Diseases Of The Digestive System

Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain, and with him. Symptoms of diseases that do, treatment

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Stool color a person says a lot, but not everyone pays attention to it. If you are experiencing problems with the gastrointestinal tract, worried about nausea, diarrhea, bloating, constipation, it should be done regularly. Green stool may occur in the adult, for various reasons, both harmless and dangerous to health.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of green feces and their symptoms
    • 1.1 salmonellosis
    • 1.2 Dysentery
    • 1.3 dysbacteriosis
    • 1.4 Other possible causes of abnormal
  • 2 physiological causes
    • 2.1 Products that affect the color of stool
    • 2.2 Drugs that can change the color of stool
  • 3 What is green feces and is talking about his appearance
  • 4 What does the green stool in pregnancy
  • 5 methods of diagnosis
  • 6 First aid at home
  • 7 The preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora and treatment
    • 7.1 sorbents
    • 7.2 probiotics
    • 7.3 enzymes
    • 7.4 antibiotics
    • 7.5 anti-inflammatory drugs
    • 7.6 analgesics
    • 7.7 anthelmintic drugs
  • 8 Indications for surgery
  • 9 Diet
    • 9.1 Permitted and Prohibited Products
  • 10 Sample menu for the week
  • 11 possible complications
  • 12 Videos of the reasons for changes in stool color
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Causes of green feces and their symptoms

Green feces of an adult, the causes of which may be caused by different etiologies, typically occurs due to physiological or pathological disorders.

The first related to the disease:

  • gastrointestinal;
  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder.

These diseases require immediate treatment, or they may develop into a chronic form, in which to recover completely fail.

Physiological include eating certain types of food, medicines, vitamins and dietary supplements. If there is a color change, should be diagnosed as the cause may also be a serious chronic disease.


This is an acute intestinal infection caused by a parasite - Salmonella. Most often, the infection of the organism occurs after contact with animals or consumption of animal products such as meat, eggs, milk and other dairy products.Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment

Salmonellosis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • high temperature, which may exceed 40 degrees;
  • change the color of the chair;
  • diarrhea, because of what a man defecates about 10 times per day;
  • putrid smell stool;
  • pain in the navel;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • apathy.

If time does not take action, the body is dehydrated and is poisoned by toxins, which is dangerous to human life.


It is a disease affecting the mucosa, resulting in intoxication. Because of the strong poisoning begin to suffer liver, kidneys and heart.

Common symptoms are:

  • malaise;
  • heat;
  • pain in the upper left area of ​​the abdomen;
  • diarrhea with blood and mucus;
  • nausea;
  • lowering blood pressure.

This disease requires hospital treatment.


Symptoms of the disease are associated with the violation of the microflora balance. Roughly speaking, pathogens suppress beneficial bacteria.Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment The degree of symptoms depends on the neglect of the disease. Usually there is an infringement of digestion, bowel movements smell bad and have a greenish color.

Other possible causes of abnormal

To change the color of stool can cause the following reasons:

  • poisoning of food or medicine;
  • mucosal inflammation associated with infectious lesions;
  • internal bleeding;
  • ulcer;
  • cancer of the digestive tract;
  • pathology of liver and gallbladder;

physiological causes

If the color change is influenced by physiological reasons, do not worry, the color is normalized after discontinuation of use of a particular product.

Products that affect the color of stool

The main products, provoking change color of bowel movements are:

  • foods with a lot of iron in the composition;
  • spinach, cucumbers, sorrel, seaweed and other vegetables;Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment
  • some types of cereal, poorly digestible by man;
  • foods with food dyes in the composition.

color change often occurs in people who adhere to a vegetable diet, or vegetarians.

Drugs that can change the color of stool

Green stool in adults, the causes of which lie in taking medication, is not dangerous. If the color quickly changed to green, it is necessary to study the instructions of used medications, most of which contain a warning about such implications.

