Diseases Of The Digestive System

How to cure hemorrhoids at home fast and for all men, women

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Hemorrhoids - a common disease of the rectum, in which there is pain and itching in the anus, lumps fall. Ailment does not disappear on their own, in the absence of therapy may become chronic.

Properly treat hemorrhoids, using a set of methods that are suitable for use in the home: candles, folk remedies, proper nutrition, regular hygiene.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What Are Hemorrhoids
  • 2 types of hemorrhoids
  • 3 Stage and grade of hemorrhoids
  • 4 symptoms of hemorrhoids
  • 5 Causes of hemorrhoids
  • 6 diagnosis of hemorrhoids
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention of hemorrhoids
  • 9 Methods of treating hemorrhoids
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Video on how to cure hemorrhoids at home

What Are Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a chronic disease in which the veins dilate the anorectal area. The main symptom - the appearance and loss of hemorrhoids. Their popular name - bumps.

How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home

State is referred to multifactorial diseases, since it appears as a result of several factors or reasons. The disease brings discomfort to the patient, and in some cases, leads to a lifestyle change for the worse.

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types of hemorrhoids

How to treat hemorrhoids at home - you can use the medication. The disease belongs to the list of common throughout the world, there is, regardless of age and gender. To get rid of disease, you need to know about the classification. Hemorrhoids is an internal, external, combined.

Stage and grade of hemorrhoids

Classification of hemorrhoids in stages:

  1. I - vybuhayut nodes and periodically bleeding appears. The disease is just beginning. Usually one step manifestation not bright, nodes not visible from the outside. The patient may be a light discomfort, burning and itching. Sometimes there is blood in the stool. At this stage of the hemorrhoid develops secretly and for a long time did not manifest itself. People treat the condition yourself. The disease may be a long time alone, so over time, patients forget about hemorrhoids, and it passes. Keep in mind that treatment should be complex. In addition to drugs, it is necessary to comply with preventive measures.
  2. II - an increase of nodes, they may fall out, but the reduction takes place automatically. Unlike step 1 consists in periodically falling nodes. Sign appears after straining at the time of defecation with constipation. Drop nodes, and in the last stages of hemorrhoids, but they reduce a 2 independently.
  3. III - similar to the step 2, but not reduce a loss nodes themselves. The disease progresses, the symptoms are exacerbated by the primary. Nodes drop constantly at a low physical activity, and not only after straining. They lend themselves to manually reposition.
    How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home
  4. IV - bleeding units constantly fall. 4 is a serious step hemorrhoids and running. The nodes have a different shape and size. Their appearance is not associated with physical activity, they occur at rest. This stage is often complicated by thrombosis, necrosis, prolonged bleeding.

symptoms of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are best treated early on. The disease developed gradually, characterized by the sensation of itching and burning in the anus. Additionally, it may be constipation, especially after drinking alcohol or spicy foods.

Other symptoms:

  • blood - often it has red color, but can be dark;
  • pain;
  • prolapsed hemorrhoid.

With regular bleeding may develop anemia, so in case of the presence of factor, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Causes of hemorrhoids

The main reason leading to hemorrhoids - venous insufficiency, the result is a weak vessel walls. But the disease is provoked by other factors. In medicine they are predisposing and producing. Cure hemorrhoids succeed only after the exclusion factors.

How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home
The classification of the causes of Description
predisposing In patients with hemorrhoids are often a bad heredity. Therefore, a person is prone to varicose veins. In this case, complete freedom from hemorrhoids is not allowed. You can use maintenance therapy.

Another sign of the emergence - low mobility. The result is stagnation in the pelvic area. The probability of occurrence of hemorrhoids is increased in people with sedentary or standing work:

  • office staff;
  • drivers;
  • programmers and system administrators;
  • teachers;
  • hairdressers;
  • Pharmacy workers - pharmacists, pharmacists;
  • vendors and other
generating Strong and persistent physical load is increased the pressure within the abdominal cavity. As a result, there hemorrhoidal nodules. It increases the risk of hemorrhoids in the following cases:
  • people who work with weights - porters, construction workers and others;
  • athletes, namely weightlifting;
  • people who are often engaged in anal sex. The condition can occur in people with unstable nervous system. They have a constant stress or depression. Because of this, it disturbed bowel movements, and suffers immunity.

