Pathological State

Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat pronounced, easy

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Vestibulopaticheskoe disorder - a chronic syndrome, disruption of the blood vessels brain, which ultimately leads to a variety of dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

Pathology manifests itself gradually and begins with subtle symptoms, which become more intense as the progression of the disease, and degenerative changes in the brain tissue.

In most cases, vestibular-atactic syndrome is not an independent disease, and It acts as complications existing diseases of the cardiovascular system, or directly brain.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Traditional methods
    • 8.2 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Videos about the causes of vestibular disorders

types of diseases

Vestibulopaticheskoe disorder - a syndrome, which is presented in a single varietal name. It suggests the formation of single or multiple lesions of cerebral blood vessels.

The first to suffer the small arteries and arterioles that provide the nutrition of tissues. Then vascular pathological condition becomes chronic angiopathy and impossibility of full blood supply to the brain.

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Stage and grade

Vestibulopatichesky syndrome characterized by slow progression of the disease state of the brain tissue. Depending on the results of examination of the patient and the clinical manifestations of the disease, identify the following stages of the vestibular-atactic syndrome.Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat

stage of disease The severity of clinical disease
first Most light degree vestibulopaticheskogo syndrome. It shows little symptoms that may not be detected or is perceived by patients as general fatigue of the body after heavy physical work or sporting loads. A closer study patient becomes visually noticeable slight impaired coordination of movements and gait. Any other abnormal symptoms are completely absent syndrome.
second The disease is characterized by a gradual progression and worsening of the patient's state of health. Violations coordination of movements and gait joins nausea, intermittent dizziness. The patient suffers frequent and severe headaches, which are not possible to eliminate even after the adoption of potent analgesics. Movement of the upper and lower limbs have become dysfunctional and not synchronous. Gait patient with stage 2 vestibulopaticheskogo syndrome characterized by unsteadiness. The centers of the brain responsible for the functionality of the musculoskeletal system, irreversible changes.
third The most severe and final stage of a pathological disorder. The patient loses the physical ability to move independently, stand, or perform any other movement, service their own needs. Most of their time with people 3 stage vestibular-atactic syndrome is horizontal or recorded in a special chair. Independent attempts to stand and stand for more than 1 min. lead to a fall.

Vestibulopatichesky syndrome responds well to medical treatment and containment of disease progression at 1 and 2 stages of development.

At later stages of the disease in the brain tissue undergoes irreversible changes of the muscle fibers is disrupted nervirovanie musculoskeletal system. The presence of 3 stages vestibulopaticheskogo syndrome is the basis for the appointment of patient disability pension.


There are general or primary symptoms of vestibular-atactic syndrome and secondary manifestations of the disease, which occur in the later stages of the disease process.

Common symptoms of the disease manifest themselves as follows:

  • sudden loss of coordination of movements and gait;
    Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat
    Gait at vestibulopaticheskom syndrome
  • the emergence of flies in front of the eyes at the time when there were no exercise or a sudden lifting of the head;
  • severe headaches with normal blood pressure;
  • nausea and vomitus selection without evidence of bacterial or chemical poisoning organism;
  • unreasonable incidence;Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat
  • staggering from side to side;
  • trouble concentrating;
  • there are gaps in the memory;
  • lost sense of balance (in this case it does not matter, there is a person on a totally flat surface, or else there is a hilly terrain).

Co. secondary vestibulopaticheskogo syndrome symptoms include the following reactions and conditions of the human body:

  • sleep disturbance, which is accompanied by sudden and unexplained awakenings, insomnia;
  • fast mental and physical fatigue;
  • incessant feeling of fullness in the ears and the presence of background noise;
  • impaired performance.

Initial signs vestibulopaticheskogo syndrome may be the first symptoms of mental disorder, which yet is in a latent state.

Causes of

There are a number of factors, the presence of which can cause acute or sluggish development of the vestibular-atactic syndrome.

