Cardiovascular Diseases

Varicose veins on the legs. laser treatment, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery to remove the

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Varicose veins in the legs - a disease characterized by not only a cosmetic leg skin changes and the appearance of spider veins on them, but also deeper pathological processes occurring inside the veins. Early treatment can help prevent serious consequences.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of varicose veins
  • 2 stage
    • 2.1 The primary or initial stage
    • 2.2 The second stage
    • 2.3 The third stage
    • 2.4 The fourth stage
  • 3 forms of varicose veins
    • 3.1 The primary form
    • 3.2 secondary form
  • 4 evidence
  • 5 When to see a doctor?
  • 6 Diagnostics
  • 7 Treatment: effective techniques
    • 7.1 Hirudotherapy
    • 7.2 Masi-venotoniki gels: a list of the best
    • 7.3 Tablets for varicose veins
    • 7.4 Surgery to remove varicose veins
    • 7.5 laser therapy
  • 8 Folk remedies
    • 8.1 Apple vinegar
    • 8.2 Compresses clay
    • 8.3 Tincture of Acacia
    • 8.4 buckeye
    • 8.5 Tomatoes in the treatment of varicose veins
    • 8.6 Cabbage Means
    • 8.7 Potatoes with varicose veins
    • 8.8 bee products
    • 8.9 Nettle
    • 8.10 Nutmeg
    • 8.11 Laundry soap
    • 8.12 Calendula
  • 9 The role and rules of diet food with varicose veins
  • 10 Effects
  • 11 prevention
  • 12 Videos about the treatment of varicose veins on the legs
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Causes of varicose veins

Varicose developed due to weakness of the walls of blood vessels and the defective operation of the venous valves.

The reasons for this are many, but globally there are several major:

  1. Heredity. One of the main factors of the appearance of varicose veins on the legs. It is important to understand that not genetically transmitted disease itself, and the special structure of the vessels, their weakness and low elasticity, as well as the inadequacy of the venous valves. In this regard, varicose veins can occur in younger people, leading a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Hormonal disorders. During periods of hormonal surges in women, namely puberty, pregnancy and menopause also occur stagnation of blood. At this time broken estrogen production, a critical hormone in the female body, thereby weakening the walls of vessels and varicose veins appear early signs. If untreated, they will quickly turn into a full-fledged disease.
  3. Sedentary lifestyle. In the absence of a sufficient amount of physical activity, the blood stagnates and gives the structure of vessel walls. They become weaker and stretched on the blood pressure.
  4. Age. With increasing age the vessel walls become thinner and manifestations varices become more noticeable.
    Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery
  5. Excess weight. Increased load on the lower limbs leads to an increase in load on the leg veins.


Opinions of the number of stages of the disease vary. Some doctors have their own phlebologists-gradation stages of the disease. To a large extent this is due to the peculiarities of the disease in each individual. In the conventional classification step 4 was isolated varices.

The primary or initial stage

During this period, many are unaware of the onset of the disease and to write off all the fatigue or excessive strain on the legs.

At this step marked:

  • tired feet;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • slight swelling, usually taking place after rest;
  • small seizures.

The second stage

Symptoms of varicose veins become more pronounced.

These include:

  • the appearance of spider veins;
  • increased pain and cramps;
  • great severity of edema.
Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

This stage is not yet dangerous and quite amenable to simple medical treatment.

It is important not to ignore these signs in order to prevent further development of varicose veins in the next, more serious stage.

The third stage

At this stage, ignore the disease becomes impossible.

The characteristic features of the third stage:

  • pronounced pain in the legs during the day;
  • strong bulging veins on the skin surface;
  • impairment of blood circulation in the limbs, feeling of appearance of "tingling";
  • expressed cramps and bloating in the lower legs.
Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

If you previously have not been accessed for phlebologist doctor, this stage - the last chance to cure the disease. Untreated develops last stage.

The fourth stage

The most serious form of varicose veins.

When it says:

  • dry skin of the lower extremities, especially in the place of the bulging veins;
  • appearance of skin related diseases and trophic ulcers, difficult-to-treat;
  • constant pain or cramps, inability to walk more than a few steps;
  • enduring constant swelling.

These symptoms appear in addition to the already existing. There is a risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism.

Thrombophlebitis - an inflammation of the walls of the veins, in which there is a high temperature and severe pain.

Thromboembolism - a serious disease characterized by the formation of blood clots. Due to the stagnation of blood and its excessive density on the walls of blood vessels formed clots, which at any moment may come off. When it falls apart thrombus into the pulmonary artery that leads to death within a few minutes.

forms of varicose veins

Varicose veins in the legs, which treatment is carried out in a complex, may be primary and secondary forms. Primary varicose form is more than 90% of all cases.

