Dental Disease

Inflammation of the gums. The shoot, how to treat the causes. Ointments, antibiotics, rinsing, medicines, tablets, gel, sage, calendula, herbs

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Gums - internal mucous membranes of the upper jaw, they include teeth roots. Skins inflamed in contact with infection in the oral cavity. If time does not cure gum disease, this condition can lead to serious consequences for the body and health.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is gingivitis
  • 2 The causes of gum disease
  • 3 symptomatology gingivitis
  • 4 Scheme treating inflammation
  • 5 drug therapy
  • 6 Ointments and gels for the treatment of gingivitis
  • 7 mouthwash
  • 8 Folk remedies for gingivitis
    • 8.1 sea ​​water solution
    • 8.2 Sage and oak bark
    • 8.3 Chamomile
    • 8.4 A decoction of calendula
    • 8.5 herbal pickings
    • 8.6 tutsan
    • 8.7 Garlic
    • 8.8 Honey
    • 8.9 mud wraps
    • 8.10 Soda
    • 8.11 pine kidneys
    • 8.12 Sea buckthorn oil
    • 8.13 Black radish
  • 9 How to quickly relieve the pain in inflammation of the gums
  • 10 consequences of gingivitis
  • 11 Video of the inflammation of the gums

What is gingivitis

Gingivitis is the initial form of inflammation of mucous membranes, which develops into a more serious form. The next stage is periodontitis or periodontitis, cure the inflammation is much more difficult. When gingivitis periodontal compounds integrity is not broken, so it is often possible to save the tooth and eliminate inflammation foci.

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The causes of gum disease

To lead the development of gingivitis different factors that can be divided into 2 types: internal and external.

The internal include:

  • superficial cleaning of the teeth, because of which occurs on the tooth enamel accumulation of plaque;
  • errors in treating neighboring teeth;
  • of infection by the use of poor-quality food.

The external include:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • nasal breathing disorders caused by specific diseases;
  • decrease in the body's defenses, decrease in local immunity.
Than to treat inflammation of the gums, cause. Ointments, antibiotics, rinse, tablet, gel, grass

Gingivitis caused by propagation of bacteria in the mouth, less distributors are fungi and viruses.

symptomatology gingivitis

Gingivitis is classified by main symptomatic characteristics. Acute gingivitis - the most common type of inflammatory process.


  • redness of the gums;
  • hardening of plaque;
  • bleeding gums during brushing.

The chronic form is characterized by sluggish prolonged course, the absence of pain.

The main symptoms are:

  • periodic inflammation of the gums;
  • Regular bleeding gums;
  • halitosis.

Hypertrophic type is associated with a change in the body's endocrine system.

Main features:

  • the gums become burgundy shade;
  • bleeding accompanied by the release of pus;
  • an increase in gingival tissue.
Than to treat inflammation of the gums, cause. Ointments, antibiotics, rinse, tablet, gel, grass

Acute ulcerative gingivitis occurs as a complication of serious diseases associated with immunodeficiency. Bleeding gums, in this case supplemented tissue necrosis between teeth.

Scheme treating inflammation

Inflamed gums, which must be treated may be caused by the poor condition of the oral cavity.

Therefore, the treatment mechanism comprises three main stages:

  1. Dental health.
  2. Removing inflammation depending on its causes.
  3. Preventive measures for the prevention of gingivitis return.

The first step includes cleansing professional enamel of tartar. This method involves the use of a special dental equipment, self properly clean the teeth of the stone is not possible. For complete readjustment is carried healing caries, filling, removing damaged teeth roots.

The second stage is customary to use anti-inflammatory therapy. The dental practice is common holding applications.

This preparation was applied to produce an antimicrobial effect. Use special gels, toothpastes are selected with the necessary action. In some cases, resort to the use of physical therapy procedures, the nature, use techniques whirlpool.

Apply rinse, sprays and tablets of a wide spectrum. Therapy with antibiotics perorally applicable in cases where the gels or ointments for topical use is not sufficient.

Than to treat inflammation of the gums, cause. Ointments, antibiotics, rinse, tablet, gel, grass
Than to treat inflammation of the gums? There are different ways that can help cope with the disease.

