Respiratory System

Dolphin for nasal lavage. Instructions for use of bags, how many times per day, the price, the use of feedback

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The drug "Dolphin" of Russian production, it is recommended by physicians to wash the nose at home. If accurately follow instructions on the use of funds, it manages to avoid the negative effects of the symptoms of SARS disease in the nasopharynx and symptoms.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The composition and the form of packaging
  • 2 Indications and pharmacological properties
  • 3 How to wash your nose correctly
  • 4 Can I use during pregnancy
  • 5 Features of the application for children:
  • 6 Pocket inhaler
  • 7 Interaction with other drugs
  • 8 Application of adenoids
  • 9 when sinusitis
  • 10 at a cold
  • 11 What if laid his ear after washing
  • 12 How often can I wash out a nose
  • 13 Side effects and overdose
  • 14 drug analogues
  • 15 Conditions and terms
  • 16 The cost of the drug and where you can buy
  • 17 Videos on the use Dolphin for children and adults

The composition and the form of packaging

Composition tools - a cocktail of herbal tinctures and minerals that are part of the salty sea water.

units of the drug formulation (bags) the following:

insta story viewer
  • soda solution - 0.2 g;
  • solution of sea salt - 1.6 g;
  • hood hips - 0.1 g;
  • extract of licorice root - 0.1 t.

Dosage formulations for 2-groups of consumers: children and adults.

Adult content sets:

  • plastic container for medical solution of 240 ml .;
  • nozzle - Dispenser 1 pc .;
  • the particulate mixture "Dolphin" at 2 g packets. in the amount of 30 pieces.
Nasal lavage Dolphin for children and adults. Instructions for use, frequency of procedures, price, reviews

The contents of baby kit:

  • plastic container for medical solution of 120 ml .;
  • nozzle - Dispenser 1 pc .;
  • the particulate mixture "Dolphin" in the packages 1 c. in the amount of 30 pieces.

Indications and pharmacological properties

Natural ingredients to form slurry, which is similar in composition to the body fluid.

Components drugs provide antiseptic preparation:

  • iodo, in the composition of the solution disinfects;
  • sodium chloride - antiseptic for the mucous membrane;
  • selenium and zinc raise the overall resistance of microbes;
  • extract of rosehip contains a set of B vitamins and vitamin C stimulate local immunity;
  • hood licorice helps in controlling allergic component, regulates the production of mucus.

The drug destroys pathogenic flora, reduces edema, promotes rejection of pus in the sinus, stimulates local immunity.

According to the instructions, the means shown for use as a composition for washing the nose in the following cases:

  • for flushing of the nose against the background of current SARS and influenza;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • hormonal or seasonal rhinitis;
  • inflammation and pus in the maxillary sinus;
  • diseases of the tonsils, tonsillitis, even in the chronic form;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis, an acute form and sluggish;
  • treatment of rhinitis and chronic sinusitis in pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions otolaryngology.

How to wash your nose correctly

The procedure is aimed at extracting from the cavity the nasal viruses, allergens, bacteria and excess mucus. It creates a free access of air and cleans nasal mucosa. Houses can be washed with the nasal cavity and only an insignificant part of the ethmoid bone.

Nasal lavage Dolphin for children and adults. Instructions for use, frequency of procedures, price, reviews

In order to achieve positive results and avoid complications, the washing procedure should be carried out properly:

  • Prepare a working solution. Boil water and cool to 35 degrees.
  • Pour the liquid into the bottle from the set to the same pour 1 powder sachet. Wait for dissolving the dry mixture.
  • Tightly close the lid.
  • Tilt your head forward: the angle of inclination is determined by the position in which the nasal openings are parallel to the floor.
  • Do not change the position of the head during washing. The change in slope can lead to penetration of solution with bacteria in the auditory canals. There otitis.
  • The procedure was carried out over the sink or any deep capacity.
  • Prepare the nose to the procedure previously used vasoconstrictive drops or nose blowing it clean.
  • Stop breathing for a few seconds by gentle compression of the medicine bottle to inject it into the nostril.
  • Through the back of the nasal passage of the drug peretechot second nostril. After that, gently blow your nose.
  • Use the medication 2-3 times a day.

