Diseases Of The Blood

Sepsis is blood. Symptoms in adults, photo, what it is, treatment at home, clinical guidelines

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Sepsis, blood is considered to be not such a common disease, but is often found in patients during examination for other violations. Symptoms in adults can appear immediately after infection or after a certain time. In identifying the first signs do not postpone visit to the doctor.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is blood sepsis
  • 2 Types of blood sepsis
  • 3 Stage and grade of the blood of sepsis
  • 4 Symptoms of blood sepsis
  • 5 Causes of blood sepsis
  • 6 Diagnosis of sepsis blood
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention of sepsis blood
  • 9 Methods of treating sepsis blood
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Video of the blood sepsis

What is blood sepsis

Sepsis is a serious and dangerous disease characterized by blood infection resulting from penetrating into the pathogens.

The condition can develop slowly or rapidly, significantly worsens the patient's condition, or does not appear to transition to an advanced stage. Patients of different sex and age, the disease is difficult, but the clinical picture there are differences depending on the individual.

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Types of blood sepsis

Sepsis blood (symptoms in adults are shown differently) specialists are classified according to the primary pathogen of the disease and the mechanism of infection place.

Sepsis is blood. What is it, photo, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

In view of the pathogen can be called several forms of the disease: streptococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal, meningococcal, kolibatsillyarny, Pseudomonas, anaerobic sepsis. Depending on the mechanism of the disease occurs more than its forms.

The most commonly diagnosed following:

  1. fulminant form It progresses rapidly. 2-3 days symptoms increases and there is a risk of death.
  2. recurrent sepsis considered one of the milder forms. Periods of worsening while alternating with periods of complete health.
  3. Acute develops rapidly, the progression of symptoms occurs for 5-7 days.
  4. subacute kind of disease involves the gradual increase in symptoms for 2-3 months.
  5. Chronic type Private flows, signs gradually worse. The progression continues for 10-12 months.

Depending on the area where the penetration of microorganisms presumably occurred in the bloodstream, experts identified a number of forms of the disease. Surgical and post-operative type of sepsis is the result of a breakthrough abscess inside or failure of the intervention on the skin, internal organs.

At the same symptoms after a while. When complications arising after delivery or cesarean section, occurs obstetric sepsis. This type of disease is very difficult and often provokes death.

Urosepsis is a consequence of diseases of the urinary system. At the same time in the bladder, urethra or kidneys almost always present suppurative focus. Otogenny type of illness is very dangerous, often resulting in an acute inflammation of the meninges, develops in diseases auditory canal and inner ear.

Rhinogenous sepsis occurs when the localization of the purulent focus in the nasal or maxillary sinuses. Quite rare.

Stage and grade of the blood of sepsis

With the development of any type of disease experts divide it into several stages and degrees.

No matter the specific kind of state, as there is a uniform classification of stages or degrees of its development:

  1. firstOr the initial stage manifests differently in patients. Some say that there are no symptoms, others notice changes in the internal organs, loss of appetite and other common symptoms that can not be connected with sepsis.
    Sepsis is blood. What is it, photo, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults
    Sepsis blood, the first stage manifested in loss of appetite and other general characteristics.
  2. secondOr progressive stage is manifested more clearly. The patient shows signs of infection, the state is rapidly deteriorating, the internal organs are affected. It is at this stage can determine the location of contact of agent (organs of the urogenital system, the auditory canal, nasal sinus, skin).
  3. acute accompanied by a degree of progression of symptoms and the appearance of complications of the heart, lungs and brain.
  4. advanced stage considered very severe. Heal the patient is difficult, because they suffer all the organs and systems appear expressed outward signs of status.
  5. End-stage the most dangerous. In this case, all the processes in the body of the patient are violated, he loses consciousness, there is delirium, hallucinations and other symptoms. Probability of death is high in the transition disease at this stage.

In different forms of the disease symptoms of a particular stage can be expressed clearly or flattened, but they always present, so the doctor is able to determine at what level is now state.

Symptoms of blood sepsis

Sepsis blood (symptoms in adults may occur immediately or later) is shown in the form of external features and the common that impair the patient's condition. At the initial stage of the respiratory cycle quickens to 20 or more breaths over 1 min. When probing heartbeat can note its acceleration to 100 beats / min or more.

