Endocrine Diseases

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women after 50 years, during pregnancy. Treatment effects, clinical guidelines

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The disease is hypothyroidism - a set of symptoms that occur in women more often at the lack of functionality of the thyroid gland due to decreased levels of thyroid hormones.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of hypothyroidism, its symptoms and treatments

types of diseases

Hypothyroidism (symptoms in women include poor memory) is classified.

According to the appearance, the disease is divided into the following types:

  • primary;
  • secondary;
  • tertiary;
  • peripheral;
  • transient;
  • autoimmune.

According to the transmission method hypothyroidism is congenital and acquired.

Stage and grade

Hypothyroidism (symptoms in women include depression) differ in the degree.

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women, during pregnancy. Treatment effects recommendations

There are the following forms of the disease:

  1. Subclinical. In another it is called latent. This type is characterized by the absence of symptoms. But in some cases, symptoms may appear. According to the results of diagnosis it can be seen that the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is elevated, and thyroid hormones are normal. The condition is common in 3 - 8% of the population. The disease can go into 2 degree.
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  2. Manifest. Symptomatology bright manifestation of symptoms increases dramatically. The analysis can notice a decrease in thyroid hormone levels. This form of the disease in need of early detection and treatment assignment.
  3. Is complicated. The pathology appears in the absence of treatment of a disease. The result is a failure of the heart, and the children delayed development. The condition can lead to coma, but it occurs rarely.


Hypothyroidism - an insidious disease. Pathology has few distinguishing features. In general, the symptoms are similar to other diseases. But, nevertheless, there are certain features that are important in the diagnosis, when considered together.

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women, during pregnancy. Treatment effects recommendations
The figure lists the symptoms of hypothyroidism in women.

For hypothyroidism in women is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the face, it becomes puffy;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • gray - yellowish color of the skin;
  • hair loss;
  • lethargy;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • delayed speech;
  • development of edema in the larynx;
  • change in voice - hoarseness;
  • imprints of teeth in the oral cavity due to edema;
  • mild hearing loss;
  • dry skin;
  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • memory problems;
  • low body temperature due to a decrease of cellular respiration voltage;
  • chills;
  • increase in body weight due to swelling;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • pain in the heart or in the chest;
  • a slight increase in blood pressure;
  • shortness of breath, especially manifested when walking or abrupt movements;
  • problems with a chair (constipation);
  • abdominal flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • liver enlargement;
  • the likelihood of developing anemia due to poor appetite.

In addition to the common symptoms for women are characterized by certain symptoms. That is, they are absent in men. Insufficient amount of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) is reflected in the woman's reproductive system.


  • increases the level of estrogen;
  • increased production of prolactin;
  • changing the number of hormones, which are produced by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

As a result of the changes in a woman disturbed menstrual cycle. They may come ahead of time or delayed. As well as problems with copious. In addition, a woman's sex drive is reduced to a partner.

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women, during pregnancy. Treatment effects recommendations

Because of the imbalance of hormones, ovulation process is disrupted. Women have trouble conceiving a child. If you become pregnant out, there is a possibility of miscarriage or congenital problems in the child after birth activity.

Causes of

Hypothyroidism (symptoms in women include swelling of the face) may occur for various reasons. It all depends on the type of disease. The causes of the disease are listed in the table.

Classification Name of hypothyroidism Description
on occurrence Primary Condition develops when the body's disrupted thyroid. The disease occurs in 99% of cases. Meaning TTG is below normal.

Thyroid work happens in the following cases:

  • reception of some groups of drugs;
  • Insufficient amounts of iodine and selenium;
  • organ inflammation;
  • conduct surgery for partial removal of the prostate;
  • the occurrence of complications after surgery
Secondary Hypothyroidism occurs when there is insufficient level of thyrotropin - a hormone which is produced by the pituitary gland. That is, the activity of the pituitary gland is reduced. TSH levels are above normal.

The reasons for the state:

  • removal of the pituitary;
  • trauma;
  • bleeding;
  • neoplasms;
  • poor circulation in the arteries of the brain;
  • autoimmune diseases that affect the pituitary;
  • reception of some groups of drugs
Tertiary In another it called central hypothyroidism. It appears due to violation of synthesizing hypothalamic hormone thyrotropin
Peripheral It occurs due to the reduction of sensitivity of cells and tissues to the effects of thyroid hormones
transitory The form may appear after use of medications and resolves on its own, if you cancel means
autoimmune Hypothyroidism occurs when the problems in the immune system. Healthy thyroid tissue perceived alien
By transmitting method Congenital Even during fetal development is disturbed the functionality of the thyroid gland. It allocates enough hormones, so there is congenital hypothyroidism.

But there is another reason for the occurrence. Rare occasions when there is a hereditary defect in the enzyme responsible for the production of hormones. It interferes with the absorption of iodine, which is essential for normal functioning of the thyroid gland

Acquired The shape acquired in the course of life

Despite the fact that hypothyroidism can be diagnosed at any person, some people have an increased risk of its formation.

