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Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, reviews, analogs ear drops

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Otofa in accordance with the instruction used in otolaryngology. Treatment at the recommended dose and in accordance with the required magnification helps to quickly remove the acute inflammation and prevent more serious complications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Indications
  • 2 Composition ear drops Otofa
  • 3 In what form are available Otofa ear drops
  • 4 Pharmacokinetics ear drops
  • 5 Pharmacodynamics Otofa ear drops
    • 5.1 The use of ear drops Otofa
    • 5.2 For children up to 18 years
    • 5.3 adult
    • 5.4 For pregnant
    • 5.5 for elderly
  • 6 Contraindications Otofa ear drops
  • 7 Overdose
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Ear drops Otofa combination with other agents
  • 10 Conditions and terms of ear drops Otofa
  • 11 Conditions of supply of ear drops Otofa from pharmacies
  • 12 Analogs ear drops Otofa
    • 12.1 Normaks
    • 12.2 Tsipromed
    • 12.3 Polydex
    • 12.4 Kandibiotik
    • 12.5 Anauran
  • 13 Videos about the drug Otofa


The human ear consists of 3 different structures. The outer ear is represented by the most pinna and ear canal. Mean outer borders in a finding of the eardrum. The inner ear consists of bone and membranous labyrinths.

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Drops are used for controlling the following diseases:

  • otitis externa in the acute form;
  • exacerbation of chronic forms of otitis media;
  • prevention of infection after surgery.

Otofa (instructions for use is not recommended for the fight against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is a It causes 30% of cases of infectious and inflammatory disorders of the middle ear) may not render the expected effect. In this case, how to contact an audiologist as soon as possible.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews
Otofa can be used in acute otitis externa form.

In addition to the initial examination, the doctor will give direction to the blood and urine tests to determine the level of white blood cells and ESR. High values ​​are indicative of the development of an acute inflammatory process in the body. In combination with other symptoms audiologist will be able to assign the most effective course of treatment.

Patients with severe forms of deep otitis usually are hospitalized, especially children.

First appointed by the oral forms of antibiotics and analgesics. In some cases it requires intramuscular administration. To restore drainage into the Eustachian tubes are appointed on the basis of vasoconstrictive drops naphazoline or xylometazoline for up to 5 days. Treatment also accompany instillation means such otipaks, Sofradeks etc.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

Typically, acute otitis lasts no more than 3 weeks, subacute can last for up to 3 months. Longer during talks about the chronic form of the disease. However, in this case it is possible to stop the unpleasant symptoms and prevent recurrence in the future with timely early treatment of SARS and other infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Particular attention should be paid to protect the head from the wind and cold air, particularly in children due to the imperfection of immunity. This group of patients requires immediate initiation of therapy of any disease. Wait for the independent resolution of symptoms is prohibited.

Composition ear drops Otofa

In 100 ml of the preparation contains 2.6 grams of sodium rifamycin or 2,000,000 IU.

macrogol 400 25,000 g
disodium edetate 12 mg
vitamin C 500 mg
Li hydroxide 135 mg
By disulfide 150 mg
pure water to 100 ml

Externally drug looks like a clear reddish liquid. Rifamycin relates to pharmacologically ansamycins group. Is obtained by separation from the radiant fungus Streptomyces mediterranei, well it penetrates through cell membranes.

The substance synthesized in 1965. It is highly effective against extracellular microorganisms proliferating vigorously. With a lesser effect on the activity of intracellular pathogens. Intralesional rifamycin creates large concentrations 100 times, than those required for M. Such as tuberculosis.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

The drug is actively absorbed and penetrates the blood-brain barrier. It features high hepatotoxicity. It is a potent inducer of cytochrome P450 - the common name of a family of enzymes. They play an important role in the oxidation and metabolism of steroid hormones, bile acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids, neutralizing drugs, poisons and drugs.

In what form are available Otofa ear drops

Otofa, instructions for use and pipette instillation form a complete set, packed in a cardboard box. The drug is in the form of drops with an active ingredient and excipients in dark glass vials with an aluminum lid.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

Manufactured in France by FARMASTER. The cost of one set in the range of 170-200 rubles.

Pharmacokinetics ear drops

The deep research on pharmacokinetics were not made because of the low degree of systemic exposure of the solution when applied topically. The drug does not cross the blood-brain barrier.

It penetrates through the placental barrier. Communication with blood plasma proteins - 60-70%. The highest concentrations found in the liver tissue, to a lesser extent - in the kidneys, lungs, pleural and ascitic fluids.

Pharmacodynamics Otofa ear drops

Mechanism of therapeutic effects associated with the formation of stable connection with the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase that stops the growth and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. The drug is active against most of the pathogens - sources of infectious and inflammatory pathology of the middle ear.

