Antimicrobial Drugs For Systemic Use

Ceftriaxone. Instructions for use, tablets, injections, how to breed Novocaine for intramuscular injection, from what helps. Price, analogues, reviews

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In severe infectious diseases often internist or pediatrician appointed antibiotics. One effective means is Ceftriaxone broad-spectrum, according to the instructions for use.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Structure
  • 2 production form
  • 3 pharmacological properties
  • 4 Pharmacokinetics
  • 5 testimony
  • 6 Contraindications
  • 7 Side effects
  • 8 Ceftriaxone: instructions for use
  • 9 As dilute solution for intramuscular injection novocaine: User
  • 10 Overdose
  • 11 Interaction
  • 12 Terms of sale
  • 13 Storage
  • 14 analogs
  • 15 Price in drugstores of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions
  • 16 Reviews of doctors
  • 17 Video of ceftriaxone


The drug in appearance is a white powder (sometimes tinged with yellow) in which the composition contains ceftriaxone sodium salt. It is used only for the injection. To prepare the solution using water, lidocaine, procaine, in rare cases.

production form

Ceftriaxone is produced in glass vials of 10 ml with a content of active substance: 0.5 g; 1 g; 2 Years in cartons. In one pack may contain 1 or 10 vials.

Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs

Available only in the form of powder for injection, is not produced in tablets or syrup.

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pharmacological properties

Ceftriaxone (instructions for use are strictly required for review, although the dosage and course of treatment prescribed by a doctor), new generation antibiotic effect on almost all known bacteria. Due to the fact that the drug is attached to them, thereby destroying their strength and also inhibits the growth and reproduction. Indestructible by bacteria.


After the introduction of ceftriaxone injection is completely absorbed into the blood in a short period of time. Next seamlessly into the organs, tissue and cerebrospinal fluid. Can fight even with such a disease, such as meningitis. Effect of the drug observed after 180 min.

It has the ability to accumulate in the body, so you need to strictly comply with the time interval between injections.

Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs
Ceftriaxone. What does help, instructions for use and dosage - all this later in the article.

The drug is excreted: kidney (70%), bile, faeces. When liver disease output time increases. The drug passes into breast milk. Therefore, in the treatment of breast-feeding is prohibited. And also it is able to penetrate the placenta to the fetus. Before applying it weighed the possible risk to the child.


Ceftriaxone (instruction manual contains information, in which cases the recommended antibiotic) to be administered into a muscle or vein.

Injections are assigned in the following diseases:

  • any inflammation caused by infection;
  • inflammation of the brain and spinal cord (meningitis). Effectively combats pathogens, the disease can be cured completely;
  • infectious diseases of the digestive tract. Kills salmonella, and other infections. Accelerates recovery after peritonitis;
  • Infection of bone tissues and joints;
  • infectious diseases of the skin (and, if infection has occurred as a result of injury) and muscle tissue:
  • for the prevention of infection, people with weak immune systems;
  • infection in the lungs and upper respiratory tract. In inflammatory processes in the ears, nose, pneumonia, and so on;
  • infectious diseases of the reproductive organs and urinary system;
  • in the postoperative period does not develop infections that can penetrate the weakened body;
  • Lyme disease at any stage of the disease. This is very important, because the disease is not always possible to identify at an early stage.
Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs

In appointing the drug, an internist / pediatrician must assign precise dosage based on weight, especially for children, as well as the course of treatment. Deviate from the assigned dosing is not recommended, even if it differs from the one specified in the instructions.


Specific contraindications drug is not released. It can not be used if there is intolerance to the active substance.

Also, there are recommendations on the use with caution in the following cases:

  • weak and premature babies;
  • kidney and liver;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • If the chance is great allergy;
  • not combined with other drugs of the same actions;
  • diseases of the digestive tract.

If the reception is limited to conventional contraindications, it does not mean the rejection of the antibiotic. Just the doctor will have to monitor the reaction of the organism. Perhaps, at the rate of treatment with this drug, it is necessary to spend time in the hospital.

Side effects

Ceftriaxone, according to the instructions for use, can cause the side effects if the drug dosage was exceeded.

Possible reactions to the drug:

  • the deterioration of the nervous system: apathy, weakness, dizziness. Sometimes it is possible manifestation of seizures;
    Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs
  • work disorder of the intestine: nausea, lack of appetite, diarrhea / constipation;
  • itching and rashes on the skin as a result of allergic reactions. Perhaps up to anaphylactic shock;
  • reduction of blood clotting, and hemoglobin amount;
  • deterioration of the urinary system;
  • in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases can manifest itching and genital secretions;
  • It noted the appearance of dryness in the mouth and nose. Possible bleeding from the nose and the appearance of dry cough;
  • heart palpitations;
  • not recommended to mix with alcohol, can be severe intoxication, even fatal.

On the site of the injection is painful, often bruising and redness. Pain is possible across the vein, if antibiotics were administered intravenously. Yes, and an injection is very painful, so it is mixed with painkillers.

Some side effects may occur in the time of injection or drip (asterisk before my eyes, feeling close to unconsciousness). In this case, the medicine continue to be administered can not be.

