Dermatological Drugs

Mikozan from nail fungus. Reviews, instruction on the application of varnish, price, analogs

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Effective drug "Mikozan" is used by nail fungus. The product is a kit consisting of serum, which, according to reviews, is simple to use and does not create discomfort on time use, and nail files for a single use. HP completely colorless and distributed to the affected nail plate is similar to nail polish.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The composition and means of active substance
  • 2 properties of the drug
  • 3 Pros and cons of funds
  • 4 Indications
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 Instructions for use
  • 7 Side effects
  • 8 consequences of an overdose
  • 9 special instructions
  • 10 Interaction with other drugs
  • 11 analogs
  • 12 Terms and conditions of storage, price
  • 13 Videos about Mikozane

The composition and means of active substance

The effectiveness of the drug due to its composition, which is able to neutralize almost all kinds of nail fungus. As the main component of the enzyme acts rye, actively preventing fungal activity. Potentiation of rye extract promotes pentylene - organic solvent.Mikozan from nail fungus. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

Access all the nutrients to the place of the hearth provides dimethyl isosorbide. In addition, the preparation comprises hydroxyethyl cellulose and water - a chemical compound widely used in cosmetics as a thickener. It forms a protective film that prevents further spread of the fungal infection.

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properties of the drug

Mikozan from nail fungus has positive feedback from patients. By pharmacological properties of the drug:

  • effectively blocking the fungus - after 14 days of regular use, noticeable significant improvement.
  • destroys the walls of fungi and enzymes;
  • deeply absorbed into the nail plate;
  • strengthens the nail plate.Mikozan from nail fungus. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

According to the manufacturer, one hundred percent recovery from the systematic use of drugs may be three months from the beginning of the application. Mikozan recommended as a preventive drug, which minimizes the likelihood of the development of mycotic infections.

Pros and cons of funds

Mikozan from nail fungus collects positive reviews due to the many advantages:

  1. Fluid texture allows the drug to rapidly penetrate to the site of lesion and effectively destroy fungal cell.
  2. Immediately after application to the nail means a thin protective film, which blocks the propagation of the fungus.
  3. The recovery process is accelerated significantly nail plate. Already after 14 days will be visible first results.
  4. This is an excellent preventive tool, which is very important for people who visit the place where the high probability of fungal infection. It may be swimming pools, baths and saunas, gyms and other public places.
  5. The varnish dries quickly.
  6. Means to strengthen the nail plate.
  7. It promotes effective peeling of dead cells on affected surfaces.
  8. The probability of overdose is excluded, as provided for external use only.
  9. As part means no toxic components.
  10. The drug has a minimum of side effects.

There are also disadvantages:

  • high cost with a small package;
  • the lack of verified research on the effectiveness of the enzyme in the Rye combating onychomycosis.

Mikozan of nail fungus is most positive feedback, as the disadvantages little, and against many fungal pathogens, they do not really matter.


The drug is used for:

  • combating fungi of various origins;Mikozan from nail fungus. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews
  • prevention of fungal infection with increased risk (if there were cases fungus infection);
  • eliminating deformation of nail plate;
  • strengthen nails by splitting and fragility.


The medicine does not contain any toxic substances, so the drug for at least contraindications, but they do exist.

Mikozan not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • allergy to any component that is part of the formulation;
  • age up to 4 years;
  • pregnancy (use is undesirable because the impact on the fetus is not known until the end).

When tested in the laboratory means for interaction with alcohol did not show significant results. Mikozana allowed and the use of other medicines.

Mikozan can cause an allergic reaction in the process of nail fungus therapy, in this case it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

However, judging by the reviews of patients who report such cases, this reaction is unlikely. As a rule, there is an allergic reaction to one of the components that make up the drug.