Listed below are the most common causes of the pathological state of the brain, impaired coordination of movements and gait:

  • ischemia of the brain vessels, which may be acquired or congenital nature of origin;
  • alcoholism or prolonged use of drugs;
  • brain hydrocephalus;
  • chronic arterial hypertension accompanied by recurring hypertensive crises;
  • consequences of brain stroke;
  • atherosclerosis of small arteries and arterioles that provide circulatory power of thinking organ tissues;Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat
  • benign or cancerous tumor in the brain;
  • traumatic brain injuries of all kinds;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
    Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat
    lumbar exercises for pain from degenerative disc disease can help stop the degenerative changes

Much less the vestibular-atactic syndrome occurs due to exhaustion of the cerebral cortex, cause long-term mental labor, psycho-emotional overload, stress and nervous disruptions.


Vestibulopatichesky syndrome requires careful and complex examination of the whole organism. Doctor holds an external examination of the patient, examines and evaluates the severity of impaired coordination and gait of the patient. The physician determines whether other physiological and psychomotor reaction violated.

Next comes a survey of current symptoms, but also sets out the circumstances and the time period when the first signs of the disorder in the musculoskeletal system.

After that the doctor prescribed to patients following the passage of diagnostic procedures:

  • MRI - makes it possible to determine violations of the structure of main vessel walls, signs small arteries and atherosclerosis arterioles, and also displays the degenerative changes in the brain regions responsible for the functionality of the musculoskeletal apparatus;
  • Ultrasound of the cervical spineTo avoid possible bias vertebrae, intervertebral disc, the formation of hernias and symptoms of degenerative disc disease, which can lead to disturbance of cerebral circulation;
  • Deposit of capillary blood with beams of the ring finger to perform a clinical analysis of the overall component indicators;
  • venous blood samplingTo determine the level of cholesterol, the possible presence of cancer cells;
  • Deposit morning urine for its biochemical research and information on the general state of health of the patient;
  • ECG, which shows the efficiency of the heart muscle (allows to exclude heart failure, which can lead to disturbance of cerebral circulation and total).Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat

According to the results of complex diagnostic inspection doctor confirms the diagnosis - vestibulopatichesky syndrome or refutes the presence of this pathology.

In public health facilities such diagnosis is carried out free of charge in specialized Institute of Neurology and Psychiatry, and in general hospitals with high-quality material and technical base. In private clinics a comprehensive examination of the cardiovascular and central nervous system, on average will cost 4000-6000 rubles.

When to see a doctor

Visit to a neurologist should be held for 1-3 days after the man began to feel dizzy from time to time, nausea, seizures, severe headache, while walking there is uncontrolled stagger, lose their sense balance.

Diagnosing vestibulopaticheskogo syndrome in the early stages of its display, it allows you to quickly identify pathological lesions, which disturbed cerebral circulation, as well as to create an effective course of medication therapy.


To prevent the development of vestibulopaticheskogo syndrome, it is recommended to pay attention to the simple rules of prevention of the disease.

the following steps must be performed:

  • renounce the use of alcohol, tobacco, receiving drugs;Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat
  • at least 1 time per year undergo preventive examination by a neurologist, a doctor (even if completely absent any signs of abnormality in the central nervous system);
  • A balanced diet, eliminating excessive amounts of animal fat;
  • protect yourself from stressful situations, psycho-emotional overload and nervous breakdowns;
  • monitor the level of blood sugar and maintain blood pressure levels within the age norm, not to allow its increase;
  • lead an active lifestyle, engage in sports such as swimming, light jogging, cycling;
  • renounce the use of drinks containing caffeine in its composition (black and green tea, coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate);
  • prevent the recruitment of excess weight;
  • Avoid prolonged mental stress, as well as exhausting physical labor.

People with a family were blood relatives suffering from this brain pathology, are in a special group of disease risk vestibulopaticheskim syndrome. For them, the implementation of these measures is a prerequisite for prevention.


Vestibulopaticheskogo disorder therapy involves the use of drugs, as well as physiotherapy equipment.


