Antimicrobial Drugs For Systemic Use

Anauran. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

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Anauran is a drug belonging to the group of combined antibiotics. It is used strictly by prescription according to the instructions.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Shape and composition of the drug release
  • 2 pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can use the drug
  • 7 Instructions for use, the dosage of the drug
    • 7.1 with otitis
    • 7.2 When perforation of the eardrum
    • 7.3 when Eustace
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 drug interactions
  • 12 analogs
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 14 Price in drugstores of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions
  • 15 Videos about the drug Anauran

Shape and composition of the drug release

The drug is available in the form of ear drops - a colorless transparent liquid, packaged into vials of darkened glass 25 ml. The vials are equipped with a special cover and drip-packed in carton containers. Active components agent - a combination of polymyxin B sulfate, neomycin sulfate and lidocaine hydrochloride.

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Additional substances per 100 ml of the product:

  • 0.01 g of benzalkonium chloride;
  • 44 ml of propylene glycol;
  • 26, 5 g of glycerol;
  • purified water.

The medicament is made on the basis of an aminoglycoside, a local anesthetic agent and the appointment of the cyclic polypeptide.

pharmacological properties

Medication belongs to the pharmacological group of combined antibiotics that have local anesthetic and antibacterial action. Aminoglycoside (neomycin sulfate) possesses a broad spectrum of action.

Anauran. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

It is effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria:

  • aureus;
  • Shigella various forms;
  • Proteus.

Anauran, according to the instructions for use, shows little activity against Streptococcus app. Polypeptide moiety of polymyxin B used in pathologies associated with the effect of Gram-negative bacteria. It shows high activity against Escherichia coli, Shigella species and different forms, Salmonella typhi (paratyphi), Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

It has no effect on Mycobacterium, Proteus, Gram-positive cocci, species of fungi. It exhibits a weakly pronounced analgesic effect.

Lidocaine is used as an anesthetic and helps get rid of the itching and pain associated with reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the ear canal. Active components contribute rush of blood to damaged portions, thereby exerting regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect and eliminating all symptoms.

Properties means:

  • stops and prevents further propagation of pathogenic bacteria;
  • It eliminates an inflammatory response in the lesion;
  • It helps to remove secretions, including purulent;
  • It can be used as a preventive agent;
  • relieves swelling of allergic nature;
  • strengthens local immunity.

Appointed and used strictly according to the testimony of the attending otolaryngologist.

Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics

Clinical studies of the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the preparation were not carried out in view of the topical agent. Systemic effects are not manifested.


The medicament is intended to eliminate infectious and inflammatory processes in the ear cavity.


  • An external otitis chronic or acute forms;
    Anauran. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews
  • Otitis media in doperforativnoy step;
  • defeat exudative otitis media in the chronic form;
  • suppurative complications arising during surgery - fenestration, mastoidectomy, antrotomii.

The drug is used strictly for expert testimony and under the constant supervision to avoid complications. Before use to ensure the absence of allergic reactions at the expense of the components.


Anauran, instructions for use which permits the use of a means of virtually all cases affected ear infectious-inflammatory processes, has some limitations use.


  • Children under 1 year;
  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to one component of the drug;
  • presence of allergic reactions in the ear - itching, peeling, redness;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Anauran. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews
Anauran should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Do not use the tool when taking certain medications.

At what age can use the drug

The droplets are allowed to use children under 12 months. Neonatal medicine is strictly contraindicated.

Instructions for use, the dosage of the drug

The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient and forms the pathological process:

  • Adults illustrated 4-5 drops of 2 to 4 times a day. In children younger than 12 years, the recommended dose is 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.
  • The dosage for children from 1 year to 3 years is chosen individually by the attending specialist.

The duration of therapy is 3-7 days. In this course, must not be longer than 7 days because of the high risk of development of resistance to the pathogen agent components. The drug is administered locally. Burying is made using a special pipette or dispenser, which is equipped with most bottles.

The method of application, the instruction:

  • When unilateral inflammation instillation must be done in both ears.
  • Before applying the tools you need to tilt your head to one side for a better means of distribution.
    Anauran. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews
  • 3-5 minutes is recommended to remain with bowed head at the end of the procedure.