    Pathology is a wrong way of life. If a person eats food, in which little useful (salted, smoked, grilled), the work of the gastrointestinal tract is broken

diagnosis of hemorrhoids

How to cure hemorrhoids at home - and you can use candles or traditional methods, but only after the diagnosis. Appointment effective therapy is difficult without conducting such activities. The main symptoms are similar to those of hemorrhoids oncology, cracks in the anus and other conditions.

The diagnosis includes:

  1. Medical examination. Specialist interrogates a patient for the presence of complaints. At this point it is important to tell your doctor everything about your condition. Next, carry out inspections. The patient needs to sit on the gynecological chair or lie down on the couch. High lift of course, better to squeeze them to his chest. The doctor examines the anus to scarring and other changes. So it is possible to determine the probability of nodes, bleeding. Next, use toe diagnosis. With it measures the intensity of the pain, the tone of the anal sphincter, the identification of possible defects.
    How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home
    How to cure hemorrhoids at home? To begin to make a diagnosis by visiting a doctor.
  2. Blood analysis. To diagnose the state can appoint general or clinical analysis. After receiving the results define anemia, which occurs as a result of regular bleeding.
  3. analysis of feces. For the diagnosis of hemorrhoids in the analysis has a different name - coprogram. According to the study it can be concluded about the digestion of food, the presence of impurities in the stool. Sometimes it needs to be done in addition coprogram occult blood test. According to the results reveal bleeding. But we must prepare for this analysis. 2 - 3 days did not use toothpaste. You can not eat foods that can stain the stool in a different color - garnet, beets. Careful preparation is needed to prevent errors in the decoding.
  4. Barium enema. Sometimes used before performing a colonoscopy. The method consists of exposure of X-rays. Before you carry out the procedure, rectum needs to be cleaned of feces.
  5. Colonoscopy. Visually examine the rectum and determine the state of its mucosa. For use of the endoscope. Colonoscopy is a list of the most complex diagnostic procedures. It requires maximum focus on the patient's conduct. Follow all the doctor's recommendation. To begin, the patient removes the robe and lay down on the couch, legs podgibayutsya to the abdominal cavity. The endoscope is introduced into the rectum and advanced through it. The device releases the air to expand the lumen.
How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home

After closure colonoscopy can drink water and eat. If there is flatulence, it allowed the adoption of activated carbon or another drug from the group sorbents. Prior to colonoscopy, a patient may be administered anesthesia or narcosis.

Methods are described below:

Method colonoscopy Description
Under local anesthesia, In this case the end of the endoscope is lubricated analgesic substance discomfort decreases slightly. But the pain is still there, it does not appear due to contact the rectal mucosa with a tool, and as a result of the charge air. Local anesthesia can not fully ensure painless
During sleep Use superficial anesthesia or sedation in a different way. The tool has a soporific effect. The pain decreases significantly, it often does not happen. In this case, anesthesia machine is not needed. It should not be a long time to sit in the clinic after the procedure, anesthesia passes quickly
Under general anesthesia Carried out in the operating room. The anesthesiologist monitors the process of induction of anesthesia. Its duration will take longer than the surgery itself. The method is used in people who have a low pain threshold and is held for children up to 12 years

To diagnostic measures have been successful, and the result was accurate, it is necessary to prepare properly. In the evening to do a cleansing enema, if the reception is in the morning. When the inspection is scheduled for the second half of the day, it is better to put an enema in the morning (before 8:00). Enema should not be placed in patients with painful sensations in the anal canal.

If the patient has constipation for more than 3 days, follow these steps:

  • 15 hours before diagnosis ingest castor oil (40 g);
  • bedtime deliver enema 1 (1.5 L) and after 2 hours - the other;
  • after waking an enema, and after 1 hour - another;
  • before diagnosis drink a cup of tea, it will help reduce hunger.

The training includes dieting for 3 - 4 days before the diagnostic measures. Meals should be light.

It is forbidden to eat:

  • flour;
    How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home
  • bakery products;
  • vegetables;
  • beans;
  • fruits;
  • sweet and more.

you must bring to the diagnosis:

  • Russian passport;
  • MHI policy (compulsory medical insurance);
  • pensioner certificate or other documents that give incentives;
  • diaper for single use;
  • shoes or shoe covers;
  • wet wipes.

Diagnostic Value individual and depends on many factors. For example, the city hospital. Therefore, the price is to be recognized in a particular organization.