  • mildronat - it contains in its composition the active ingredient - meldonium assigned to reception of 1 capsule 2 times day for 4-6 weeks, with the repetition of the therapeutic course 2-3 times a year (the price of the product - 720 rub.);Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat
  • aktovegin - a drug for improving cerebral circulation and function of the central nervous system, is assigned 1-2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day course of treatment with 1-1.5 months. (Medication cost - 810 rbl.);
  • meksidol - injection, which stimulates the central nervous system, normalizes cerebral circulation (assigned as intravenous drips of 200-300 ml per day for 10-14 days, and the cost of the drug is 360 rub.);
  • trental - injectable formulation for intravenous drips, the recommended dose of 100-600 ml of the drug solution, which is mixed with a similar amount of chloride (sodium dropper placed 1-2 times a day with duration of 10 days of treatment, and the price of medicament 575 rub.).

Unauthorized reception of the above drugs is contraindicated. All drugs that stimulate brain circulation and the central nervous system must be assigned exclusively neurologist.

Traditional methods

Vestibulopatichesky syndrome is a dangerous disease of the brain, which is not recommended to treat traditional medicine. Therapy broths, teas and tinctures prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs can lead to deterioration of health or to provoke the exacerbation of the disease.

Other methods

In combination with medication used vestibulopaticheskogo syndrome following physiotherapy techniques that can improve brain blood circulation, stimulate the central nervous system and prevent the development of atherosclerosis, the arterioles and small arteries:

  • therapeutic massage of the cervical spine and the occipital lobe of the head, which is performed daily for 20 min .;
  • acupuncture sensitive points of the body that are responsible for the work of the cerebellum and the vestibular apparatus (the procedure is carried out a core specialist sterile doctor's office);Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat
  • physiotherapyWhich includes the rotational movements of the head as to provide additional blood volume surge to the occipital brain lobes (types of exercises are selected individually neurologist depending on the stage vestibulopaticheskogo syndrome);
  • cold and hot shower, Which is taken in the morning and evening for 10 minutes. with an abrupt change of the hot and cold water, and improves the overall cerebral circulation, increases the functionality of CNS.

In addition to these physical therapy techniques most radical method of treatment can be used.

This surgery is aimed at providing additional blood flow in brain tissue. The operation is performed in the vertebral artery. Surgeon intersects vasomotor fibers which have resistance to current bloodstream.

Surgical intervention requires high qualification and skill of the surgeon, who holds the patient's treatment. Positive therapeutic effect was achieved in 70% of cases. Surgical treatment vestibulopaticheskogo syndrome, it is advisable to at 1 and 2 stages of the disease, when there are no signs of irreversible changes in the brain tissue.

possible complications

Lack of timely initiation of treatment, wrong diagnosis or the medical error made in the formation of the therapeutic course, can lead to the development of these complications and negative effects for health and life of the patient vestibulopaticheskim disorder:

  • development of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, even if it is not available at the time of the dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • the inability to lead a full and active life;
  • full or partial disability;
  • brain stroke;
  • atherosclerosis of the blood vessels feeding the brain tissue;
  • the development of dementia, which can occur in a person of any age group;
  • disability, dependence on aid loved ones, chained to a bed or wheelchair;Vestibulopatichesky (vestibulo-atactic) syndrome. What is it, how to treat
  • physical inability to service their own physiological needs;
  • the development of a mental disorder, which occurs on the background of the depletion of the cerebral cortex and degenerative processes in its tissues.

Vestibulopaticheskoe disorder that is a chronic syndrome of cerebral circulation - this is a dangerous pathological condition of the brain tissue.

The disease leads to the disruption of the locomotor system, the lack of normal coordination of upper and lower extremities, which is particularly evident during the walk. Timely medication and performing physical therapy can prevent the progression of the syndrome and to maintain the quality of life of the patient.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Videos about the causes of vestibular disorders

Causes of chronic vestibular disorders:

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