The next sign is fever, exceeding the mark of 380S. The patient feels weak, aching all over the body, she refuses to eat, but is constantly thirsty. He had a headache, the person becomes irritable, performance is greatly reduced.

Sepsis is blood. What is it, photo, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

As the disease progresses join other manifestations. Skin becomes pale, sometimes marble, cold to the touch, wet. With the development of septic shock decreases blood pressure to critical parameters. the patient's consciousness becomes clouded, it is poorly oriented in space, does not remember recent events and confuses the names of loved ones.

In severe cases, the skin appears specific rash rounded shapes of different sizes. The edges of the lesions are very clear, hazy or bubbles filled with a transparent liquid. Such rash is very specific and only occurs when sepsis development, so its presence can serve as a pretext for diagnosis.

The appearance of the patient is also noteworthy. Face sunken, sallow, yellowish or greenish color. In chronic course of the disease the patient loses weight, there are constipation or loose stools, nausea and vomiting attacks, which do not bring relief. Gradually, the human body is depleted, often develop anorexia.

Language patient becomes dry, it appears white plaque digestion is disturbed, dry skin, peeling detected portions and irritation. Sometimes rashes and other acute symptoms are absent, but the body temperature is constantly increasing, which should also be a cause for concern.

Causes of blood sepsis

Sepsis Blood symptoms in adults provokes diverse, but to establish an accurate diagnosis is necessary to identify predisposing factor disorders. Depending on the type of illness and the experts distinguish the various causes of its origin.

Sepsis is blood. What is it, photo, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults
kind of disease likely causes
pneumococcal It develops as a result of penetration of pneumococci in the blood flow in acute or chronic pneumonia
Staphylococcal Called by staphylococci, which penetrate into the blood from purulent foci located on the body or internal organs
streptococcal Streptococci cause the development of sepsis, often with injuries, burns, or sore throat
Anaerobic It provoked by anaerobic bacteria in the blood penetrating from the environment or from the internal organs
meningococcal It becomes cause meningitis infecting meninges
Pseudomonas Pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis often provokes may be recorded during operations or other manipulation in the hospital
uroseptic The reason becomes cystitis, Bartolini, pyelonephritis, urethritis, purulent lesions in the bladder
Obstetric The result of complications in childbirth, Caesarean section, abortions and miscarriages
rhinogenous It arises due to the formation of purulent or focus in the maxillary sinuses
Surgical Symptoms appear in breaking into the abscess followed by the spread of infection in the bloodstream
Postoperative Often develops after surgery, postoperative care in violation of the rules
otogenny A consequence of otitis, complicated by purulent inflammation

There are also common causes that could be provoking factors and promote the penetration of pathogens into the bloodstream.

These include the violation of the rules of aseptic and antiseptic in the treatment of wounds and burns, failure recommendations of the doctor, weakened immune forces, pathogen resistance to pharmacological action funds. In addition, the cause may be the wrong choice of antibacterial drugs in the treatment of acute pyogenic infections.

Diagnosis of sepsis blood

Sepsis, blood is considered to be the most dangerous and serious disease, so when the first symptoms in adults is required to immediately consult a doctor to undergo diagnostic testing. The first diagnostic step is examination of the patient, his skin and visible mucous membranes. It provides an overview of the disease.

The physician is required to count the pulse and respiratory rate, writes the received data. Thereafter, it measures body temperature and blood pressure.

Sepsis is blood. What is it, photo, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

Further, it is required to conduct a clinical study of blood and urine for signs of inflammation. Normally urine is present in a large number of leukocytes in blood and their rate exceeds the rate of 5-10 times. In addition, the analysis shows an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which also confirms the infection.

If loose stools doctor prescribes the study of feces to rule out the probability of the presence of an intestinal infection. The most important result of blood cultures. Specialist takes a sample of material from the patient's vein, performed in the laboratory on blood culture medium.

After some time the technician can tell exactly which pathogen has caused sepsis. Such a study is considered to be a standard, is performed in any hospital in the cities and towns of Russia.

Usually, the patient is not required to pay for such tests. But some institutions do them fairly quickly, and the cost ranges from 200-300 rubles. After receiving the results of all the tests the doctor prescribes an additional examination.