When concomitant administration of several drugs of various forms necessary to consult an expert about the use of drops.

with otitis

The medicament used in combination with antibiotics for oral administration due to destruction of the auditory passage and the body of the bacterial infection. In addition it can be assigned any suitable anesthetic.

The means shown with otitis various forms and degrees of severity of the disease. Effective in the treatment of otitis media with purulent discharge, acute and chronic form. The drug has anti-inflammatory action, combats viral infection provoked by the disease.

Was instilled into the auditory canal from 3 to 5 drops daily no more than 4 times per day. After instillation is recommended to remain lying down for a few minutes, better distribution and absorption of funds. Permission is granted to use with the cotton swab or turunda.

When perforation of the eardrum

Anauran, instructions for use which indicates the possibility of application in inflammatory reactions, also helps to relieve swelling and pain to stop. For providing a stronger therapeutic effect use must be combined with means of taking antibiotics for oral administration.

Anauran. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

Treatment scheme: 1-2 drops 2-3 times daily or as indications of the attending specialist.

During treatment it is necessary to protect the ears from water. He denied in childhood and during childbearing because of the high risk of toxic effects.

when Eustace

Because the droplets have a pronounced bactericidal action aimed at suppressing Most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, means often prescribed for Eustace.

The medicament effectively combats pathogenic microflora, exhibits a high activity against Haemophilus influenzae and pertussis coli. In this connection, often prescribed in the treatment of acute respiratory bacterial infections. The treatment regimen for adults: 4-5 drops of in each ear 2-4 times a day. Children show no more than 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.

After applying drops recommended spend a few minutes with a tilted head means to avoid leakage of the auditory meatus. Permission is granted to use gauze or turundy. Duration of therapy should not exceed 7 days. Do not use during pregnancy and childhood.

Side effects

Anauran, instruction on the application which alleges a minimum side effects, patients are usually well tolerated. Occasionally there may be side reactions. In most cases, local allergic reactions occur in the form of redness, itching and burning sensation in the mouth.

Anauran. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

These side effects disappear on their own within a few days or after discontinuation of the drug. Systemic reactions are completely absent from the use of low doses of agents.

With prolonged use, due to the high degree of absorbability can occur neomycin ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity - toxic damage to the kidneys. In such cases, you must immediately contact your healthcare professional to destination symptomatic therapy, and to identify further actions aimed at eliminating negative consequences.


medication overdose cases have been identified. When exceeding the specified dose of the treating specialist advised to consult a medical facility for examination.

special instructions

With the development of severe disrepair and recommended supplement therapy with other systemic administration of antibiotics. Prolonged drug treatment may provoke the development of sensitization or superinfection microorganisms to develop resistance to the antibiotic.

Anauranom abuse can lead to the development of neurosensory disorders and cause permanent hearing loss. Take medication during childbearing is only necessary as a last resort and under strict supervision of a specialist.

Data on the interaction of the drug and no ethanol. However, it is recommended to refrain from alcohol for the duration of the treatment. Medication does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or to conduct work related to the increased concentration.

Anauran. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

drug interactions

Drops may cause the development of resistance while taking drugs belonging to the aminoglycoside group.

The drug is completely incompatible with streptomycin, monomintsinom, gentamicin, amikacin.

When the combined application of drug and netilmicin can lead to ototoxic effect.


Anauran, instructions for use which indicates good tolerability of the drug, can be replaced by other similar means.

With increased sensitivity to the components of the medicament may be administered substitutes means on the basis of active ingredient and pharmacological properties.

