. This change will adversely affect the performance bodies. The body is experiencing an energy starvation, which also leads to the malfunction of systems.

lack of energy began to be replaced due to the breakdown of fat cells. The process is accompanied by the release of toxins that poison the organism and affect the performance of brain cells.

Excess sugar leads to dehydration, water washed useful vitamins and minerals. Deteriorating condition of the vessels, which leads to disruption of the heart. the risk of clogging of blood vessels clots also increases. Consequently disturbed vision, work liver and kidneys as these organs contain many small blood vessels. Blood circulation in the limbs.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

At the initial stage of the disease occurs without any symptoms. If the disease is not detected or is not received proper treatment, the pathology developed further with accompaniment characteristic symptoms:

  • constant feeling of dryness in the oral cavity, followed neutolyaemoy thirst. This symptom occurs due to the fact that the excess output of glucose from the blood, a large amount of liquid required. Organism it spends all incoming water from the fluid and fabrics;Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines
  • a large amount of urine, as a result the person often is away to the toilet;
  • increased sweating, which is enhanced during sleep;
  • increased dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, accompanied by itching;
  • lack of moisture, and poor nutrition of the optic nerve causes blurred vision;
  • micro-cracks and wounds heal more slowly;
  • arbitrary twitch muscle tissue, is due to the malfunction of the nervous system;
  • swelling of the extremities with accompanying pain and numbness;
  • due to the lack of energy there is a great weakness, increased appetite, and arrhythmia;
  • strong reduction of immunity, in this connection there are frequent colds.

At the initial stage appears increased appetite, fatigue, and the need for frequent liquid. To exclude / confirm diabetes need to contact a physician / pediatrician, for a blood test for sugar. At the beginning of the disease to treat adjust power enough.


Depending on the severity of the symptoms, especially treatment and arising as a result of illness, complications, diabetes is divided into 4-D severity.

the degree of pathology The main characteristic of Distinctive features
easy The disease occurs with a slight rise in blood glucose concentration, which causes increased thirst, increased appetite, and muscle weakness. Pathological changes in the body are not marked. As a therapy used in the adjustment of the diet. Medicines are appointed in rare cases. At this stage of diabetes it is observed in rare cases, mainly in the prophylactic examinations at the time of blood analysis. The composition of urine is not changed. Glucose levels in the range 6-7 mmol / l.
Central Symptomatology of the disease increases. Observed deterioration of visual organs, blood vessels, blood supply to the limb is broken. Severe abnormalities in the body is not observed. Treatment is made diet and intake of drugs. The level of sugar in the urine is held in the normal range in the blood is 7-10 mmol / L.
Weight Symptoms pronounced. There is a strong failure of organs (reduced vision, constantly high blood pressure, aching limbs and tremors). This therapy uses a strict menu and insulin (medicine does not give the results of therapy). In urine and blood recorded high sugar content. The blood concentration varies in the range 11-14 mmol / l.
increased severity Violation of the bodies almost beyond repair. The disease can not be cured, requires constant sugar control and regulation of administration of insulin injections. The glucose concentration is kept in the range 15-25 mmol / l. Man often falls into a diabetic coma.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines

Diabetes, mild to moderate easy to treat and control blood sugar. On these stages there is no severe malfunction of the body. Diet, weight loss and medication, sometimes allows to achieve a full recovery.


Type 2 diabetes (diet cure and are assigned after diagnosis) is determined by a laboratory method. Additionally, the hardware is carried out a survey to identify the development of complications. Pre-made expert examination of the patient, and it turns out, when the first symptoms of disease were found.

Survey Methods:

  1. Giving blood on an empty stomach. It is determined by the concentration of glucose without affecting food.Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines
  2. Quantification of sugar after a meal or glucose-containing preparations.
  3. Checking if the dynamics of increase and decrease of sugar throughout the day. It is necessary to determine whether the prescribed treatment.
  4. Letting urine to determine its composition (sugar, protein, acetone). As well as detecting malfunction of the kidneys.
  5. Full blood count to determine whether a malfunction of the digestive tract.
  6. Additional Hardware Survey:
  • ultrasound;
  • ECG;
  • Doppler;
  • Capillaroscopy.

Complete examination to determine the severity of the disease and its impact on the enforcement work. When deviations are detected the patient will be treated by several experts, depending on what time to affected organs.

Diagnosis is also necessary to take people who are at risk of developing the disease (family history, being overweight, age over 45 years).

