Dental Disease

Periodontal disease. Treatment at home: national agents, antibiotics, hydrogen peroxide, soda, lime

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Periodontal disease is a disease characterized by oral and periodontal tissue destruction. Treatment is carried out comprehensively, particularly in the advanced stages, otherwise there is a risk of losing a tooth. Experts recommend to be prevented in the home and adhere to oral hygiene, in order to eliminate the occurrence of disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is periodontal disease
  • 2 Stage of development of periodontal disease
  • 3 Causes of periodontal disease
  • 4 Effect of the disease on the body
  • 5 symptoms of periodontal disease
  • 6 diagnosis of periodontal disease
  • 7 Prevention of periodontal disease
  • 8 Oral care with periodontitis
  • 9 Methods of treating periodontal disease
    • 9.1 proper nutrition
    • 9.2 Beverages
    • 9.3 prohibited products
    • 9.4 rinse
  • 10 Medications
  • 11 Traditional methods
  • 12 Other methods
  • 13 complications
  • 14 Video of periodontitis

What is periodontal disease

Periodontal disease, pathological tissue disease characterized denudation neck and root of tooth. As a result, the teeth become sensitive, inflamed gums, bone tissue becomes unstable, and operation of the jaw is broken. Periodontal system includes several groups: gums, tooth cement, ligaments, partitions.

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The disease destroys the alveolar bone of teeth. As a result, suffers from the tissue surrounding the tooth, there is a violation of the update process, no power, and straying mineral metabolism.

Stage of development of periodontal disease

  1. Initial stage. In this case the bone is broken by not more than 25%. At this stage, the disease is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are very blurred. The first signs of a sick feeling, itching feeling in the gums and increased sensitivity. The initial stage does not deform the teeth and makes them Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, sodamobile. If the abnormality is diagnosed at this stage, the patient's teeth can save medical procedures and therapeutic drugs.
  2. The middle stage. Bone tissue is damaged by 50%. The teeth are in the normal position, but the gum gradually bares cervix. Most often the disease progresses due to late treatment. At this stage, often require surgery to restore the previous condition of the gums.
  3. Late stage. By this time, the mobility of the teeth acquire a often bleeding gums, are formed the exposed pockets, often with pus. Treatment is carried out in a complex, you first need to save the patient from bleeding and sensitivity. Neglected diseases can cause tooth loss, as a result need surgery for a number of replenishment.

Causes of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease, a disease that has no precise reasons for the emergence, development often begins due to other pathological processes in the human body.

Experts identify a number of possible precursors of the disease:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system, circulatory disorders can lead to a weakening of the gums and further tooth loss;
  • pathologies of the bone structure;
  • endocrine diseases, in particular, hormonal disorders, at risk include people with diabetes;
  • neurological disease;
  • lowered immunity;
  • heredity.

No small role is played by the image of a person's life. Adherence to oral hygiene habits and lack of harmful help to avoid malfunctions of the teeth and gums. Periodontal disease refers to diseases of the system and can occur at any age. As a result of complications of the disease can lead to serious consequences, loss of teeth.

Effect of the disease on the body

During the course of the disease is atrophy of dental processes. tissue destruction processes carried resorbable interdental partitions.Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda At the time of diagnosis of the disease is carried out X-ray examination to determine the extent of damage of the tooth.

symptoms of periodontal disease

Symptomatology periodontal disease varies depending on the stage of the disease.

The initial stage proceeds with the presence of minimal characteristics, including:

  • small tissue atrophy gums that gradually expands;
  • partial exposure of the cervix of the tooth;
  • pain in the first stage is not present, but patients reported tooth sensitivity;
  • on the X-ray visible damage bone.

The initial stage requires particular attention, since delayed treatment can lead to the progression of the disease.

