Respiratory System

Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, medication prescriptions, drugs, than to breathe

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The home medicine has become very popular use of nebulizers for children in the treatment of cough and runny nose, colds, bronchitis and sinusitis. And apply them for the treatment of more complex diseases - pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

Therapy will benefit if strictly abide by certain rules of treatment and use of the machine. Otherwise, there can be serious complications in the form of infection in the lungs, bronchospasm.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of inhalation
  • 2 testimony
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 The rules of the inhalation
  • 5 Solutions for a nebulizer at a dry cough in children
  • 6 When wet cough
  • 7 Solutions for a nebulizer at a cold in children
  • 8 when sinusitis
  • 9 How to make your own saline
    • 9.1 Inhalations with saline when coughing
    • 9.2 Inhalation of saline at a cold
  • 10 Inhalations with soda
  • 11 Solutions with essential oils
  • 12 Recipes with herbs
  • 13 Why can not you do both inhalation cough and runny nose
  • 14 Video of the nebulizers

types of inhalation

Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose replaced all other types of inhalation. For example, based on steam heating and evaporation of water. Together with the steam into the respiratory medicine department falls.

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This type of treatment has many contraindications:

  • pneumonia;Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs
  • coronary artery disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypertension;
  • pleurisy;
  • fever;
  • weakening of the body.

Modern nebulizer does not use the state of heating water to steam. Spray apparatus medicine "crushed" into tiny particles and more like a mist, concentrated in a small cloud or stream.

There are several types of modern nebulizers:

  • membrane;
  • ultrasound;
  • compressor.

The first two types of work on the basis of ultrasound, by means of which the drug is sprayed. Membrane nebulizers are expensive and inconvenient to use. The ultrasound - a lot of restrictions on the use of pharmaceutical remedies, as they lose their effectiveness in these devices. Therefore, the greatest popularity acquired compressor (or ink) nebulizers.


Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose is virtually unlimited, ranging from birth.

Aerosol inhalation is used in such cases:

  • for the treatment or prevention of nasal diseases - edema, rhinitis, sinusitis, and respiratory diseases, SARS;Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs
  • with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis (inflammatory process in middle parts of the respiratory system);
  • of bronchospasm;
  • bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma (lower respiratory tract disease);
  • allergies manifested cough, sneezing, inflammation and pain in the throat;
  • to maintain respiratory during the postoperative period.

Nebulizer inhalation allow particles to deliver drugs in the lowest parts of the bronchopulmonary system. Applicable in certain pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, where it is impossible treated in the usual way.


There are a number of cases in which the conduct inhalation nebulizer is not recommended by doctors. Therefore, before proceeding to the active use of this machine, you need to familiarize yourself with all of its rules of operation.

Inhalations in the nebulizer can not be, if:

  • patient temperature above 37.5;
  • diagnosed with TB;
  • there are regular nosebleeds;
  • the presence of purulent plaque on the tonsils (tonsillitis).

In the youngest patient procedures are recommended only in a hospital or by a doctor.

The rules of the inhalation

The main thing you should pay attention - this is the correct breathing.

It can be provided, observing the following conditions:

  • back to keep straight, not to impede the flow of the aerosol stream to the respiratory tract;Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs
  • body relax;
  • currently have on comfortable clothes;
  • ensure not to obstruct the mouthpiece language.

Also important rules inhaled treatment to be learned that will help make the treatment safe and as effective as possible.

Care should be taken to:

  • at one time use only one drug;
  • as a diluent to take only saline;
  • not use drugs not intended for use in a nebulizer (Home aqueous and alcoholic extracts, oils);
  • parts of the machine must be disinfected, dried;
  • breathe through the nose, if inhalation is carried from a cold.

Before proceeding to the main cough treatment, you must do breathing exercises or performing a preliminary procedure bronchodilator for the removal of bronchospasm. This will expand the airways and enable better sputum discharge.

Solutions for a nebulizer at a dry cough in children

Exhausting the dry cough is necessary to transform it into a wet and then contribute to sputum conclusion of bronchopulmonary tract. \

It is necessary to observe a sequence of remedial measures:

  1. Conduct inhalation, using funds from bronchodilators. This will eliminate the spasm in the airway, deliver them to the withdrawal of sputum.. For example, 3p / day - Flomax: 0,5-1-2 ml, respectively, before the age of 12/06/16 years. Dilute with saline to a final volume of 3-4 ml. Also use Ventolin, Salgim.Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs
  2. Then there is a reception means, mucolytics. Second inhalation procedure can be carried out almost immediately, after 20 minutes. Mucolytics will contribute to the removal of phlegm.. The most popular - 2p / day Lasolvan: 1-2 ml, respectively, to 6-16 years. Dilute with saline 1: 1. As well help ACC, I overslept. It should not be taken in the absence of sputum.
  3. Sometimes dry cough exhausting prescribed antitussives2 r / day Lidocaine (1: 2) or 3 r / day Tussamag (1: 3 to 5 years; 1: 2 to 16 years). They are used only on prescription. You can not take the presence of sputum, as well as combined with mucolytics.
  4. Further, depending on the complexity of the patient's condition, is receiving antibacterial agents. They can be administered in a variety of pharmaceutical forms, including inhalation. For example, 1-2 r / day Fluimucil: 1 / 4-1 / 2 of the vial before and after 12 years. Assign also Dioksidin, Gentamicin.
  5. In particularly difficult conditions of the patient, such as pneumonia, asthma, severe allergic reactions are assigned corticosteroids. Appointed 1-3r / day Pulmicort: 0.25-2 mg depending on age - before and after the 12 years. If the volume was less than 2 ml, fill it with saline. Applied also Kromgeksal - after 2 years of 4p / day, 1 bottle.

This exemplary treatment regimen. Only after examination of the child specialist may prescribe a full medical therapy.

All the drugs used in the nebulizer can be classified into groups:

Antiseptic, disinfectant Chlorophillipt (alcoholic solution), Miramistin, Dekasan, Chlorhexidine (0.05%), Furatsilinom (solution).Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs
bronchodilators Atrovent, Flomax, Salgim, Ventolin, Salbutamol, Berotek
Mucolytic Drugs with ambroxol (Mucosolvan, Flavamed, Ambrobene, ambrogeksal) with acetylcysteine ​​(NAC, Fluimucil) Bronchipret, Prospan
antibacterial Dioxidine (ampoules), Fluimucil IT antibiotic, gentamicin
Corticosteroids, hormonal Pulmicort, Nasonex, kromogeksal
Cough Lidocaine, Tussamag
immunomodulatory Interferon Derinat
alkaline Soda-Buffer, mineral water Borjomi, Vintcentca, Essentuki, and Krasnousolsk Krasnousolsk-2
anti-inflammatory Natural products - Rotokan, Malawi, Tonsilgon® H
saline saline

When wet cough

Having received as a result of inhalation of events good expectoration of sputum, should begin to receive funds:

  • antiseptic (see. table);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • hormonal.Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs

To prepare a solution of Furacilinum, necessary to dissolve 1 tablet in 100 ml of saline. But it is better to buy pharmaceutical drug in liquid form. Carry out the procedure twice a day, following the dosage of 4 ml.

Miramistin suitable for children of all ages, for all inhalers. Typically agent used in pure form (3.4 ml), very young children can be diluted 1: 1.

Solutions for a nebulizer at a cold in children

Nebulizer for children cough and rhinitis has a cannula through which the spray jet is directed directly into the nasopharyngeal route.Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs

The following pharmaceutical products:

  • Naphthyzinum 0.1%. 1 ml / 2.5 ml saline, 3.2 p / day;
  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Interferon, 1 ampoule / 2.3 ml saline;
  • antiseptics (listed above);
  • alcoholic extracts of propolis, calendula;
  • Dekasan, has an antiseptic effect, diluted 1: 1 twice a day, and more - only on prescription.

For the prevention of colds in the period it is necessary to moisturize baby's nose daily saline, alkaline liquids (see. table).

when sinusitis

The procedures are conducted after the previous reception vasoconstrictors, thorough cleaning of the nose. In such procedures, you can also use a nebulizer.

In 20 minutes. then proceed to the administration by inhalation of essential drugs:

  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hormone (anti-allergic effect provided).

Use as salt, alkaline liquid. They help a more complete purification of the maxillary sinus mucosal hydration.

How to make your own saline

Should not be done with saline alone too often, unless absolutely necessary, as it turns out non-sterile, may contain undesirable impurities.

you must:

  1. Take 1 L of pure water boiled, better - distilled.
  2. Warm or cooled to +60 C.
  3. Add 1 hr. l. shallow salt which must be dissolved without residue.
    Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs
    Inhalation nebulizer with saline for children cough and the common cold have no contraindications

The shelf life of the solution is small, about two to 2 days if stored in a refrigerator. Container with liquid to keep closed, gain better syringe.

Inhalations with saline when coughing

The composition of complex therapy, along with the necessary medication (expectorant) includes inhalation with saline fluids.

This speeds up the healing process, as the impact of alkaline vapors:

  • reduces edema;
  • moisturizes;
  • It thins the mucus;
  • It helps sputum discharge.

The solution is used in an amount of from 3 to 5 ml per health session. It can be carried out such procedures up to 3-4 times a day. Daily quantity of saline used is dependent mainly on the patient's age.

Inhalation of saline at a cold

The use of a nebuliser and nasal cannula allows the drug particles penetrate into the most distant parts of the nasopharynx. For an effective therapeutic intervention can take an inexpensive and accessible means - pharmacy saline.

This sterile saline fluid is used:

  • in the initial stages of the disease;
  • as prophylaxis during the colds;
  • allergic rhinitis forms;
  • for very young children, which other, more aggressive means even contraindicated.