The primary form

The primary form of the disease occurs when:

  • congenital factors such as the bad condition of the vascular wall and malfunction of the venous valve;
  • pregnancy;
  • excess excess weight;
  • prolonged use on the feet;
    Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery
  • use of clothes or underwear that breaks the flow of blood in the lower extremities;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

secondary form

The secondary form is also called post-traumatic or post-thrombotic. Arises against myocardial diseases in which the weakened vessel walls and functioning venous valves. This occurs most often after injuries.

It is important to correctly determine the form of varicose veins, it will depend on the choice of the treatment, its effectiveness.


Symptoms of varicose veins are specific, do not mistake them for the symptoms of other diseases. The first and the main sign is a common tired feet, not related to increased load on them. In the horizontal position it is often difficult to find a comfortable position, aching pain does not sleep. After a long vacation, this symptoms disappear.

Further, should pay attention to the appearance of edema. In the initial stages of swelling is not pronounced, there in the evening and fully tested in the morning. It is important to differentiate them with functional disorders of other internal organs, such as kidneys. This will help to understand the therapist, appointing a number of clarifying analyzes.

Night cramps in the calf muscles can also be a sign of varicose veins. Sometimes they occur when a lack of certain trace elements in the body, such as calcium, so if convulsions - the only symptom, it is also necessary to check with a doctor.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

If the disease is no longer in the initial stage, it will be clear symptom appearance of spider veins in the legs. They can be point, snake, spider, small and large. They are usually pink or light purple hue.

Less specific signs of varicose veins include:

  • skin pigmentation;
  • disappearance of spider veins when picked feet above the level of the body;
  • vein palpable;
  • burning sensation in the lower legs;
  • heaviness in the legs.

When to see a doctor?

Varicose veins on the legs, which carries out treatment phlebologist doctor almost completely cured with timely treatment to the hospital. When at least 2 of the above symptoms, the patient should seek medical attention.

If you can not get an appointment with phlebology in the early stages can help the therapist or surgeon. It is important not to run a disease, because the higher the stage, the more difficult to treat varicose veins. In the most advanced cases of possible disability, immobility and death.


Diagnosis of varicose veins is carried out in several stages. The first stage - the collection of patient history. Many people underestimate this stage, considering it unnecessary, but this is where the doctor determines that the factors affecting the formation of varicose veins.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

They are:

  • pregnancy;
  • the use of hormones;
  • availability of transactions and injuries;
  • the image of the patient's life;
  • sports;
  • neurological disorders.

The presence of these factors helps to identify the disease at an early stage, when the outward signs are not yet available.

Then the doctor makes sure to check the patient's lower extremities. This procedure is performed in the horizontal and vertical position on the couch, presence of spider veins and veins convex. Also doctor using palpation determines the blood pulsation in my legs and the temperature of the skin over the vein. This helps to identify or rule out the presence of blood clots.

The laboratory diagnostic methods include urinalysis, and complete blood count, which, first of all, look at its clotting. This is an important sign of a possible further thrombus formation.

For successful diagnosis of varicose veins is widely used ultrasonography of the lower extremities, and Doppler angiography. Ultrasound helps to see the veins on the inside, to assess their general condition. Shows Doppler blood flow velocity and venous valves work. With Doppler, you can see the presence or absence of clots in blood vessels.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

Angiography - This test method, which uses contrast administered intravenously. Then use is made of X-ray images which are clearly visible abnormal blood vessels, their length, as well as the presence of these clots. Current diagnostic methods allow fast and informative to determine the stage of varices, and also to choose an effective treatment.

Treatment: effective techniques

Varicose veins in the legs, treatment of which will be described later, completely disappears in an integrated approach. It is important to carry out the treatment after consulting with your doctor, because each method of treatment there is a contraindication.


Leech therapy - one of the oldest methods of treatment, which was used by Hippocrates. Hirudotherapy was highly effective in treating a variety of diseases in those days, when the medicines did not exist, and the treatment was carried out with herbs and other methods handrails.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

Treatment of varicose veins in this way has proved to be at a high level thanks to a special substance in the saliva of leeches - hirudin.

This substance is able to:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • reduce blood clotting;
  • dissolve blood clots and blood clots, preventing normal blood flow;
  • strengthen the vascular wall.

In addition, girudoterapiya helps to reduce bad cholesterol, improve the permeability of blood vessels and reduce inflammation. All this effectively treats symptoms of varicose veins and improves the overall condition of the veins on the legs.

Masi-venotoniki gels: a list of the best

Despite the proven efficacy of tableted forms, many people prefer to use venotoniki in the form of ointments and gels. In pharmacies you can find a variety of names, in which it is easy to get confused. Below is a list of the most effective ointments and gels, venotoniki.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery
Title Active substance Price range (rub.)
Venozol Hesperidin, diosmin, horse chestnut extract, hazelnut extract. 80-170
ginkor gel Gingko extract, troxerutin 200-370
troksevazin troxerutin 100-220
Venitan Escin (horse chestnut extract) 140-270
lioton heparin sodium 270-500
flebodia diosmin 426-687

Local Action-venotoniki gels has a beneficial effect on vascular permeability and strengthening the walls, but they exhibit the greatest effectiveness with the tablet formulation.