Can I use during pregnancy

Over the first 9 months of a woman's body repeatedly goes hormonal changes. One such process is the swelling cartilage in the first trimester. The increase in the nasal cartilage leads to respiratory complications. In this case, there is no separation, but the nasal mucosa swells slightly.

Doctors call this problem - "rhinitis pregnant." It passes itself in subsequent periods of gestation. However breathe freely - a biological necessity for the mother and fetus.

The medical community recommends "Dolphin" to wash the nose while carrying the baby when the first symptoms of rhinitis or sinusitis. Instructions for use permits to use the drug mixture in all trimesters of pregnancy, as opposed to the usual drops of cold.

Features of the application for children:

Therapists recommend the use of medicines in children under 4 years are not. Bottle with dispenser to avoid surge and injury.

The drug helps in the following cases:

  • painlessly removes the dry crusts in the nasal cavity;
  • It dissolves thick snot and outputs them to the outside;
  • rehydrate parched mucous;
  • raises immunity within the nasal passages and sinuses.
Nasal lavage Dolphin for children and adults. Instructions for use, frequency of procedures, price, reviews
Dolphin for nasal lavage. Instructions for use for children

Features of the procedure:

  • Rinsing takes place for the kids in the sitting position, older children can wash nose standing.
  • Manipulation is carried out over a container for fluid flow: a bowl or a washbasin.
  • If a child is naughty, you can not use violence, the liquid gets in the ear canal and injure them. Persuade your baby or spend a session in the form of a game.
  • Blowing the nose alternately conduct fluid from each nostril. In this second nostril is tightly clamped. Incorrect blowing your nose will lead to painful ear congestion.
  • Pediatricians are prohibited from conducting this procedure in children more than 8 times a day.
  • In acute sinusitis is best done manipulation in the clinic under supervision of a physician.

Pocket inhaler

Dolphin effective means not only for washing nasal, but also for inhalation of. Instructions for use allows the use of various essential oils. Practiced for adults and children over 7 years. The inhaler is compact, so it can be in any convenient location. The technology was developed nozzle design that allows you to irrigate just two nostrils.

Nasal lavage Dolphin for children and adults. Instructions for use, frequency of procedures, price, reviews

Conducting cold inhalation replaces the use of vasoconstrictive drops. It helps bring to normal edematous nasal mucosa. Stops excessive production of mucosal secretions.

The methodology of the inhalation with essential oils:

  • open the cover of the inhaler immediately before the procedure;
  • eyes closed, in order to avoid irritation of eyes ether vapors;
  • slowly inhale medicated oil vapors, hold their breath for two seconds, exhale;
  • nasal breathing is restored after 2 - 3 inhalation, may reach the number of repetitions is 20 times.
  • after the manipulation, close the inhaler.

Physicians consider efficient use of Dolphin in the season of colds and epidemics, as preventive measures before the onset of symptoms. When the treatment is carried out to 5 inhalations per day. Term use of 1 - 2 weeks.

Interaction with other drugs

Set of chemical components for nasal lavage Dolphin relates to neutral solutions. According to the instructions for use, it does not react with other medications.

This drug is approved for use during physical therapy procedures for clearing the nasal passages during electrophoresis and ultrasound. Recommended before Kvartsevanie nasal passages and throat.

Application of adenoids

On adenoids drug does not directly act. Therapy occurs due to a decrease of mucus with bacteria from the rear of the larynx. Adenoids is accompanied by a bad cold. Fighting with co-infection - a task Dolphin.

Nasal lavage Dolphin for children and adults. Instructions for use, frequency of procedures, price, reviews

Before manipulation using vasoconstrictor drops. Rinsing held three times during the day. It is recommended to combine with herbs rinse the throat, then the effect on the nasal mucosa tissue is complex.

when sinusitis

A complex inflammatory process in the maxillary sinus occurs by itself or as a complication of the common cold, which is incorrectly treated. The reason for sinusitis may be microbes or fungi. Dolphin is working to destroy dangerous microorganisms.

The main task of the drug in the treatment of sinusitis - cleansing excretory ducts sinuses. They accumulate pus flow freely extracting ensure rapid recovery. "Dolphin" cleans purulent deposits in the sinuses and stops the development of infection.