When to see a doctor

To the doctor should contact if the following symptoms:

  • nodes in the anus, which are detected when probing;
  • loss hemorrhoidal cones outwardly;
  • blood in the stool;
  • pain during and after stool;
  • feeling that the rectum is a foreign body.
How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home

He is engaged in the treatment of hemorrhoids doctor - proctologist. In women, the disease is no different from men. But the weaker sex hemorrhoids can occur during pregnancy. Therefore, an additional need assistance obstetrician - gynecologist. And Hemorrhoids often occur due to poor nutrition. In this case, she needs to consult a nutritionist.

In clinics, unfortunately, there is no doctor - proctologist. Therefore it is necessary to consult a surgeon. It is engaged in diagnosing the disease, and, if necessary, refer the patient to other medical specializations (proctologist, phlebologist). And you can address to the therapist. Yes, he is unable to carry out a rectal examination and other procedures, but will issue a direction to the right person.

Prevention of hemorrhoids

How to treat hemorrhoids - it is possible to use drugs, but if you follow preventive measures, treatment is not necessary. Should be paid particular attention to people who are at risk (standing, sedentary work).

At home, allowed the following preventive measures:

  • elimination of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • decrease too strong physical activity;
  • administering sport in its absence;
  • sleep not less than 8 - 9 hours a day;
  • proper nutrition;
  • rejection of anal sex, if it brings discomfort;
  • yoga and gymnastics.

Methods of treating hemorrhoids

How to treat hemorrhoids at home - it is possible to use drugs, exercise and other methods. Unfortunately, there is no single tool that would help immediately. Therapy is a complex of measures aimed at recovery.

As hemorrhoid treatment using the following methods:

  • change in lifestyle - proper diet, sports;
    How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home
  • medications;
  • traditional methods;
  • minimally invasive therapy;
  • surgical intervention.

Do not immediately wait for the results of the therapy. Fully hemorrhoids treated for a long time. In the early days gone symptoms, but to improve the therapy should be continued for several weeks or even months.


How to treat hemorrhoids at home - this is easily done with the help of drugs. Medicines normalize blood circulation, return components to their original position, reduce pain. Hemorrhoids use various forms of pharmaceuticals - lotions, suppositories, tablets and others.

Popular tools are listed in the table below:

Group group description drug Name Description of the drug
System The first place is occupied by venotoniki and angioprotective drugs that normalize the tone of veins, promote better blood outflow and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Medicaments manufactured in the form of tablets or capsules.

Any of the above drugs are taken only after doctor's prescription, because each of them have side effects.

A specialist takes into account the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction, symptoms, diagnosis and prescribes necessary medicines

flebodia Consists of diosmin, it removes tissue swelling, and improves circulation. A well known anti-inflammatory effect
detraleks It has as part of diosmin and hesperidin. Due components strengthened blood vessels, increases venous tone. With timely prescription drugs, you can get rid of hemorrhoids. But the agent is ineffective if the nodes have already dropped out of the anus.

The medication is safe for pregnant women

Venarus The drug is an analogue detraleks. It has a similar effect. It is often chosen because of the low prices
troksevazin It contains troxerutin. Due to the composition, preparation strengthens blood vessels, reduce inflammation and swelling
For topical application, This group includes drugs that are available in different forms - suppositories, ointments, creams and more. The choice of medication depends on the type of hemorrhoids. For example, when the outer ointments. And in case of suppositories (suppository) applied internal.

The group is efficient, but they can not completely cure the condition. But relieve the patient of symptoms

Relief Available in the form of suppositories and ointments.

In conventional Relief included phenylephrine, which relieves the itching and swelling of the mucosa of the rectal area. As well as the shark liver oil - relieves pain, stops the blood, heals wounds.

There Relief in the form of Ultra. Additionally, as part of hydrocortisone - a hormonal substance which enhances the anti-inflammatory effect and antiedematous. As well as zinc sulfate, which are wound heals faster and erosion.

There Relief in the form of Advance. It includes benzocaine - analgesic component

The following tools are used except Relief:
  1. Procto - Glivenol (suppositories, creams).
  2. Troxevasin (gel).
  3. Gepatrombin F (ointment).
  4. Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.
  5. Natalsid (suppositories), and other

Traditional methods

Traditional methods are natural, but their use must be in conjunction with other methods. There are lots of advantages on the application, but there are also cons. For example, the disease develops further, as the condition worsens.