Ceftriaxone: instructions for use

The drug can be used only by the injection (intramuscularly or intravenously). Single dose and course of treatment depends on the age and disease. If the treatment was not strictly specified therapist / pediatrician, the preparation, the age categories, to be used in doses indicated in the table. Taking into account that it can only be used once every 24 hours.

Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs
Age of the patient Single dose (mg) notes
Newborns (first 2 weeks) 20-50 per 1 kg of body weight of the child For premature infants the dosage is reduced pediatrician
Children from 15 days after birth to 12 years 20-80 per 1 kg body weight
Larger children weighing more than 50 kg Dosage is equal to an adult If the dose exceeds 50 mg per kg of the body, the drug is administered via IV, time of administration of the drug for at least half an hour.
Children after 12 years and adults 1-2 If the disease is severe and does not have the means necessary result, then allowed to increase to 4 mg
Elderly age The dosage for an adult There are no limitations in dosing, even if the patient is over 90

antibiotic treatment is stopped after 2-3 days after the temperature drops, and the analysis confirmed the absence of the pathogen. This is done to secure the effect, to completely destroy the infection. The maximum single dose: for children, 2 g; adult 4 g

In some diseases certain dosing regimens are recommended:

  1. Bacterial meningitis. For children in early disease, administered by injection, 100 mg per kg of body weight, the daily dose should not exceed 2 g Once the source of infection to be determined, the dosage is reduced (depending on the type of agent). The course of treatment can take up to 7 days.
  2. When Lyme disease for any age assigned dosage of 50 mg per kg body weight, but not more than 2 years The course is 2 weeks.
  3. When venereal disease (gonorrhea) must deliver a single injection into the muscle, the dose is 250 mg.
  4. For prophylactic purposes, to avoid complications after the operation, an antibiotic administered one-time, in a dose of 1-2 g per 1 hour before surgery.
    Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs
  5. If there are problems with the kidneys, but the liver is working normally, the dosage of the drug is taken as an adult, but can not exceed 2 g The same dosage, if on the contrary (the kidneys in a normal state, and the liver is susceptible to illness). If the two bodies are sick, the treatment drug is in the hospital, under the strict supervision of a physician.

In diseases (discussed below) recommended treatment under strict medical supervision.

In some cases, be used with caution:

  • if the patient produces blood cleaning, the use of an antibiotic is required to trace the concentration of drug in the blood;
  • in advanced diseases can be assigned to long treatment, however it also checked the composition of blood and as a drug effect on the liver and kidneys;
  • the treatment may experience pain in his right side, the cause is a side effect of ceftriaxone, it is not life-threatening. Therefore, treatment is not terminated, but introduced additional products to eliminate pain;
  • the treatment may be a false positive reaction to the pregnancy and anemia. In the treatment of this should be considered;
  • with poor blood clotting and the possible risk of bleeding prescribed medicines for the increase in blood vitamin K (which is responsible for clotting);
  • application of pregnant and lactating women is not particularly contraindicated because experiments (although animal) showed that only a small portion of the drug permeates through the placenta and milk. If necessary, antibiotic treatment decision takes the doctor;
  • since ceftriaxone may cause dizziness and cramps, the driving, the period of treatment, should be avoided.
Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs

For successful treatment without complications it is important to know not only the dosing regimen, but also how to prepare a solution for injection. Most often recommended lidocaine (for pain relief) for solution. Water for Injection is shown in the case lidocaine is contraindicated for any reason.

How to prepare a solution (used for the preparation of special water for injection or lidocaine):

  • for introducing into the muscle. Method: 1 g of antibiotic need and 3.6 ml of water. In the final embodiment, in 1 ml will contain 250 mg of the drug. If the concentration is less necessary, the solution may be diluted, proportioning. To the injection less painful ceftriaxone may be diluted in lidocaine (1% solution). For preparation of 1 g of antibiotic taken same proportions lidocaine. If the treatment requires a one-time fee to introduce solution into 1 g of muscle. That one buttock can be administered not more than 1 g of the drug. In one place to put repeated injections can not. The solution was injected deeply into the muscle of the buttocks;
  • for insertion into a vein. In this case, only water is permitted to dilute lidocaine not be used for solution preparation. For preparation of 1 g of antibiotic taken and 9.6 ml of water. In the final embodiment, in 1 ml will contain 100 mg of the drug. Administered should be with caution and very slowly, up to 4 minutes.
  • for medicine droppers. 2 grams of antibiotic used, and 40 ml of water (without calcium). Prokapat for 40 min.
Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs

Ceftriaxone is rarely used to treat children. Since a high risk of anaphylactic shock. A pain reliever can cause seizures and cardiac arrhythmias. If a child only this drug is suitable, it is diluted with water. Administered should be with caution and slower.

Plot for injection can anesthetize advance by means of special ointments.

The solutions should be prepared immediately before use. Finished suitable injection for 6 hours. Further, it loses its strength. If a patient can not tolerate a full dose of the drug administration, it can be divided into two parts and administered once every 12 hours.