Washing administered three times daily. Duration of treatment 1-2 weeks.

at a cold

Nasal lavage "Dolphin" fast relieves rhinitis symptoms. Its mission, according to the instructions for use - to clear the nasal passages of mucus, which serves as a microbial growth medium to facilitate breathing, to relieve a headache.

Regardless of the number and structure of the liquid secretion, the drug has a bactericidal effect. Under the action of liquid pressure washes and dries mucus mucous tissue their chemical composition.

Comprehensive treatment Kvartsevanie, UHF or sonicated together with Dolphin causes the nasal mucosa to the procedure for 5 days.

Nasal lavage Dolphin for children and adults. Instructions for use, frequency of procedures, price, reviews
Enhance the action of the drug will help the complex treatment Kvartsevanie

When the manifestation of the first symptoms of the common cold, use washing twice a day: early in the morning, before washing and in the evening, before bedtime. Use until symptoms disappear.

What if laid his ear after washing

During the injection head at the wrong position or its involuntary movement, possibly liquid from entering the inside of the Eustachian tubes of the ear. This causes it to obstruction. If there is inflammation in the ear canal, it will be enough to go to one side, in the ear, which is mortgaged. Lie dormant takes about 10 minutes.

If congestion is accompanied by pain, lumbago, you must visit the ENT doctor to rule out otitis media (especially in children). The first measures taken at home - drip ear drops with ledokain. Warming pledged ear is strictly prohibited! In a warm environment accelerates the development of in-ear inflammation.

How often can I wash out a nose

Pharmacists recommend the use of "Dolphin" twice a day for 2 weeks. Even with the disappearance of pronounced symptoms of the disease, the procedure continues as a prophylactic.

The day allowed to spend no more than 8 washes. However, the result sets and 3 -5 procedures per day.

Side effects and overdose

The components of the preparation are as close to natural physiological solutions and can not cause an allergic reaction or an overdose. Pain may be the result of improper conduct of the procedure. There is a risk of provoking evstaheit or nosebleeds.

Nasal lavage Dolphin for children and adults. Instructions for use, frequency of procedures, price, reviews


  • kids up to 4 years;
  • Tumor drug in the target area;
  • occurrence of allergic reactions to components of the solution;
  • with frequent cases of nasal bleeding in everyday life.

drug analogues

Pharmacists consider similar characteristics of pharmaceutical dosage forms with sea water and various additives which enhance the antiseptic properties.

List of analog:

  • "Aqua Maris" - production of Croatia, sea water in the form of drops or spray, a variant preparation with deksopantenolom.
  • "Akvalor" - France production, isotonic sea salt with vegetable antiseptics: camomile and aloe.
  • "Physiomer" - made in France, composed of sea water after electrodialysis.

Conditions and terms

The drug is stored in a cool place at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees, with low humidity, it should be available for children. Do not store in the refrigerator ready solution. The sealed packages are able to lie down in a cool place until the expiration date printed on the package.

The cost of the drug and where you can buy

The price range for the drug in Russia:

  • Dolphin Standard (30 bags + a vessel for medicines): up to 418 rubles.
  • Dolphin means (30 pak. 2 gr): up to 379 rubles.
  • Children (30 pak. + Capacity): up to 340 rubles.
  • Child means: (30 pak. 1 g): up to 280 rubles.

The price range for the drug in Ukraine:

  • Dolphin Standard (30 bags + capacity): up to 377 UAH.
  • Means (30 pak. 2 gr): up to 302 UAH.
  • Children (30 pak. + Container for medicine): up to 337 UAH.
  • Children means: (30 pak. 1 c): 255 UAH.

Application for nasal lavage Dolphin practiced both in traditional and in folk medicine. Guide means for the application, allows its use with other dosage forms (tablets antivirals, antibiotics).

Nasal lavage Dolphin for children and adults. Instructions for use, frequency of procedures, price, reviews

The drug has certain therapeutic effect, facilitates the course of the disease and reduce its timing. It is recommended for treatment of children and women throughout pregnancy. In rare cases, there is a manifestation of allergic reactions.

Videos on the use Dolphin for children and adults

Instructions for use for adults:

nasal lavage for children:

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