Diseases Of The Blood

Insulin resistance. A blood test for the index, that is how to pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment

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A blood test for insulin resistance is carried out to determine the metabolic response to disturbances activity of molecules of the endogenous and exogenous insulin. Timely conduct diagnosis can prevent the development of severe forms of obesity, type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is insulin resistance
  • 2 types of insulin resistance
  • 3 Stage and degree of insulin resistance
  • 4 symptoms of insulin resistance
  • 5 Causes of
  • 6 How to define it
  • 7 Preparing and conducting the analysis of insulin resistance
  • 8 Deciphering the results of analysis of insulin resistance
  • 9 When to see a doctor
  • 10 Prevention of insulin resistance
  • 11 Methods of treating insulin resistance
    • 11.1 Medications
  • 12 Traditional methods
    • 12.1 Diet
  • 13 possible complications
  • 14 Video of insulin resistance

What is insulin resistance

Insulin resistance - is a systemic disorder of metabolism, as a result of which, the body receptors do not respond to insulin delivery endogenous and exogenous type. The disease is determined by carrying out a blood analysis.

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As a result of this disease is a constant increase in insulin concentration in the blood plasma. At the same time there is an infringement of glucose balance, develop a painful condition of the internal organs, as well as their systems. Insulin resistance is negatively reflected on fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism in the human body to suffer the walls of blood vessels.

Insulin resistance. Analysis on the index, as the pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment
Insulin resistance

Patients in the blood plasma which found elevated levels of insulin, a diagnosis is set - the insulin resistance syndrome.

Also, the disease can be found under the designation of a medical term - a syndrome X. The distinguishing feature of this pathology is that resistance can receptors develop only one of the physiological effects of insulin, or else cover the entire spectrum of action hormone.

types of insulin resistance

Insulin resistance, a blood test which is conducted in a biochemical laboratory, divided into several types. The table below shows the variety of metabolic disorders with a detailed description of the pathology.

View insulinorezi-stentnosti Characteristic pathological condition, as well as the nature of its origin
physiological It occurs as a natural response of the body when a person is under certain conditions. For example, the physiological insulin resistance develops in healthy people without symptoms of excess body weight, which are in pregnant, during sleep in adolescence when hormonal surges, use of dietary or too oily food.
metabolic A classic violation of the metabolic process. Develops in people who suffer from type 2 diabetes, a long period of alcohol abuse, have clearly expressed signs of obesity. Metabolic insulin resistance requires urgent beginning of drug therapy. Otherwise the patient will face serious violations of metabolic processes, the development of complications associated with diabetes.
endocrine This type of insulin resistance is a consequence of an existing disease at the same time one or several organs of the endocrine system. In most cases, an increase in insulin levels in the blood plasma occurs against a background of hyperthyroidism, acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome, hypothyroidism, pheochromocytoma.
not endocrine This kind of insulin resistance is a result of current conditions, during which does not affect the state of the organs of the endocrine system. In most cases, the etiology of type not endocrine diseases associated with pathologies such as cancer cachexia, essential hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, rheumatoid arthritis, type, renal failure. Not endocrine insulin resistance in 23% of cases are diagnosed in patients suffering from heart failure, bacterial infected blood emerging from the surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity, trauma, extensive burns of the skin, myotonic dystrophy.

Type of insulin resistance determined by your doctor endocrinologist by results of examination of the patient, as well as the receipt of laboratory opinion on blood composition. regimens selected individually on the basis of the data obtained.

Stage and degree of insulin resistance

Insulin resistance, a blood test to determine which performs a qualified technician, developed gradually and in stages. By decreasing the sensitivity of the receptors to the level of insulin in the blood plasma, there is deterioration in the patient's state of health, more pronounced are the outward signs of the metabolic violations.Insulin resistance. Analysis on the index, as the pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment

Distinguish the following stages of the disease:

  • Stage 1 - improvement in insulin levels is small, receptors respond to hormone surge, the first signs of obesity;
  • Stage 2 - the patient develops hypertension, reduced level of attention, joins distraction physical weakness, bloating, and other irregularities in the digestive system;
  • Stage 3 - the patient is close to the critical one, in the blood greatly increases the level of glucose and cholesterol, there reasonable risk of hyperglycemia, myocardial infarction, ischemic cerebral stroke onset diabetic coma.

Stage of the disease is easy to determine by laboratory and instrumental analyzes. The early stages of the development of the disease respond well to treatment with the help of drugs, as well as the correction of dietary food products. The presence of 3 stages of insulin resistance requires the provision of patient medical emergency measures.

symptoms of insulin resistance

Signs of pathology manifested as increase insulin levels in the blood. The patient begins to feel that it behave quite differently cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems.

