Diseases Of The Blood

Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means after 50-60 years

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Blood clotting - an important feature of its special cells, called platelets. If not enough of them - a high risk of bleeding, even with small skin lesions.

However, elevated blood platelets in the blood can lead to thrombus formation. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to control the rate, especially among women, as the causes of disease depends on their physiological characteristics of the organism.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What does it mean thrombocytosis?
  • 2 The norm in blood platelets in women over the age of
  • 3 The causes of high blood thrombotic cells in women
    • 3.1 infectious diseases
    • 3.2 hematologic causes
    • 3.3 surgeries
    • 3.4 injuries
    • 3.5 Inflammation
    • 3.6 Splenectomy
    • 3.7 Oncology
  • 4 What does the increased level of platelets in pregnancy
  • 5 Why platelet levels in women after childbirth can be upgraded
  • 6 The causes of elevated platelet counts in women older than 50 years
  • 7 The causes of secondary thrombocytosis
  • 8 classification of thrombocytosis
  • 9 The dangerous increase in platelet count
  • 10 Symptoms and signs of thrombocytosis
  • insta story viewer
  • 11 diagnosis of deviations
  • 12 Diet for thrombocytosis
  • 13 drug therapy
  • 14 Preparations with a high level of platelets
  • 15 Traditional recipes with thrombocytosis
  • 16 Complications and consequences
  • 17 Videos about the causes and ways to improve the normalization of blood platelet parameters in women

What does it mean thrombocytosis?

Increasing the number of platelets in the blood leads to thrombocytosis. This is a serious disease, causing more blood clots. In such diseases platelet level reaches about 500,000 per mm3. The cause of the disease may be platelet production in bone marrow, slowing their degradation, impaired cell movement in the bloodstream.

Thrombocytosis can develop into thrombosis, characterized by poor blood circulation and blockage of blood vessels. thrombocytosis treatment consists in the prevention and therapy of thromboses primary disease that causes an increase in platelet count.

The norm in blood platelets in women over the age of

platelet norm in women varies depending on the age and variety of physiological processes. In addition, there is little diurnal variation platelet values. Maximum values ​​seen in the evening hours, and the minimum - in the morning.

Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

platelets in healthy female representatives are included in the table below:

Age Minimum, g / l Maximum, g / l
newborn children 150 420
children under 12 months. 150 350
Children 1-1.5 years old and above 180 320
Up to 16 years 160 390
16-25 180 380
26-35 180 400
36-60 180 340
above 61 180 320
during pregnancy 100 420
during the month 70 170
climacteric 110 349

The causes of high blood thrombotic cells in women

Elevated blood platelets in the blood of women, causes which consist of different pathologies or physiological processes of an organism diagnosed with poisoning, strong stress. Thrombocytosis occurs due to the rapid proliferation of platelets in the bone marrow, slow decay, the movement of blood through the vessels violations.

Advanced disease promotes thrombosis which often ends in death.

According to statistics, every year 200 people die from thrombosis 1. Thrombocytosis - independent disease, but may be the consequence of various diseases. For the conclusion of the diagnosis requires a skilled diagnosis and comprehensive treatment aimed at preventing disease and eliminate its causes.

infectious diseases

The emergence in the body of a viral infection - the first cause of thrombocytosis. It observed up to 1 million per 1 l of blood. cells.

Provoke such a high rate may be various infectious diseases:

  • meningitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • hepatitis;
  • fungal diseases;
  • encephalitis;
  • other viral diseases.
Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

When trapped inside the body of infection, it begins to actively produce antibodies to help bring hormones that contribute to the rapid rise of platelets in the blood.

hematologic causes

Thrombocytosis - a hematological deviation, which triggers a malfunction of bone marrow stem cells. It leads to accelerated production of platelets and limits their decay.

