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Nise tablets that help. Instructions for use, price, reviews

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The abundance of pain medication presented on the shelves of pharmacies, sometimes puts the buyer in a dead end, so you should know what constitutes "Nise" tablets and what they can help.

Nise tablets. Instructions for use of the head, toothache, menstruation, reviews
Nise - a remedy for many diseases and ailments

As follows from the description of the manufacturer, the drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent with broad ambit as an analgesic and antipyretic.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Nise. Composition of the preparation, the active substance
  • 2 Nise. dosage
  • 3 Nise tablets: Indications for use
  • 4 Nise. Instructions for use of tablets
    • 4.1 Nise toothache
    • 4.2 Nise from headache
    • 4.3 Naiz temperature
    • 4.4 Nise menstruation
    • 4.5 Nise during pregnancy
  • 5 Contraindications application Naiz
  • 6 Possible side effects
  • 7 How much are the pills
  • 8 drug analogues
  • 9 Videos about Nise tablets, from which they are helping, like taking

Nise. Composition of the preparation, the active substance

Nise drug produced in the form of dispersing tablets in a carton box, where you can also find instructions detailing the medication and what it helps.

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The main active ingredient of the drug acts nimesulide, Which causes a large range of action of the tool, as it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic properties.

Nimesulide inhibits the formation of prostaglandins, which cause inflammatory effects, as well as contribute to the development of edema.

Nise tablets. Instructions for use of the head, toothache, menstruation, reviews
Nimesulide - chemical compound

Its quantity in a tablet may be 50 or 100 mg.

Besides the active compound, the preparation contains a number of other components:

  • calcium phosphate;
  • starch;
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • fumed silica;
  • talc;
  • flavoring.

Nise. dosage

According to the official description, this drug should be used after meals to minimize irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Recommended tablet diluted in 5 ml of ordinary water until complete dissolution and the drink, drinking liquid.

For adults and children after 12 years of drug necessary to take 1-2 tablets 50 mg at a time, twice a day. Thus the daily amount of drug should be no more than 400 mg.

Children aged less than 12 years, the use of funds in the form of tablets is undesirable.

Duration of use Nise tablets determined by your doctor, depending on what is accepted drug, symptoms and individual characteristics of the organism.

In this case, the manufacturer does not advise to take the medication for longer than 10 days, since long-term use significantly increases the probability of side effects.

Nise tablets: Indications for use

From what help tablet "Nise" explains in detail instructions to the drug.

Nise tablets. Instructions for use of the head, toothache, menstruation, reviews
From then take Nise tablets prompt instruction or therapist

Due to the wide range of action of a drug recommended to accept for many diseases and health problems:

  • rheumatic joint disease;
  • arthritis of various origins;
  • acute manifestations of gout;
  • muscle, joint and back pain;
  • radiculitis;
  • low back pain;
  • bursitis (inflammation of the mucous bags);
  • inflammation of various etiologies;
  • fever;
  • a variety of pain syndromes.

Nise. Instructions for use of tablets

With such a wide range of actions, it is necessary to know how to take the medicine according to the existing problems. It is not identical with the tool receiving headache, toothache, menstrual pain, temperature.

Nise toothache

When the toothache, it is necessary to cope with the discomfort can be more quickly. In such situations, the medication Nise is quite a good solution to the problem.

The medicament sufficiently rapidly absorbed and enters the blood, thereby anesthesia occurs within about an hour.

Nise tablets. Instructions for use of the head, toothache, menstruation, reviews

drug action time is about 4 hours. Nise is most effective at low and medium intensity pain syndromes. Moreover, the drug has anti-inflammatory effect which makes it possible to use at caries or pulpitis. But we should not expect him to complete cure, Nise only temporarily blocks the inflammatory process.

Take medicament 1-2 times a day by 50 mg.

Also, the drug is well combined with other drugs, including antibiotics, making it possible to receive a part of complex therapy.

Nise from headache

Nise tablets They used a lot of what, in particular, they are very often used to get rid of a headache.

Headache - a fairly common problem faced by the vast majority of people.

Experts recommend not to suffer headaches, because of increased blood pressure in these situations, increased heart rate, there are failures in the hormonal system, which could lead to more trouble for body. Receiving appropriate anesthetic - the best solution to this problem.

Nise is very effective at moderate headaches. Due to the effect of the anti-inflammatory and antipyretic active substance (nimesulide) preparation can be taken in cases where the pain occurs on a background of cold or viral diseases.

Receiving medicament for headaches recommended usual dosage: 100 mg 2-3 times a day after meals. Act medicament begins at 1.5 hours after ingestion, the analgesic effect lasts up to 6 hours. Duration - 7 days.

If you experience any side effects, you should stop taking the drug and seek further appointments to a specialist.

Naiz temperature

Temperature - frequent symptom of viral and infectious diseases. Depending on the intensity, it can be a low grade (37 to 37 9 C), febrile (38 to 38 9 C) pireticheskoy (from 39 to 40 C. 9) and giperpireticheskoy - more than 41 C.

The physiological significance of temperature rise when ingested pathogens is following - in organs and tissues with high temperature and intense multiply worse killed viruses and various germs.

The most optimal temperature for the struggle with the disease is low-grade. If the thermometer rises above $ 38, it is already appropriate to take antipyretic.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which include Naiz are retarders inflammatory processes in the body, thus have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipyretic action. Thus they do not impair normal body temperature, so their use thermometers at least 38 readings impractical.

Nise copes well with SARS symptoms such as fever and headache, but one should not expect that he will cope with the underlying disease.

To consume the drug should be of 1 tablet to 4 times a day (daily amount would be 400 mg) after a meal.