Insulin resistance. Analysis on the index, as the pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment

Symptoms of insulin resistance of all types are shown as follows:

  • mental decline, disturbances in thinking, inability to concentrate on the task at hand;
  • drowsiness, which appears immediately after eating the food, although this person feel completely fit and healthy;
  • unjustified bloating and flatulence;
  • unstable blood pressure, accompanied by frequent hypertensive crises;
  • in the waist concentrated fat deposits that are among the first signs of insulin resistance;
  • the inability to lose weight even in the use of stringent standards diet (Excess concentration of insulin in blood blocked decay fatty tissue, however practically slimming impossible);
  • a strong sense of hunger, which can not meet even after consuming large amounts of nourishing food;
  • state insurmountable depression.

The presence of all these external signs should alert the person from whom they came. They point to the already long-established, or else only to develop insulin resistance. Further laboratory analysis of blood shows that the analyzes confirm the above normal this hormone.

Causes of

Insulin resistance, a blood test which shows the real level of the hormone, develops gradually under the influence of one or a number of negative factors.Insulin resistance. Analysis on the index, as the pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment

The following causes of insulin resistance:

  • hereditary predisposition to disruption of the metabolic response to insulin endogenous and exogenous type;
  • improperly organized food process abuse diets, dietary restriction of the organism;
  • continuously taking drugs affecting susceptibility receptors responsible for the identification of molecules of insulin;
  • overweight (adipose tissue has receptors susceptible to insulin);
  • daily alcohol abuse, when most of the glucose coming from food, burned ethyl alcohol;
  • hormonal disorders, caused by the presence of ongoing disease of the endocrine system;
  • the use of food as a part of which contains large amounts of carbohydrates (pastries, muffins, pasta, sugar, bread, potatoes).

On the development of insulin resistance affects levels of physical activity. In healthy people, who do not have comorbidities endocrine system or other metabolic disorders, muscle fibers absorb about 80% of glucose. The lack of sufficient physical activity, leads to a gradual build-up of insulin resistance.

How to define it

Survey on the level of insulin resistance is conducted in a private or public biochemical laboratory.Insulin resistance. Analysis on the index, as the pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment

In order to determine the hormone level, and the absence or presence of a metabolic response violations use the following diagnostic techniques:

  • analysis of capillary blood sugar level to determine the parameters of glucose, as well as the general health of the patient (for rent on an empty stomach in the period from 08-00 to 10-00 hours);
  • study of venous blood concentration of insulin and cholesterol;
  • fence morning urine, deposited on an empty stomach (in the presence of insulin resistance exhibit elevated in the urine protein level).

To determine the causes of violations of metabolic processes is possible to conduct ultrasound of the pancreas and other internal organs. Results of laboratory studies allow doctor-endocrinologist to confirm or deny the presence of insulin resistance in a patient.

Preparing and conducting the analysis of insulin resistance

Qualitative carrying out diagnostics, as well as obtaining the most accurate data, it requires adherence to certain rules of preparation.Insulin resistance. Analysis on the index, as the pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment

Before putting on the analysis of biological materials, the patient should do the following:

  • venous blood sampling, delivery of urine is performed only on an empty stomach, to avoid corruption of data;
  • the last meal should take place no later than 8 hours prior to visiting the office of the manipulation of biochemical laboratory;
  • 30 min. before delivery of analyzes is strictly non-smoking;
  • in the last 2 days the patient should be in a supportive environment, to prevent psycho-emotional stress, stress, conflict situations;
  • discontinue the use of alcohol for 3 days prior to laboratory diagnostics;
  • 48 hours before the test can not do sports, to expose the muscle tissue strong physical exertion.

In case of receiving no medications, it is necessary to notify the attending Endocrinologist, a specialist laboratory is responsible for the implementation of biological analysis material. Failure to comply with the rules set forth above can lead to erroneous data.

Deciphering the results of analysis of insulin resistance

Diagnosis in blood insulin level is only the first inspection step. When will be ready to results of laboratory studies, it is necessary to carry out their transcript. It can be performed alone, knowing the rules of insulin, which is optimal for a healthy person.

If the patient has no signs of insulin resistance, in laboratory conclusion will be given hormone figures from 3 to 28 units (mU / ml). This view of the fact that the intake of the biological material was carried out on an empty stomach.

Higher figures indicate hormone hyperinsulinism (too high a concentration of insulin in the blood plasma, which leads to a precipitous drop in blood sugar). Some labs use special calculation indices of insulin resistance, and then bring them to the medical documentation.

They look as follows:

  • 2.7 units or less (index HOMA IR) - the patient is completely healthy, the endocrine system is running smoothly, violations of the metabolic response to insulin exogenous and endogenous type - are absent;
  • 0.33 units or less (CARO index) - the concentration of insulin remains in the normal range.

With the above information, each patient will be able to independently carry out decryption laboratory findings, and learn about the presence or absence of insulin resistance itself.

When to see a doctor

Access to a doctor, an endocrinologist should be held for 24-48 hours after the person has felt the symptoms of insulin resistance are listed in the sections above. Delay is fraught with the development of complications, disruption of the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems.

In the sharp increase in insulin levels is not excluded rapid decline of blood sugar, onset of diabetic coma. In the case of rapid deterioration in the patient's state of health must be added to the clinic urgently.