These medications may include:

  • herbal medicines containing or consisting of algae;Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment
  • antibiotics of different types;
  • vitamin supplements;
  • sports nutrition.

What is green feces and is talking about his appearance

Green stool consistency may vary with different impregnations and odor. From this we can judge about the reasons for the changes in the adult.

the nature of feces What does this say
Dark green Evidence of the use of natural products containing a dye or a lot of iron. symptoms usually pass quickly, the color returned to normal. When this happens, it is possible to suspect bleeding in the upper regions of the intestine. It can be caused by a stomach ulcer or cancer. It is also a sign of dysentery, treatment of which requires inpatient monitoring.
Light green color Such shade is usually caused by antibiotic treatment. If other symptoms are not observed, it is possible not to worry. But if the temperature rises and begins nausea, it is said drug ineffectiveness or harmful effects. In such cases, should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a medical facility.
Black and green This color of bowel movements indicates inflammation in the intestinal mucosa and blood in the stool.
slime The green stool with mucus always indicate serious pathologies. The most common cause of mucus are:
  • infections of the intestines, causing the development of fermentation processes that causes excessive secretion of mucus;
  • some types of hemorrhoids;
  • cancerous changes in the gut;
  • inborn errors of intestinal secretion;
  • food stagnation caused by buckling hernial intestinal wall.
Smell If bowel movements are a little unpleasant smell or is virtually non-existent, we can say that a person is healthy, and worry about stool color change is not necessary. But if there is a strong stench, should be suspected development of putrefaction. When an acidic smell, then enteric fermentation processes occur.
Constipation or diarrhea Diarrhea, accompanied by a change in the color of bowel movements on the green, can talk about infectious diseases silt food poisoning. Also, the reason may be a long course of antibiotics, or bleeding in the intestine.

Green chair in constipation indicates the presence of bile in the feces, of iron or antibiotic residues. If there are any co-morbidities may be suspected Crohn's disease or irritable bowel syndrome. In such cases it is better as soon as possible to begin treatment.

What does the green stool in pregnancy

Pregnant women often encountered various problems the digestive tract, including the change in stool color.

The main reasons for such changes at the child-bearing may include the following:

  • inclusion in the diet of a large number of plant products;
  • overdose of vitamins and minerals after receiving different complexes;
  • violation intestinal motility, on the background of hormonal changes.Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment

Even if the reasons harmless, can not risk the health of the mother and child should visit your doctor for advice. Timely solution to the problem will protect against the development of serious pathologies.

methods of diagnosis

Green stool in adults, the causes of which are not clear, requires timely diagnosis for a quick fix.

The most common diagnostic methods are:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • Urine and stool analysis;
  • diagnostics of internal organs, by the methods of ultrasonic or magnetic resonance diagnostics;
  • fibrogastroscopy, which consists in studying the specialist inner surface of the stomach using a camera on a special flexible tube.

During treatment, can be used as diagnostics of the whole complex, and separate types, depending on the complexity of the disease.

First aid at home

Conduct self-treatment at home is not worth it, as this may lead to the development of pathological diseases.

But if significant clinical symptoms are not observed, it is possible to postpone visits to the doctor, observing the following guidelines:

  • you need to completely abandon the use of alcohol and smoking;Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment
  • stop taking drugs that can cause such changes;
  • normalize the diet, give up the fried, eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • drink plenty of clean water;
  • Bile take drugs to eliminate stagnation of bile;
  • Sorbent take drugs to get rid of toxins;
  • normalize microflora using probiotics.

The preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora and treatment

With the help of medication, you can quickly get rid of gastrointestinal disorders, and work to prevent the development of pathologies. Select group of drugs worth depending on the symptoms. Among the main groups of drugs for the treatment of intestinal allocated sorbents, probiotics, antibiotics, and others.


This group includes means in the form of tablets, gel or powder, which are necessary for getting rid of effects of intoxication. They can be derived toxins, pathogens, allergens and other harmful substances.Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment

Sorbents can take both as prevention, and as a means for treatment. It is important to remember that they can display and beneficial microflora, so do not exceed the dosage recommended duration of the course and take additional probiotics.