Nise menstruation

Menstruation - the usual physiological phenomenon for girls and women, but often this period (Fully or at the initial stage) is accompanied by significant pain in the lower abdomen and a segment loin.

Nise tablets. Instructions for use of the head, toothache, menstruation, reviews

In some cases, these spasms are tolerant and stop quickly, but it happens that they become stronger and significantly interfere with the usual daily routine. If dysmenorrhea (painful menses occurring) happens all the time or duration pain over 3 days, be sure to visit the gynecologist to rule out serious pathology.

One of the most common tools for fast pain relief during menstrual period are Nise tablets.

The drug has properties that help to cope with unpleasant and painful symptoms of menstruation:

  • reduction in the number of histamines - Nise tablets help get rid of excess fluid in the body, thereby reducing pain in the abdomen, lower back and head;
  • antioxidant effect - elimination of toxins from the body significantly improves mood;
  • inhibition of prostaglandins - their excessive amounts may cause contractions of the uterus, which is a source of severe pain.

When painful menstruation tablets Naiz use 2 times a day by 1 piece. It should be remembered that the drug removes only the symptoms and not the actual cause of painful menstruation.

Nise during pregnancy

Very often during pregnancy in women have different pain: muscles and joints due to increased pressure on the musculoskeletal system, tooth due to lack of calcium, and many others. In this case, experts recommend to choose a pain reliever that is suitable for women who are pregnant. However, many of the usual medications during this period is prohibited, including Nuys.

Pregnancy, regardless of the period, an absolute contraindication for use Naiz preparation.

In the early stages, especially in the first 3 weeks, any drug effects either passes unnoticed, or leading to death of the fetus. After 12 days of pregnancy the drug may adversely affect the formation of organs of the child and cause mutations and malformations.

Second Trimester most safe in terms of medication. During this period, single dose Naiza possible, but only by prescription and under the strict supervision of a physician!

In the third trimester reception Naiza contraindicated, as it can cause uterine atony, that is, the weakening of muscle tone. The result of this state may be heavy bleeding with large blood loss, including internal. Other possible side effects - the ductus arteriosus closure, through which the supply of the unborn child is oxygen.

Thus, during pregnancy experts strongly recommend to refrain from taking Naiza and choose a safer drug.

Contraindications application Naiz

Nise tablets due to a significant content of the active compound is not suitable for all people.

In the first place, should not use this drug for people who have problems with the authorities digestion, especially in the period of exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Even a small amount can lead to serious consequences, including internal bleeding.

The drug is strictly contraindicated in pregnant womenBecause it can bring great harm to the unborn baby and the health of the woman. The same applies to the breastfeeding period: through breast milk formulation may be ingested by a child, which is very dangerous. Contraindicated medication and children up to 12 years.

Furthermore, it is undesirable to take Naiz people having problems with kidney and liver, unless disturbs high or low blood pressure, diabetes.

It is forbidden to combine the drug with alcohol.

Possible side effects

In general the drug is well tolerated, but, as in the reception of any serious drug, there is a probability of occurrence of certain side effects:

  • on the part of the digestive system - nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, epigastric pain, constipation, erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa membrane, internal bleeding;
  • from the circulatory system - anemia, agranulocytosis (decrease in white blood cell count), pancytopenia (reduction of all elements of the blood);
  • on the part of the nervous system - headache, drowsiness, dizziness, anxiety;
  • of the liver - jaundice, hepatic failure, hepatitis.

and may cause allergic reactions to some of the components that comprise tablets Naiz, causing a rash, redness, swelling, itching and dermatitis.

Most often a manifestation of certain side effects associated with a drug overdose, so you should strictly adhere to the dosage given in the instructions and recommendations of the treating doctor. In a situation when seen these or other side effects, it is necessary to immediately renounce the use of the drug and consult a specialist.

How much are the pills

The cost of the drug may vary slightly, depending on the manufacturer and the dosage of the drug. Usually the price is in the range from 150 to 200 rubles.

Many pharmacies have their own websites where you can find out the cost of drugs available on the market. Thus, you can compare prices and choose the most acceptable.

drug analogues

There are many drugs with a similar composition, or the same effect.

Nise tablets. Instructions for use of the head, toothache, menstruation, reviews
Analogue Naiza - pills upon

Medicaments, wherein the main active substance is also nimesulide:

  1. Nimesulide and upon - the cheapest counterparts Naiza. First produced in Macedonia, the second - in Cyprus. It is produced in the form of tablets and possess anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgetic effect.
  2. Mesulid, Nimesil, Nimesulide - available in the form of a soluble powder for suspension. This form of the drug provides its more rapid action.
  3. nimulid - preparation of Indian origin, produced in the form of conventional tablets or lozenges.

With regard to drugs with another active substance, the elevated temperature and pain for alternative drugs may be based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.

This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs having antipyretic effect a pronounced and a slight analgesic effect. They are less effective in various pain, but have fewer contraindications and side effects than pills Nise, from which they can be used in the treatment of pregnant women and children.

Also analogs can be considered as Aspirin and Tsitramon that too well with some types of pain and are able to reduce the temperature. These drugs have many contraindications to use, so they need to be taken with great caution.

Joint and muscle pain a good analogue of the drug can become Diclofenac and Ketonal that do well with pain like backgrounds.

Nise is well established among consumers. It is recommended to take the medicament with various types of pain, it is able to lower the temperature. However Naiz has contraindications and side effects, so before reception requires specialist consultation.

Videos about Nise tablets, from which they are helping, like taking

Video review Nise tablets, from which help, which the active ingredient, it looks like the original packaging:

What you need to know about the drug Nise:

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