Prevention of insulin resistance

Insulin resistance of the body to easily prevent the timely observance of preventive measures.

Insulin resistance. Analysis on the index, as the pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment
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they consist in the following actions to be performed on a daily basis:

  • renounce the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs;
  • saturate your diet only biologically useful food (cereal porridge, lean meat and fish, herbs, fruit and vegetables);
  • play sports, provide muscle sufficient levels of physical activity;
  • drink plenty of fluids (at least 2-2.5 liters of water per day);
  • prevent the recruitment of excess weight, because the presence of large amounts of adipose tissue is a factor in the development of insulin resistance;
  • at least 1 time per year undergo preventive medical examination at endocrinologist, rent capillary blood sugar, venous hormone levels, as well as perform biochemical research urine;
  • control the level of sugar in the blood;
  • promptly treat diseases of liver tissue (cirrhosis, viral hepatitis or intoxication, steatosis).

In particular risk are people of all ages, which have close family relatives suffering from a hereditary insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, or abdominal obesity.

Methods of treating insulin resistance

Insulin resistance, a blood test which is carried out before the beginning of the therapeutic process, can only be eliminated through the use of a set of measures. All are aimed at improving body, reducing excess body weight and increase physical activity.


Violation of the metabolic process, when the organism receptors lose their sensitivity to insulin molecules heavily amenable to drug treatment. Medications used only as a last resort, if you can not normalize carbohydrate metabolism by adjusting diet, lifestyle and discharge excess body weight.Insulin resistance. Analysis on the index, as the pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment

In this case, use the following drugs:

  • Metformin - it is taken at 500 mg 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks, then you must be retested at the endocrinologist (drug cost is 130 rubles. 10 for the packaging of tablets);
  • Glikomet SR - more active drug stimulates glucose uptake by muscle fibers, normalizes metabolic response of receptors, take 1 tablet 3 times a day for 15 days (price medication 150 rubles. per piece);
  • Bagomet - tablet formulation, which is drink 1 tablet in the evening hours with a duration of 2 weeks of therapy (drug cost 160 rubles. per pack).

At the discretion of the attending physician may be used other drugs, hypoglycemic type. They all have a single active ingredient - metformin. The dosage and duration of therapy should be determined solely by the endocrinologist.

Traditional methods

The only effective national method of disposal of insulin resistance is the discharge of excess body weight. Scientific evidence shows that in 40% of cases, once a person is suffering from excess weight, lose weight, leads the body back to normal, stabilized sugar rates in blood serum and insulin concentration. weight loss method each person chooses their own based on the individual characteristics of the organism.


To ensure rapid discharge of excess body weight, as well as the restoration of normal rates of insulin in the blood serum, you must follow the rules of diet.Insulin resistance. Analysis on the index, as the pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment

The food should be consumed the following products:

  • fatty fish, rich in essential amino acids (mackerel, saury, capelin, mackerel, sardine, mackerel);
  • porridge prepared on the basis of oatmeal, buckwheat, rice cereals;
  • scrambled eggs, cooked in a steam bath;
  • chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal;
  • fresh or steamed vegetables;
  • low-fat cottage cheese, milk, cheese;
  • greens, fresh fruit;
  • vegetable salads tucked sunflower or olive oil;
  • Rye bread.

Allowed to use a limited number of radish, potato (before cooking should be soaked in water for 6 hours), radishes, squash, corn grits, soy.

Under the categorical prohibition are the following foods:

  • sugar or refined sugar;
  • chocolate, sweets of all kinds;
  • a variety of pastries, sweet biscuits;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fruit, containing in its composition an increased level of glucose and fructose (dates, dried grapes and fresh, bananas);
  • fat meat;
  • food cooked by frying in sunflower oil;
  • products containing food additives chemistry (mayonnaises, ketchups, sauces, which are composed of emulsifiers, trans-fats, preservatives, stabilizers);
  • sausages, canned meat.

Eating foods that are prohibited for patients with insulin resistance, leading to further weight gain, excess adipose tissue and the progression of the disease. Diet is an important part of the general scheme of therapy aimed at stabilizing levels of insulin and glucose in the blood serum.

possible complications

Ignoring signs of insulin resistance over time, lead to the following complicationsWhich adversely affect the health of the whole organism:

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis of the blood vessels;
  • oncologic diseases of the pancreas, liver and other organs involved in digestion;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • the development of chronic inflammation foci in tissues of internal organs;
  • morbid obesity, which restricts the independent movement, leading to disability.Insulin resistance. Analysis on the index, as the pass, decoding, price. Diet and Treatment

Only venous blood test can provide a definitive answer to whether a patient is suffering from insulin resistance, or the concentration of this hormone within the normal range.

Control insulin levels can be yourself, by eating only healthy and approved products, doing sports, avoid stress, a sedentary lifestyle. Ignoring prevention measures and recommendations to reset excess weight leads to the development of the above complications.

Video of insulin resistance

What is insulin resistance:

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