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The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications, benefits and harms, the use of recipes

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The very first described the healing properties of wild rose roots and fruits of the ancient Greek "father of botany" Theophrastus. All teas and tinctures, which are taken as a basis rose, used for its intended purpose. Rosehip is very popular in folk medical practices due to its positive properties.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Features a medicinal plant
  • 2 The composition and nutritional value
  • 3 Properties of wild rose root
  • 4 Possible damage to the roots of wild rose
  • 5 Recipes of traditional medicine
    • 5.1 To strengthen the immune system
    • 5.2 In hepatitis
    • 5.3 When kidney disease
      • 5.3.1 For removing stones from the body
    • 5.4 To get rid of cystitis
    • 5.5 In atherosclerosis and hypertension
    • 5.6 antifungal
    • 5.7 For Women's Health
    • 5.8 When uterine bleeding
    • 5.9 in oncology
    • 5.10 To normalize the metabolism and weight control
    • 5.11 For oral refreshment
  • 6 broth roots for external application
  • 7 Video of the roots of wild rose

Features a medicinal plant

There are various recipes for tinctures and decoctions from dried roots of wild rose. Procure raw materials can be yourself. If you do everything correctly, rose roots can be stored for a long time. For therapeutic purposes, use only the side roots are small in size. The main root goes into the soil to a depth of 3 m, and the healing properties of it are missing.

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Harvested raw materials in late autumn or early spring until the growing season began. Digging should be carefully, to avoid damaging the roots. Extract only part of the club on the one hand, that the plant is not killed.

Roots purified from soil residues and washed under running water. In a dark place for drying retained beforehand to cut into small pieces roots. The best place for long-term storage is considered glassware, bags and boxes of tissues. They can be stored up to 2 years.

Roots hips therapeutic properties which are still in action of the vitamin, are fried in a pan without any addition of oils. Intense and bright flavor can be enjoyed, using rosehip drink.

The composition and nutritional value

The high content of the biologically active substances located in the lateral roots: tannic components, flavonoids and pectins.

Particular attention is paid to the following substances, which play an important role in the life of the organism:

  • thiamin responsible for the regulation of the digestive system, nervous system and the heart.
  • Riboflavin coordinates the activity of the thyroid gland. It is needed in the body for the health of the nail plate and hair.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes
  • Folic acid - vitamin, insufficient maintenance which develop disorders of the immune and circulatory system. When it falls insufficient activity of male germ cells.
  • Substances with tanning properties, affect coagulation proteins. At the injured areas of skin protective film is formed due to tannins.
  • Pectin establishing activity of the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the elimination of toxins.
  • vitamin K. Without it does not absorb vitamin D. Regenerative properties of bone and connective tissue are dependent on the presence of vitamin K. Coagulation of blood is dependent on this vitamin.
  • Vitamin A It affects the quality of vision.

The root appendages very high content of chemical elements like Mg, K, P, Fe and Mn.

Properties of wild rose root

Roots hips exhibit therapeutic properties in the form of strengthening of immunity, stabilize the metabolism, enhance brain function, physical activity.

Rosehip has the following actions:

  • It eliminates harmful bacteria.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Astringent.
  • Choleretic.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes

Table 1 №. Medicinal properties and applications

Disease Act
GI Soft choleretic effect in liver pathologies. Means of conglomerates in the gallbladder. regulation of digestion, help with diarrhea
urinary system Diuretic, reduces inflammation, disinfects, kills bacteria
Joints and muscles (polyarthritis, rheumatism, gout, bursitis, seizures) Anti-inflammatory effect
Hypertension Bates arterial pressure, leading to vasodilatation, normalizes the circulatory system
Male Reproductive System Activate the functionality of the genital glands, anti-inflammatory effect
Gynecology Because vitamin K helps with uterine bleeding
Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis) Apply toners, lotions for topical use
Metabolism antidiabetic action
poisoning Removing toxins and toxic substances. Restoration of water-salt balance

Beneficial to heart the preparations made from the roots of the bush.

Possible damage to the roots of wild rose

Use any drug, even if it is out of public health practice, you can only consult a doctor. This is done to prevent the occurrence of side effects. The doctor can help establish the correct recipe cooking drink and pick up the necessary dosage.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes

People with heart disease to consume drinks from the roots of wild plants should be with great caution. Rosehip exacerbates the disease, and may have an impact on the manifestation of attacks at the possibility of organizing thrombus.

Tannins can provoke frustration of a chair, because they are very much a part of the rhizomes.

Decoction of the root system of wild plants is strictly prohibited to use for people suffering from acute disease states urinary system. Direct contraindication dermatological problems are allergic etiology, hypersensitivity, pathologically low blood pressure and arterial blood coagulation violation.

