Mental Disorders

Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs of drug treatment, folk remedies, procedures

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Symptoms and signs of Parkinson's disease is a severe tremors at a high degree of muscle stiffness, inability to commit directed movements. "Shaking palsy" - the second name of this severe disease caused by degenerative processes of the central nervous system.

Parkinson's disease is characterized by the elderly, but increasingly in medical practice common in patients younger than 40 years.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Parkinson's disease - what is it
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 risk group
  • 4 Forms and stages
  • 5 The main symptoms and signs
  • 6 Other signs of the disease
  • 7 Effects on humans
  • 8 Diagnostics
  • 9 How quickly the disease progresses
  • 10 Treatment
    • 10.1 medication
    • 10.2 LFK
  • 11 Folk remedies
  • 12 Surgical intervention
  • 13 How many patients live
  • 14 Disability in Parkinson's disease
  • 15 Recommendations for people with Parkinson's
  • 16 Video of Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease - what is it

Parkinson's disease, symptoms and signs that occur slowly in the beginning, can progress for several years. As a result, patients seek medical help when the disease becomes irreversible. It refers to a number of neurodegenerative disease, that is, its cause becomes the death of a large number of neurons in the brain.

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Development Mechanism in parkinsonism as follows: for the coordination and direction of movement corresponds to the nervous system, located at the site of spinal cord and brain. As soon as man proposes to make purposeful movement, subcortical area of ​​the brain reacts immediately, resulting in the nervous system alert.

One of these parts of the nervous system are the basal ganglia, they are responsible for a clear direction of travel.

Further, the basal ganglia in healthy people pass certain impulses to the muscles. pulses are generated by transmission occurs especially chemical compounds called neurotransmitters. They have a stimulating or inhibiting effect. The main neurotransmitter - Dopamine: it eliminates excess pulses of the basal ganglia is responsible for accurate driving directions.Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures

Signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease - an uncontrollable tremor and muscular stiffness simultaneously appear with a deficit of dopamine, since the pulses are controlled and fed erratically.

Why are dying neurons, and reduced production of dopamine, the researchers do not know so far, though the substance has been allocated in 1906. In this modern medicine in the early diagnosis is able to save the patient from the symptoms of this terrible disease.

Causes of

There are two concepts: the "parkinsonian syndrome" and "Parkinson's disease". Usually the causes of the disease not provoke the disease, and its symptoms. In contrast to the main disease, it can be successfully treated.

Assumptions that may affect both the appearance of the syndrome, and the main forms of the disease:

  • genetic predisposition that causes the disease in most patients younger than 40 years;
  • injuries of varying degrees of severity of the brain;
  • meninges inflammation provoked by infections of viral or bacterial etiology, such as encephalitis;
  • inflammation of the membranes occurs in severe intoxication periods organism due to the release from the liver of toxic substances;
  • Degenerative changes in the cerebral cortex due to circulatory disorders;
  • atherosclerotic changes as a consequence of elevated cholesterol;
  • deficiency of vitamin D, which is involved in the complex process of creating a protective barrier which prevents the penetration of free radicals in the body and toxins.

risk group

Most often, the appearance of Parkinson's in elderly patients is due to age-related decrease of neuronal activity. If the onset of the disease in young age, the cause is most likely lies in the genetic factor.Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures

It is also a prerequisite for parkinsonism may become bad habits that lead to high overall intoxication and defeat of the membranes of the brain in particular. Medicine, there are cases where parkinsonism overtook young people suffering from alcohol or drug addiction.

Until recently, the main risk group includes people older than 80 years, but parkinsonism "younger" at the end of the last century. Age threshold dropped first to 60, then to 50 years, and now health care providers record more cases in 40 years.

Young people aged 20-30 years suffer from this disease rarely, and almost always in such cases can be traced the genetic factor. In children, the disease has not been recorded.

At risk also includes:

  • people who in their lifetime had a head injury;
  • Patients with high cholesterol indicators;
  • in the presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • people working in the production of harmful working conditions;Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures
  • patients who consume alcohol or drugs.

Parkinson's disease, symptoms and signs which will be described later, according to statistics, is peculiar to each 500-th inhabitant of our planet. But the largest percentage of cases related, after all, a group of people from 80 years: 7% -10% of the total number of cases, the age group of 50-80 years, belongs to only 5%.

Forms and stages

Parkinson's disease is classified according to a wide variety of criteria, such as age, appearance, or the signs of the reasons. But the most popular medicine for the past 45 years has been the classification Hyun-Yar.

It was developed by a physician Margaret Hyun co-authored with Melvin Yar. It was based on only the degree of pathology of motor function without taking into account the accompanying signs.

This classification is as follows:

zero stage Movement disorders are not observed
1st stage When moving a patient is not observed difficulties, jitter is present only on one side, but it does not stop to engage in daily activities, changes in the face and facial expressions are visible only close people.
2nd stage Symptoms become noticeable to others, tremor, double-sided, mask-like face, changed gait and posture, but the patient still while able to keep a balance, rarely have problems with swallowing food and speech.
3rd step Patient yet able to serve itself, but the ability to keep the balance is broken, the movement is carried out by small, mincing steps, the man barely separates the foot from the ground.
4th step Movement disorders interfere with the independence of man shambles, there is a pronounced instability during walking, motion stiffness, the patient is moved only a short distance, tremor increases, making it difficult to perform even the most simple actions.
5th step The patient is in a wheelchair and unable to move without the help of others, comes the depletion of the body, requires constant nursing care.

