Mental Disorders

Memory losses. Reasons in young women, men, distraction after childbirth, after alcohol. That is, to what doctor

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Memory loss - a serious symptom that indicates the development of abnormalities in the human body. Young people often causes memory lapses associated with injuries, chronic diseases and mental disorders. Timely access to a doctor will allow to quickly diagnose the disease and to choose effective treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of
  • 2 possible diseases
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 When to see a doctor
  • 5 prevention
  • 6 therapies
    • 6.1 Medications
    • 6.2 Traditional methods
    • 6.3 Other methods
  • 7 possible complications
  • 8 Video of the causes of memory loss

Causes of

Memory lapses, causes the young which are associated with impaired functioning of the body, can be an important symptom of the physiological and psychological abnormalities.

Failures in the memory of the young. The causes of distraction after childbirth, alcohol. That is, to what doctor
A common cause of failure in the memory of the young is the abuse of alcohol
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physiological causes psychological causes
soft tissue damage in the brain region Stressful traumatic situations
The consequences of brain injuries, destruction of neurons depression
Defeat cerebral blood vessels nerve strain
Hormonal disorders of the body Sleeping problems
Thyroid problems Chronic fatigue
Pathological processes in the spine Excessive mental load
Various chronic disease The sharp decline of forces
Overdosing drugs affecting memory and concentration mental illness

possible diseases

Memory loss in young adults are most often a symptom of an illness.

Common causes of deviations are expressed in the following violations of the functioning of the body:

  • traumatic brain injuryWhich lead to amnesia, occurrence of false memories and hallucinations;
  • organic amnestic syndromeIt is mental disorder; characterized by an impaired ability to remember about current events;
  • atherosclerosis - a dangerous disease that affects the blood vessels of the brain and is manifested by problems with memory, attention and concentration;
  • diabetes, Which affects the blood vessels, restricting blood flow to the brain;Failures in the memory of the young. The causes of distraction after childbirth, alcohol. That is, to what doctor
  • hypothyroidism - a condition which is characterized by a persistent lack of thyroid hormones; evident memory loss, general fatigue, depression and weakness;
  • cervical osteochondrosisViolating the cerebral circulation; the disease also increases the risk of stroke;
  • depression - a mental illness that adversely affects the patient's ability to memorize and retain information because of the constant anxiety and reduce ability to concentrate.


Diagnose memory lapses neurologist or psychotherapist.

Modern laboratory and hardware techniques allow to identify the cause detects dangerous symptoms; basic diagnostic methods include:

  • general check-up, drafting history;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • Use objective examination methods (palpation, percussion, auscultation);
  • fluoroscopic study vessels, which is carried out after the introduction of these contrast agents;
  • Study of brain electrical activity;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • contrast CT and MR angiography, which provides visualization of venous and arterial blood flow to the brain the three-dimensional image.

In addition to these methods of diagnosis the physician may use special testing to determine the scope and level of memory:

  • tests aimed at determining the amount of memory, consisting in memorizing the number of patients the doctor said the words, he showed them pictures or motionFailures in the memory of the young. The causes of distraction after childbirth, alcohol. That is, to what doctor
  • tests aimed at determining the level of memory, consisting of the text retelling patients, discussed earlier by the doctor;
  • Tests that determine the degree of impairment of memory, is to test the retention of information by the patient at any given time, in a few hours and a day.

When to see a doctor

Memory lapses, the reasons for young people who are in mental or physiological departures are a serious symptom, which is already at the first sign is required to pay Attention.

In the event of blackouts patient you must quickly turn to the neurologist or psychotherapist. It is necessary to pay attention to the associated symptoms, occurring in almost all varieties of memory loss:

  • Sleep disorder;
  • excessive sweating;
  • mood swings;
  • changes in motor coordination.

To determine the condition of the patient must also be able to distinguish between types of memory loss, depending on the degree of memorization and lost due to the deviation of skills.

Types of memory lapses, depending on the degree of memorization:

  • gipomneziya - a general weakening of the memory as a result of various diseases;
  • amnesia - deviation from the memory loss symptoms related to recent significant developments or incomplete memories of past events;
  • paramnesia - type of memory disorder, manifested in false memories. The patient confuses events past and present, can not distinguish between real and fictional situations.

For lost skills amnesia is divided into:

  1. Semantic, which is characterized by problems with memory, is responsible for the perception of the world. For example, the patient can not distinguish between animals and plants.
  2. Cameo when the patient loses the memories of certain events.
  3. Procedural associated with loss of memory to simple mechanical operation (e.g., cleaning the teeth).
  4. Professional when the patient is not able to remember the information you need to perform further actions.Failures in the memory of the young. The causes of distraction after childbirth, alcohol. That is, to what doctor

Correct classification blackouts to see a doctor to help speed up and simplify the diagnosis of the disease.


Prevention of blackouts includes compliance with the following recommendations:

  • constant monitoring of their condition, an exception to ignore the symptoms and timely treatment to the doctor;
  • exclusion from the consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances;
  • annual comprehensive examination of the brain;
  • the use of dietary supplements, vitamins, capable of preventing the occurrence of health problems;
  • Extreme caution in the event of the risk of a brain injury;
  • recovery mode, sleep and rest; breaks of inactivity to help you better remember the information;
  • avoidance of stressful situations that negatively affect both the psyche and physical health;
  • Working with a psychologist or therapist, many people are in need of elaboration of their fears, anxieties and traumas, so regular visits to specialists to prevent the development of mental illness, because of which the failures often occur in memory;
  • regular training for the development of attention, concentration and memory.