The middle stage of periodontal disease is characterized by symptoms:

  • tooth root is laid bare by 2-4 mm;
  • tooth mobility;
  • Front segments fabrics diverge like a fan;
  • sensitivity to hot and cold;
  • on x-ray markedly significant loss of bone tissue.Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda

Severe symptomatology:

  • Tooth root system is affected by 5-6 mm;
  • between teeth visible significant gaps;
  • atrophy affects a large part of the root;
  • Teeth become loose;
  • deformed bite;
  • on x-ray bone destruction significantly more than half.

diagnosis of periodontal disease

To prescribe treatment the doctor needs to diagnose and gather information on the state of the dentition of the patient.

dental problems:

  • examine the symptoms complained of by the patient;
  • investigate the general condition of the patient and the presence of other chronic illnesses;
  • determine the stage of periodontal disease;
  • examine the degree of damage to the gums and tooth root.Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda

As auxiliary diagnostic methods applied:

  • reoparodontografiya. with its help, the disease is diagnosed in the first stage of development;
  • polarography calculates the amount of available oxygen in the gums;
  • the use of X-ray allows you to set the degree of damage the root canal and the root;
  • for the diagnosis of severe appointed by a blood test.

Periodontal disease (home treatment can begin after consultation and approval by the doctor) often disappears without therapeutic intervention dentist.

Prevention of periodontal disease

Prevention of any diseases of the oral cavity assumes a regular careful attention not only to the teeth, but also other organs of the human body.

  • every six months should visit the dentist;
  • in the presence of: discomfort, redness and bleeding gums is necessary to begin treatment and do not start these processes;
  • daily tooth brushing is performed 2 times a day suitable toothpaste and a brush;Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda
  • to strengthen the gums have a special massage;
  • plaque and tartar must be removed regularly;
  • healthy lifestyle, and smoking cessation and alcohol to minimize the risk of dental disease;
  • experts recommend eating foods high in calcium and protein.

Oral care with periodontitis

Periodontal disease (home treatment is permissible only in the early stages) requires daily and proper care with additional funds. First, we should choose a soft toothbrush and a suitable paste. Choosing toothpaste is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the product, it necessarily the presence of herbal ingredients.

The teeth are cleaned twice a day, the procedure should not take less than 4 minutes. For additional protection, use mouthwash, based on herbal teas. Secure teeth cleaning carried brush length of 2.5 cm and a width of 1 cm. The bristles should be placed in three rows and have a soft texture.

Before each use, the brush is treated in hot water and soap. This procedure allows you to kill the germs are on it.Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda

It is important to remember about proper tooth brushing, so as not to harm the inflammation of the gums. Do not push the food into the depth of the teeth should be cleaned top row from top to bottom, and the lower the contrary. Tongue and cheeks are also subjected to cleaning. These bodies collect on itself the bulk of the plaque.

Check out procedure should rinse the mouth with warm water. Proper hygiene prevents the accumulation of tartar that collects on the bacteria themselves.

For the treatment of periodontal disease are appointed special toothpaste. Experts do not recommend to buy the first available tool that manufacturers advertise. Buying agent need only in pharmacies, paying attention to the means with a herbal composition.

The treatment is not carried out only by means of pastes, as they are only an additional element of hygiene helps to remove unpleasant smell, to strengthen the gums and reduces bleeding.

In addition to herbs in toothpastes to treat periodontal disease should include:

  • potassium pyrophosphate. It helps remove tartar and plaque;
  • potassium nitrate, acts on the dentinal tubules and reduces sensitivity;
  • strontium chloride, strengthens gums, reduces bleeding and sensitivity.

Methods of treating periodontal disease

Treatment methods depend upon the severity of the disease, often conducted a complex therapy using medicines, diets and folk remedies.

proper nutrition

The primary prevention of periodontal disease is the presence of strong and healthy gums. It is necessary to adhere to proper diet and eat solid food. The concept of "solid food" does not mean that you should eat nuts and crack the shell, is powered only harm teeth.

Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda
Proper nutrition - the key to successful treatment and prevention of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease (treatment at home is possible as a result of changes in supply) allows the use of such products:

  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • other vegetables and fruits.

It is important to learn how to chew food, distributing the load evenly on all the teeth. Thus, the entire oral cavity is involved in the process that allows high-quality grind food, facilitating the work of the stomach.