Processed with the formation of active metabolites. Half-life of the organism - 2 hr. 60-90% of the dose excreted in bile during 8-24 hours. In the intestine there is a partial reabsorption, resulting in a material for a long time circulates in the human body. In cholestasis concentration in blood increases.

The use of ear drops Otofa

Otofa in accordance with the recommendations of the instructions for use can be used in several ways.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

The drug instilled in the ear, or administered flagellum gauze soaked with a sufficient amount of the drug.

Before application it is recommended to warm up to body temperature.

The cavity inside the ear must be carefully cleaned from sulfur or purulent exudates with a cotton swab moistened with warm water.

Then dry wet dry swab. To prevent the spread of infection in the ear 2 is desired to bury in both hearing means aperture.

In the absence of treatment effectiveness drops Otofa should always consult an audiologist for further diagnosis and more effective drugs.

Also it is smoking agent for use in the presence of injured surfaces of internal ear cavities due to the risk of systemic overdose rifampicin.

The main symptoms of otitis:

  • earache, worse if swallowed, pressure on it and sipping lobe;
  • pain during external examination on the funnel and opening the mouth;
  • severe swelling and redness of the ear.
Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

In the absence of a timely start of treatment the infection penetrates deeper. Significantly increases the risk of serious consequences, up to partial or complete loss of ability to hear.

For children up to 18 years

Age limits for use of the drug is not. Drug interactions are also not revealed. An important condition for safe treatment - child's reaction monitoring for the development of allergies.

Children used the drug in the form of heat 3 drops 3 times a day. In the case of using gauze coated with turundy solution application speed is limited to 2 times per day. Duration of treatment - no more than 1 week.


For the treatment of otitis Capel Otofa adult preparation it is used three times daily for 5 drops in the form of heat. Cotton swab is recommended to invest 2 times a day for 1 week.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

For the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear complex with separation purulent liquid preparation can be used for cleaning internal cavities eardrums attic via cannula. Or placed liberally moistened turundy in the ear cavity for a few minutes, 2 times a day.

For pregnant

Controlled studies on the effect of the drug on an unborn baby during pregnancy was conducted. Hence, the standard recommendation in this period - the application in the event that the expected benefit of the above potential adverse effects on the fetus.

Before treatment, the drug must be coordinated with the attending gynecologist, as rifamycin refers to a group of antibiotics ansamitsinovyh not recommended at this time.

Especially strictly should be referred to in this I trimester, when there is formation of neural tube, spinal cord and brain, body organs and tissues. In the II and III trimester application is possible only when necessary.

for elderly

The drug is approved for use in the elderly against the background of an increased monitoring of the general state of the organism. If any suspicious symptoms should consult with the local physician or an otolaryngologist. Dosage comply with the recommendations for adults.

Contraindications Otofa ear drops

Individual intolerance sensitivity or drug components. I trimester of pregnancy. High tendency to develop allergic reactions to antibiotics. If necessary, treatment is recommended prophylactic antihistamines.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

It is undesirable to exceed the manufacturer specified duration of treatment and the dosage according to the age of the patient and indications.


Systemic effects were observed as a result of an overdose. However, in the case of instillation of an excess amount of the drug to avoid drafts and not in cold areas.

Subcooling provoked moist environment in the cavity of the ear may lead to deterioration of health and increased pain. To absorb excess solution recommended shallow administering tow of absorbent cotton and a position lying on its side.

Side effects

There is evidence of isolated cases of acute liver dysfunction - hepatitis with fatal porphyria. It is also possible temporary increase in transaminases, which does not require specific treatment.

Abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, aversion to food and diarrhea occur in patients with chronic liver disease. To correct the condition and maintenance of organ functions is recommended simultaneous reception gepatoprotektorov.

Side effects mainly manifested dermatologically:

  • allergic reactions;
  • discomfort in the ear;
  • burning sensation;
    Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews
  • itching and redness.

Treatment is symptomatic. If severe side effects should consult with the attending physician or call the emergency help at home. Also, the solution can give the outer surfaces of the eardrum pink hue (observed at otoscopy). Avoid getting the solution on your clothes because of the possible formation of stubborn stains.

Ear drops Otofa combination with other agents

Otofa, instructions for use which does not contain data on clinically relevant interactions with chemicals drugs should not be used for simultaneous treatment with rifampicin-containing means.

This combination increases the risk of side effects. Between two different drugs must wait at least 30 minutes. drops are also allowed to combine with other methods of treatment of the home remedies.

Conditions and terms of ear drops Otofa

Keep locked up for young children and preventing from direct sunlight at ambient temperatures up to 25 ° C. To reduce the risk of premature spoilage should be placed in the whole set of the original carton to protect from the external environment and sunlight. Shelf life - 36 months from date of manufacture.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

Shelf life after opening - 6 months, during which the drug is recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of maintaining the functional activity of the active ingredients.

