Mental Disorders

Symptoms of schizophrenia in men. The behavior of the first symptoms, forms of the disease, aggravation

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In psychiatric medicine, there are several types of brain diseases. Schizophrenia is the most poorly understood disease, which affects 90% of men. The character of the disease and the manifestation of its symptoms may not be noticeable at the initial stage of development.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of schizophrenia in men
  • 2 Classification and features of the disease
    • 2.1 The classification of attacks
    • 2.2 Classification on behavior
  • 3 schizophrenia stage
  • 4 The first signs of male schizophrenia
  • 5 Features of conduct for schizophrenic condition
  • 6 Features manifestations at different ages
  • 7 What it may be caused by the aggravation of disease
  • 8 Symptoms and signs of acute schizophrenia
    • 8.1 Hallucinations (perceptions shams)
    • 8.2 delusions
    • 8.3 Irregularities in behavior, appearance
    • 8.4 Changes in thinking and speech accompanying relapse
  • 9 Seasonal aggravation in schizophrenics. Can I prevent it?
  • 10 Risk factors for acute
  • 11 Videos about male schizophrenia and its symptoms

The causes of schizophrenia in men

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Schizophrenia refers to mental diseases, which are characterized inhibition will change attitudes and behavior. Disease develops due to irreversible processes in the brain. They contribute to the rupture of neural connections in the body of the cortex. Neurosurgeons also note the possibility of replacing congenital neural circuits abnormal structures, which lead to the defeat of the brain cells.

The causes of schizophrenia are:

  • Congenital deformation DNA chains. Diseases can be inherited and is cumulative. Predisposition and symptoms of the disease increase with each new generation. At this age, which begins to appear in schizophrenia, and degradation rate increases exponentially.
  • Stress. Constant stress or lifestyle cause depression of the central nervous system. Neural connections weaken, resulting in a mild stream of schizophrenia.
  • Fatigue and lack of sleep. Lack of sleep and active physical exercise depletes the body's resources. Disturbed sleep and wakefulness cycles cause malfunctions of the hormonal system, which is able to influence the work of the brain.
  • Alcohol abuse. The molecules of ethyl alcohol block brain impulses, and provoke the destruction of its tissue. By increasing the area of ​​brain damage, schizophrenia symptoms are more pronounced.
  • The use of narcotic substances. Synthetic chemicals entering the bloodstream and then into brain cells, it causes death of the cell due to lack of oxygen and nutrients. Also narcotic substances can temporarily change the personal qualities and behavior, on the immune system reacts.
Symptoms of schizophrenia in men. Behavior, forms the disease aggravation
What schizophrenia is and what its symptoms in men.

personal destruction mechanism has several stages:

Stage The degradation process
easy The immune system and the brain begin to fight with the molecules of synthetic substances. At the same time there is a feeling of fear, panic attacks occur. Physical condition is getting worse, people feel nausea, fatigue, or short-term pain.

At this stage, it kills about 10% of nerve cells and brain cells

Central The body becomes accustomed to the presence of drugs in blood, tissues and brain cells die by 30%. There is a habit of the immune system and the reverse reaction: behavioral changes occur after withdrawal of the drug from the bloodstream
Weight The number of dead cells reaches critical values. Personality changes and abnormalities in the behavior manifested in full regardless of the presence of narcotic substances in the bloodstream.
  • Symptoms of schizophrenia in men, such as a change in behavior or personality, there can be due to various head injuries. Depending on the severity of the damage symptoms may not appear like a long time, and show up almost immediately.
  • Infectious encephalopathy. A number of the infectious nature of the diseases affect the brain tissue, causing the death of entire colonies of cells. In this case, the appearance of schizophrenia neuroscientists believe minor complications, which lends itself to a partial cure.
  • Diseases of the immune system. Autoimmune diseases cause the protection system to attack its own body, perceiving it as foreign and dangerous. This situation in the absence of maintenance therapy leads to complete loss of self-consciousness in a short time.