The third stage - a set of measures aimed at saving the results. The selection of special tools that strengthen the immune system and contain essential vitamins and minerals. Dentists help to choose the right toothpaste containing the necessary elements. Pick up a toothbrush, remind us that it should be changed every 3 months.

drug therapy

Gum disease, which is usually treated using a conservative method, amenable to medications local and general types. In complicated cases, when gingivitis is at the acute stage, prescribe injections into papilla for rapid action on the tissues and obstacles of developing an infection. Potassium Chloride Injection is used in gingival connections for withdrawal symptoms.

Potassium chloride is used instead of calcium gluconate. It strengthens the fabric, the direction of action. Calcium salt, both of which contain a solution is important for the regeneration of tissue between dental compounds, responsible for the transmission of pulses and the contraction of smooth muscles. Antibiotic treatment is an important component of therapy of gingivitis.

In some cases, prescribe antibiotics only local, but often there is a necessity of taking the pills:

  • Erythromycin. It acts on bacterial infections, active against stafilokkov, streptococci, pneumococci. No effect on E. coli, salmonella, shigiellu. Assign with any severity gingivitis to 3 times daily, the dosage is calculated based on the age of the patient. Is available in tablets, capsules, suspensions, for ease of use.
  • Amoxicillin. This drug release in tablets, capsules and suspensions for the preparation of solutions. It affects the majority of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The exceptions are the strains that produce penitsiplinazu. An antibiotic is a means of broad-spectrum. Reception is performed 3 times a day before meals or after it.
  • Lincomycin. This antibiotic acts on Gram-positive bacteria, and aerobic cells. Take 500 mg three times in one portion.
    Than to treat inflammation of the gums, cause. Ointments, antibiotics, rinse, tablet, gel, grass
  • Clindamycin. Often used as part of combination therapy. Receiving calculated from the age of the patient. The maximum dose - 300 mg per single dose.
  • Metronidazole. This drug is most often discharged with gingivitis, especially in such which are concomitant symptom of pyorrhea. He is on the list of essential medicines in Russia. Antibiotic actively absorbed and rapidly excreted from the body. Assign to 250 mg three times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Ointments and gels for the treatment of gingivitis

In the dental practice is widespread use of gels and ointments for antibacterial or antiinflammatory basis.

They are as follows:

  • Antibacterial ointment Romuzalan. At the core means is an extract of chamomile drug. It is widely known antimicrobial agent is used in the form of applications and application to inflamed gingiva. Apply at the point where the main treatment is over. Anti-inflammatory effect, promotes healing of damaged tissues. Is used as a simple application and the application of up to 4 times a day.
  • Holisal. The dental gel which contains choline salicylate, a basic substance produces anelgiziruschy effect. Applied as appliques when expressed gingival inflammation. Has the ability to cool the inflamed areas of tissue, healing, promotes regeneration. Apply a thin layer with a cotton swab to 3 times a day.
  • Metrogil - Dent. This gel topical antibiotic. Base Gel - substance metronidazole benzoate added thereto chlorhexidine. Means acts to suppress the propagation of aerobic microbes. It has an antiseptic effect, cools the inflamed areas. Indicated in difficult types of disease. Apply a thin layer on the gum, after the application is not recommended to drink or eat for 30 minutes. Apply 2 times a day.
  • Asepta. This tool has 3 variants, which differ in the main pharmacological action: antimicrobial gel. Underlying - natural components - propolis. Action gel aims to reduce inflammation, healing of microcracks and the fight against microbes. Adhesive balm. This tool is used for the allocation of pus and bleeding gums. After application, it forms a thin protective film which prevents the development of damage to neighboring tissue impressed portion. Protective gel. Assign with hypersensitivity of the gums, it helps to cope with the irritation, inflammation. It recommends the use of the solution after application of chlorhexidine rinse. Is applied to each dot plot painful to 3 times a day.
  • solkoseril. Means, which is made on the basis of the chemical - dialysate isolated from calf blood with the addition of preservatives and excipients. This drug has a strong regenerating action. It is prescribed in non-healing ulcers on the mucous membranes of the mouth. Apply gently 2-3 times a day.
  • Parodontotsit. It is produced in the form of gel and spray applied at inflammations and gingival bleeding. Sites are treated 2-3 times a day. The means based on a combination of oil of sage, peppermint, clove supplemented with thymol and allontaina. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
    Than to treat inflammation of the gums, cause. Ointments, antibiotics, rinse, tablet, gel, grass
  • President sensetiv. This drug manufacturers produce dentures. In the line there is a tool that has a positive effect on the sensory fibers of the gums, relieves pain and heals small cracks. Applied 2-3 times a day, are thin.