Medication such cases requires a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, when the amount of beneficial microorganisms is reduced. When the green stool should use such drugs. They saturate the body with beneficial microflora. They are recommended to be taken with sorbents and antibiotics.

Also in the complex you can take prebiotics, which activate the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the gut.


Very often the problem with chair associated with the violation of the internal organs, such as the pancreas, which leads to a lack of enzymes needed to digest food. Compensate the shortage by using the respective drugs.

They help establish intestinal motility, to get rid of bloating and flatulence, to restore the mucosa. In most cases, the enzymes are isolated from animal glands.


Antibiotics are used to treat a variety of diseases associated with damage by bacterial organism forms.

Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment

Independently take an antibiotic is not necessary. Selection of the appropriate type of antibiotic should take place only doctor on the basis of analyzes.

anti-inflammatory drugs

These tools help to get rid of the inflammation of the mucous membrane in the early stages of the disease. If there is stool color change should take them for prevention.


Analgesics - a pain medication to help get rid of the pain. But we must understand that, if a violation of the digestive system are accompanied by pain, should immediately be diagnosed clinically.

Since this may be due to the development of ulcers, gastritis and other serious pathologies. Getting rid of the pain does not eliminate the problem.

anthelmintic drugs

Anthelmintic drugs prescribed by the doctor in lesions of the body's various forms of worms. If you start early treatment, they help to quickly get rid of parasites.Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment These drugs interfere with the flow of nutrients into the body of worms. If green stool associated with salmonella, it is worth taking anthelmintic drugs.

Indications for surgery

Surgery is a radical solution, which is very rare. The reasons for the operation may be several. The most severe is the internal bleeding. In this case, an urgent need to hospitalize the patient and carry out a surgical operation.

Also, the reason for the operation may be cancer, stomach ulcers, and a large crowd of worms.


Green stool in adults, the causes of which still do not understand, you can try to heal with the help of the right diet. Strict recommendations not important to study the list of permitted and prohibited foods.

Permitted and Prohibited Products

The list of banned products should include:

  • sweet pastries and other confectionery products;
  • fresh bread;
  • milk;
  • carbonated and alcoholic beverages;
  • cabbage, beans, potatoes, garlic, onions, pasta and mushrooms;
  • fried, fatty food;
  • too sharp, spicy foods, and salty;Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment

Preference should be given to the following dishes:

  • vegetable soups, better pureed or chopped in a blender;
  • Chicken broth or fish;
  • any cereals;
  • yogurt or other fermented milk product;
  • compotes and jelly of dried fruits and berries;
  • mashed vegetables.

Sample menu for the week

Strict menu with the appearance of green stool is not the main thing to follow a few guidelines and eat only approved products. The daily ration should be divided into 5 meals.

  1. For breakfast, porridge is better to eat and drink stewed fruit or herbal decoction;
  2. Lunch may consist of yogurt, yogurt, breads and bran;
  3. For lunch you can cook vegetable soup, broth and drink jelly;
  4. Yogurt with fruit are perfect for an afternoon snack;
  5. For dinner, should prepare a light vegetable soup and drink herbal tea.

possible complications

If time does not see a doctor and do not receive appropriate treatment, a person can have serious complications. Most often, there is an extensive poisoning of the body due to the accumulation of toxins.Green stool in adults. Reasons without diarrhea, abdominal pain. Symptoms of disease treatment

The bacteria can damage the intestinal mucosa, which is often the cause of bleeding and tumor progression. With the defeat of worms, in the absence of treatment, they can actively proliferate, adversely affecting the health of the patient.

Green stool - a serious cause for concern. In the adult these symptoms are a sign of pathology, life-threatening. Therefore, it is crucial to diagnose and treat.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Videos of the reasons for changes in stool color

Elena Malysheva tell about the reasons for changing the color of stool:

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