The food-filled fiber, acts on the gingiva as "simulator", and also provides the body with the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Since periodontal disease often damages the teeth, it is important to include in the diet of foods with calcium. These include dairy products: cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt. For qualitative treatment is desirable to avoid the presence of sugar products.

No small role is played by the overall strengthening of the body. Therefore it is necessary to replenish the stock of vitamins, especially group C. We need to try every day to eat citrus fruits.

Experts recommend to pay attention to the food rich in vitamin A, E, beta-carotene and other minerals. It is necessary to adhere to proper diet, to paint a meal plan for a week with equal portions, in order to avoid overeating.


Proper nutrition is not only limited to food intake, since drinking regimen plays a lesser role. One of the healthy drinks is considered: natural juice and green tea. Using juice, one should remember that a small amount of dilute acceptable beverage, as the concentrated product can corrode the enamel.Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda

In order not to provoke the exacerbation of periodontal disease, it is desirable to give up coffee and black tea products. Are banned and carbonated drinks because of the high content of sugar and acids. Allowed to be added to the treatment decoctions and infusions based on herbs and medicinal plants.

prohibited products

The first eliminated from the diet sweet food: sweets, cakes, biscuits, chocolate and sugar. Particular attention should be paid to products that stick to the teeth, they linger in the mouth and provoke the formation of plaque. It should minimize the use of white bread and rolls. Suitable to replace bread from wheat flour.


Dentists secrete a number of popular mouthwashes:

  1. Miramistin 0.01%. The drug is available as a liquid and is sold freely available. Good fights inflammation, heals wounds, prevents bleeding gums and strengthens them. Rinse solution is held for 10 days to 2 times. Price from 200 rubles;
  2. Chlorhexidine 0.05%. This tool has an antiseptic effect and is used to treat many diseases. Rinse administered twice a day. The duration of treatment, no more than 10 days. Price from 25 rubles;Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda
  3. Rinse using boiled water and bergamot oil. This procedure relieves pain and inflammation. It is desirable to rinse 3-4 times a day until you see the effect;
  4. Stomatofit. The drug that is used to relieve inflammation and destruction of bacteria. Tincture is diluted in a ratio of 1: 5. Rinse your mouth should be twice a day for 11-15 days. Price from 380 rubles;
  5. Chlorophyllipt. The main component of the drug is eucalyptus, which treats oral cavity and throat. The infusion used in the first stage of periodontal disease. To rinse solution to 1% alcohol solution. It is necessary to stir for 3 hours. l. drug in water. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day for 14 days. Price from 109 rubles;
  6. Tantum Verde. Reduces inflammation and edema, is produced in the form of tablets and solution for rinsing. To rinse is necessary to stir the solution with water in the ratio 1: 1. Rinsing is carried out 3 times for 8-15 days. Price from 205 rubles;
  7. The solution is based on the salt. For drug taken 3 hours. l. salt and 2 tbsp. l. birch ash. The ingredients are mixed with water. Such a solution is carried brushing 1 time per day. The course of treatment is from 9 to 14 days. The solution strengthens gums and teeth, removes tartar and fights plaque;
  8. Toothpaste of lemon juice and baking soda. Ingredients: 3 hours. l. soda, lemon juice 12 drops, 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Soda should pay off with lemon juice. The remaining ingredients were mixed and the resulting paste to brush their teeth. It is desirable to leave the solution to the teeth for 10-15 min. After cleaning the teeth is not advisable to drink and eat food for half an hour. The course of treatment - 2 weeks.


The first specialist prescribes the use of antibiotics to kill bacteria and remove inflammation.Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda

The following table shows the most effective drugs:

Title Description A course of treatment
metronidazole It is used to treat and prevent many diseases. Price from 140 rubles. 1 tablet three times a day. The duration of treatment of 14 days.
doxycycline Antibiotic used for various infections, including the oral cavity. Price from 35 rubles. The first few days on 3 tablets 3 times a day. On the third day of 1 tablet twice a day.

Duration of 2 weeks.