Recipes of traditional medicine

wild rose roots are used in the preparation of various recipes of teas, infusions, decoctions, a variety of lotions, which have healing properties.

To strengthen the immune system

Appendages of the root tea is prepared. This tea - the solution of many problems associated with low immunity, as a means of prevention.

In order to prepare such tea will need:

  1. Mixture of crushed root in a blender.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes
  2. 1 h. l. the resulting powder is immersed in water.

It is brewed like regular tea. To enhance the palatability of the beverage can resort to the addition of a small amount of honey. You can add a bit of dried berries.

Another recipe broth:

You will need:

  • 35-40 g roots.
  • 400 ml of hot water.

Cooking process:

  1. The roots are filled with hot water in the receptacle of a refractory material.
  2. Take size greater capacity to boil water.
  3. To put the bowl with the infusion.
  4. Within 15 min. Drink a couple of pines.
  5. Then it is removed, wrapped in a warm cloth and leave to infuse for 5 hours.

rosehip roots (medicinal properties are lost during storage) must be prepared every day, it can not be stored. Broth necessarily passed through a sieve before use. The beverage should be used by dividing it by four doses of 100 ml. Treatment is carried out at least 2 weeks.

In hepatitis

In viral hepatitis and chronic drug rosehip drink regularly twofold a day. In the morning on an empty stomach is received, and the second best reception during the most active liver - 1-2 hours overnight. the application rate is 2 months, then a break for a month.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes

Rosehip liver eliminates the negative action of antibacterial agents and promote the rapid release of toxins and poisons.

To prepare the facility will need:

  • 3 hours. l. roots.
  • 250 ml of boiled water.

Cooking process:

  1. All the ingredients are mixed.
  2. About 15 minutes. Cooking takes all weight on low heat plate.
  3. Then the broth is removed from the heat and leave to infuse for 30 minutes.

The broth is divided into 3 portions, which are drunk during the next day. Such broth with liver abnormalities is used only in conjunction with humane treatment.

When kidney disease

Root appendages contribute to the removal of unnecessary substances from the body of salt. Kidney conglomerates organized due to a malfunction in metabolism, poor nutrition and bad habits. Sand and conglomerates over the years appeared in the kidneys due to an excessive amount of salt in the food consumed, deficiency of motor activity and vitamins.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes

It should be remembered:

  • Therapy is always done under the supervision of a specialist.
  • The doctor sets the dose, and cure.
  • Roots beverage suitable for cooking fresh or dried form.
  • Probably a manifestation of headaches, nausea and retching because of crushing stones.
  • therapy for at least a month.

For the decoction in the treatment of kidney harvesting roots are engaged in the autumn months, when the plant is already without leaves and fruit.


  1. Clean, wash and dry the roots.
  2. Crushed roots in a blender.
  3. 2 tbsp. l. add water and send it on the stove for 15 minutes.
  4. Wait until the broth is cooled down and strain.

Drink prepared beverage warm, dividing it into 3 parts. Treatment is continued for a couple of weeks. Even large stones have time during this period to dissolve.

For removing stones from the body

To eliminate the conglomerates of the gallbladder are the recipe in which you will need:

  • 120 g of briar root.
  • 1 liter of water.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes

Cooking process:

  1. The ingredients are mixed
  2. After boiling cooking means 20 min.
  3. Infusion of leaves at night.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes

On the morning of his strain and drink before meals 3-4 times a day for 40 ml. Are treated in this way for 3-4 weeks.

To get rid of cystitis

When getting rid of cystitis is better to give preference rhizomes, not hips. In total, the treatment takes about a month. In the early days of the most severe symptoms disappear. Then begins a long period of purification of the bladder and kidneys from germs.

Easy way to prepare:

  • 4 tbsp. l. powder of roots filled with water to 500 ml.
  • The mixture was kept at steamed for 20 min.
  • Mass olazhdaetsya and filtered.

3 times during the day decoction is used solely to food methods.

In atherosclerosis and hypertension

Roots hips exhibit therapeutic properties in respect of blood pressure correction. They have a characteristic hypotensive action.


  1. 0.5 l of water used 1 tbsp. l. crushed rhizome powder.
  2. A few minutes, the mixture is boiled
  3. Infused for 3 hours.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes

The drink is used exclusively in the warm state, divided portions throughout the day. More efficient roots freshly considered for therapeutic purposes in hypertension.

In atherosclerosis rose hips relieves headaches and increases the ability to work. The powder can brew in a thermos and leave it to infuse for half an hour. Should consume only after passing through a sieve or gauze. With regular use condition markedly improved.


In the case of lesions of the skin or nail fungus is used tincture of roots on alcohol.

