Antimicrobial Drugs For Systemic Use

Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Better, stronger medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description

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Bronchitis occurs inflammation of the bronchi, which can be viral, bacterial, and allergenic nature. Of pathogen occurrence and form, the therapist assigned therapy. Antibiotics are suitable for the treatment of adults, if the disease is caused by bacteria, as well as a viral infection, but if a high risk of additional bacterial microflora.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The danger of bronchitis, why it is necessary to treat the disease
  • 2 When need antibiotics for bronchitis?
  • 3 Types of antibiotics prescribed for bronchitis
    • 3.1 aminopenicillin
    • 3.2 macrolides
    • 3.3 fluoroquinolones
    • 3.4 tetracyclines
    • 3.5 cephalosporins
  • 4 Which is better for bronchitis: tablets or injections
  • 5 The treatment regimen of acute bronchitis
    • 5.1 Review of effective antibiotics
    • 5.2 length of treatment
  • 6 Therapy for chronic bronchitis
    • 6.1 Review of effective antibiotics
    • 6.2 length of treatment
  • 7 Treatment of obstructive bronchitis
    • 7.1 Review of effective antibiotics
    • 7.2 length of treatment
  • 8 Inexpensive but effective antibiotics for bronchitis
    • 8.1 Biseptol
    • 8.2 ofloxacin
    • 8.3 augmentin
    • 8.4 azithromycin
    • 8.5 cefazolin
    • 8.6 ceftazidime
  • insta story viewer
  • 9 Best antibiotics for bronchitis injections
  • 10 Complications of untreated bronchitis
  • 11 Video on how to treat bronchitis

The danger of bronchitis, why it is necessary to treat the disease

Bronchitis is dangerous in any form of leakage. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process occurring in the bronchi.

As a result, there are changes in the body:

  • lung tissue loses its elasticity, Resulting in the bronchi can not be completely filled with air, to replenish the oxygen reserves. And there is no full impact of carbon dioxide. This causes oxygen deprivation of the whole organism and the tissue supersaturation with carbon dioxide;
  • bronchus tissue swellingTherefore decreases their "working" volume, which also leads to disruption of the saturation of oxygen.Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description

These changes can also cause suffocation of asthma, and disorders of the heart. When the flow of high temperature pathology occurs intoxication, which further reduces the immune system and affect the functioning of organs. In the advanced form of bronchitis can be fatal.

When need antibiotics for bronchitis?

Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults are not always assigned to the treatment. On a course of therapy affects the patient's condition and the type of pathogen. When the disease is caused by viruses, antibiotics in most cases is contraindicated. He did not destroy the pathogen, but reduces the resistance of the body that will only worsen the condition of the patient.

In some cases, required antibiotics:

  1. Bronchitis viral nature, when it is likely additional bacterial infection. That is, the disease occurs with a high temperature over 4 days.
  2. When the disease is very severe, with frequent attacks of breathlessness and suffocation, as the temperature rises above 39.9 degrees.
  3. In the presence of pus in cough up mucus.
  4. Bronchitis in the chronic form with frequent exacerbations and lowered immunity.
  5. When the agents of disease are bacteria.
  6. With the development of bronchitis, lung due to chemical burns.
  7. When severe intoxication caused by the disease. It expressed an increased rate ESR and white blood cells.
  8. People in old age, because they have worn the immune system and the development of bronchitis quickly joined by a bacterial infection.
  9. Patients who have asthma or additionally they are abusing nicotine.

Antibiotics, bronchitis, assigns therapist after determining to which drug pathogen has greater sensitivity. Without a diagnosis of infection, assign the correct treatment is not possible.

Types of antibiotics prescribed for bronchitis

Antibiotics for bronchitis, only appointed in the presence of a bacterial infection or a threat of penetration. Formulations are selected after determining the sensitivity to a pathogen preparations (for this is done seeding tank mucus).

The main group of antibiotics is divided into 5 five major types:

  • aminopenicillin;
  • macrolides;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • tetracyclines;
  • cephalosporins.
    Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description
    As the effect of antibiotics for bronchitis and other diseases in adults and children

The main difference between the groups is the difference in exposure to the pathogen spectrum of kill bacteria and efficiency. Depending on which element is active in antibiotic, it is determined to which group belongs.