Dentists often prescribe special rinsing solutions:

  • chlorhexidine. It is an antiseptic that is actively destroying Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The peculiarity of the solution is that it operates effectively even with pyorrhea and gingival bleeding. Rinsing with chlorhexidine solution is prescribed for all types of gingivitis, use the application with a solution and irrigate the affected area. The choice of method depends on the severity of the disease.
  • Rotokan. Natural plant extract is used for dilution and rinsing. The basic materials are calendula flowers, chamomile extracts of milfoil leaves. Solution for mouthwashes prepared immediately before use, 5 ml of liquid taking 200 ml of warm water.
  • Stomatofit. Calamus rhizome extract, oak bark, peppermint and camomile drug. It is used for rinsing and baths. 7, 5 ml of the drug taken in 50 mL of water was used up to 3 times a day. This often means nazanchayut gingivitis, drug particularity in the aromatic effects on the nasal mucosa.
  • furatsilin. This antiseptic has a pronounced antimicrobial action. It is available in tablets or solutions. It is used for gingivitis any complexity. Rinse or bath do 2-3 times a day.
  • Miramistin. This new generation of antiseptic. It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodeliruschim actions. It showed the presence of wounds in the mouth, gingival bleeding. The drug is released in the form of a spray irrigation nozzle to change enough. The procedure is repeated up to 5 times per day. Tool helps fight the types of bacteria that are resistant to some antibiotics.
Than to treat inflammation of the gums, cause. Ointments, antibiotics, rinse, tablet, gel, grass

When tooth extraction or the presence of the open mouth wounds polaskay, and used for oral trays.

The mechanism of action is to set the liquid in the mouth, 5-10 seconds count and vyplevyvanie neat liquid into a suitable container. All these solutions are used and for mouth trays. The principle of operation is significantly different from the rinse, so you need to know whether it is possible to rinse the concrete form of gingivitis.

Folk remedies for gingivitis

Inflammation of the gums, which can be treated at home, is a complex symptom. Various means are used to alleviate symptoms of inflammation. Care should be exercised in case of doubt in the application, you should consult with a specialist.

sea ​​water solution

To treat inflammation of the gums helps solution of sea salt. He cures the complex rhinitis and sinusitis. Use of such a solution should take special care.

Mechanism saline decontamination activity is oral.

The solution helps to wash away food debris, inhibits the development of infections, disinfects the damaged tissue.

Solution for rinsing:

  • 2 hours. l sea salt;
  • 1 cup of warm water.
Than to treat inflammation of the gums, cause. Ointments, antibiotics, rinse, tablet, gel, grass

The ingredients are mixed to completely dissolve the salt grains, polaskay oral cavity as required. There are varieties of marine solution, they add extra parts.

Solution How to cook From what helps
Sea salt, soda Mix for 1 hour. l of soda, 1 teaspoon salt and 1 cup of warm water to completely dissolve When inflammation of the gums, in the presence of tartar, toothache
Sea salt, soda, iodine To 1 tsp salt added 1 h. l. soda, 2-3 drops of iodine, dissolved in a glass of warm water The composition has disinfectant properties, used in presence of infection in the oral cavity

Sage and oak bark

Sage - is a herbaceous plant of the family yasnotkovyh. It disinfects the oral cavity used in inflammatory processes. The solution was prepared by using the packet filter in the brewing cup of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the infusion is filtered, caress or make the mouth trays as needed.

Oak bark is used in dental practice, because the astringent action. Often used for inflammation of the gums, teeth after sealing, removal or prosthesis.


A well-known herbal antiseptic. Used for all kinds of oral diseases, make trays or oral rinses. Filter bag brewed with boiling water, insisting 30-40 minutes, the package is removed, the infusion is used for its intended purpose.