Instructions for use

Mikozan of nail fungus is extremely positive feedback only if strict adherence to instructions.Mikozan from nail fungus. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

To effectively combat fungal disease it is important to perform the following steps:

  1. Immediately before applying antifungal serum steamed hands or feet in a warm bath with softening components. This can be a soap, shower gel or sea salt.
  2. Carefully wipe with a soft towel limbs. Nail plate manifestations fungus is cut along the edge and nail file for single use, which is sold together with the PM removed exfoliate layer of the nail plate.
  3. Thin layer preparation Mikozan partitioned using applicator. Apply need just as lacquer is applied by staining of nails.Mikozan from nail fungus. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews
  4. Means allowed to dry for 3 minutes.

In accordance with an instruction applied PM 2 r. a day for 3-5 weeks (morning and evening). Duration of treatment may be six months. It all depends on the degree of destruction of the nail plate. The manufacturer promises that the first results will become noticeable after 2 weeks.

In addition, when using the drug comply with additional recommendations:

  1. After the elimination of the affected areas and all the symptoms of a fungal infection should still continue treatment for 1-2 months in order to eliminate the possibility of recurrence of the disease.
  2. During treatment should abandon various salon procedures in manicure.
  3. Mikozan should be applied also on healthy nails as a preventive measure.
  4. The manufacturer has developed a special template that will independently control the healing process. In this regard, the measurements are periodically recommended (1-2 times per month) of the affected area and comparing with the attached template. This allows you to see the dynamics of treatment and to understand how effective drug in the fight against infection.
  5. When using Mikozana for preventive purposes or to strengthen nails is recommended to apply it once a day.

Side effects

Mikozan many patients tolerated without negative consequences, but the adverse reaction is still possible.

This is about:

  • itching;
    Mikozan from nail fungus. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews
    According to reviews, Mikozan of nail fungus can cause slight itching and redness in the area of ​​the nail
  • burning;
  • irritation of the skin.

As a rule, these symptoms disappear on their own without the withdrawal of the drug over a short period of time. However, do not excluded and other situations. It speaks of allergies to medication. In this case, it is advisable to abolish the use of Mikozana.

consequences of an overdose

Information about the fact that there were cases of overdose is not, as the drug is used externally.

special instructions

In order to enhance the therapeutic effects Mikozana important to respect certain recommendations, namely:

  1. The drug is only intended for outdoor use. If it enters the eyes or mouth mucosa should be thoroughly rinsed with running water and see a doctor.
  2. In order to avoid re-infection it is recommended to apply the agent on an individual basis, that is, one vial is used only a single person. To avoid infection, the fungus healthy nails are not recommended drug is applied directly from the tube.
  3. During treatment, the patient must comply with hygiene standards. It is important to use a separate towel and shoes. Hygiene products are regularly subjected to disinfection.
  4. All the accessories used for the treatment of a fungal nail pathogen must be sterilized by chemical disinfectants based on alcohol or by boiling.
  5. After the water treatment is necessary to wipe carefully not only the hands and feet, but also the space between the toes and the nail plate. It is in these areas and concentrate the pathogen nail fungus.
  6. Simultaneous use Mikozana with decorative or therapeutic agents for nails reduces the activity of the drug. Therefore, despite the fact that it is barely noticeable on the nails, it is recommended to give up such a combination.
  7. During treatment of socks made of synthetic materials should be abandoned. Ideal cotton socks.
  8. The common areas (bath, sauna, showers in sports centers, swimming pool) is recommended to use rubber slippers.

Interaction with other drugs

Mikozan drug does not enter into any reaction with other drugs, can therefore be used as one of the drugs combined therapy advanced stage of fungal infection.


Mikozan - is one of the drugs, which has no structural analogues of its active substance - enzyme rye.

An alternative embodiment may be selected among medication:

1. Lotseril - an antimicrobial agent. Its active ingredient - amorolfine. Drugs used to combat many types of fungus. It is recommended to use it for 6-12 months. according to the scheme drawn up by your doctor. Often, this drug coating 2 on p. / Week. It has a convenient form for application in the form of varnish. Its price is 1600 rubles.Mikozan from nail fungus. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

2. Batrafen structure may be in liquid (varnish) and creamy. The active substance - ciclopirox, which prevents the growth of fungal infection caused by dermatophytes. It fights with almost all kinds of fungus pathogen.