Aminopenicillins kill bacteria by disrupting their cell structure. Refer to the penicillin series, but have a broadened spectrum of action. Do not cause severe harm to the body. Common side effect of the drug is an allergic reaction. Data tools include: amoksiklav, ekoklav, flemoksin soljutab.


Macrolides penetrate bacteria and disrupt protein synthesis. The causative agent can not continue to multiply and grow. Gradually, this leads to the death of the bacteria. Drugs from the macrolides, often prescribed for advanced forms of bronchitis.

Funds for the most part are located in the bronchi and long removed from the body. Whereby the length of treatment is short, and high efficiency. Macrolides practically does not cause allergic reactions. Common drugs in this group: azithromycin sumamed, eritrometsin.


Fluoroquinolones are considered antibiotics with extended action. They may appoint up to identify the type of pathogen. The main disadvantage is the development of dysbiosis and allergy, long-term therapy. Therefore, the administration of drugs to be combined with the use of means of reducing flora.Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description

Fluoroquinolones kill bacteria by disrupting their DNA. This stops their development and reproduction. Medicines of this group: levofloxacin, tsifran ofloxacin.


Tetracyclines operate on the cellular level of bacteria. Violate the assimilation of substances that inhibit the growth and reproduction block. Antibiotics based on tetracycline, can destroy a wide range of pathogens, but drugs quickly develops immunity.

a large number of side effects (malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, changes in the nervous system, impaired heart function) is also observed. Means tetracycline group: tetracycline, doxycycline, tigatsil.


Cephalosporins affect the membrane of bacteria, have a paralyzing effect. As a result, pathogens lose their ability to reproduce and grow.Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description

Their use often causes an allergy and dysbiosis, so their intake should be combined with rehabilitation therapy. Antibiotics can destroy an extended range of pathogens. Data tools include: ceftriaxone, supraks, cefazolin.

Which is better for bronchitis: tablets or injections

Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults can be used for the treatment of oral and intramuscular / intravenous. Type of medication is determined by a physician on the patient's general condition, previous therapy and contraindications to the use of available tablets / injections.

injections Pills
Benefits disadvantages Benefits disadvantages
The drug takes effect after 10-15 min after administration If there is an allergy, after the injection may develop a severe allergic reaction and shock. It can be treated at home. Destroy the microflora of the intestinal tract.
It is convenient to dispense a single serving. The need for hospital treatment. If there are elements of intolerance to the drug, the effect will develop gradually and it can be removed by washing the stomach. Tablets can not be accurately divided into the desired dose.
Formulation of injections is independent of food intake. May remain bruises and bumps after injections. Impossible of infection with drug use. The use of tablets is often associated with food intake.
It achieved a greater effect of treatment in a shorter time. The procedure is painful. Tablets start to operate after 30-90 min after administration.
It can be used in the presence of vomitus or liquid stool. The risk of getting an infection, when referring to non-qualified personnel. When retching drug may exit back through the mouth.

Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and descriptionInjections prescribed to patients with severe bronchitis flow when tablet formulations did not give the desired result, in the presence of abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract.

When the disease is in the mild to moderate form of tablets recommended therapy. In any form of antibiotics is important to strictly observe the time interval between uses to maintain the desired concentration of drug in the body.

The treatment regimen of acute bronchitis

Cause of bronchitis in an acute form often are viruses, only 10% of the bacteria. So antibiotics in the treatment of rare appointed.

Their use does not destroy the viral infection, but will weaken the immune system and lead to the development of dysbiosis. If the duration of the disease more than 10 days of high temperature or the presence of pus in the mucus physician may prescribe antibiotics without identifying the pathogen.

The standard treatment regimen of acute bronchitis in adults include:

  1. Admission antiviral medicines (anaferon, Arbidol, amizon). The means chosen by the type of virus.
  2. Solutions to improve the discharge of mucus (ACC, mukaltin, mukolvan).
  3. Bronchodilators (teopek, aminophylline).
  4. in joints to reduce fever and aches appointed (paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin). They are recommended to take the temperature rise above 38.6 degrees.
  5. When used in the treatment of antibiotics (drugs will be discussed below) need to take: Linex, Hilak fort laktobakterin.