Dry raw materials are boiled in a water bath, insist, filtered, allowed to cool before use for more comfortable use. Camomile drug is prescribed even for small children, as the drug from getting into the broth will not harm.

A decoction of calendula

Calendula is often used for gingivitis, it is particularly useful with bleeding gums. Calendula - the plant, which has simplified the name "marigold". It has the property to influence the different types of bacteria, therefore used as an antimicrobial agent.

Than to treat inflammation of the gums, cause. Ointments, antibiotics, rinse, tablet, gel, grass

Solutions for preparing dental procedures using marigold flowers, they are rich in flavonoids, which lead to bactericidal effect.

herbal pickings

Charges are often used to prepare the solutions or rinses.

Medicinal charges for treatment and prevention of gingivitis have different basis:

Structure Preparation and Application
Forest mallow - flowers, medicinal sage, pine tree buds leaves, anise fruit, mullein flowers 1 tablespoon the mixture is poured 200 ml of boiling water, infused for 30 min. Caress your mouth after eating, during the course duration - 5-7 days.
Peppermint leaves and trifoliate watch, yarrow leaves ordinary 1 tbsp. L of a sealed 250 ml of boiling water. Rinsing is carried out in the morning and evening, and after every meal.

Herbal dental fees have astringent, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.


Herb that has soothing properties. Local effect relieves irritation and redness in the gums.


It is widely used in folk medicine due to its anti-fungal, anti-viral properties. Rich in substances which are capable of suppressing the spread of germs.

Several recipes of traditional medicine recommend applying to the gum clove of garlic, but the risk to the development of local reaction should not be.

Garlic is suitable for the preparation of solutions for rinsing, disinfect the mouth that will prevent infection and development. For this purpose, several garlic cloves rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with a third portion of the water filtered after several minutes of the infusion. Caress 2 times a day.


Natural honey helps with the inflammation of the gums, if you mix it with salt. The mixture was prepared at the rate of 1: 4. This composition rub the gums.

Than to treat inflammation of the gums, cause. Ointments, antibiotics, rinse, tablet, gel, grass

It does not recommend the use of a method for those who have increased sensitivity of the teeth or gums, and also have an allergic reaction to food.

mud wraps

Gum disease, cure that starts with the use of antiseptics, can be removed with the help of mud lotions. For this procedure, use only pure Dead Sea mud. The dirt rubbing of the gums 2 times a day, the solution with dirt and dead sea salt used for rinsing.


A solution is prepared from 1 teaspoon soda and a cup of warm boiled water. This solution caress the mouth every 2-3 hours.

pine kidneys

Broth is often used to stop bleeding gums. On 1 st. L Young pine buds take 500 ml, the mixture was refluxed 10 min., 20 min insist. Decoction for rinsing daily morning and evening.

Sea buckthorn oil

They are used in various fields of medicine, as a tool, which is good heals wounds. In dentistry used applications with sea buckthorn oil. A cotton swab soaked in oil, is applied to the gum for a while.

Black radish

If bleeding gums cuticles fresh juice of black radish. Radish - a natural antioxidant, so its effect on the gums has anti-inflammatory effect.

How to quickly relieve the pain in inflammation of the gums

There are cases when a toothache from gum disease caught by surprise and prevent normal to perform their daily duties. There are several techniques that help to quickly remove a toothache in inflammation of the gums.

But it must be properly assess their capabilities before undertaking such procedures:

  • from acute pain in the gums or tooth helps quick dip feet in cold water for a few minutes;
    Than to treat inflammation of the gums, cause. Ointments, antibiotics, rinse, tablet, gel, grass
  • Traditional recipes recommend applying to the patient the gum piece of salty bacon from the fridge;
  • are often applied to the gum wool soaked in valerian tincture;
  • to sore gums applied cut aloe leaves inside.

consequences of gingivitis

Gum disease must be treated promptly. Complications regular inflammation can lead to more serious consequences. The next stage - the development of periodontal disease, which often leads to tooth loss. oral diseases inflict damage general immunity. According to statistics, people who have unhealed teeth are more likely to suffer from colds.

Author of the article: Anastasia nettt (anastasia-sun)

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the inflammation of the gums

5 effective ways to reduce inflammation of the gums:

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