Tablets for varicose veins

The efficacy of tablets varices due to active substances included in them.

They can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Preparations based on flavonoids - Diosmin and hesperidin. The most efficient to date, have a systemic action. Among the best known of these drugs Flebodia600, Venarus, Detraleks, Diovenor600.
  2. Preparations based on troxerutin - a synthetic analogue of the routine. This time-tested medicines, among which the most famous Troxevasin, Troxerutin and Troksevenol. It is produced in the form of tablets and capsules. The disadvantage is the need to take the medicine three times a day.
  3. Preparations based on pentoxifylline. They reduce the permeability of capillaries and improve vascular tone. Among the drugs known Trental and Pentoksifarm. One must be careful, it is this group of drug many contraindications.
    Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery
  4. Preparations based on plant extracts, juices of plants and oils. The most effective for varicose is considered to be an extract of horse chestnut or escin. Medications with this active ingredient have a powerful effect venotoniziruyuschee.

Surgery to remove varicose veins

Surgery of varicose veins is shown in later stages of the disease, when drug therapy does not bring improvement. common, but they differ in methods of surgery indications and contraindications for the surgery.

The most common and effective, but at the same time, the most radical step - phlebectomy. It is performed under spinal or general anesthesia. Made two incisions, one in the groin, one near the ankle. Through these incisions introduced special wire with a rounded end, via which removed the affected Vienna.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

a short recovery period, after 1-2 days the patient is discharged. After surgery, you need to wear compression stockings for venous drugs and drink.

Less invasive surgery - miniflebektomiya. At the time it made no cuts and punctures, and Vienna can not be removed completely, and only the affected portion thereof. Recovery is faster postoperative recommendations are the same as after phlebectomy.

Another painless way to get rid of the manifestations of varicose veins - sclerotherapy. It is used under the condition of the surface lesions and small vessels with a large number of spider veins. The vein using a syringe injected special preparation - sklerotant destroying inner vascular layer and middle layers are fused and Vienna shed.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

This type of operation is considered to be the most gentle, at the same time, the recovery takes up to 6 months. For a more lasting effect spend a few procedures.

laser therapy

Laser coagulation is one of the most high-tech methods to get rid of varicose veins. Among its advantages include ease of execution and virtually zero trauma.

Under local anesthesia, a small puncture is made through which introduces the laser light-emitting diode, Vienna is soldered under the influence of temperature and out of the bloodstream. Thus, the risk of contamination is minimal, since all microorganisms are killed by heat.

This procedure can be done on the way home and the next day go to work again. The minus is its high cost and the lack of some clinics the necessary high-tech equipment.

Folk remedies

Varicose veins on the legs, the treatment which lasts for at least a month to disappear when using improvised home. Along with medical treatment, folk remedies have shown high efficiency in the fight against this disease. Next will be considered the most effective ones.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar - this is one of the most popular and effective folk remedies against varicose veins.

It is rich in trace elements, vitamins B, C, A, E, as well as acids:

  • malic;
  • oxalic;
  • breast;
  • citric.

Thanks to this composition, apple cider vinegar is the first assistant in the fight against this disease. To get rid of the external manifestations of varicose veins are used rubbing, compresses, wraps. Receiving diluted with water into vinegar (1 tablespoon to a half-glass of boiled water) helps to fight with deep varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

It is important that the vinegar was made because of the apple juice. Today, manufacturers make vinegar from apple peel, benefit from it will not. If you can not buy natural vinegar, you can make it your own.

Compresses clay

It is necessary to take the pharmacy cosmetic clay and mix with cold water to a state of sour cream. A layer of clay is applied on the affected portion and covered with fabric. Layers of clay and fabrics are alternated so long as the thickness does not amount to 2 cm.

Then compress need to wrap a thick cloth and wrap the blanket. Compress must lie with 3 hours before bedtime, the legs should be above the level of the body. Within 3 days marked subsidence of pain and reduction units.

Tincture of Acacia

70 g of acacia flowers mixed with vodka (0.5 L). Insist need for 14 days is not the sun. The resulting composition must be rubbed before sleeping for 30 days. For greater efficiency can be tincture of arnica (50 g) and 70% alcohol (0.5 L) in the same manner. Mix these 2 infusions of 1: 2, and also rub.


Horse Chestnut - one of the most effective herbal medicine to strengthen the blood vessels. The infusion of it can be done as follows. Chestnut is necessary to grind and pour the alcohol. The dwell time of at least 14 days.