Thanks to the inhalation, decreases swelling in the nose and throat, the infection better discharged to the outside, mucosa is maintained in a normal humid condition, allowing the body to fight disease.

Inhalations with soda

Cough and runny nose in children is not recommended to use baking soda in a nebulizer. There is a risk that the powder is not sufficiently dissolved or not sufficiently sterile.Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs

The compressor inhalers use sodium hydrogencarbonate not in the form of baking soda, and other similar formulations:

  • Borjomi;
  • Soda-buffer.

Bottled mineral water is poured into the inhaler in a pure form, without diluting with saline. To obtain a stronger effect can be bought in pharmacy sodium hydrogencarbonate form called Soda-buffer.

Liquid transparent, sterile, as it is produced for injection. Due to this, with its participation may be conducted aerosol inhalation, pre-diluted 1: 1.

Open the bottle is not recommended. So the life of the solution is greatly reduced.

To the drug last a long time while maintaining its original properties, drug fluid need to get with the help of a sterile syringe, puncturing them the rubber stopper. Then put it in the fridge.

The drug was well-alkaline mucus in the airways, thereby contributing to its liquefaction. It makes expectoration easier and faster. This tool, combined with the latest technology (nebulizer) is much more effective than acting than the usual baking soda.

For adult and child cooking method is the same:

  • saline - 2 ml;
  • Soda-buffer - 2 ml.

Drug applied twice a day with an interval of 8 hours, no less. Quite a few inhalations to translate dry cough wet. Effective it is in treating the common cold.

Solutions with essential oils

Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose is not recommended when using oil solutions. They are sprayed on the number of microscopic particles that are easy to fall into the most remote parts of the respiratory system.

It is likely that treatment will turn into pneumonia (oil) - a very dangerous disease that is often fatal. Undesirable essential oils combined with a nebulizer, and for people suffering from allergies. Particles solution will settle in the lungs and can easily cause a reaction of rejection by the body.

It is better to carry out this treatment at a steam inhaler. But there are types of nebulizers, where the use of aromatic oils and their solutions may be. It should be a modern inhalation device with a control function of the size of the sprayed particles. Exhibit should be no more than 10 microns.Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs

Children, this treatment is contraindicated. Adults used primarily for the treatment of upper parts of the system. The oil can not be taken concentrated, it is necessary to dilute (10 drops / 200 ml saline). In one procedure 3 mL sufficient. Purchase a product you need at the pharmacy.

Coughs and colds can be held using aromatherapy hot baths, massage, friction, applied to the temples and chest. For this purpose, suitable oils: eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, citrus (lemon, mandarin, grapefruit).

Recipes with herbs

The solutions were prepared with medicinal herbs at home, in the nebulizer is not recommended, but they are well suited for steam inhalers. In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made collections of herbs designed for this purpose.

The nebulizer is allowed to use pharmaceutical preparations from extracts of various herbs:

  • Prospan drops. Take 20-25 drops diluted saline in the ratio 1: 2.
  • Sinupret. Use with saline at a ratio of 1: 3, 1: 2, 1: 1, depending on the patient's age - preschool, student, adult.
  • Rotokan. Diluted 1:40, except for children under 1 year
  • Gedeliks. Dilute up to 10 years - 1: 2; older - 1: 1.
  • Mukaltin. 1 tablet / 80 ml saline.Nebulizer for children cough and runny nose. How to use, saline inhalation, prescriptions drugs, drugs
  • Tonzilgon. With saline 1: 3 (up to 1 year), 1: 2 (up to 7 years), 1: 1 (all others).
  • Malawi. Dilute 1:30.
  • Pertussin. A solution of 1: 2 (to 12), 1: 1 (the rest).
  • Chlorophyllipt. 0.5 ml of the preparation - 5 ml saline.
  • Tincture of Eucalyptus (20 drops / 200 mL), propolis (1 ml / 20 ml), calendula (1 ml / 40 ml).

Alcoholic extracts undesirable to use in early childhood. In all other cases, they must be used with caution, as these drugs are not intended for use in nebulizers. If you still have a need for such procedures only pharmacy options should be used.

Why can not you do both inhalation cough and runny nose

The structure of the nebulizer includes a number of different accessories. There are masks for adults and children. Their use helps to breathe healing vapors as much as the natural mode is usually used for very small children or critically ill adults.

For a more concentrated effect on the diseased parts of the respiratory system child coughing and rhinitis, in a nebulizer have a nasal cannula and the nozzle mouth (mouthpiece). Their use allows to direct a jet of drug directly to the place of localization of the inflammatory process.

Sharing two nozzles and can not be contraindicated. If you want to treat a runny nose and cough at the same time, it is necessary to conduct inhalation at different times, with a minimum interval of 20 minutes.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of the nebulizers

Myths about nebulizers:

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