name of product Features (manual) Comparison with Anauranom cost of
Otofa It refers to a group of antibiotics, active component of which is rifampin. It is used in ENT for at stable lesions with Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, provoking the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in the middle ear, including Pseudomonas and defeat stick. Not know effects of the drug in otitis externa. With high caution is used during pregnancy. Application: 5 drops 2-3 times a day, children - not more 2-3 times a day. Duration of therapy should not exceed 7 days. Unlike Anauran exhibits a higher activity towards microorganisms to develop resistance to penicillins and cephalosporins. Can be used if damaged tympanic unlike Anaurana. 360-480 rub.
otipaks Analgesic and antiinflammatory action. In the absence of antibacterial lesions can be used in the treatment of acute, medium and metagrippal otitis. Was instilled into the auditory canal is not more than 4 drops 2-3 times daily. Do not use in mechanical damage the eardrum. Maximum course of treatment - 10 days. Preparations among themselves differ both in composition and pharmacological properties. Remedy does not apply to a group of antibiotics. It is used for systemic treatment, eliminating pain and inflammatory processes taking. It has at least a significant therapeutic effect. 220-340 rub.
Tsipromed Means, used in ophthalmology and otolaryngology. It refers to the group of fluoroquinolones. The main active ingredient - ciprofloxacin. Available in the form of drops for instillation. It possesses antibacterial properties. It is effective against almost all known bacteria. However, it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Banned the use of children and during pregnancy. Buried means 5 drops into each ear 3 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the form and severity of the pathological process. The cost in pharmacies Pathogenic microorganisms to existing money substances develop resistance is extremely slow, unlike Anaurana. But it does not exhibit anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The drug is most cheap substitute for the asset. 150-170 rub.
Kandibiotik The drug, manufactured by the Indian company. It refers to a group of hormones in combination with antimicrobials. It is used in various forms of otitis, including unspecified origin. The medicament has a local anesthetic effect, eliminates the inflammation, relieves itching and other allergy symptoms. Exhibits pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect. regimen: 4-5 drops ear canal 3-4 times a day. Maximum chickens treatment - no more than 10 days. Do not use in children under 6 years old. More effective against fungal infections. In Anaurana this property is totally absent.

In the drug has many side effects and contraindications. The higher age limit to allow use of the means.

190-230 rub.
Normaks It refers to the group of antimicrobials. It is effective against most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. It is introduced in the form of ear and eye drops for local application. The drug is banned for use in pregnancy and in children under 15 years. Instill 5 drops in each ear 3 times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. In comparison with Anauranom medicament has a higher risk of side effects. Have the same age limit application. The smaller the nominal volume of the vial. However, it has a lower cost. 90-140 rubles.
Otirelaks The drug shows high analgesic and antiinflammatory properties. It helps to cope with the formation of edema. Used as part of a treatment for various forms of otitis media. The medicament occasionally exhibits side effects. Approved for use in children with high caution - during pregnancy.

treatment plan: 1-2 drops in each ear canal is not often 2-3 times per day. Duration of treatment - no more than 10 days.

Unlike Anaurana can be used in children, including the newborn. Minimal risk of side effects. It has a less pronounced bactericidal effect. 160-240 rub.
Polydex A combined anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent (antibiotic). It is used in the majority of cases of gram-positive bacteria and gram-negative outer and middle ear. It is not applicable for high sensitivity and the presence of viral infections affecting the external auditory meatus. With high caution can be used in pregnancy.

Adults appoint 1-2 drops of funds on a daily basis 2-3 times a day for 6-10 days. Babies illustrated 1-2 drops 2 times per day. therapy should not exceed 10 days.

At the higher cost of funds compared with Anauranom. The preparations are similar in composition and pharmacological properties. More pronounced side effects. The higher age limit. It can be used in the form barotravmaticheskoy otitis. 300-430 rub.

Do not attempt to replace the tool on a particular drug. The purpose of the analogue should be engaged in physician.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

Store must be in place inaccessible to children at temperature from +15 to +25 0C. Shelf life - 3 years from the date of manufacture. After opening the bottle means must be used for 3 consecutive months. Do not use the medication after the expiration date. Available on medical prescription.

Price in drugstores of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The cost of the drug may vary depending on the manufacturer and the trade network of pharmacies:

Anauran. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews
City, state The nominal amount of packaging cost of
Moscow vial, 25 ml 270-520 rub.
Moscow region vial, 25 ml 245-670 rub.
St. Petersburg vial, 25 ml 245-339 rub.
St. Petersburg (suburbs) vial, 25 ml 265-447 rub.
Leningrad region vial, 25 ml 269-402 rub.
Novgorod region vial, 25 ml 269-282 rub.

Before using Anaurana need to consult with your audiologist and carefully read the instructions for use.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about the drug Anauran

Anauran - indications for use of the drug:

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