Treatment of diabetes type 2

pathology therapy consists of complex treatment. Depending on the severity of disease specialist prescribers, prepared menus and are assigned physical activity for weight loss.

hypoglycemic agents

Type 2 diabetes is initially removed by the diet. When the treatment does not give a visible effect specialist assigns the administration of drugs reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. Early treatment is assigned one kind of drugs. To be effective, treatment preparations amount gradually increases.Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines

Types of antidiabetic medications and their effects:

Type of drugs their purpose Name of Drug
Sulfonylureas and glinides derivatives Assigned to increase production of insulin by the body. Repaglinide, glibenclamide, chlorpropamide.
Biguanides and glitazones Lower glucose production in the liver and increase sensitivity of tissues to sugar. Helps reduce appetite. Metformin, pioglitazone.
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors Reduce the rate of absorption of glucose intestinal tissues. Miglitol, insufor, acarbose.
Gliptiny agonists and glucagon receptor Increase of insulin and simultaneously reduce the concentration of sugar. Exenatide, saxagliptin, lixisenatide.
Insulin It promotes the assimilation of glucose the body's tissues. Insulin.
Derivative thiazolidone Receptor cell enhance insulin sensitivity. Troglitazone, rosiglitazone.

Most often are assigned 2 or 3 vzaimosochetaemyh preparation. Simultaneous reception means for increasing insulin production, with drugs that affect the cell sensitivity to the hormone will achieve effective reduction in blood sugar.

Welcome to pick their own dangerous drugs. The sharp decline in the concentration of sugar and detrimental effect on the functioning of the body. If the drug causes side effects, it is replaced by the therapist. When inefficiency patient medication converted to insulin.


Insulin therapy is prescribed as when marked decreased hormone production by the pancreas. The dose and number of injections depend on the assigned diet and level of physical employment. A patient with obesity and the presence of diabetes is assigned to a low-carb diet, it requires more frequent monitoring of glucose concentrations.Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines

Using injection saves pancreatic performance (body does not wear out due to the increased load). As well as reducing the likelihood of complications.

In addition, the use of injections, you can:

  • to normalize the amount of blood sugar throughout the day;
  • improve gland hormone production independently, in response to increased glucose concentration after consumption of food;
  • It lowers the formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate compounds;
  • monitored glucose production in the liver;
  • normalize the production of lipids and glucagon.

Painless injection, are put through a special syringe with a marking for controlling the amount of the drug. Before the procedure, and after it is made of sugar measurement.

Diet in diabetes mellitus type 2. power principles

When treating diabetes must constantly observe the diet, which depends on the severity of the disease, the presence of excess weight and physical employment. Menu necessarily agree with the attending specialist. As the amount of sugar (increase or decrease) the therapist changes the diet.

When dieting important conditions must be met:

  • meal should occur at certain hours of not less than 6 times per day;
  • food should not be high-calorie and easily digestible;
  • in the presence of excess weight to be reduced in calories;
  • salt intake should be at a minimum;
  • alcohol and snacks fastfoods excluded;
  • high content of fruits and receiving vitamin preparations, to maintain immunity.
    Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines
    Nutrition and treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2 - two interdependent factors. Sometimes it is not necessary to use drug treatment if the correct diet

Food desirable cook without oil or with a minimal amount (can be boiled, baked). It is necessary to increase the amount of consumed clean water per day. In drawing up the menu is required to take into account the presence of other pathologies (diseases of the digestive tract, heart, kidney).

prohibited products

Type 2 diabetes (diet cure and give a positive result, with proper nutrition) can be removed in an easy manner while avoiding harmful from the diet of food.

It is strictly forbidden foods Conditionally banned products
Food and products containing digestible carbohydrates. Potato tubers, only boiled. Carrots and beets.
Products with high concentration of glucose (sweets, dried fruits). Cereals, except the manna.
Dishes and products from wheat flour Production of wheat flour and rye flour.
Dishes with a high content of salt, pepper, oil. Bean and bean culture.
Production of the increased fat content of milk. Watermelon.
Nourishing and fat broths.
Meat and fish are rich in fat, canned, smoked.
Spices, sauces, margarine.

Number of conditional use of banned products to be agreed with the attending specialist. They increase the amount of glucose, but gradually. Simultaneous use of 2 or more kinds of products from the list of banned provisionally prohibited.

How to monitor blood glucose levels in diabetes?

In diabetes requires regular monitoring of glucose levels. To measure it at home using the meter. It is mandatory daily morning froze before eating food. If possible, the measure during the day (after a meal, strenuous exercise).Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines

All data must be entered into the special notebook that you want to show the physician at the next inspection. According to the dynamics of glucose changes will be adjusted therapy (medication, diet). Additionally, you need to take the analysis in the laboratory every 3-6 months (established by the attending physician).

List of approved products with an indication of the GOP

In diabetes, allowed to use the following products in any quantity, but taking into account their caloric content and GI.Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines

Grocery list GI (glycemic index)
boiled eggs 48
Cooked mushrooms 15
seaweed 22
boiled crawfish 5
Kefir 35
Soy milk 30
Cottage cheese 45
tofu 15
Low-fat milk 30
Broccoli 10
cucumbers 10
Tomato 20
eggplant 20
Olives 15
Radish 10
apples 30
Pear 34
Plum 22
Cherry 22
Rye bread 45
Dill 15
Salad 10
Pearl barley porridge of water 22
Pasta, wholemeal 38
Cereals 40
bread 45
jujube 30

This list can be extended by a physician taking into account physical activity and severity of the disease.