Karotinoli M Saturates gums vitamin A, strengthens and opposes the inflammatory process. Available in capsules. Price from 550 rubles. 7 capsules every day for 1-2 months.
troksevazin It regulates blood circulation, strengthens the periodontium, removes inflammation. Price from 150 rubles. The gel is applied two times a day to the affected areas. The duration of treatment of 7 days.
heparin ointment A positive effect on blood circulation, strengthens the gums and periodontal tissue spaces. Price from 86 rubles. The ointment is applied to the gums 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the rate of healing of gums, typically no more than 10 days.

Traditional methods

Periodontal disease (home treatment folk remedies described hereinafter) involves the use of a medicinal product properties:

  1. With myrrh tincture. For the preparation you need to take 20 grams of dried plants, 70 grams of ethyl alcohol, 20 g lozhetsnitsy, 20 g of fresh leaves of raspberry, 10 g mint. All ingredients are mixed in a glass bottle and infused for 3 days. After straining infusion caress the mouth for 2-3 weeks.
  2. A solution of tea and garlic. It is necessary to 3 hours. l. tea and 4 hours. l. finely chopped garlic. Ingredients filled with boiling water and infused for one hour. Before use, the solution should be filtered. It is recommended to rinse your mouth twice a day for 5-7 minutes. Rinsing is carried out after brushing. Duration of treatment 2 weeks.Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda
  3. Salt and honey. It is necessary to take 25 g of honey and 15 g of salt. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed until dissolved. Of a mixture formed lumps that should rub the gums 3-4 times a day for a week. If necessary, a week later, repeat the treatment.
  4. Fir oil. For application to the affected gingiva applied cotton pad soaked for 15-20 minutes in the oil. Perform the procedure 3 times a day for a week. If necessary, repeat the treatment twice a year.
  5. Propolis tincture. 25 drops infused propolis should be diluted in a glass of warm water. You need to rinse your mouth twice a day to see the results.
  6. Rose petals. It is necessary to dissolve 30 drops of rose petals and infused in a glass of water. To rinse should be several times a day to improve the condition of the gums.
  7. Popular and effective means of rinsing is thought cortex. Tincture prepares as follows: 2 tbsp. l. shredded bark filled with water and sent to the fire. After boiling tincture keep on heat for 10 minutes, then allowed to cool and infuse for half an hour. Before rinsing broth filtered. The procedure was carried out 3 times a day for 3-5 minutes. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease, it is recommended to rinse your mouth until complete recovery.

Other methods

One of the popular methods of treatment and diagnosis of periodontal disease is the massage. It can be used to enhance blood flow and accelerate the movement of lymph.

Massage can be performed at home, you will not need aids. The direction is taken from the jaw to its edges. When used to treat ointments and gels can be combined with a massage by rubbing preparations. Regular execution procedure has a positive effect on the health of the gums, relieves itching and pain.Treatment of periodontal disease in the home. Folk remedies, antibiotics, soda

Keep in mind that massage the gums should be gently, without pressure.

The massage is performed in a circular motion, usually the second and third finger. Do not recommend to perform the procedure for people with advanced disease, as there is the risk of causing excessive bleeding.


Launched periodontal disease can lead to such consequences:

  • difficulty chewing food;
  • formed in the gaps between teeth get microbes have been contaminated portion continually food residues;
  • infection from the teeth passes throughout the body into the stomach, intestines, liver, bronchi and lungs, resulting in increased risk of inflammation;
  • disease-causing bacteria enter the bloodstream, causing a general intoxication of the organism;
  • the patient often suffers from headaches, fatigue, fever;
  • can cause heart and kidney disease;
  • a weakened immune system as a result of the disease can lead to inflammation of the jawbone, the development of pulpitis, abscess;
  • due to tissue damage aching tooth may fall off or by a decision of the doctor.

Treatment must begin with periodontal disease clinic visits, wherein determining the degree of damage of root canals and the cause of the disease. At home, the completely cure the disease is difficult, as to appoint a suitable drugs can only experienced specialist.

From the prescribed therapy depends on the preservation of the teeth and gums healthy. Periodontal disease is the rapid development, so at the first sign you need to see a specialist for diagnosis.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of periodontitis

How to treat periodontal disease:

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