Recipe tincture in a classical form:

  • Within 20 min. boiled mixture of 20 g of dried roots and 300 ml of water.
  • The beverage filter and insist 8 hours in a dark place.

Taking a drink for 20 minutes. to 50 ml food. Sometimes they use a beverage with an increased concentration. To increase the dry part of the beverage and the receiving portion.

For Women's Health

Pregnant and nursing mothers, many drugs are prohibited for use.

In such cases, the aid comes a decoction of the roots of wild rose:

  1. 300 ml of water accounted for 3-4 art. l. crushed roots.
  2. 30 minutes. the mixture is boiled at low heat.
  3. Portions broth is divided into 3 times daily with 300 ml.
    The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes
    Bactericidal therapeutic properties of the roots of wild rose is widely used for thrush
  4. For sedentary baths used less concentrated drink.

When uterine bleeding

When bleeding genital female organs is useful to use the following recipe:

  1. 2 cups of water to 2 tablespoons. l. Root appendages.
  2. Boiling takes approximately 15 minutes.
  3. Container with prepared drug wrapped up in a warm cloth and sent to infuse for about 3 hours.
  4. After passing through a sieve, broth made to drink a glass 3 times the floor during the day.

in oncology

Rosehip actively inhibits the growth of cancer cells and can be used successfully in the treatment of breast cancer. It is noted that with a positive impact on the improvement of cancer cells, rosehips does not have any side effects. In the near future it is planned to use rose hips investigation against prostate cancer.

For prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in oncological diseases using the infusion of the roots of wild plants:

  • 40 g of crushed roots.
  • 1 liter of boiling water.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes

If the infusion is prepared in a thermos, then enough for 2-3 hours. The entire infusion is drunk in small portions throughout the day.

To normalize the metabolism and weight control

To adjust the weights used a decoction of the rhizomes. He is struggling with overweight, it produces enzymes that are responsible for accelerating the metabolism and digestion.

It is worth remembering that in addition to the use of broth, and the need diet and exercise. In the process of slimming teas rather play a secondary role.

Broth is done as follows:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. powder from rhizomes pour 500 ml of water.
  2. Bring to boiling mass.
  3. Languor broth 15 min. on low heat.
  4. Send mixture infuse about 2 hours, then drain and drinking for 3 weeks before the main food intake.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes

In action this broth reminds enema. As a result of its impact body leave toxins and wastes. Normalization of metabolism does not allow the lost weight back.

For oral refreshment


  • 2 tbsp. l. powder.
  • Water - half a liter.

Cooking method:

  1. The powder is poured boiled, but lukewarm water.
  2. At night the mixture was left to infuse at room temperature.
  3. In the morning part of strain.

Use infusion mouthwash, and then to use 2 tablespoons. l. Infusion eliminates the unattractive smell, disinfects the mouth and expresses an anti-inflammatory effect.

broth roots for external application

Water decoction of the roots is widely used externally for such diseases:

  • Rheumatism.
  • Gout.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes
  • Diseases of the joints.
  • Wounds, ulcers.

At a time when joint inflammation and gout aggravated, prepare the drink as follows:

  1. The rate of 1 liter of water for 1 tbsp. l. powder.
  2. Pour boiling water roots
  3. Leave to infuse for 3 h in a quiet fire.
  4. After cooling and sieving the resulting beverage is diluted with water glass.

The infusion is used as a compress. Soaked cloth laid on a painful place, wrap a warm cloth and leave overnight so. Flavonoids and tannins come to the aid to relieve fatigue and to provide a therapeutic effect on the vessels using the foot baths.

Sitz baths and microclysters used for therapeutic effect in inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Cooking broth:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. fill powder into a bowl of refractory material.
  2. Pour boiling and simmer for 2 hours on a small fire.
  3. Leave means for further cooling for 1 hour.The roots of wild rose. Medicinal properties and contraindications harm recipes

This volume of infusion will be enough for a foot bath. For general baths must prepare 3 L of infusion and pour them into warm water. The procedure should be carried out about 30 minutes.

the roots of wild rose are widely used for developing cosmetic effect, improving the appearance of the skin, eliminate the fungus and acne.

With the defeat of nail fungal microflora, they are deformed and start to exfoliate, they are covered with tumors.

When infusion manufacture for outdoor use need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. roots.
  • 0.5 L of vodka.

The mixture was infused for 3 weeks. Then it is taken twice a day before meals for 25 ml. This infusion is recommended to use in gout and.

Doctors recommend that their patients decoctions of wild rose root to use, because the list of its medicinal properties is very wide. Rhizomes possess active biological action aimed at combating many pathologies.

In addition to medicinal properties, wild rose is widely used by women to combat obesity, as well as for cosmetic effect.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of the roots of wild rose

Useful properties of rosehip root:

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