Folk remedies

Type 2 diabetes (diet and treatment - necessary conditions for the prevention of complications and further development of the disease) can be controlled further by folk remedies. Their use is recommended to discuss with your doctor.

Recipes, normalize metabolic processes in the body and contributing to weight loss:

  1. In 0.4 l of boiling water mix 70 ml of honey and 40 g of a dry cinnamon (powder). Infuse hours in the cold. The beverage is divided into two portions. To use morning and evening. Duration of therapy to 14 days.
  2. Steamed in 0.5 l of water 10-12 pieces. bay leaves. Consumed 30 ml 3 times. The course is 10 days. It is necessary to conduct 3 courses with intervals of 10 days.
  3. Instead of welding zaparivat linden flowers. Consume up to 2 cups of tea per day.Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines
  4. Finely grind of 350 grams of garlic and parsley and 100 g lemon peel. Stir and push 14 days in the cold. Consume 10-12 mg per day.
  5. Boil 20g beans in 1 liter of water (4 hours). Consumed per day to 300 ml (can be divided into portions). The duration of therapy for 31 days.
  6. Drinks made instead of tea (consumed 400 ml per day) of:
  • herb St. John's wort, chamomile, blueberry;
  • aspen bark;
  • bean leaflets;
  • whole cinnamon.

If there is intolerance or allergy, beverages are excluded from the diet.

Physical exercise

The presence of physical workouts should be performed, even if there are no problems with weight. Exercise helps to normalize the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system, as well as to stabilize the general condition of the body as a whole.

When classes is important to consider the load correctly, since increased burning of calories quickly leads to hunger and eating, after exercise, can be absorbed with a large release of glucose into the bloodstream.

Sports recommended for diabetes:

  • exercise with dumbbells;
  • walk in the park or jogging;
  • riding a bicycle;
  • swimming;Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines
  • yoga;
  • quiet dance.

View classes recommended to negotiate with your healthcare professional. And the costs of the necessary amount of time to process.

complications of the disease

When disease is detected at a late stage, treatment was conducted improper or the patient does not comply with recommendations of the expert, can develop dangerous complications:

  1. Puffiness. Swelling may develop not only from the outside (hands, feet, face), but also within the body. Depending on what was the development of symptoms. This may be the development of heart or kidney failure, which also develop as a complication of diabetes.
  2. Soreness in the feet. Symptom initially is present in enhanced physical activity. With the development of illness, pain and disturbed during the night. In addition, there is limb numbness and temporary loss of sensation. Perhaps feeling a burning sensation.
  3. Sores. Due to the high content of sugar, and bad wounds heal for a long time, which leads to the development of open sores. Therapist recommended even small cuts carefully handle until the wound is completely zarubtsuetsya.
  4. gangrene. In diabetes disturbed state vessels, which may lead to clogging. this phenomenon is observed on the legs more often. As a result of thrombus formation in the brush / foot does not come fresh blood with oxygen and nutrients. Death of tissue occurs. Initially, there is redness accompanied by pain and swelling. If there is no treatment, then later turning blue. The finiteness of the amputated.
  5. Increase / decrease pressure. The change of the pressure indicator occurs often due to renal disorders.
  6. Coma. This condition can occur when a sudden increase or decrease in glucose concentration (due to insulin overdosing). Or due to severe poisoning of the body with toxins formed during the formation of the energy from the fat cells. In this case, the patient is covered with cold and clammy, speech becomes slurred and unconscious. With an increase in glucose levels appears a characteristic smell of acetone. Next there is a loss of consciousness. Without the provision of assistance possible, a quick death.
  7. blurred vision. Because of poor nutrition eye tissues and nerves. Initially, there are points, scales, can gradually develop complete blindness.Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diet and treatment, clinical guidelines
  8. Impaired renal function. Due to the heavy load on the body develops kidney failure.

In the treatment of diabetes can prevent the development of the consequences. Timely definition of the beginning of complications will eliminate their further progression.

Clinical guidelines for diabetes type 2

In identifying diabetes must be urgent appeal to the therapist and putting analysis on the sugar content. Upon confirmation of the disease need to undergo a full examination. Next, you need to comply with all the treating specialist (diet, medication, exercise). Be sure to keep checking the concentration of sugar in the blood. When changing the state should adjust the treatment physician.

Diabetes can develop gradually and be identified already at the middle stage. When the second type of treatment is the basis of the diet. When running the form required dose of medication or insulin injection.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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