Increased platelet index in the blood often occurs due to a deficiency of iron in the body. Eritremii chronic disease or myeloid leukemia - a transitional stage to thrombosis. These pathologies faced by people over 60 years old, but sometimes thrombocytosis determined in children.


Elevated platelets in the blood of women, the causes of which are as surgeries, explained by stress, act as a catalyst of the disease. Especially platelets increased after surgery, if a man has discovered a malignant tumor.


Significant blood loss also contribute to an increase in "platelets" - so called platelets. The body directs its actions to the maximum compensation for losses. Indicator reduced only in the first few hours after the hemorrhage, but after day platelet levels significantly above normal.


Inflammation - a significant factor provoking platelet growth. This increase is due to the increasing level of interleukin, promoting formation of a special hormone - thrombopoietin. This hormone is a regulator of platelet vital process, namely maturation, division and release into the blood.

Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

Pathology, increases the viscosity of the blood include:

  • limfagranulematoz;
  • autoimmune inflammation of the vascular wall;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • inflammatory liver problems and others.


Leukemia cells can accumulate in the liver and spleen, increasing their dimensions. This is reflected in the emerging fullness or abdominal edema. In normal condition, these organs are protected by the lower ribs, but when they grow, the doctor can palpate them.

The third part of the platelets accumulate in the healthy spleen. After its removal reduces the blood volume of distribution with an artificial increase in platelet count. A similar condition is observed in asplenia, when there is no lien.


Elevated platelets in the blood of women and men - one of the most serious results of tumor processes in the body.

The reason is also in therapy, the anti cancer, of which are dangerous:

  • lymphoma;
  • neuroblastoma;
  • hepatoblastoma.

To diagnose a particular disease will be able to complete a survey, including a chest X-ray and ultrasound of the abdomen. The increase in "platelets" can be dangerous to life, as it leads to the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels by them.

Thrombosis of the lower extremities leads to severe edema of the legs, being the escort of the disease

The reasons for that increase platelet count - a lot. Find links to sources of the disease is sometimes difficult. The doctor needs to see the patient's test results, and to explore its card diseases, by comparing the current state of health.

What does the increased level of platelets in pregnancy

Elevated platelets in the blood of women, the causes of which lie in the pregnancy, is a negative factor, causes the following disorders:

  • severe blood diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • lack of fluid;
  • disease viruses and fungi;
  • inflammation;
  • anemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • sweating.
Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

At the expressed symptoms of toxicosis thrombocytosis is observed in the early stages. This will show a blood test. When the kid harboring overvalued platelet level is dangerous, in this case, even warned about the threat of interruption. It is important to monitor indicators in early pregnancy.

On reaching the indicator 400 thousand. / Ml should immediately start the allowed therapy drugs. If during pregnancy there is a slight increase in platelet count, this can be attributed to physiological problems.

The body is preparing to avoid a large loss of blood during childbirth. Female directed on reception to hematologist which can designate blood thinners. The dosage is chosen taking into account the possible risks for the mother and her unborn baby.

Why platelet levels in women after childbirth can be upgraded

In the postpartum period, the increased level of platelets, doctors due to the desire to make up the body's blood loss. Therefore, there has been increasing thrombocytosis in the bone marrow. After some time, the situation is normalized independently. Blood loss during the birth of a child is not considered a pathology, but the body tries to compensate for a deficiency of blood cells.

The causes of elevated platelet counts in women older than 50 years

Any deviation of the platelets from the norm indicates the presence of health problems. For this reason, each year is assigned tests to detect the disease in time. Women figure varies depending on its condition and age.

Elevated blood properties to form blood clots is a danger to women older than 50 years. Excess platelet standards observed in essential thrombocytosis. The disease first manifests itself in small subcutaneous hemorrhages, sometimes takes a demon symptoms. Only an analysis to ascertain its presence.

Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

In such a disease affects the digestive tract, which is accompanied by internal bleeding. In mild impact bruises that do not heal for a long time, and bleeding ulcers form on the skin. Increasing platelets increases the risk of thrombosis, which is especially dangerous after 60 years.

