Cardiovascular Diseases

Vascular dystonia. Symptoms in adults, treatment at home, the aggravation of women, men

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Vascular dystonia is a fairly common disease among patients of different age. Women suffer a violation of several times more. Symptoms in adults can appear suddenly, but often the disease progresses slowly, and the person is unaware of its development.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Reasons IRR
  • 2 Risk factors
  • 3 Common symptoms
    • 3.1 Sleeping problems
    • 3.2 emotional instability
    • 3.3 Livor
    • 3.4 respiratory disorders
    • 3.5 Reaction to weather
    • 3.6 digestive disorders
    • 3.7 Problems in the urogenital system
  • 4 specific symptoms
    • 4.1 sympathicotonia
    • 4.2 vagotonia
  • 5 types of violations
    • 5.1 asthenic type
    • 5.2 respiratory type
    • 5.3 Neyrogastralny type
    • 5.4 cardiovascular type
    • 5.5 cerebrovascular type
    • 5.6 Exchange-tissue syndrome
  • 6 Diagnostics
  • 7 First aid in exacerbation VSD
  • 8 Treatment of vascular dystonia in adults
    • 8.1 Tablets of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults
    • 8.2 Massage in the vegetative-vascular dystonia for adults
    • 8.3 Exercises in the vegetative-vascular dystonia, relieves
    • 8.4 People's treatment of vascular dystonia
  • 9 Consequences of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults
  • 10 Video of vegetative-vascular dystonia
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Reasons IRR

VSD is a disease which is caused by abnormality in autonomic nervous system. This system regulates the metabolism and maintains a constant internal environment and also helps the body to adapt to changes in external factors.

As a result, the set of predisposing facts fails in its work, accompanied by severe symptoms.

Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult
Vascular dystonia: Symptoms and Treatment

The most likely causes of the disorder are as follows:

  • Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, provoking the deposition on their walls cholesterol plaque and poor circulation.
  • Vascular diseases accompanied by a disturbance tone and change in pressure within the bloodstream.
  • Violations of the heart, which in most cases accompanied by tachycardia and other disorders.
  • Coronary heart disease, heart failure, severe.
  • Obesity, metabolic disorders that increase the burden on all the internal organs.
  • thyroid disease.
  • Neurological disorders, accompanied by violation on the part of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Propensity to allergic manifestations.
  • Professional activities related to regular contact with hazardous substances, toxins and poisons.
  • Type 1 diabetes.
  • Vitamin deficiency, poor diet, lack of provoking the necessary components.

These factors may cause the development of the IRR. They not only cause disease but also worsen the patient's condition.

Risk factors

Vascular dystonia (symptoms in adults can manifest themselves in different ways) is considered to be a common disease, as diagnosed even in adolescents and young adults. The risk group includes patients who have excess weight and a weakened immune system, bad habits, suffering from hypertension, alcoholism.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

In addition, one factor is the poor environment which triggers a change in the internal organs and systems. Patients with a family history of the disease also are at risk. They disease occurs several times more likely than those who do not have relatives suffering from the IRR.

Women of childbearing age are at risk because they often observed hormonal changes, provoking disease. Experts believe that it is an imbalance of hormones in most cases leads to the appearance of symptoms of the disorder. This also explains why the symptoms appear more frequently in women.

Common symptoms

Each patient dystonia manifests itself in different ways. But doctors have identified a number of common symptoms, which are to varying degrees of intensity are observed in all patients.

Sleeping problems

Sleep disorders occur in all patients with dystonia. However, they can manifest as insomnia or constant sleepiness. Such manifestations are associated with the violation of the autonomic system, which leads to changes in biological rhythms.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

A patient with insomnia are not able to relax, so sleep is always short, restless.

This leads to daytime sleepiness, attention disorder, memory impairment and reduced efficiency. With long-term absence of normal sleep develop psycho-emotional disorders, the nervous system of the patient is unable to cope with the load, leading to breakdowns.

emotional instability

In most cases, it also becomes a manifestation of the result of insomnia. The patient is exhausted and weakened. The man constantly feels tired, so his mood suddenly and dramatically changed. After a short rest, the patient is peaceful and happy. After a while it becomes sad or even aggressive.