Memory lapses, the reasons for young people who are in concomitant diseases of the body, can be treated only as a result of therapy, carried out by a specialist. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases characterized by an individual approach, so medication rates are determined by a qualified physician.


Drugs during treatment of memory lapses often divided into 3 groupsFailures in the memory of the young. The causes of distraction after childbirth, alcohol. That is, to what doctor

  1. nootropics (Nootropil, Meksidol, Fenotropil, Cinnarizine, Glycine, Cere Phenibut). The action of drugs is a complex effect on the central nervous system. Patients as a result of complex therapy feel better memorization.
  2. tonics (Glycine, Intellan, Tanakan, Memoplant, biloba). Drugs have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body.
  3. cardiovascular drugs (Isradipine, Nifedipine, Diaz, pentoxifylline). Formulations relax vascular tissue and contribute to increasing the amount of nutrients and oxygen flowing to the brain.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods when failures in the memory include the following recipes and products:

  1. A decoction of sage. To prepare the broth should be taken 1 hour. l. Sage leaves and fill it with 200 ml of boiling water. Capacity with a mixture cover and put in boiling water for 20 minutes. When the time to cool the vessel to 40 degrees, the mixture was filter and take 50 ml 2-3 times a day.
  2. A decoction of ginseng. For broth necessary to take 2-3 tbsp. l. Frayed plant root and their pour 1.5 liters of cold water. The mixture boil at low temperature of not more than 5 minutes after the time to infuse and drain. You need to drink a decoction 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon
  3. Plums. Fruits are often recommended to be used to improve memory, due to the large amount of vitamins contained in them. Plums have a positive effect on blood sugar levels, memory, and the digestive system.
  4. Green tea. Green tea contains a large amount of nutrients that have anti-carcinogenic effect, have an antimutagenic effect, suppress the activation of oncogenes and malignant transformation cells. Also tea contains antioxidants that promote the natural circulation of nutrients in the body. The substance has a cognitive actions and contributes to the improvement of memory and concentration.Failures in the memory of the young. The causes of distraction after childbirth, alcohol. That is, to what doctor
  5. Broccoli. Vegetable plant promotes concentration and memory because it contained phosphorus. Broccoli also useful for the general improvement of the functioning of the body through vitamins, amino acids, zinc and potassium in its composition.

Other methods

When amnesia associated with psychological factors, psychotherapy is used. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered effective in the elaboration of anxiety and traumatic events.

The therapist tries to help the patient cope with fears, show him the wrong perception of the world, because of which there is a feeling of anxiety and possible memory loss. Patient care as a result of studying the mechanisms of their feelings and learns to control anxiety.

For the general improvement of memory patients often recommend mnemonics - a method of memorizing information. Technology allows a variety of objects and facts to communicate with each other by means of visual and auditory presentation.

The simplest example of mnemonics is the method of remembering the rainbow of colors in a certain sequence by using the phrase "Every hunter wants to know where sits Pheasant". Highlight the first letter in each word of the phrase say the first letter of the name of the desired color, which greatly simplifies the storing sequence of colors in the rainbow.

The basic techniques of mnemonics:

  1. Rhymes. This technique is especially useful for creative people who easily rhyme words and love to write poetry.
  2. The initial letters. The method consists in the fact that the subjects of the right to store the sequence, select the first letter of their names and make one phrase in the original sequence, not related to the topic being studied items. After storing the entry by allocating them the first letters of the original sequence of objects will be remembered more easily.
  3. Consonance. To memorize unfamiliar words or terms to remember easy word to be in tune with the original. By association unknown term will readily float in the memory in the right time.
  4. Visual memory. This method consists in careful memorizing parts that promotes eidetic (photographic) memory. Exercise is closer viewing of any object or person, and then with the greatest fidelity seen.
  5. Visualization. Visual association - known and effective method of storing information. For example, to remember a sequence of numbers this technique is to represent each digit in any form or animal subject (1 - amount of 2 - swan 3 - whiskers, 4 - chair, 5 - star, 6 - lock, 7 - nose 8 - glasses 9 - ball 10 - the globe). In the minds of the sequence of associations will be remembered much better than the figures themselves, but additionally invented plot, where they play the role of the visual association, will further strengthen in the minds of the right in the correct sequence sequence.Failures in the memory of the young. The causes of distraction after childbirth, alcohol. That is, to what doctor
  6. Spatial imagination. Known method of mnemonics is to present a well-known areas, where people remember the location of shelves and cabinets. To memorize the need to mentally put the right information in an imaginary room in a cabinet or on a shelf and secure mental action. In the event of the need for information is necessary in the imagination back to the room and get it from the right place. Reception takes practice and concentration, so the first time it may seem inefficient.

possible complications

Mild forgetfulness can lead to psychological problems associated with self-doubt and the emergence of complexes. Memory lapses are already more severe symptoms, bringing harm both human social life, and his health.

Deviation is the risk of many diseases, delayed treatment can lead to serious disturbances in the psyche, disability or death.

Memory loss - a serious symptom that suggests disorders of the body. The causes of variances in young people may be both physiological and psychological disorders, so accurate diagnosis at the first onset of symptoms patients need to consult a specialist for timely treatment.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of the causes of memory loss

Malyshev talk about the causes of memory loss:

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