The causes of secondary thrombocytosis

In the pathology of secondary thrombocytosis increase in the number of blood platelets, which is most often caused by chronic diseases.

The causes of this disease are as follows:

  • inferior quality of the tumor;
  • operation in diseases associated with tissue necrosis;
  • bone fractures;
  • excessive bleeding;
  • infectious diseases;
  • splenectomy;
  • prolonged intake of glucocorticosteroids;
  • prolonged inflammation.

A valid cause of secondary thrombocytosis is meningococcal infection, which often occurs in children. In the presence of anemia associated with iron deficiency likelihood of such thrombocytosis increased several times.

classification of thrombocytosis

Thrombocytosis is classified into 3 types:

  • clonal;
  • primary;
  • secondary.
Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

For the first two types of characteristic similar pathogenesis - the disease develops due to irregularities in stem cells. When clonal form cells affect tumor processes, platelets begin to form in an uncontrolled and disrupted their effect to other system cells. There is a tendency to thrombosis.

Primary thrombosis occurs due to an abnormality in the brain stem cells, wherein the fixed portions hemopoietic growth. This risk consist elderly. Secondary view develops on the background of chronic pathologies, disturbing the patient.

The dangerous increase in platelet count

Elevated platelets in the blood of women (their causes, diagnosis and treatment of disease are assessed only a doctor) need in the treatment, which is necessary to pass in order to avoid serious consequences. In the veins, arteries and blood vessels may appear thrombi. They increase in size and clog the veins, thus causing edema and inflammation.

Disrepair thrombosis leads to sad consequences.

High platelets can trigger:

  • stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • thromboembolic pulmonary vessels.
Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

Recently, the disease is often fatal. You can not bring himself to the point in time handed analysis will help overcome even serious illness.

Symptoms and signs of thrombocytosis

At the initial stage symptoms are absent, but a secondary form has severe manifestations, as It occurs against a background of chronic inflammatory processes.

There is characterized by such symptoms:

  • fatigue;
  • acute stage of chronic diseases;
  • general state of health is deteriorating;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • bleeding;
  • swelling;
  • bruising and hematomas, not related to injuries;
  • heaviness in the right upper quadrant;
  • shortness of breath and tachycardia;
  • migraine and hypertension.
Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

Most patients recognize the manifestation of the disease from the results of clinical studies of blood. It is important that the primary form of the disease can develop into a chronic stage. A patient with secondary thrombocytosis type complains of symptoms that are associated with the underlying disease. It quickly diagnosed, treatment is carried out in a timely manner, and it does not reach to blood clotting.

diagnosis of deviations

Purpose Diagnostic thrombocytosis - find pathology that caused the increase in platelet count as well as methods for its treatment.

More likely to help determine the deviations from the norm given a list of studies,who conduct patient thrombocytosis:

  • the collection of information from the definition of thrombosis episodes in the past;
  • CBC with platelet count determination level;
  • biochemical markers of inflammation;
  • ultrasound of the abdomen;
  • X-ray study of the chest to detect inflammatory changes, tumor lesions, etc .;
  • the study of the digestive tract to eliminate the tumor lesion;
  • study of rheumatic diseases.

The doctor listens to the complaints of the patient, the disease reveals ported earlier. Visual inspection is conducted carefully, it covers the visual observation of the skin, the presence of bruising. Specialist probes fingers liver and selozenku hands.

Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

Treatment of the disease is appointed by the combined results of clinical examination and visual examination of the patient. If the patient is necessary, then he was sent to doctors more narrow specialization: traumatologist, gastroenterologist, nephrologist, or infectious diseases.

Diet for thrombocytosis

There are a number of recommendations, which will be useful for the stabilization of the number of platelets in the blood. The effect will be positive only if all of the items at the same time.