It must also be drinking plenty of fluids and eating a light meal. They can also be assigned physiotherapy and inhalation.

Review of effective antibiotics

Upon detection of a bacterial infection or a severe illness following antibiotics are appointed by the therapist:

1. amoxicillin. It refers to the group of penicillins. When treatment is necessary to take the first tablet every 8 hours (full course is assigned a therapist).Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description

The tool is not recommended to be used for treatment in the presence of:

  • asthma and intolerance to the elements of the formulation;
  • Disorders of the digestive tract, especially in the pathology of the liver and the intestine;
  • women during childbearing and when breastfeeding.

Failure conditions dosing may develop conjunctivitis, headaches, and seizures.

2. Eritrometsin. Agent refers to the macrolide group. For therapy utilizes consumption of 2 tablets (250 mg) every 6 hours Th (the duration of reception specified by a specialist).

Contraindications to receive are:

  • arrhythmia, renal and hepatic disease;
  • presence of intolerance and allergic reaction to the constituent elements;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

funds are often side effects: the failure of the heart, malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

3. Vilprafen Soljutab. It is also a macrolide. The course of treatment is assigned a physician, a daily dose of about 500 mg three times a day. If abnormal liver operation means it receives a dosage change. The use of drugs is accompanied by: hearing impairment, itchy rash, nausea.

4. Spirimitsin. It is a macrolide. The duration of therapy and the single dose set a therapist. It banned antibiotics in the presence of allergic reactions, abnormal liver function and gallbladder. In the treatment have side effects (nausea, impaired kidney function and hematopoiesis).

5. Moxifloxacin. It refers to fluoroquinolones. The daily dose to 400 mg per day, no more than 5 days. Admission may be accompanied by failure of the liver and cardiovascular system.Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description

6. Cefuroxime. It is a cephalosporin. In the treatment of bronchitis is received 1-2 tablets 2 times a day up to 10 days. Treatment may involve a breach of the digestive tract and urinary tract.

In acute bronchitis often are assigned macrolide drugs, because of the duration of antibiotics excretion and main places of their localization (most is in the lungs).

length of treatment

If acute bronchitis antibiotics are written, they should be taken strictly at regular intervals. Do not stop the course during the occurrence of visible improvements. Because the pathogen can resume their activities and will no longer be sensitive to this agent.

If after 48 hours the changes from the reception of medicament does not occur, then the therapist to replace drug. The course of treatment with antibiotics does not exceed 10 days. The full course of treatment lasts for up to 14 days (the recovery period is required). If there is no improvement, the disease may progress to a chronic stage that is treated by other medications.

Therapy for chronic bronchitis

Antibiotics in chronic bronchitis are the mainstay of therapy.

Additionally, for the treatment of adults, requires acceptance of the following medications:

  1. In the period of acute illness can join a viral infection, when identifying needs reception: Aflubin, amizone, Arbidol.Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description
  2. Inhalation with medicines (dioxidine, Rotokan salbutamol). Also oral means for expectoration (Atrovent, Berodual, Mucosolvan).
  3. Additional procedures are appointed massages and breathing exercises.
  4. To maintain immunity required reception immunostimulating agents (timalin, vitamins A, C). A medication as needed to recover the microflora of the intestine (lineks, Atsipol, Normase).
  5. Long-term treatment is required administration of drugs supporting the work of the liver and heart. In this case, the medication may appoint the attending specialist, depending on the extent of the disease and authorities have suffered.

Upon completion of the treatment is necessary to visit the resort, to restore functioning of all organs.

Review of effective antibiotics

In the chronic form of bronchitis is used for the treatment of all groups of antibiotics. Formulations are assigned after determination of the sensitivity of bacteria to them.

Appointed agents:

1. Macrolide. These drugs are due to the spread spectrum can be assigned to the study cough up mucus:

  • macrofoams. Assigned 400 mg three times per 24 hours. Received from 7 to 14 days. Admission may be accompanied by rash and decreased appetite;
  • sumamed. Assigned by the first tablet / capsule of the 1st once a day. Duration of therapy from 3 to 5 days. Admission may be accompanied by impaired hematopoiesis, allergic edema, as well as failure in the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description
  • eritrometsin. Taking antibiotics is considered the treatment of acute bronchitis.

