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Proteins, as an emergency help for obese people

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  • Principle of protein nutrition
  • To whom protein nutrition is suitable
  • Pros and cons of protein products
  • Foods rich in protein
  • Example of one day of protein nutrition

A protein diet for men is an effective method for reducing body weight. People suffering from obesity are forced to choose food that will allow fatty deposits to quickly leave. The most common diet is "protein".Adherent of protein nutrition was the famous nutritionist Dyukan. He developed a complex diet containing only proteins. Thanks to this diet, men quickly lose excess weight, and bring their body back to normal.

Meat is good for men

Principle of protein nutrition

Protein diet is built on the properties of protein. Getting into the body, the proteins are split into separate substances - amino acids.

Amino acids are the main source of the energy reserve of the muscle framework.

The patient's muscles become elastic and elastic. The protein allows the body to consume the maximum amount of energy without the cost of carbohydrates and fats. If you exclude from the diet table foods containing fats and carbohydrates, the process of losing weight will accelerate. The male organism, consuming exclusively protein, will process the adipose tissue accumulated earlier. For the most rapid reduction in body weight, only those foods that contain pure protein should be consumed.

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Who is suitable for protein nutrition

Protein diet is not suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight. Older patients can not eat exclusively protein foods. People over the age of 50 are more likely to have blood clots, as the coagulation of blood cells increases. Protein nutrition adversely affects the process of coagulation. For this reason, older people are prohibited from eating only protein foods.

People, whose profession is associated with increased physical exertion, can adhere to the protein diet. This nutrition will strengthen the muscles and speed up the metabolism. The protein diet will help a man quickly form a beautiful body relief.

Most men love meat dishes Well tolerated protein food for men, the main menu of which consists of meat dishes. Meat is the main ingredient of the protein diet.
Fans of sweets to comply with the protein diet is difficult, because the diet does not include sugar-containing foods.

Pregnant and lactating women are encouraged to adhere to a protein diet, if there is a significant increase in weight. This group of patients should consult a dietitian.

Pros and Cons of Protein Products

A protein diet has advantages over other weight loss methods:

  • Men who maintain a strict protein diet get a quick visible effect. The fatty layer begins to decrease in the first week of protein nutrition. A noticeable loss of body weight on the scales;
  • Protein nutrition leads to a long and persistent effect. To restore the vitamin-mineral balance, the body for a long time splits the products into the necessary microelements;
  • A varied diet menu is the main plus of the protein diet. Meat dishes and snacks, consisting entirely of protein, saturate the body for a long time. A person has a desire to eat something between meals.

Despite all the positive properties of protein nutrition, there are disadvantages:

  • Food products that enter the body carry only protein. Carbohydrates and fats are not included in the diet. The patient's body begins to use the vitamin and mineral reserves accumulated earlier. Prolonged compliance with protein nutrition leads to the complete elimination of vitamins and trace elements from the body. In order to avoid beriberi it is necessary to take additional complexes containing vitamins and minerals;
  • Consultation with a doctor is mandatory Men with a history of kidney and liver disease can sit on a protein diet only under the supervision of a specialist. When pure protein enters the body, the metabolism increases. The kidneys begin to actively remove water. The load on the liver increases. If chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys are not taken into account, complications that are dangerous for the patient's life may occur.

Foods rich in protein

The products required for protein nutrition should contain at least 20 g of protein per 100 g of semi-finished product. The diet of the protein diet is diverse and consists of many components:

  1. Bean products contain the most useful protein in their composition. Cooked on a pair of porridge from beans or lentils contains 50 g of protein per 100 g of finished product. The bean porridge is digested for a long time. The use of bean porridge for breakfast eliminates snacks. The feeling of hunger arises four hours after the last meal;
  2. Egg white contains 6 g of protein per 100 g of product. Chicken eggs are necessary for compliance with the protein diet. This product is the record for digestibility among protein foods. The male organism absorbs a chicken egg by 95%;
  3. Red meat of beef and veal is beneficial for the body and is widely used in the diet for Dyukan. Dishes containing beef or veal help reduce the symptoms of anemia, due to the high iron content. This diet is suitable for people who prefer meat;
  4. Meat of turkey and chicken. According to the protein content, the products from poultry meat exceed the bean porridge. The turkey fillet contains 25 g of protein per 100 g of the finished product. The protein contained in the chicken breast is absorbed by the patient's body by 90%;
  5. Solid cheeses contain enough protein to completely quench hunger. Cheese strain Tofu contains 37 g of protein per 100 g of product. The protein contained in the cheese is digested five times faster than the protein from meat products;
  6. Fish, like meat, are quarter of a protein. Cooked on a pair of fish replenishes the body of a man with a daily rate of phosphorus. Fans of fish semi-finished products are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. The magnesium contained in the fish strengthens the walls of the vessels, making them elastic. Patients who consume fish products have good memory and do not suffer from headaches;
  7. Shrimp in boiled form can be used for cooking main dishes and salads. The greatest amount of protein contained can boast royal prawns. The meat of shrimps has excellent taste, long digested in the body. Men who consume 100 g of boiled shrimp meat per day receive 27 g of protein with each meal;
  8. For a long feeling of satiety, nutritionists recommend eating 50 g of walnuts before each meal. Nuts of different varieties are rich in protein, but the greatest number contains walnuts.

Protein-rich foods

How to eat properly during the day

It should be noted that protein nutrition should be diverse and fractional. Meals should be frequent, have an interval of not more than three hours. The portion should contain the minimum number of calories and be voluminous. When observing a protein diet, you should often drink pure boiled water. Because of the rapid removal of water from the body by the kidneys, there is a possibility of dehydration. Any meal should be accompanied by the use of 300 ml of liquid. In order not to miss another meal, a man should set an alarm.

If a man observes the appearance of severe fatigue, drowsiness, a constant thirst, he needs to consult a dietician.

Protein diet should not be observed for a long period, as the loss of vitamins and minerals occurs quickly. Nutritionists are advised to eat protein foods for no more than two weeks. For further weight loss, foods containing complex carbohydrates should be added to the diet. You can use the alternation of breakfast from protein foods with a lunch containing complex carbohydrates.

Example of one day of protein nutrition

To understand how to make a protein menu correctly, you can use an example:

  • For breakfast, you can cook two boiled egg whites or bake eggs with spinach. On the first we prepare 200g of lentil gruel on water and 150g of chicken boiled breast. As a drink, you can prepare an extract of dog rose;
  • The first snack can be done 3 hours after breakfast. As a meal, take 150 grams of salad from steamed fish or shrimp, lettuce leaves and Tofu cheese;
  • Lunch should include the basic amount of calories a man needs per day. The first is prepared 200g boiled beef and 150g macaroni of solid varieties( you can use horns from buckwheat or vegetable flour), the second is live yogurt that does not contain various flavors. As a drink, you need to use 200 ml of tea from chamomile;
  • The second snack should be lightweight, do not contain food.causing gravity. For a snack a 100 g fat-free cottage cheese is good. As a dressing, you can use yogurt or low-fat kefir;
  • Dinner should be held three or four hours before bedtime. The main course can consist of three tablespoons boiled red beans and 150 grams of fish fillet cooked on a steamed. As a drink fennel tea is suitable. It will help to eliminate swelling and bubbling in the intestines, calm the nervous system of the man and prepare him for sleep.

A man who is obese and who wants to quickly lose weight on a protein diet should consult a dietician. Proper treatment is prescribed to the patient only after careful examination of the patient's history and complete delivery of the tests. The protein diet for men is a reliable way to form a beautiful body and adjust the weight.

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