The tool then filtered and poured into the dark opaque container. It can be taken orally (three times a day with meals for 40 drops) and compresses (2 hours).

Tomatoes in the treatment of varicose veins

To compress tomatoes need to take slices of tomato, attach them to the affected area and secure the bandage. Changed every 3 hour. Compresses made to persistent symptoms disappear.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

Another way - the use of green tomatoes. You have to cut the fruit into two halves, one of them to apply to the affected area and hold up a burning sensation. Then rinse with cool water and a place to make the other half. Change 4 times since. Do daily, 3 weeks nodes must pale.

Cabbage Means

For cabbage compress you must take a leaf cabbage, discourage him or mash with a rolling pin. Then, lubricate and apply to areas with the greatest discomfort. Compress to fix a bandage and leave for the day. Then be replaced lotion at night. The course of treatment - a month.

Potatoes with varicose veins

We need to take the potatoes, chop it on a grater and apply to the sore area. Wrap several layers of fabric (at least 8) and leave for 3 hr. Only fresh young tubers are used for these packs.

bee products

Honey with varicose veins used to compress. It is necessary to apply a thin layer of it on the cloth attached to the patient area and wrap with cling film. Next, wrap an elastic bandage to fix. In the early days compress superimposed on the 2, 3 and 4 h, respectively, and in the following days overnight. The course of treatment up to 3 weeks.


nettle treatment is carried out in two ways. The first way - with the help of nettle broom. skin reaction to nettles are well known, it starts to itch, red and itchy. At the same time, it improves blood flow and vascular tone. Such treatment shows even later stages.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery

The second method - a tincture of nettles, which are used in the form of compresses and inside. It is necessary to take 300 g nettle and 0.5 liters vodka and infuse for 3 days. Once you can start to use 1 tbsp before a meal or as a compress on sore areas of the feet.


Nutmeg has anti-inflammatory and hemopoietic effect. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a nut, grind it in a coffee grinder and pour 200 g of boiling water. When the walnut tincture, it is necessary to add honey. Take this product must be before meals for 3 weeks.

Laundry soap

Soap has proven itself in many areas of medicine, due to its properties - drying and anti-bacterial action. At the same time it must be remembered that the use of this tool is not for everyone, because due to the highly alkaline composition of the soap can dry and irritate the skin.

Before the procedure, make sure that the skin does not suffer from this money and carry out the test on a small area.

From soap to do the following mask. Taken grated soap, are added 10 Tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and 250 g of vodka. All is mixed and applied to the diseased sites every day. During the procedure, it is important to monitor the condition of the skin.


A great way to deal with varicose veins may become oily tincture of calendula pharmacy. It is necessary to take a 50 g of flowers and pour 0.5 liters vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is then necessary in a water bath 1 hour then defend 30 min. and strain. The resulting tincture to rub every day before going to bed in a circular motion, and then apply a poultice of her well and leave until morning.

The role and rules of diet food with varicose veins

Dining with varicose veins is aimed at reducing the consumption of heavy and fatty foods that promote weight gain and increase the load on the lower limbs. Diet helps to improve blood flow and enhance lymphatic drainage effect in the tissues. Prohibited products, causing swelling. Allowed to eat protein and vegetable diet. Fruits and vegetables must be present in the diet.

Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery
Varicose veins on the legs. Treatment includes dieting.

Banned alcohol, fatty and fried foods, pickles, sweets, flour dishes. In general, a diet with varicose veins is similar to the generally accepted principles of good nutrition. The diet only added to certain foods that help the body to improve the overall condition of the vessels.


The consequences of varicose veins occur in the event that the disease has long ignored. The least dangerous consequences of the disease include the appearance of spider veins, which is a cosmetic defect, and care in the first place, women.

More serious consequences occur in the late stages, including thrombophlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, the formation of skin diseases and ulcers. In these cases, the disease is very difficult to treat and leads to disability or death.


Avoid varicose veins easily.

You need to perform a few simple rules:

  1. Watch your weight. Obesity provokes the appearance of varicose veins.
  2. When prolonged sitting posture is necessary to avoid "foot to foot", since it is a violation of blood flow in the legs.
  3. During prolonged standing activities need to periodically do some exercise or just walking.
    Varicose veins in the legs laser, folk remedies, stockings, ointments, tablets, gel, food, diet, surgery
  4. You need to wear clothes that do not restrict movement, because in this case also there is a disturbance of blood flow.
  5. Do not wear it constantly high-heeled shoes.

Varicose veins in the legs occurs in one in five people in the world. Treatment of this disease is important to engage in a timely manner. Better to turn to an experienced phlebologist, which will oversee the course of the disease and recommend effective treatment.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about the treatment of varicose veins on the legs

How to cure varicose veins in the legs:

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