Most patients who have had a confirmed diagnosis of schizophrenia, are men. This is explained by higher activity gender species, as well as a tendency to abuse of drugs or alcohol

Classification and features of the disease

In schizophrenia, there are several kinds. Their classification is based on the rate and mechanism of the disease or behavioral characteristics of patients.

The classification of attacks

Depending on the severity and frequency of schizophrenic manifestations, psychiatrists emit:

  • Continuous. This form of the disease include the paranoid type of schizophrenia where the patient's haunted by hallucinations or obsessions. The pace of development of the disease and increased symptoms occur rapidly and continuously, a person is locked in its reality, which he himself invented. Continuous type of schizophrenia characterized by the absence remission. Proper and timely treatment of this type of schizophrenia improves the condition of the patient and eliminates the possible loss of personality.
  • Progressive paroxysmal. Manifest the classic symptoms of disease without signs of psychosis or nervous breakdown. Seizures are characterized by sharp and severe outbreaks delusions, hallucinations and paranoia, which occurs between a quiet period with preservation of the main symptoms of schizophrenia. The emergence of new attacks provoke stress and strain.
  • Circular. It includes several mental illnesses: schizophrenia and lack of periodic high-intensity psychoses.
  • Maloprogredientnaya. This type of disease is also called indolent or schizotypal. It is characterized by delayed development and minimal mental disorders. For the first time it begins to appear at the age of 18-23 years.
Symptoms of schizophrenia in men. Behavior, forms the disease aggravation

Symptoms of schizophrenia in men, which virtually does not differ from the behavior of ordinary people, referred to as schizoaffective disorder. This type of disease is a rare flash of symptoms that are eliminated when taking the required medications.

In older patients symptoms of schizophrenia occur less frequently than younger people.

Classification on behavior

In the disease exists and classification features of its course and behavior of patients:

  • Paranoid. Develops between the ages of 30 years. It is characterized by: the presence of intrusive thoughts; misperception of the world; distortion of consciousness; hallucinations; inhibition of willpower. Paranoid schizophrenia causes patients to spend all the material and physical resources to the evolving idea. In a continuous flow of such a disease the person ceases to interact with the real world, forgetting the most basic things: its own hygiene or work. It should be noted that the patient can be carefully concealed from prying their thoughts, making it difficult to diagnose the disease.
  • Disorganized. Manifested at the age of 14 years. It is characterized by a change of will and emotional background of a person. In this case the patient has children manners: laughter; slurred speech; building grimaces; mimicry. This form of schizophrenia runs hard and difficult to be treated. Wherein periods of such attacks can be burdened obsessive delusions or hallucinations.
  • Catatonic. This type of schizophrenia is diagnosed in 3% of patients and develops in 25-30 years. This disease is characterized by healthy behavior and preservation of cognitive functions in the background of psychomotor disorders. Such movement disorders may be static when the sick person is in the same position for several hours, or dynamic, when a person shows abnormal activity. One of the main symptoms of catatonic stupor type is the language in which the patient perceives it outsiders, but always silent.

Symptoms of schizophrenia in men whose behavior even after the treatment of the disease does not become normal, may apply to border states:

  • Post-schizophrenic disorder: It is characterized by severe depression and apathy after a course of treatment.
  • Residual effects of schizophreniaWhich are considered a chronic form of the disease, which has no psychosis and nerve bursts. Such events may occur within a year after the course of treatment.
  • Unspecified schizotypal disorder. Such border condition occurs in men only and does not have similar symptoms to the accepted diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia.
Symptoms of schizophrenia in men. Behavior, forms the disease aggravation

The most difficult for relief or treatment is considered hebephrenic and catatonic type of disease that occurs only in young men under the age of 30 years. If symptoms persist into adulthood clinical history building of youth behavior study men.

schizophrenia stage

Psychiatrists and distinguish three main stages of the disease:

Stage Stage character
acquisition primary The patient experiences a constant feeling of fear or anxiety. Perhaps the emergence of obsessive thoughts.