There is another method of determining the degree of development of Parkinson's disease symptoms in the form:

  1. shaking form - tremor of the head, limbs, jaw, accompanied by a normal or slightly increased muscle tone.Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures
  2. Rigidity, tremor - tremor amplitude is accompanied by a high stiffness.
  3. Akinetic-rigid - movement activity is minimal, sometimes a patient comes to a complete immobility, muscle tone is high.
  4. mixed - all known forms of the disease occur simultaneously or flow into one another.

Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's syndrome is still divided and the reversibility of the disease:

  1. primary parkinsonism - the most common, is irreversible.
  2. Secondary parkinsonism - the disease appears on the background of infectious or traumatic brain injury, it is considered reversible and treatable.

The main symptoms and signs

6 are considered main symptoms of Parkinson's disease:

  1. Tremor (uncontrolled shaking).
  2. Rigidity (stiffness, high muscle tone).
  3. Hypokinesia (reduction in locomotor activity).
  4. Bradifreniya (reduction or complete absence of emotion, inhibited speech, slow thinking).
    Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures
    Signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease
  5. Postural instability (inability to maintain balance).
  6. Mental and autonomic disturbances (insomnia, disturbed salivation, greasy face, improper metabolism).

Other signs of the disease

The above are the symptoms when the disease has progressed for several years and the problem is visible to others.

Onset of the disease sufficiently veiled, it can detect only on circumstantial evidence:

  • patient difficult bends or rises from his chair, less coordinated movements;
  • changing facial expressions, there is a mask-like face;
  • person does everything slowly, blinking, walking, performs routine work that does not require special skills;
  • there is emotional poverty, there is apathy in behavior even in moments of mortal danger;
  • physiological characteristics of marked slow urination, pain in the clavicle, forearm or upper arm.

Parkinson's disease, symptoms and signs typical of her to see the initial stage can not be yourself. If you notice unusual behavior and reactions in his household, immediately, seek medical help.

Effects on humans

In a complex form of Parkinson's disease leads to total disability man, when he can not walk, to eat, to carry out physiological needs.Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures

But in milder disease is not palatable, need help loved ones. For example, when a strong tremor amplitude person is unable to perform even the most simple manipulations.


Laboratory tests that can accurately determine the presence of Parkinson's disease does not exist. This is the main problem of diagnosing the disease. Most age pathologies have similar symptoms, especially at the initial stage of development. Diagnosis is based on physical examination, the patient survey, compilation and detailed description of the history of the disease.

All the diagnostic process is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Identifying the symptoms characteristic of Parkinson's disease: It is to assess the physical condition, identify uncontrolled tremors, balance problems of retention and performance of the direction of movement.
  2. Identifying the symptoms are not typical of Parkinsonism and pointing to a different disease with similar symptoms: study the history of the disease in the presence of a brain tumor, head trauma, possible stroke, vascular problems. It eliminates the possibility of severe intoxication and receiving antipsychotics studied motor function Eyes are eliminated signs of dementia in the early stages, unilateral disorders of motor function. As a result, the expert assesses the effectiveness of the therapy antiparkinsonian drugs.
  3. Confirmation of the diagnosis: evaluation of drug therapy and improve the detection of the patient's condition, check the symptom tibia (lying on his stomach, the patient flexes the leg at the knee, a sign disease - leg unbent not fully) to the phenomenon Westphal test (after the bending of the joint surrounding muscles are in good shape, certainly not accept the initial position).Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures

As more research doctor may prescribe a computer and magnetic resonance tomography, electroencephalography and electromyography to determine the brain state patient. The effectiveness of these measures to confirm the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease remains controversial and is only indirect.

How quickly the disease progresses

The younger the patient, the disease progresses slowly. Scientists have long documented the dependence of the rate of development of Parkinson's disease on a person's age.

Thus, in patients aged 20-35 years, the development of the disease can last up to 40 years, in patients 40 years of age - about 20 years old, elderly patients, the disease progresses for about 5 years. Without medical assistance after 5 years in 25% of patients develop a severe form of the disease, which inevitably ends in death.

In 100% of cases in patients over 15 years of developing a disability and, as a result, the same death. The earlier the doctor diagnoses the disease and prescribe treatment, the slower will develop the disease, and the longer a person can control their lives.


Parkinson's disease has not yet been treated, although scientists have achieved remarkable results in the elimination of symptoms and reduce their impact on the life of the patient.

Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, proceduresRemains a major medical (conservative) treatment as additional measures - physical therapy, massage therapy and exercises for the restoration and development of speech functions.

When the drugs are no longer help, the patient can help surgery. Alternatively, treatment of folk remedies act, in addition, the patient must follow a particular diet.