Such changes frighten the patient, but he is unable to control himself.


Vascular dystonia (symptoms in adults often appear suddenly) in most cases is accompanied by a change in color. Symptom associated with dysfunction of vascular tone, which leads to rapid blood flow to the skin and the rapid outflow of the same.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

In the first case, the skin appears red or all veils becomes red, the second - skin pale, they are cold to the touch. It should be noted that such changes are observed in emotional arousal, or performing heavy physical work.

respiratory disorders

Shortness of breath or choking at VSD associated with impaired innervation of the respiratory system. Typically, the patient has no symptoms of any disease, but under stress, fatigue, physical exercises, he noted the appearance of shortness of breath. In patients with middle and old age develops asthma. Often a symptom associated with disorders of the heart, making it difficult to diagnose.

Reaction to weather

Since the autonomic nervous system is responsible for the body to adapt to changes in environmental conditions, in violation of its work a marked patient's reaction to the weather conditions.

Increase or decrease in atmospheric pressure, rain, strong wind, heat or snow - any changes can cause deterioration, headaches, weakness, lack of appetite, decreased performance. Usually, these people are called meteodependent, but the reason is in disorders of the autonomic nervous system.

digestive disorders

Innervation and regulation of digestive system occurs due to autonomic nervous system. That it helps to carry out all the processes. In addition to headaches and other common symptoms, patients notice indigestion.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

Some say excessive appetite and indigestion, while others say the lack of desire to eat food. The patient may develop gastritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases. Different people have different symptoms. Perhaps the development of constipation or frequent loose stools, intestinal spasms, pain, inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Problems in the urogenital system

When IRR is observed frequent urination and pain in the genital area, not associated with any disease. It is also associated with impaired innervation of the pelvic organs. Women talk about the failure of the menstrual cycle, decreased libido, lack of satisfaction during sexual intercourse. Men disturbed potency, symptoms of prostate disease.

specific symptoms

Vascular dystonia accompanied not only common, but also a specific manifestation. Such symptoms in adults may be missing or constantly disturb the patient.


Sympathoadrenal crises are often observed in patients with VSD. They are almost always accompanied by palpitations to 140-160 beats / min, and increased blood pressure. If the patient before the onset of symptoms suffered hypertension, numbers reach critical levels, which is dangerous to human life.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

Sympathicotonia also manifests itself in the form of causeless anxiety, disorders of intestinal motility, cold in the extremities, headaches. The patient can speak about a fever when body temperature measurement has been a significant increase in her.

Some patients have numbness and headache. Crisis appears suddenly, and symptoms disappear just as suddenly. Such a condition develops from 1 to 3 times over the years, often accompanied by phobias that have not been disturbed by man.


Vagoinsulyarnye crises are the opposite sympathicotonic state. Patients feel fever, the body temperature remains normal or reduced skin to become red, especially in the facial area. Patient notes sweating and excessive salivation, nausea, weakness and bowel disorder.

Heart rate decreased to 40 beats / min, arterial pressure - to 80/50 mm Hg. Art. The patient has frequent urge to defecate, which provokes dehydration and weakness.

With long-term preservation of the patient's condition worsens symptoms, body exhausted, complications develop. Sometimes Sympathoadrenal vagotonic crisis and alternates, which only aggravates the patient's condition. In some cases, symptoms interfere. This complicates the diagnosis and determination of treatment regimens.

types of violations

Vascular dystonia (symptoms in adults significantly weaken the body and provoke complications) can manifest itself in different ways. Today there is no single and recognized classification status, but experts identify several types, each of which has its own characteristics.

asthenic type

This type of ESP is common. Doctors suggest that it is based on low tissue oxygen consumption, which leads to disruption of vital processes. The patient becomes weak, its activity is reduced, decreased appetite and the weather conditions affect the general condition.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

When you try to perform any physical work sick very quickly gets tired, becomes depressed, feels as its own weakness.

respiratory type

At the heart of the respiratory disease type are mental disorders that cause a person to feel the unpleasant symptoms that do not actually appear. deterioration is observed at psihoemotsionalnom excitation severe stress or mental stress.