Manifestation of the disease is easily eliminated by pharmacological methods

adaptation Central Man connects the subconscious reality and the fictional world. This combination becomes acceptable to the patient a sense of fear and partially disappears.

Such a step requires an integrated treatment in a hospital or at home

Regression Weight Emotional background of the person disappears completely and disappears logical and coherent thinking.

This stage is virtually untreatable, it requires not only comprehensive treatment, but also supporting procedures to restore the neural connections in the brain

The first signs of male schizophrenia

The first symptoms of schizophrenia are divided into several types do not.


  • hallucinations;
  • delusions;
  • carelessness;
  • aggression;
  • anxiety;
  • mental disorders;
  • movement disorders.
Symptoms of schizophrenia in men. Behavior, forms the disease aggravation


  • apathy;
  • isolation;
  • loss of interest in favorite activities before;
  • the monotony of speech;
  • weakness;
  • lack of communication skills;
  • speech dysfunction;
  • mood swings.

Features of conduct for schizophrenic condition

Behavior of men with schizophrenia differ from healthy people. An important feature of this behavior is the fear of eye contact. The patient is unable to withstand direct views. He tries to escape or go in the future to avoid even relatives.

Also to the behavioral changes include the deterioration of cognitive processes and the loss of logic, and the logic is too obvious in dealing with simple household tasks. The desire to explore something new is lost in patients younger and men over 40 years old do not use previously gained experience and skills in life.

Emotional background change human behavior towards a complete lack of interest of the world: the patient begins many think there are incoherent ideas that seem obvious to him, but they remain incomprehensible to others people.

Schizophrenia causes a person to not only withdraw into themselves, but also to look for physical protection. In this sick man locked in his room, curtain or window spikes and refuses meals. It is worth noting that the presence of schizophrenia patients does not imbeciles, their intelligence is the same.

Features manifestations at different ages

Symptoms of schizophrenia in male behavior and frequency of attacks depend on age.

Age category Features
14 - 30 years Schizophrenia at a young age is difficult to treat and is considered the most difficult to diagnose.

Are possible symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • weakness;
  • irritability;
  • alteration or lack of interest;
  • alcohol or drug abuse;
  • aggression;
  • tearfulness;
  • depression;
  • motor or language stupor.

Exacerbation of schizophrenia are frequent

30 - 50 years Most often in this age group are diagnosed with paranoid type of schizophrenia.

For this category of men is characterized by:

  • obsessions:
  • aggression;
  • unfounded jealousy;
  • worsening addictions;
  • craving for alcohol;
  • change of interest;
  • isolation;
  • anxiety or fear.

The recurrence rate is not more than 2-3 times a year

Over 50 years Psychiatrists point out that schizophrenia can not develop in old age, the onset of disease attributed to an earlier period. But there are some cases where the diagnosis was made after 50 years for men.

Because at this age a person has formed certain identity and life orders, the disease symptoms are not bright:

  • hallucinations;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • persecution mania;
  • feeling of loneliness;
  • apathy;
  • loss of interest in the outside world.

It must be remembered that these symptoms in conjunction with age may be related to a completely different disease associated with the development of dementia.

Exacerbation of the disease almost invisible, or not diagnosed

What it may be caused by the aggravation of disease

All forms of schizophrenia are periods of intense flares and increased symptoms.

Aggravation of the disease can cause:

  • stressful situations;
  • quarreling;
  • use of alcohol or drugs;
  • loud noise;
  • bright light;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • change of weather conditions;
  • injury.

Symptoms and signs of acute schizophrenia

Symptoms of schizophrenia in men whose behavior may change abruptly or gradually, can be easily recognized. One of the obvious symptoms of a non-standard behavior. He becomes more withdrawn, apathetic or depressed. The man also begins to feel a sense of anxiety.

Symptoms of schizophrenia in men. Behavior, forms the disease aggravation

Among the main symptoms of the acute phase of the disease is isolated:

  • hallucinations;
  • delusions;
  • untidiness.

Each schizophrenia relapse lasts 2 months on average. During this period careful observation and patient care.