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women, during pregnancy. Treatment effects recommendations

The disease can occur in the following cases:

  • age group of women older than 60 years;
  • in the immediate family had a history of thyroid disease seen;
  • presence of autoimmune diseases in women - rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and others;
  • the use of radioactive iodine for the treatment of diseases;
  • the impact of radiation on the neck or upper section of the chest;
  • surgery on the thyroid gland.


Hypothyroidism is a woman in need of diagnosis. Due to of the study can be found value are important for the body's performance. The doctor makes the diagnosis based on the results of procedures. In addition, take into account the symptoms.

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women, during pregnancy. Treatment effects recommendations

Most often, the study includes the following procedures:

  1. Inspection and survey expert. At this point it is important to talk about all of the symptoms. The physician collects history takes into account the co-morbidities. Further expert inspects the neck palpation.
  2. giving blood to determine the level of thyroid hormones.
  3. Blood donation to determine the level of thyroid stimulating hormone. Decreased TSH value often indicates a secondary hypothyroidism. A high - primary.
  4. giving blood for biochemical analysis. As a result, you can identify the value of the important indicators for the body.
  5. A blood test for cholesterol and lipids.
  6. Determination of antibody concentration thyroid peroxidase (AT - TPO) and thyroglobulin (Tg). If as a result the number is exceeded, then hypothyroidism is an autoimmune form.
  7. Ultrasonography (US) of the thyroid gland. According to the results of the procedure reveals the dimensions of the body and pathological changes in it.
  8. Scintigraphy - a body scan. By means of the procedure can be found radioactive iodine absorption speed. If the process is to reduce the rate, it indicates hypothyroidism.
  9. Computer (CT) or magnetic - resonance imaging. Procedures help to identify the tumor. Also found on the extent to which the disease is.
  10. An electrocardiogram (ECG). The study can establish a violation of the heart.
  11. A biopsy of the thyroid gland. The study helps to confirm a tumor in the body. The procedure is rarely used, but is effective.
  12. X-ray. The procedure prescribed for the suspected presence of nodes in the thyroid gland.

The cost of diagnosis varies and depends on many factors - the city, the organization, the list of procedures. Therefore, the price is to be recognized in a particular institution.

When to see a doctor

Treatment of hypothyroidism in women engaged in a doctor - an endocrinologist. Hypothyroidism requires professional assistance regardless of the stage and type. Therefore, if you suspect a condition necessary to see a specialist.

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women, during pregnancy. Treatment effects recommendations

The state organization may be visiting a therapist. The doctor will conduct inspection and will issue a referral to the desired specialization. In addition to the diagnostic clinic, initially permitted self-test at home before the mirror. You need to get up in front, slightly tilt the head back, to swallow and to test the area authority.

As a result, determine the extent of:

  1. Iron is not detectable and is not visible;
  2. I - II. The thyroid gland can not be seen, but it is felt, and emerges at the moment of swallowing;
  3. III. Palpation of the prostate, it is easily visible. Condition requires referral to a specialist or consult an oncologist.
  4. IV - V. Thyroid gland size is large. On palpation it can be seen that the lower part of the body is greatly exaggerated. As treatment possible surgical intervention.


Hypothyroidism (symptoms in women include problems with speech) - a condition that can be prevented. You need to follow preventive measures. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of disease.

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women, during pregnancy. Treatment effects recommendations

For prevention measures include the following items:

  • 1 time in 6 months. written to the doctor - an endocrinologist;
  • 1 time per year undergo a full examination of the body;
  • adhere to proper nutrition;
  • take vitamin complexes;
  • avoid stress and tension;
  • not to take drugs with hormonal composition and antibiotics without the recommendation of a specialist;
  • be sure to check hormone levels after exposure.


After receiving the results of the examination the doctor makes a diagnosis and appoints the necessary treatment. Treatment should be comprehensive, that is, to combine several methods. The only way to achieve the best effect.

As therapy using the following methods:

  • medications;
  • folk remedies;
  • other - good nutrition, physical activity.


Medications are important in the treatment of hypothyroidism in women. As medicaments prescribed different groups to get rid of the causes that led to the appearance of the disease. Popular tools listed in the table.