Conservative therapy is aimed at addressing the underlying symptoms due to replenishment of dopamine deficiency and blocking agents, it is destroyed.

Traditionally, these drugs are prescribed:

  1. Ropinirole, bromocriptine, Lisuride - are responsible for replenishing dopamine in areas of the central nervous system.
  2. Seleginin, Entacapone, Tolcapone - inhibit enzymes capable of destroying dopamine.
  3. Biperiden, protsiklidina - reduce the effect of acetylcholine, which is an excitatory neurotransmitter balance the action of nerve cells.
  4. rimantadine - reduces the impact of excitatory neurotransmitter glumata.Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures

In addition to basic drugs physicians often prescribe additional medications possessing sedative effect. It can be as simple antihistamines, and antipsychotics, antidepressants.


Neurologists have a saying: "The bed - the enemy of parkinsonism", and exercise therapy is emphasized. Exercising helps to reduce muscle tone, circulation, increases the elasticity of joints and improves digestion. A set of exercises selects the physician, given the characteristics of the patient's symptoms.

Usually exercises for patients with Parkinson's disease include:

  • exercises to the facial muscles: Play emotions of anger, indignation, surprise, joy;
  • on the neck muscles: slow slopes and smooth turns heads in different directions;Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures
  • on the shoulder girdle: raising and lowering the arms, bent at the elbow abduction hands back and forth, circular rotation arms bent at the elbows;
  • on the muscles of the torso: tilts forward, holding a gymnastic bar or chair, if the exercises are performed at home;
  • for hands: hand compressed in a fist and perform a circular motion, as well as produce the alternate closing of the fingers with the thumbs:
  • for legs: slowly bending the knee in the leg and straightening in a sitting position, flexing and relaxing the fingers on both feet.

Exercises in "standing" position are carried out under the supervision of relatives or medical personnel. The effect of physiotherapy strengthen the special massages which relieve muscle tension and pain, and to restore normal blood circulation.

Folk remedies

Tools made by popular recipes, refer to alternative medicine, and apply them only on prescription, so as not to worsen the condition of the person with the syndrome of Parkinson's disease.

The most effective are the following recipes:

  • propolis - removes tremor, increased locomotor activity (dose 1 g chew twice a day before meals, duration of 15 days);
  • the infusion of oats - relaxes muscles, reduces tremor (100 ml oat / 1 L of purified water, oats hold simmered for 45 minutes, after which the day. insist, take three times a day before meals for half a glass, course duration of 10 days, after 2-3 months course repeated);Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures
  • sage tea - possesses anticonvulsant activity (1 heaped art. l / cup of boiling water, to insist 4.5-5 hour, filter cake on and taken twice a day before a meal, a course -.. 10 days, repeated after 2-2.5 months).

Folk remedies do not replace medical therapy drugs, and are only an aid.

Surgical intervention

Until recently, the only method of surgery in Parkinson's disease served as thalamotomy - risky for the patient's life and health of an operation aimed at the destruction of parts of the brain, which are located in the basal ganglia.

Modern medicine offers a way to eliminate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease - electrical stimulation of brain areas that are responsible for motor function of man.

During surgery in subcortical electrode zone is introduced, and to the chest or forearm - neurostimulator. The electrode suppresses excitatory and inhibitory pulses and sends a signal to the neurostimulator. As a result, the patient is completely freed from the tremors and stiffness of movement, is able to completely control their manipulation and lead a normal life.Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures

Such operations are carried out in the Moscow Institute of Neurosurgery of the quota, that is free. The system is powered by a battery, which is designed for 5 years, then the patient is implanted the new implant. Thanks to new developments, Russian scientists managed to get the device in operation for 10 years, which will undoubtedly make life easier for people with Parkinson's disease.

How many patients live

Parkinson's disease, signs and symptoms that occur is very difficult for the patient is incurable, and we must understand that the disease individually in each case.

The life expectancy of people with Parkinson's depends on what stage of development of the disease was diagnosed. Early diagnosis combined with modern medicine, proper diet, exercises and physiotherapy to help slow the course of disease.

Disability in Parkinson's disease

Disability of Parkinson's disease is established by a special commission on the basis of the results of medico-social examination. The Commission shall determine the degree of disability, guided by the order №535 of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation from 22.08.2005

Total identified 3 groups of disability:

  • group 1 - the patient incapacitated, bedridden, can not do without help, in need of nursing care;
  • group 2 - The patient is able to take care of themselves, but not fully, work has limitations;Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and signs. Drugs, folk remedies, procedures
  • group 3 - the patient can perform activities for their own needs, work is reduced.

Recommendations for people with Parkinson's

Signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease patients often lead to depression, they refuse treatment. To understand such a reaction is possible, because it is a serious illness that often ends in death. But can not tolerate inactivity, bed rest - the worst option.

Only activity, special exercises for the muscles, speech exercises and diet in combination with drug therapy can improve the patient's condition. It is necessary to change habits: spend more time in the fresh air, eat food low in cholesterol, rich in vitamins, fiber and trace elements.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of Parkinson's disease

Symptoms, causes and effects of Parkinson's disease:

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