In this case, the patient seems to be that the room is not enough air, he tries to go out, not able to be in transport, especially in public. all symptoms disappear when the normalization of emotional state.

Neyrogastralny type

This type of disease is often mistaken for a violation of the digestive system. The patient did experience nausea, vomiting, constipation, loss of appetite, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms. However, symptoms are directly related to the violation of the autonomic nervous system, so the diagnosis is often complicated.

cardiovascular type

Dystonia in this form appears more often. Patients concerned about pain in the heart, increased heart rate, increase or decrease in blood pressure. Man in most cases, considers that such manifestations - a sign of heart disease. However, when examining the expert noted that the function of the heart and coronary vessels are not violated. In this type of VSD symptoms cropped drugs.

cerebrovascular type

This type often seen in adolescence. It is based on oxygen deficiency of brain tissue. Constant expansion vessels do not allow blood to reach all areas of the brain, which leads to oxygen starvation.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

The patient has vertigo and headaches, blurred vision, blackouts at sharp change in body position. Sometimes patients with syncope occur when the amount of oxygen in the tissues of the brain is reduced to the critical exponents.

Exchange-tissue syndrome

This syndrome develops as a result of obstruction of small vessels. When this tissue does not receive sufficient blood and oxygen. Violations occur in the form of swelling of limbs, numbness, pain in the muscles. In some patients, the syndrome provokes violation of motor activity when people are simply unable to manage their own feet.


In the international classification of diseases not included vascular dystonia, because it is not recognized as a separate disease. Doctors regularly put such a diagnosis, but the disease is considered to be just a set of specific symptoms that appear in violation of the autonomic nervous system. That is why special devices to detect ESP does not exist.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

But doctors prescribe the patient a whole set of surveys to identify the causes of the disorder.

Method Description
General inspection and survey A doctor examines a patient, interrogates him, identifies the most severe symptoms. After that assesses the state of the mucous membranes and skin, measuring blood pressure and pulse counts
Clinical blood analysis, biochemical analysis The analysis results allow to assess the functioning of internal organs, especially important to study the function of the heart
ECG ECG is an important diagnostic method is carried out in the first place, after blood tests, helps to see any deviations
ultrasound Is carried out in case of failure of the ECG, it helps to see what cardiograph can not show
MRI The technique is considered effective is not always made, but it can detect abnormalities in any organ

In each case the physician individually assigns a range of diagnostic studies that will maximize accurate diagnosis.

First aid in exacerbation VSD

When sympathadrenalic or vagotonic Stroke patient's condition deteriorates greatly. What is dangerous not only for their health but for life.

To prevent complications need to provide first aid to the patient by performing the following steps:

  1. Try to calm the patient. He will try to get away, to be alone or to take any medicine, but do not let him.
  2. To seat a person or conveniently stow.
  3. Undo constraining clothes and provide fresh air.
  4. Give the patient clean water, to make sure that he drank in small sips and slowly.
  5. Call an ambulance, do not leave the person alone.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

When Sympathoadrenal Stroke allowed to give the patient a sedative, which he had taken before. Suitable Barboval, Valerian or other preparation steps easy. If the person has not previously used the medication, one should wait for the doctor.

When vagotonia important to prevent further decrease in blood pressure and the development of syncope. The best way is raising the legs above the head level. You can put the patient and put under his feet roll. This will allow the blood to reach the brain. However it is not recommended to give the patient some means for increasing the pressure. It is better to wait for a doctor soon.

Treatment of vascular dystonia in adults

Vascular dystonia (symptoms in adults often leads to unpleasant consequences) in 90% of patients completely cured with medicines, folk remedies and physical therapy methods.