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women, during pregnancy. Treatment effects recommendations
Group Act A drug testimony
Thyroid hormones Normalize thyroid functionality L - thyroxine Hypothyroidism the reappearance prevention of goiter, tumor malignancy
eutiroks Hypothyroidism, goiter, as replacement therapy after surgery
cardiac glycosides Used in heart failure, normalize the work of one of the principal organs Digoxin Failure of the heart, high load on the myocardium with high blood pressure
vitamin complexes Normalize the level of nutrients in the body Aevit Atherosclerosis, a lack of vitamin A and E
Alphabet Deficiency of vitamins
nootropnye Improve brain activity piracetam Memory problems, poor concentration
diuretics Display the excess water from the body veroshpiron
  • hypertension;
  • acute heart failure;
  • high content of potassium and magnesium
sedatives Normalize the nervous system afobazol Nervous system disorders, sleep problems;
Group Side effects Contraindications The cost (in rubles).
Thyroid hormones
  • allergic reaction;
  • Hyperthyroidism in the use of excessive dosage;
  • Hypothyroidism in the use of very small amounts of
Hypersensitivity to the components, myocardial infarction, acute form of hyperthyroidism 80 – 170
When used properly, are not observed
  • Hypersensitivity to the constituents;
  • pituitary insufficiency;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • pregnancy
90 – 160
cardiac glycosides
  • bradycardia;
  • cardiac arrhythmias;
  • weight loss;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the head;
  • fatigue with minimal exertion;
  • dizziness;
  • education "flies" before the eyes
Hypersensitivity to the components, bradycardia, myocardial acute infarction 35 – 70
vitamin complexes Allergic reactions, pain in the abdomen Failure congestive heart shape, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to constituents 30 – 100
Allergic reaction Hypersensitivity to the constituents 200 – 400
  • excited state;
  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • change in blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • weight gain;
  • allergic reaction
The individual sensitivity to the composition, renal failure, cerebrovascular accident 30 – 120
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • inhibited state;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the head;
  • drowsiness;
  • confusion;
  • muscle spasm;
  • acute form of renal failure;
  • muscle cramps
  • Hypersensitivity to the constituents;
  • severe renal insufficiency form;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age category up to 3 years
90 – 300
sedatives Allergic reaction, pain in the head High probability of allergies, the child's age of 18 years, pregnancy 300 – 400

Dosage of drugs selected individually. The physician takes into account the concomitant diseases, symptoms, hypothyroidism step. For example, thyroid hormones (Eutiroks, L - thyroxine) recommend taking first with small dosages, then increase the number of. Cancel preparations must be gradual.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies can be used to treat hypothyroidism. They have a vegetative composition in comparison with the drugs, the risk of side effects is reduced. If you use the method as the only method of treatment, little effect on the therapy will not.

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women, during pregnancy. Treatment effects recommendations

It is recommended to use herbal remedies in combination with medication.

Popular folk methods:

  1. The drink of honey and lemon. To prepare to take 1 lemon, cut the peel. Add to the pan, add 1 tablespoon honey and flax seed. Pour all 1 liter of hot water. Boil for 10 minutes. The prepared drink can be consumed as a tea.
  2. Collection of medicinal herbs. To prepare the required chamomile, yarrow, birch. As well as shepherd's purse, mint, knotweed. Components must be in equal amounts. Then take 2 tbsp vegetable mixture and pour 1 cup of hot water. The container, add 1 tbsp blueberries in a dried form. The mixture boil for 2 - 3 min. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  3. The infusion of nettle. For the preparation you will need 2 tablespoons Plants and 1.5 cup of hot water. Leave on for 60 minutes. Take 50 ml before meals. The finished solution can be stored in a refrigerator not more than 48 hours.
  4. Compress oak. To prepare oak necessary to crush to obtain a powder, 2 tablespoons pour cup of hot water. Leave on for half an hour, the mixture soak gauze. Attach to the throat, for the best effect can be put on top of that - something warm (the towel). The procedure is suitable for use at bedtime. therapy - 3 weeks.

Other methods

In addition to drugs and folk methods, hypothyroidism therapy using other methods.


  1. Proper nutrition. It is recommended to eat 5 - 6 times a day with intervals between meals 3 - 4 hours. Portions should be 200 - 300 g It is recommended to exclude fried, salted, smoked. It should be added to the diet of fruit and vegetables, they are rich in vitamins. Products with a high percentage of fat is better replaced with low-calorie. We should not forget about the liquid. The recommended amount of pure non-carbonated water per day - of at least 1.5 liters. Should not drink soda, strong coffee, alcoholic drinks.
  2. Physical activity. Not recommended just as much body weight. First, sufficient that the charge in the morning. When the body gets used, the load can be increased. You need to choose for themselves the favorite hobby - cycling, swimming.
  3. Surgical intervention. If medicines do not bring effect, and iron is increased too much, the doctor may recommend surgery. A method for performing determined by a specialist.

possible complications

If hypothyroidism is left untreated in women, may cause complications.

Hypothyroidism. Symptoms in menopausal women, during pregnancy. Treatment effects recommendations

Among them are the following conditions:

  1. Violations of the heart. The disease increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Since the thyroid gland functionality is broken, cholesterol levels may vary. Hypothyroidism leads to heart failure or an increase in the size of one of the principal organs.
  2. Mental problems. In the early stages of hypothyroidism may appear depressed. If the disease is left untreated, it develops psychosis and more serious complications (persecution mania).
  3. Problems with conception. In hypothyroidism woman may be infertile. Even if she gets pregnant, there is a high probability that a child will be born with abnormalities.

Insufficient production of thyroid hormones known as hypothyroidism. Condition often occurs in women and men. The disease is characterized by many symptoms (swelling of the face, a change in skin color, increased prostate).

If you suspect that the state is better to consult a specialist. He will hold examination, diagnose and prescribe treatment. For disposal of used medical supplies status, folk therapy and other methods (proper nutrition, exercise).

Video of hypothyroidism, its symptoms and treatments

Fragment of the program "Live healthy" hypothyroidism:

Checking for hypothyroidism:

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