As dilute solution for intramuscular injection novocaine: User

Use Novocain for the preparation of the solution is not quite welcome, because it reduces the effectiveness of the antibiotic and increases the risk of anaphylactic shock. But if recommended procaine (prescription), you need to follow a strict dosage.

The amount of the antibiotic and Novocain installed therapist. 0.25: The following dosage for administration to the gluteal muscle usually assigned 0,5; 1 g of ready solution. For 1 g of the drug required for injection 1 g of antibiotic and 5 ml (5%) of novocaine. Reduce the amount of anesthetic can not. Since ceftriaxone is dissolved completely and clog the needle.

Ready to store the solution, it will lose its effectiveness after 6 hours. Novocaine is not so much relieves pain as lidocaine. So it is used very rarely.


If an overdose of the drug or its use was made longer than indicated in the treatment, the more likely just note the following symptoms: convulsions, liver and kidney, general poisoning body.

Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs

Washing the blood using ceftriaxone ineffective. Assigned to the use of drugs for improving (whichever is manifested the symptom). Antibiotic itself is canceled.


Ceftriaxone, instructions for use of the drug in conjunction with other drugs, is considered the next most important point, after reading the application and dosage. Antibiotic together combined not with all medicines.

Therefore, the appointment of a physician of the antibiotic should be warned about the reception of the following drugs:

  • antibiotics and antimicrobial agents;
  • agents that reduce blood clotting (risk of bleeding);
  • diuretics;
  • is not compatible with alcohol or medicines containing alcohol;
  • not combined with hormonal konratseptivami (reduces their effectiveness).

For solution preparation water can not be used with calcium. And also to use calcined products. Danger form insoluble compounds.

Terms of sale

Sold with a prescription from a doctor, which is written in Latin. And it states, with which the solution is recommended to dissolve the antibiotic.


Antibiotic stored in a cool place (25 ° C) and protected from sunlight. There should be no access for children. Subject to all the shelf life conditions, unopened vials, up to 2 years. At the end of the shelf life of recycle. It is not necessary to use the term and near-end.


Ceftriaxone instructions for use contained in each package (before the purchase and use of antibiotics required to become familiar with it).

Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs

If it is found that the medication is not suitable, you can select one of the analogues of the drug:

drug Name What form is produced How to use The course (days) notes
cefazolin Powder for injection Babies 20-40 mg per kg; adults: 1 g From 2 to 4 times a day appointed therapist With care in diseases of the liver and kidneys
cefotaxime Powder for injection Single dose weighs 50 kg is 50-180 mg per kg body weight; adults 1-2 g Up to 6 times a day prescribed by a doctor
Supraks Tablet / capsule 400 mg per day in one portion 7-10 In some diseases, only a single dose of
cephalexin Tablet / capsule 0.25-0.5 g to 4 times a day (but not more than 4 g) 7-10 Precautions for kidney disease
amoxiclav Tablets / suspension Dosed by weight of the child and the disease, the dosage is different for tablets and suspensions appointed doctor Conveniently for use

Supraks and cephalexin is also available in the form of a suspension, the dosage depends on the age and weight. Select analogue alone is not recommended. All the drugs are sold by prescription. He also appointed a course of treatment.

Price in drugstores of Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The price for one vial ceftriaxone in different regions varies.

Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs

The following table shows the average value for different cities:

names of cities The average cost for 1-in vial (rubles), with the content of 1 g of antibiotic
Moscow 16-23
St. Petersburg 18-30
Yekaterinburg 18-30
Omsk 15-23
Permian 18-31
Samara 19-28
Sochi 15-23
Vladivostok 17-29
Khabarovsk 18-27
Ufa 19-30

If you compare the price, the average price varies between 23 rubles. But keep in mind that this is only for 1 vial of 1 g of ceftriaxone. If you need a pack of 10 pcs., Or vial with more / less active ingredient content, the price will change.

Reviews of doctors

According to the doctors, the drug is popular. Like its low price. But this is not a strong argument. The main plus of the drug is that it is really effective for these diseases, it is easy to fight venereal diseases. Injections should be put only 1 time per day.

Has virtually no complications, contraindications list is relatively small.

Completely leaves the body, it does not settle in it (with proper dosing). Allowed to be used for treatment since birth. It is most common side effect of an allergic reaction. It is not prohibited for use for people with kidney disease and liver (but there is a limit).

Ceftriaxone. What does help, instruction manual. How to breed pills, injections of novocaine. analogs

Of the minuses drugs, not easy to use. Not available in tablets. Injections are too sick, and even with the use of lidocaine pain is felt. At the injection site is inflamed and painful areas. The medicine you need to take care with some kinds of medicines. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor in the appointment, which has treatment currently carried out.

Injections with antibiotics only trust a professional, especially if you need to raise a child.

It is important to make the solution and does not use the old, if a shot has been divided into 2 times. For breeding select only lidocaine (preferably 1%) or water for injection. Before buying the antibiotic ceftriaxone, be sure to read the instructions for use, on the subject of intolerance or contraindications.

Author of the article: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of ceftriaxone

Indications Ceftriaxone and application features:

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