Hallucinations (perceptions shams)

Hallucinations that have plagued the patient may be:

  • hearing;
  • tactile;
  • visual;
  • olfactory.

The most common perception of cheating men - hearing. In these hallucinations a person may hear voices that guide his actions and called for him.

It is also common symptoms are visual hallucinations. They appear in the middle stage of the disease. The patient can see dead relatives or people with whom he associated negative emotions. There are several signs of the emergence of men auditory and visual hallucinations.

He can:

  • look back;
  • talk with emptiness;
  • listen to the silence.

Tactile and olfactory hallucinations are expressed in a strange sensation on the skin or a foul smell, which do not feel the people around them.


The main symptom of disease recurrence are also anxiety and delirium.

Among psychiatrists obsessive thoughts distinguish 3 main types:

  • the effect of: the patient is sure that they manage or act on his subconscious by various methods, including irradiation or witchcraft;
  • conspiracy: man it seems that the people around them they conspired against him or constantly discussing and ridicule;
  • the pursuit: patient hurts thought of clock surveillance on him.

Irregularities in behavior, appearance

During an exacerbation men often become more aggressive, or, conversely, too apathetic.

Symptoms of schizophrenia in men. Behavior, forms the disease aggravation

Also worth mentioning are especially inappropriate behavior:

  • guilt;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • distraction and inattention;
  • change cycle sleep - wakefulness;
  • carelessness in appearance;
  • lethargy;
  • complete indifference to loved ones;
  • isolation.

Also, one of the obvious signs of psychiatrists say laziness peculiar to men, are replaced by vibrant activity.

Changes in thinking and speech accompanying relapse

Thought Processes in human acute period may differ substantially from the normal state. He can become illogical, or too well to build a chain of actions to carry out the usual case. It may become loose, intermittent. Patients also tend to talk with themselves and others to express delusional illogical thoughts.

Seasonal aggravation in schizophrenics. Can I prevent it?

The change of seasons causes in 98% of patients with schizophrenia relapse. This is due to the increase in the light of the day, the change of climate and scenery. Such changes are stressful for the body, which leads to the development of anxiety and all the following symptoms.

Also the autumn and spring operate on patients physiologically. serotonin level is dependent on the amount of sunlight. He is responsible for the sense of peace and happiness, with its lack of off-season people get depressed. Also, a lack of vitamin D and iodine in the autumn and spring days can cause failures in the body, which aggravates the disease.

There are several ways to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of seasonal or mitigate its course:

  • timely inspection of the therapist;
  • receiving the designated medicines;
  • ESP-vitamins;
  • elimination of stress;
  • restriction or complete exclusion of the use of alcohol or drugs.

Prudent and attentive friends and family not only helps reduce the likelihood of psychosis, but also calm a person at the time of the acute phase of the disease.

Risk factors for acute

Since male gender exhibit strong symptoms during exacerbation of schizophrenia, they often do not comply with required reception circuit pharmaceuticals. They see themselves as healthy and shying away from the daily routine. This behavior can cause a relapse of brain pathology and deterioration of the patient's condition.

Symptoms of schizophrenia in men. Behavior, forms the disease aggravation

Frequent exacerbations are subject to the people who are in families with unstable situation. Frequent cries, quarrels and scandals provoke severe stress and increased symptoms. In this case, the intensity of negative emotions and symptoms of the disease vary from apathy to dangerous for the aggression.

Risk factors also include men who use alcohol or drugs. Once an accurate diagnosis is necessary to give up all bad habits. High risk of recurrence are the men who live in the temperate zone with distinct seasonal transitions - in autumn and spring.

The disease is incurable type to maintain a fulfilling life. The behavior of the men in the acute periods are very different from women's and schizophrenia have a more pronounced symptoms. Control over the general state of the person and respect for maintenance therapy promotes inhibition of personal degradation and self-destruction.

Author: Anna Shalunova

Videos about male schizophrenia and its symptoms

The first signs of schizophrenia:

The causes of schizophrenia and prevention:

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