The most informative methods are as follows:

  1. X-ray inspectionlight to confirm the presence of pneumonia lesions or refute assumptions. The cost in different hospitals of the country is 100-200 rubles. It is diagnosed in any institution.
  2. renal ultrasound, Bladder and reproductive system also allows you to exclude certain assumptions doctor. Held fast in any institution, it does not cause discomfort and has a high degree of accuracy. diagnostics price is 300-500 rubles. depending on the region of the country.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging It is usually carried out only in large cities, where there are multi-disciplinary clinic. Price study starts with 2000 rubles. and may reach 10,000 rubles. The method allows to detect even small foci of inflammation and determine the cause of sepsis.
Sepsis is blood. What is it, photo, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

Hardware techniques are painless, high accuracy, so it is often used as additional methods. But in smaller towns, where there is no possibility to conduct such an examination, doctors diagnosed based on the results of bacteriological studies of blood.

When to see a doctor

A specialist should be treated at an early stage of the disease, as in this case it is possible to completely cure the patient in a short time and avoid complications. First, the patient should consult a physician, who will send a consultation with the surgeon, infectious diseases and hematology.

If the result of bacteriological examination of blood need to visit a doctor immediately. The reason for the treatment will also be increasing the level of white blood cells and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Only a physician can direct the patient for further diagnosis, so it is important to see it in a timely manner.

Prevention of sepsis blood

To prevent development of the disease it is necessary to listen to the advice of doctors. The first and most important method of prevention is considered early treatment of any inflammatory disease. This will minimize the risk of infection in the blood system. Neglected diseases will inevitably lead to complications, so do not ignore it.

The second method will be compliance with the rules after the opening of an abscess or surgery. It is necessary to avoid contact with an open wound environment, contaminated water. It is strictly forbidden at home to remove the bandage and try to treat the wound without having relevant experience and skills.

Sepsis is blood. What is it, photo, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

In addition, it is not necessary to abandon the vaccination, as in most cases it can prevent serious diseases. Further, it should observe good personal hygiene, preventing microbial growth on the skin.

A good method of prevention is to strengthen immunity by proper diet, taking vitamins and immunostimulants, sports and hardening. This will allow the body to fight off infection when it gets into the bloodstream.

Methods of treating sepsis blood

Sepsis blood (symptoms in adults can progress quite rapidly) provokes serious complications in the absence of proper treatment. Today, experts use medications from different groups, alternative medicine recipes and other ways to combat the disease.


elimination of toxins from the body and prevent further microbial growth therapy in the main direction of the blood infection is considered. To eliminate the signs of sepsis patient doctor prescribes antibiotics, solutions for intravenous drip, pain medications, preparations for the restoration of cardiac rhythm.

They are:

  1. ceftriaxone - a broad spectrum antibiotic, which allows to deal with the different agents of disease. In sepsis and administered by intramuscular intravenous injections 2 times a day. Dosage per administration is 1.2 g depending on the severity of the condition. The course of treatment lasts for 10 to 14 days. Price 1 vial of drugs is 40-60 rubles. The drug is highly effective and well tolerated, rapidly destroying the pathogen.
  2. Ringer - detoxification agent having a positive effect on the liver and kidneys. It helps restore moisture balance, cleanses the blood, facilitates the work of the kidneys and liver, prevents dehydration. Patient per day pour 200 to 500 ml of solution with a dropper. The treatment lasts at least 10 days. Price money is 180 rubles. per 200 ml vial.
  3. Reosorbilakt - effective detoxication agent, reducing the water balance and the blood, preventing the spread of toxins in the body. It is considered effective, is used at any stage of sepsis, septic shock prevents the development. Duration - at least 10 days a daily dosage - from 200 to 400 ml. Administer the drug intravenously, drip. Price drugs - 230 rubles. per 200 ml vial.
  4. reopoligljukin - an effective drug in a solution, which allows to remove toxins from the blood and restore rheological properties. Characterized by high efficiency, is administered intravenously with a dropper 1-2 times a day in a dosage of 200-500 ml. Duration of treatment - from 10 to 14 days. Price vial 400 ml of RUB 120-140.
    Sepsis is blood. What is it, photo, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults
  5. Cordarone - antiarrhythmic agent used to restore heart rhythm. Produced in a solution in 3 ml ampoules. Introduced dropwise after dissolving in 200 mL of 5% glucose or 0.9% sodium chloride. The procedure is performed 3-5 days in a row 1 times a day. The drug is effective and rarely causes adverse reactions when properly used. Price of one ampoule is in the range of 100-150 rubles.
  6. ketorol - an anesthetic used to relieve the patient's condition and the normalization of sleep. Helps reduce pain, the person calms down, the condition is normalized. Additionally it possesses antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Usual intramuscularly in an amount of 1 mL from 1 to 3 times a day. Duration of use - 5-7 days. The cost of 1 mg drug is 30-40 rubles.