Conditional laid shelf life - 6 months after the end of the period indicated on the package. Then the drug must be disposed of, further use for therapeutic purposes is unacceptable. After the end of therapy and the full recovery of the patient not to be stored drug residues.

Conditions of supply of ear drops Otofa from pharmacies

Otofa (instructions for use refers to the list means B) is available without prescription specialist. However, the uncontrolled use is prohibited without the presence of strict indications.

Neglecting this condition can cause further growth of harmful microorganisms resistance to the effects of the components drug, resulting in increased risk of lack of the desired effect, in serious cases of internal diseases ear.

Analogs ear drops Otofa

If necessary or absence of drug in pharmacies it can be replaced by other equally effective antibacterials.


The preparation of a pharmacological group of fluoroquinolones. Used to treat the outer, middle and deeper otitis in acute or chronic forms. It is also used to prevent adherence of bacterial pathogens and after surgery or injury.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

The active substance - norfloxacin. It leads to the destabilization of the DNA chain of bacteria and their subsequent death. It has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity. The duration of therapeutic effect after application - about 12 hours.

Normaks presented in the form of droplets in vials with a convenient dosing means for the dosed application.

According to the instructions to use the drug 3-4 times a day, digging of 4-5 drops in each ear canal. The total duration of therapy - 7... 10 days. Storage conditions - at a temperature of 25 ° C in a dark place. Shelf life of the solution after the primary use - up to 30 days.

Of the adverse effects may cause allergic responses organism and intolerances. Do not use the tool in children, pregnant and nursing mothers because of the lack of reliable clinical data on the safety and possible adverse effects.


The preparation of a pharmacological fluoroquinolone having high efficacy in diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Active ingredient - ciprofloxacin, 3-8 times more active than norfloxacin. Produced in bottles of 10, and 5 ml of 0.3% solution.

It is used to suppress chronic inflammatory diseases: all forms of otitis, prevention of complications after surgery or injury.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

For adults - 5 drops 3 times a day for children - 2-3 drops three times a day. The solution recommended for another 2 days after disappearance of all symptoms. Do not use the tool during pregnancy and until the completion of breastfeeding. Storage conditions - at a temperature of 25 ° C.


Comprehensive drug from the group of aminoglycosides. Active substances - neomycin (10 mg), a polypeptide antibiotic Polymyxin B (10,000 IU) and dexamethasone. Inhibits gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The drug is not very effective against streptococci. No effect on viruses, fungi and anaerobic bacteria.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

Dosage form - plastic vial of 10 ml. For adults it is recommended to apply twice a day for 4-5 drops, children - 2 times 2 drops. Duration of therapy - 1 week on average. Among the contraindications: children up to 2.5 years, pregnancy and breast-feeding, individual sensitivity to the drug.


Combined tool for topical application. Made in dark glass bottles with a solution containing 5 ml. As the active component comprises a glucocorticosteroid beclomethasone - natural analogue of chloramphenicol chloramphenicol, clotrimazole antifungal and lidocaine for local analgesic effect.

Thanks to the complex composition solution has antibacterial, mikostatichesky and analgesic effects. Effectively reduces inflammation. However, weakly inhibits clostridia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and protozoa. instillation mode - 3 times a day 5 drops.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

Duration of treatment - up to 1 week. Banned children from birth to 6 years. Effects on the fetus during pregnancy has not been studied, so the use is not desirable.


Ear drops in darkened glass vials of 25 ml capacity fitted with a dropper to dispense.

The composition of the solution includes:

  • polymyxin B - 10000 IU;
  • neomycin sulfate based on neomycin - 3750000 IU (5 mg);
  • lidocaine - 40 mg.

Auxiliary ingredients:

  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • purified water.

Neomycin - aminoglycoside antibacterial agent against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Polymyxin B - a polypeptide antibiotic. Lidocaine quickly relieves pain and reduces the severity of itching. Systemic effects are unlikely. It is used exclusively for the treatment of ear diseases.

Otofa. Instructions for use. Price, analogues, reviews

Prolonged therapy can cause superinfection development - a sharp rise in other types of bacteria than previously.

Pharmacologically Kandibiotik not compatible with gentamicin, monomitsin, streptomycin, amikacin and netalmitsinom.

At the same time their use increases the risk of ototoxic action thereof.

Dosing - the drug is metered into the ear hole with using a special pipetting:

  • adults - 4-5 drops 2-4 times a day;
  • children - 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.

The dosage depends on the severity of the patient's condition. The course of treatment should not continue for more than 1 week.

Otofa thus quite effective means, if the treatment is started on time. Compliance with the instructions for use, you can quickly remove the acute otitis media and avoid the formation of chronic forms. A comprehensive therapy in combination with systemic medications to minimize the whole life to get rid of an unpleasant illness.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about the drug Otofa

Otofa, ear drops. Review of the preparation:

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