2. Penicillin group. In the chronic form, these drugs are rarely appointed. Only in the case of contraindications for other groups or for side effects.

By the appointed agents include:

  • panklav. Assigned to 750 mg per day (divided into 3 doses). Duration of therapy is from 5 to 14 days. The treatment may be accompanied by itching, vomiting, and vertigo;
  • amoxicillin. The dosage and treatment coincides with acute bronchitis;
  • flemoksin soljutab. The course of treatment and dosage job defined on the severity of disease and the general state of the patient. The drug can cause itching, nausea and disorders of the nervous system.

3. cephalosporin group. Antibiotics can destroy an extended range of bacteria, but have a large number of side reactions. Are appointed mainly by intramuscular injection.

List of drugs:

  • cefuroxime. Treatment with the same therapy in acute bronchitis;
  • ceftriaxone. Is introduced in the form of injection, a single dose and the rate appointed by the attending physician. Injections / dropper may be accompanied by allergic pruritus, nausea and impaired blood.

4. Group of fluoroquinolones. Assigned after detection sensitivity. They have the most effective treatment.

Data are means of:

  • moxifloxacin. The dosage and duration of therapy are appointed therapist. The treatment may be accompanied by tremor, headaches and disruption of the heart;
  • levofloxacin. Duration of antibiotic is between 10 to 14 days. It suffices to use of 1 or 2 tablets per day. Therapy may be accompanied by diarrhea, dizziness and pressure reduction;Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description
  • ciprofloxacin. Depending on severity of the disease shall be from 1st to 3 tablets 2 times a day for 7-28 days. You may cause a malfunction of the heart of the urinary system and hematopoiesis.

drug therapy and the duration of the course are assigned therapist. If there are side effects or ineffectiveness of the drug, a specialist are replaced.

length of treatment

Treatment of bronchitis in chronic phase is considered effective in exacerbation. The course of antibiotic treatment may be from 5 to 14 days. Together with the recovery period duration up to 30 days.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Antibiotics bronchitis in adults obstructive form may only be assigned after determination of bacterial sensitivity to the drug. The disease is accompanied by coughs during the nighttime and difficulty breath.

Therefore, the therapy takes place with simultaneous use of the following means:

  1. Means for removing the bronchi spasm (Teofedrin, aminophylline).Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description
  2. Formulations for expanding the lumen in the lungs, to improve breaths (salbutomol, terbutaline).
  3. To liquefy the mucus and its discharge of (bromhexine, Lasolvan, mukaltin).
  4. For removal of bronchial edema (bekotid, ingakort).

In addition, we are supportive and restorative therapy as chronic bronchitis.

Review of effective antibiotics

When obstructive bronchitis antibiotics are used to treat all the groups to which the bacterium has shown sensitivity. Commonly prescribed agents:

1. penicillin series. Basically ampicillin klavuonovoy acid. preparations:

  • panklav. The course is determined by the physician. At day received by the first through the tablet 12 for five hours. Side effects: dizziness, diarrhea, impaired hematopoiesis;
  • amoxiclav. The course and the dosage on the day appointed by the attending specialist. Therapy may be accompanied by: a rash, diarrhea and headaches;
  • liklav. The appointed day, 1000 mg (divided into 2-3 doses). Duration of application assigned therapist. Admission may be accompanied by diarrhea, headaches and impaired hematopoiesis.

2. Group cephalosporins. Appointed by the ineffectiveness of penicillin. preparations:

  • supraks. Accepted 400 mg per day, once or can be divided into 2 doses. Duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. It may be accompanied by a violation of the digestive tract, dizziness and anemia;Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description
  • medakson. Accepted one-time fee per day for 1-2 g The duration of treatment depends on the type of agent. It may be up to 14 days. The course may be accompanied by allergic itching, failure in the digestive tract and impaired hematopoiesis;
  • kefzol. The duration of the injection and dosage are chosen therapist individually. Therapy gives the liver and kidneys can be accompanied by itching;
  • maxicef. Droppers are assigned to 10 days, single dose depend on the type of agent. The treatment may be accompanied by an allergic reaction, dizziness, and painful procedures.