Though traditional methods have a natural structure, accurately predict the side effects is difficult. One person may appear allergic reaction, and another - no.

Popular folk ways:

  1. Calendula. To prepare to take 1 tbsp herb plants, pour a glass of hot water. Leave in a thermos at least 8 hours. Filtered, taken every day.
    How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home
  2. Nettle. To prepare the infusion, it will take 3 tbsp dry grass plant and a glass of boiling water. A mixture of cool, filtered. Taking in the same amount of 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Sagebrush. To prepare the drink, it is necessary to take 1 tbsp plants and a glass of rubbing alcohol. Leave at least 3 weeks. To filter, take 10 - 12 drops during the meal. Before use, the infusion is diluted with 1 tablespoon water.
  4. CompressFresh vegetables. For the preparation you will need potatoes, beets, carrots. All you need to grind to puree happened. The mixture was put on the gauze and apply to the sore spot. Duration of treatment - 30 minutes.
  5. milfoil. Mark 3 tablespoons Plants and 1 cup of hot water. Warm on a steam bath for 20 minutes. Wait to cool down, filtered. To put on a gauze applied to problem areas. Duration - not less than 1 hour.
  6. Suppositories with mummy. Take a glass of hot milk and dissolve it in 1 tsp resin, 2 tablespoons starch. Fill form a mixture, placed in a refrigerator to solidify. Administered at bedtime.

Other methods

The early stages do not require surgical intervention, rather conservative therapy. For other methods include the observance of proper diet and exercise. You need to eat 5 - 6 times a day with intervals between meals 3 - 4 hours. Portions should be 200 - 300 g To exclude fried, salted, smoked. As well as flour and sweet.

It is better to add to the diet of more fruits and vegetables. The food should be cooked steamed, baked in the oven or boiled.

Physical activity fit only in the early stages. In the presence of pain or bleeding are prohibited. As a sport, you can make time for walking, cycling, swimming.

How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home

If the case is launched, the conservative therapy does not help, it is allowed to use only as an adjunct treatment. Depending on the stage of the other methods used or minimally invasive radical surgery.

In the first case, a general anesthetic is administered, blood loss and slight pain. The recovery period is fast. The disadvantages include the use of therapy only at an early stage.

Modern methods of minimally invasive treatment:

  1. ligation of varicose - altered veins latex rings. The method is used in the case of 2 or 3 steps hemorrhoids. Before the local anesthesia is used. Angle to the neck by means of a special apparatus latex superimposed rings which circulation is stopped at the node and lead to the death of it.
  2. Introduction to the sclerosing agent node. After the procedure, there is decrease of the vein walls and the cessation of blood circulation in them.
  3. Cones photocoagulation using infrared rays. As a result of the procedure to cauterize the node. The method is effective especially in the case of frequent bleeding from the anal area.
  4. Laser coagulation cones. The method is similar to the previous one, but the laser is used instead of the infrared rays.
  5. Dezarterizatsiya. The procedure is controlled by the ultrasonic sensor. Is vascular ligation, which supply hemorrhoids.
  6. Cryodestruction. Cones destroy using liquid nitrogen.

Radical surgery helps to get rid of hemorrhoids. Despite the disadvantages (pain, general anesthesia, recovery), relapses occur in 5% of cases out of 100.

possible complications

Hemorrhoids can progress and move from stage 1 to 4 in just a few months. Most complications appear to 3 and 4 stage disease. Therefore, it is important to treat the condition at an early period. Then the risk of complications is markedly reduced, it is possible to avoid surgical intervention.

As complications of hemorrhoids, there are the following conditions:

  • Anemia - Anemia is characterized by a reduced hemoglobin level;
    How to quickly and permanently cure hemorrhoids at home
  • cracks in the anus;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • persistent bleeding;
  • weakening of the anal sphincter - the body can not keep stool inside;
  • abscess - an inflammation of adipose tissue that surrounds the rectum.

Hemorrhoids brings discomfort, the main symptoms include pain, bleeding. How to cure hemorrhoids - this is done using a set of measures (medication, nutrition, etc.).

An effective way therapy at home physician is chosen according to the symptoms, the probability of occurrence of an allergic reaction and other factors. The patient is required to carry out all the recommendations of the expert. If hemorrhoids yet, it can be prevented by means of preventive measures.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video on how to cure hemorrhoids at home

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