Such means include the classical scheme of treatment. In addition, the patient may prescribe medication to normalize the functions of internal organs, but the decision is made individually in each case. When the specialist complications amends the classical scheme and assigns other means.

Traditional methods

Recipes Alternative Medicine is not able to cope with sepsis, but are allowed to use them in order to facilitate the general condition and prevent complications. Typically, specialists prescribe decoctions and infusions based on herbs that have a therapeutic effect and are not able to harm the patient.

Traditional recipes:

  1. Camomile tea - natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Cooking simply: 300 ml of boiling water required 2 g of dry herb medicine must insist 20 minutes, take after filtering in the form of heat from 1 to 3 times a day. Duration of protection - 7 days. Infusion helps to remove toxins from the body. Normalize bowel function, improve digestion, prevent diarrhea.
  2. Broth from mint and melissa - a natural sedative, eliminates anxiety, insomnia, improve the general condition. Additionally means normalizes digestion, reduces the temperature, detoxifies, restores moisture balance. Prepare the broth is simple: the Division for the 5 g of each herb. Add 1 liter of boiling water. Boil 3 minutes. Infuse 30 min. Filtered. Accept broth of 100 ml three times a day for 5 days. The tool is not used in case of an emergency reduction of blood pressure indicators.
    Sepsis is blood. What is it, photo, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults
  3. A decoction of nettles perfectly cleanses the blood, strengthens blood vessels, helps to restore the rheological properties, prevents the spread of infection. Cook it can be from 1 tbsp. l. dried nettle, and 300 ml of water, boil 5 minutes, leave for 1 hr. The filtered means divided into 3 parts and drink during the day.

Duration of treatment - 10 days. It is worth remembering that these funds will not help cure the patient, but will ease his condition. Each recipe has contraindications and side effects, so independent of its use is strictly contraindicated.

Other methods

Among other methods of treatment of sepsis isolated diet infusion of plasma or albumin, draining wound (if it exists, and it has become a cause of infection).

Each method has its own characteristics:

  1. Dieting is considered an important way as well the patient can reduce the load on the liver and other organs of the digestive system. The food should be light, low-fat, nutritious. The diet must contain chicken meat, liver, poultry, dairy products, a small amount of steamed vegetables, eggs. Portions should be small. It is important to drink plenty of fluids in the form of juice, compote, warm tea. Specialist individually decide the period of dieting.
  2. Intravenous drip albumin or plasma helps to restore the blood, improve the condition. Introduce plasma respective group of 150-200 ml per day, 1 every 3-4 days. Total course consists of 4-5 procedures. When using albumin procedure is permitted to carry out daily during the week, single dose - 100 ml.
  3. Drainage of purulent wounds shown when she became the cause of sepsis. The doctor prescribes wash, ointments, stimulating healing, tissue examines the daily, using other drugs or extend the course. This minimizes the risk of re-infection and facilitates the patient's general condition.

Such methods are not considered essential and are not able to cure sepsis, but in conjunction with the necessary medication to yield good results.

possible complications

If untreated, the patient can develop kidney, liver, heart failure, severe bronchitis and pneumonia, disorders of the brain, seizures, severe degree exhaustion.

Sepsis is blood. What is it, photo, Symptoms and Treatment in Adults

The most serious complication is considered lethal, which becomes the result of the running sepsis developing after severe disease in the patient immunocompromised. Sepsis is blood - the most dangerous and serious illness. Symptoms in adults are manifested in different ways, but the treatment is necessarily required.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the blood sepsis

Sepsis. Blood poisoning. Live healthy:

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