3. Macrolide. Convenient short course of therapy. preparations:

  • klatsid. Received from 0.5 g to 2 g per day (2 doses). Duration appointed therapist. The treatment may be accompanied by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and allergic reactions;
  • eritrometsin. Is assigned to 4 g per day for 5-14 days. Perhaps the presence of allergy and disruption of the digestive tract;
  • Rovamycinum. Appoint 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day. Course up to 5 days. Therapy may be accompanied by diarrhea, violation of the liver and nervous system.

4. Group of fluoroquinolones. Assigned by the ineffectiveness of the aforementioned. List of antibiotic data:

  • tavanik. Assigned to 250-500 g 1-2 reception. Rate is determined from the type of bacteria. It may involve a breach of the heart, liver and nervous system;
  • tsiprinol. Assigned by the 1st to 3 tablets 2 times per day. Treatment depends on the pathology severity. Side effects include diarrhea, dizziness, disruption of the urinary system;
  • aveloks. Appointed on the first tablet a day for 7-10 days. In the treatment may be in breach of the heart, stomach and headaches.Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description

If there are side effects of the drug therapist replaces analogue and assigns an appropriate course of therapy, taking into account the contraindications and the patient's condition. Self replacement is not permissible.

length of treatment

Because of the need for proper selection of antibiotic treatment can last between 14 and 20 days. The course of the preparation is from 5 to 10 days. You also need a recovery period.

Inexpensive but effective antibiotics for bronchitis

Effective and inexpensive drugs recognized domestic medicines. The following are the drugs recommended by therapists.


Tablets are assigned in treatment after the detection sensitivity of the bacteria to the antibiotic. Means high performance, but causes side effects (dyspnoea, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and hemopoiesis) and has contraindications (infringement of the liver and kidneys and blood disease). The dosage is 2 tablets 2 times a day for 14 days.


It refers to fluoroquinol group. It is administered as an injection. After determining the type of bacteria is assigned therapy. The daily dose of from 200 mg to 800 mg.Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description The dosage can be divided into 2 doses. It may be accompanied by disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, as well as allergic reactions.


It refers to aminopetsillinovoy group. Administered as injections and tablets. The course of therapy may be up to 14 days. The daily dosage and job determined physician, depending on the severity of the disease. It has side effects (hemodyscrasia, nervous system and digestive tract).


It refers to the macrolide group. When treatment is given single dose of the drug for 3-5 days. Treatment may be followed by decreased appetite, disturbance of the nervous system and the allergic reaction.


It refers to the cephalosporin group. A solution preparation containing 1 g of the medicament is administered for 2-4 times per day. Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and descriptionDuration procedures from 7 to 10 days. The main side effect is an allergic reaction and disruption of the blood.


Also refers to the cephalosporin group. Duration setting of injections and the dosage depends on the type of bacteria that is assigned therapist. Therapy may be accompanied by abdominal pain and allergic reaction. Not recommended for use in treatment in the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies.

Best antibiotics for bronchitis injections

Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults occurring in severe form, can be administered by injection. Specialist selects the drug on the patient's condition and contraindications.

List of frequently used tools for the / m injection:

  • ceftriaxone;
  • cefazolin;
  • emsef;
  • amoxicillin;
  • medakson.Antibiotics for bronchitis in adults. Medicines in tablets, injections. Name and description

The list of drugs to be administered intravenously:

  • tsiprinol;
  • Rovamycinum;
  • levomak;
  • levofloks.

These drugs can be use and droppers. When administering small doses of the drug shown (liver disease, kidney). The procedures performed in a hospital.

Complications of untreated bronchitis

Failure in treating physician appointments, independent selection of drugs or absence of therapy may have the following consequences:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • malfunction of the lungs, accompanied by a constant dry cough and dyspnea;
  • transition bronchitis pneumonia;
  • acute form of the disease becomes chronic or obstructive form, which is extremely difficult to cure;
  • violation of the functioning of the heart.

Bronchitis accompanied by respiratory failure, which leads to a partial oxygen starvation all tissues and organ malfunction.

Antibiotics, bronchitis, appointed by the presence of bacterial infection and chronic form of the disease. For the treatment of adult drugs can be used orally or by injection. Type of medication and the duration of therapy is appointed therapist. When you neglect pathology treatment takes pulmonologist.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video on how to treat bronchitis

Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics and other means:

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