Tablets of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults

Tablet tools help to stop the unpleasant symptoms and after the course to completely eliminate them.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

The most effective medications are as follows:

  • Beta adrnoblokatory (metoprolol, atenolol) to help restore the heart rate, eliminates tachycardia, decrease myocardial oxygen demand. Appointed by long courses, especially for patients suffering from heart disease and hypertension.
  • Sedative drugs at plant basis (Percy Passitum Novo) are used to eliminate panic and other manifestations that accompany the patient at rest and crises.
  • Tranquilizers, such as Afobazol indicated for persistent sleep disorders, inability to focus on the patient and the surrounding work. Medicines help to restore the psycho-emotional balance.
  • Antidepressants (amitriptyline, Sidnofen) shows hypochondria when the patient comes up with their own symptoms, which are actually available. Assign well as apathy and depression.
  • Nootropics (piracetam, Cinnarizine) stimulate blood circulation in the brain, prevent memory loss, attention, headaches and other disorders.
  • Cardiovascular drugs (Cavintonum, pentoxifylline) is also aimed at stimulating the cerebral circulation. Particularly needed in cerebrovascular dystonia.
  • Hypnotics drugs, for example, Donormil not used in the treatment of all patients, but are shown in For persistent insomnia when sedatives and antidepressants did not help to cope with problem.

In addition, in the course of treatment almost always includes B vitamins (Neyrorubin, Milgamma that help restore the conduction of nerve impulses and saturate the body with essential components. The dosage of drugs and duration of the course is determined individually.

Massage in the vegetative-vascular dystonia for adults

The course of massage is often prescribed to patients with VSD. He usually shows those patients who suffer from dystonia with low blood pressure. The course consists of 10-15 sessions of 25-40 minutes, held 1 time in 2-3 days. Massage should be done only certified specialist, who will determine problem areas and will not harm the patient.

If necessary the acupressure and other techniques are used to achieve the result. It is important to remember that this method is not used as the sole method of treatment. Usually the doctor combines medical therapy with massage course.

Exercises in the vegetative-vascular dystonia, relieves

Patients with VSD is not suitable for excessively heavy load itself various exercises. But the usual exercises in the morning will help to improve the general condition and relieve the symptoms of the disease.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

It is recommended to perform the most simple exercises:

  • The slopes of the head in a standing position.
  • Torso to the side, forward and backward.
  • The rotation of the head, torso clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Kick their feet in a sitting or lying position.
  • Squats without interrupting the heels off the floor.
  • Running on the spot.

Each exercise should be done for 20-30 seconds. This will allow to warm up muscles and stimulate blood circulation. In addition, patients with VSD is recommended 2-3 times a week to swim, ride a bike or just hiking for 20-40 minutes. It is important not to overwork and receive loads of fun.

People's treatment of vascular dystonia

Recipes of traditional medicine to help restore the tone of blood vessels and prevent progression of the disease. It is generally recommended to use herbs that gently affect the body. Infusion-based mint and lemon balm suitable hypertensive patients with VSD.

Prepare it simple: to 500 ml of boiling water will need 2 of each herb, the infusion time - 30 minutes. The ready and filter means you can add a little honey. Taking medication with 3 times 150 ml during 2 weeks. Alcoholate propolis possesses unique therapeutic properties. For its preparation will need 20 g of propolis and 100 ml of alcohol or vodka.Vascular dystonia. Symptoms, treatment, exacerbation of adult

Propolis is placed in alcohol, the capacity is left for 14 days to draw. Ready means should take 15 drops 2 times a day for 2 weeks. Tea with snowball possesses antihypertensive properties, beneficial effects on vascular tone.

Cook it simply: 1 tbsp. l. berries stretch and cover 2 hours. l. Sahara. Mass Pour 300 ml of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. After that filter the composition and drink in small sips. Any of the recipes can provoke complications. Apply folk remedies permitted only after consulting a doctor.

Consequences of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults

Subject to the recommendations of the doctor to the patient can be completely cured, or minimize the number of attacks and severity of symptoms. However, if left untreated, may develop cardiovascular disease, heart failure, coronary heart disease, angina and tachycardia.

Panic attacks may provoke neurosis and other disorders, phobias develop, which is dangerous for the patient. Vascular dystonia - a common disease occurring with varying degrees of intensity. Symptoms in adults occur at different ages, but the patient is always in need of treatment.

Video of vegetative-vascular dystonia

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