Treatment should be carried out in a specific pattern:

  • 1st month means strictly applied every 48 hours;
  • in the 2nd month - twice a week;
  • third and subsequent months - 4 p / month.. at regular time intervals.

The average rate of drug treatment takes six months. Price lacquer starts from 2200 rubles, and cream -. 380 rub. for tube weighing '89 Thus, at the price of cream will be much more profitable.

3. Antifungal drug Demikten. The main part of the drug acts formic aldehyde - a substance with a very broad spectrum of activity. Due to this, it is effective against many types of fungal pathogens.

The drug is applied 1-2 times a week at regular intervals for six months. Means is in the form of varnish, which is very convenient to use. Price starts from 420 rubles. and it depends on the pharmacy and region of purchase.

4. Mikonorm - is an effective antifungal drug, characterized by a wide impact on many types of fungal pathogens, pityriasis versicolor. The main component, has a therapeutic effect, acts as terbinafine, which is effective in the fight against dermofitami and yeast pathogen.Mikozan from nail fungus. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

The drug inhibits the development of sterol biosynthesis in the initial stage of development. It is not necessary to use it for people with individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug, as well as pregnant women and mothers vskarlivayuschim child.

Driving and duration of therapy depends on the type of infection and severity of the disease. On average, it is necessary to cover the wound site PM daily for 1-2 weeks. The cost of the drug is about 130 rubles.

5. In Atifina also made on the basis of terbinafine. He eliminates the cell wall of fungi, damaging the nails, the scalp and extremities, helps with Candida mucosal lesions. We do not recommend the use of drugs as a part of treatment for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, nursing mothers and patients with individual intolerance to one of the drug components.

Atifin promotes the development of a number of possible accompanying phenomena, it is recommended to use it with extreme caution.

Tool comes in the form of creams and tablets. The course of treatment depends on the type of fungus and the extent of damage. On average, 2-3 weeks is sufficient. cream price - from 170 rubles, pills - from 960 rubles. per pack of 14 tablets.

6. ointment mikoseptin It is an effective drug in the fight against fungus. The main components of zinc acts undetsilinat and undecylenic acid, which inhibit the growth of fungal flora and kill her.

Not recommended to be included in the drug complex therapeutic methods, if there are open sores or lesions. It is permitted for the use of pregnant women in the period of breast-feeding and children from 2 years.

PM affected area covered by 2 p. / Day until complete disappearance of symptoms. Treatment is then carried out for an additional one week. 1 r.den to avoid recurrence probability.

7. Ekzoderil. The present composition naftifine hydrochloride. It is presented in the format of cream and a solution intended for topical application. In the course of therapy change in the dosage form is not recommended. Drugs effective in fighting many kinds of fungus.Mikozan from nail fungus. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

It has a suppressive effect on many kinds of pathogens, which often complicates the disease course. Ekzoderil it characterized by anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to reduce the irritation and itching on the skin.

The duration of treatment varies between 6-8 months with daily application of the drug in the morning and evening. The first results are visible after 4 weeks. Price - from 500 rubles.

All of the above products in any way adversely affect the development of fungal flora and able to kill her.

When choosing a budget analogues, it should be closely related to the composition of the drug and pay attention to what acts as an active substance. It is important to understand that the choice of the wrong tool or replacement recommended by the same means, can cause negative effects.

Terms and conditions of storage, price

Mikozan after opening is stored at room temperature in a dark place, which is inaccessible to children. The validity of the drug - 3 years. set the cost to fight the fungus ranges 850-1150 rubles.Mikozan from nail fungus. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

Despite the significant cost Mikozan - preparation characterized proven effectiveness, and often prescribe drugs from nail fungus. Positive feedback support the use Mikozana fight infections caused by fungal pathogens.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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