  • diet - meal at the same time during the day, taking into account individual characteristics, needs and the distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • rejection of products with a lot of carbohydrates and fats;
  • inclusion in the diet products that reduce and normalize platelet containing iodine and organic acids;
  • consumption of clean drinking water every day.

With a slight increase in the flat cells have to follow a certain diet.

The menu should contain:

  • vegetable oil;
  • onion garlic;
  • fish fat;
  • green vegetables;
  • persimmon, tomato;
  • cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • cereals and legumes;
  • liver and other offal;
  • seafood and kelp.
Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

Additionally useful natural herbal tea, orange, pomegranate, tomato juice, decoctions of fresh berries.

drug therapy

Treatment thrombocytosis medicamentous means facilitates the rapid decrease of blood platelets, reduced complications arising.

Ready to treat thrombocytosis must be quickly using these drugs:

  • based on acetylsalicylic acid have anti-inflammatory effect;
  • eliminating thrombosis, slowing blood clotting - "Fraksiparin";
  • against tumors - "Hydroxyurea";
  • blood-thinning agents - "Kurantil", "Trental";
  • "Interferon" mmunostimulyator.

The exact dosage depends on the degree of development of the disease and the patient's age. The doctor should monitor the number of platelets in the blood daily. If their number is not reduced, it is necessary to change the list of drugs used.

Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

Pregnant women used the list of medicines is very different. Effectively use "Dipyridamole" tablets in an amount of 1 to 2 times per day. This medicine helps to normalize blood flow in the uterus. Its use can not harm the well-being of the fetus and the mother. During treatment, do not use hormones and diuretics.

Preparations with a high level of platelets

In advanced cases of thrombocytosis conventional medication methods will not work. Here it is necessary to take advantage of cytostatic therapy, namely to remove extra platelets by the separation.

Thrombocytosis - dangerous disease, for which treatment some drugs small. If drug treatment does not bring the effect used trombotsitoforez whereby blood clots are removed.

Traditional recipes with thrombocytosis

Along with drugs and folk methods are used to treat such diseases.

Effective element combating thrombocytosis is ginger, the method of preparation is as follows:

  1. Natural ginger grind into powder.
  2. Mixed with cane sugar in equal parts.
  3. 2 tbsp. l. Pour mixture of 250 mL of boiling water.
  4. Take small sips before lunch.
Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means

In addition, traditional practitioners are advised to use the following ingredients for the preparation of medicinal drugs:

  • decoction of leaves of Ginkgo biloba, which is taken 2 times a day;
  • cocoa without milk and sugar should be drunk before meals in the morning;
  • tincture of garlic (2 crushed head pour 200 g of vodka and leave infuse 1 month). Drink it at 1/2 tsp 2 times a day;
  • use of leeches;
  • garlic, onion, honey and lemon to make gruel and drink 1 tsp 3 times a day.

Lowering platelets folk remedies necessary in conjunction with diet and drugs traditional medicine.

Complications and consequences

The main consequence of thrombocytosis - is increased blood clotting, leading to the development of serious complications:

  • thrombosisAt which blood clots are formed in the different vessels. This can lead to tissue necrosis and gangrene of the extremities, as the authorities do not receive sufficient nutrition and oxygen. This condition is particularly dangerous for pregnant women and the unborn baby (miscarriage, placental abruption, and others);
  • thromboembolismAs a result of a blood clot separation, with blood it "pushes" the organs or vital vessels. May be conditions that require immediate medical attention and hospitalization (heart attack, kidney failure and lung).
Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment of what it means
The article discussed in detail the reasons for increasing levels of platelets in the blood of women.

At higher rates of blood platelets in women can not self-medicate. Although women increase platelet levels may have several causes, most of which are physiological, timely scheduled checkup can help avoid serious complications of thrombocytosis, prevent its development.

Videos about the causes and ways to improve the normalization of blood platelet parameters in women

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Blood Test Standards:

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