Dermatological Drugs

Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

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A small amount of fungi has lived on the human body. Reducing natural immune defense create a favorable environment for the activity of harmful organisms. This factor provoke various diseases.

For the treatment of pathologies of modern pharmacology released Nizoral cream - Drugs affecting the various forms fungdov. Instructions for use informs that the preparation is effective against skin diseases and systemic fungal infections.

The content of the article:

  • 1 release Form
  • 2 Hormonal ointment or not?
  • 3 the drug
  • 4 pharmachologic effect
  • 5 Indications
  • 6 Instructions for use
  • 7 Pregnancy
  • 8 In the treatment of diseases in children
  • 9 Side effects
  • 10 Overdose
  • 11 Contraindications
  • 12 special instructions
  • 13 Interaction with other drugs
  • 14 Storage conditions and shelf life
  • 15 The price of the drug
  • 16 analogs
  • 17 Videos about Nizoral cream

release Form

Medicament preparation is marketed in the form of a dense white solid homogeneous structure. To implement the cream is packaged in tubes made of aluminum, the weight of one tube of '15 Each unit of the drug is packaged in a box made of cardboard. Also packing implies a detailed paper instructions containing information on the application, a list of contraindications and special recommendations.

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Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

In addition to creams, manufacturer company produces:

  • pills - systemic effects on infection of;
  • shampoo - to eliminate the disease of the scalp.

Hormonal ointment or not?

Nizoral cream, instruction manual which details the rules for the application, sometimes causes fear among patients seeking to avoid the use of hormonal methods. There are different opinions on the effects of hormones on the cream.

Some specialists argue confidently that medication does not affect the ratio of hormones in the body. According to other sources, the early days of applying the cream cause a sharp drop in testosterone in the blood.

Specialized measures to eliminate androgen deficiency is not necessary to take, hormone eventually comes back to normal on their own.

the drug

The main active ingredient is Nizoral - Ketoconazole. The latter is an artificial derivative imidazoldtoksolana.

The main active component has the following range of action:

  • suppression of fungal infection;
  • getting rid of the lesions of the mucous Candida fungi;Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
  • mycotic lesions of hair, nails and skin.

In Nizozal ketoconazole cream contained in an amount of 20 mg to 1 g weight. Excipients have no therapeutic effect on skin diseases, however, the fact of their presence must be considered because of possible increased sensitivity to the components.

pharmachologic effect

Nizoral cream, instructions for use which allows for a more detailed examination of all the features of exposure, different different effects.

They are:

  • inhibition of pathogenic yeasts;
  • the suppression of the activity of dermatophytes.

The cream is intended for topical application. After application to the painful area of ​​skin in a short time comes calm itching and eliminate the negative symptoms of the disease.

Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
Nizoral cream is used for topical application.

Use of the drug during the week allows you to get rid of the following manifestations:

  • burning sensation;
  • red spots;
  • peeling of the skin.

Additional property Nizoral - inhibition activity of staphylococci and streptococci. Applying cream reduces acute sensitivity when touching and reduce inflammatory processes. Also, a small anti-microbial effect of avoiding complications and secondary infections caused by various pathogens.

An important feature of the drug is as follows:

  • penetration into the deepest pockets of infection;
  • substances synthesis blockade required for reproduction of fungi;
  • changes in the lipid composition of a pathogenic organism that does not allow it to grow and form new colonies.

After applying the composition to the skin active components are retained in the blood for 2 hours.

Processing substances carried by the liver and 10 hours later excreted in urine.

The most active cream affects the following fungi species:

  • Microsporum canis;
  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes;
  • Candida;
  • Pityrosporum ovale;
  • Trichophyton rubrum;
  • Epidermophyton floccosum.


Antipruritic agent recommended for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • pityriasis versicolor shape;
  • athlete's hands and feet;
  • onychomycosis;
  • candidiasis, which is localized on the skin;
  • ringworm smooth skin covers;
  • trihofitii;
    Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
  • athlete's groin;
  • seborrhea of ​​the scalp
  • seborrheic dermatitis shape;
  • fungus, which is localized in the genital area;Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
  • systemic dermatological lesions;
  • prevention of fungal infections diagnosed with immunodeficiency virus.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use Nizoral cream is applied only externally, you should use it depending to diagnose the disease. In general, the duration of treatment lasts from 14 days to one and a half months.

Dermatologists and mycologists insist on continuing treatment even after the unpleasant symptoms disappeared. Otherwise, the microorganisms develop resistance to the active components.

Instructions for using the cream, depending on the shape of the defeat:

  • Dermatitis and skin diseases. The composition should be applied not only to the painful area, but also in adjacent areas. processing frequency - 1 time per day. In the complex treatment should be carried out all the prescribed hygiene procedures.
    Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
  • Versicolor, having scaly shape, and disease caused by yeast fungi need treatment every 2-3 weeks.
  • Athlete of any etiology requires treatment of painful places from 2 to 4 weeks.

Medco categorically insist on therapy Nizoralom only after the passage of the necessary diagnostic tests. A variety of pathogens that infect human skin such that the drug is independently selected can not cause the desired effect or worsen the disease.

Furthermore dermatological diseases Nizoral also used to treat nail fungus. In this case, the nail plate must be cleaned and dried, and then rubbed the composition into the space activity of the fungus and the surrounding area.

Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Mycologists are advised to carry out the procedure before going to bed. Severe infection requires double processing and combination therapy with tablets under the same title.

With seborrheic dermatitis Nizoral cream copes per month, but especially uncomfortable symptoms are eliminated within the first few days. After therapeutic course is not recommended to completely abandon drugs and to continue maintenance therapy every 1 to 7 days.

For the treatment of any affected site necessary amount of cream allowing a thin layer of the painful area and rub it in the composition.


Studies of the drug have not been conducted on women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is believed that the state does not belong to the contraindications for use.

However, with the urgent need to pass Nizoralom therapy during pregnancy and lactation, it is important to consult a doctor. Medication is recommended for use only under the condition that the necessary benefits outweigh the possible risks.

In the treatment of diseases in children

Nizoral cream can be used for children of any age, including infant. The same resolution applies to the shampoo. The tablets can also be taken only on the achievement of 3 years according to the current body weight.

Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

According to other sources, due to the possibility of the active ingredient to penetrate into the blood plasma, use the cream for the kids is not recommended and should be carried out with the utmost care.

According to some studies, the drug substances strengthen the already existing allergies, so before than treat the skin suckling composition, it is necessary to receive consultation and approval of the children's dermatologist.

Side effects

Side effects caused by Nizoralom rare, however, the following reactions have been reported in the studies:

  • manifestation of hives;
  • Hypersensitivity dermal application in the field;
  • erythema, burning sensation and itching;
  • occurrence of bleeding;
  • contact dermatitis due to primary or secondary component of the drug;
  • appearance of acne;
  • weakness;
  • stickiness of the dermis;
  • difficulty falling asleep, sleep disorder;
  • myalgic disorder;
  • deterioration of the functionality of the liver and stomach;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • fever, general health deterioration;
    Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
  • pain, tearing and burning of mucous membranes in case of accidental contact with the mucous in the eyes - in this case, you must rinse thoroughly defeat the place cool running water.

The tendency to allergic manifestations cream prescribed with extreme caution. Any of the above features - a signal for the immediate correction attending dermatologist for treatment or replacement of the medicament.


The cream used in dosages well above the norm, causes the following negative symptoms:

  • redness of the skin, caused by the strong tide of blood;
  • local burning sensation and burning;
  • the occurrence of edema.

If swallowed the cream in the need for emergency measures is missing.


The main contraindications to touch his Nizoral tablet form.

Cream is not indicated the presence of:

  • you are hypersensitive to ketoconazole;
  • hypersensitivity to one of the auxiliary substances;
    Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
  • violations integrity of the skin, minor cuts, abrasions.

special instructions

The drug is intended solely for the topical treatment of cutaneous fungal infections. Doctors say that is strictly forbidden to use the cream for the treatment of diseases in the field of ophthalmology.

It is also proved that the preparation is easily tolerated by patients suffering from liver or renal diseases.

To prevent steroid withdrawal syndrome, doctors recommend the following scheme of completion of therapy:

  • in the morning to continue to drink the drug, and in the evening to use Nizoral cream;
  • within the next 3 weeks, gradually completely abandon steroids.

Interaction with other drugs

During testing, and tests showed no positive or negative interaction Nizoral cream with other drugs.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Subject to the rules of storage Nizoral cream can be used within 5 years from the date of issue.

Perform recommended to place a tube of cream:

  • out of reach for the sun;
  • at a maximum distance from the children;
  • a temperature in the range of from 15 to 30 degrees C.

The price of the drug

The drug is sold in pharmacy chains and online drug stores available: the recipe for the purchase is not required.

Cream Price varies depending on the following factors:

  • sales region;
  • the specificity of the available margins;
  • Reputation Pharmacy or network;
  • common price policy.

On average, Nizoral cream can be purchased for 500 rubles. in Moscow and other big cities of Russia. In small communities, the drug costs about 400 rubles. Pharmaceutical Network, realizing drugs over the Internet, set prices for drugs in about the same range.


Nizoral cream can not be attributed to the budgetary resources available to the idiosyncrasy of one of the components, so it is important to know what can be replaced, if necessary, medication.

Cream analogues are based on the same active substance. Similar effects of medicines are manufactured on the basis of another active ingredient, but provides the desired therapeutic effect.

Any change in treatment is necessary to coordinate a dermatologist for the selection of the maximum effective drug.

Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

List of pharmacy medicines which can be an alternative to cream Nizoral:

Title The active ingredient Features of influence Counter-evidence Mode of application Stoa bridge
Dermazol Keto-konazol Local and systemic treatment of mycoses Hyper-sensitivity-ness;

Pregnancy and lactation;

Age up to 3 years;

Diseases nadpochech-

Treatment of the affected places 1-2 times a day-ness The duration of therapy to 30 days. 180 p
Mikozoral Keto-konazol Treatment of fungal infections, dermatitis and lichen Violating the integrity of the dermis, bruises, abrasions;

Elderly age;

Component tolerability;

Pathology of the liver, kidney, pituitary

Drawing on problem areas to eliminate sympto-Matic 170 p
Keto-konazol Keto-konazol Candidiasis, ringworm, dermatitis, epidermal-fitiya Injuries to the site of application;

tolerability active substances

For the treatment of dermal disease treatment twice a day, for a subtree-alive therapy - 2 times a week 60-100 p
Ketodin Keto-konazol Treatment of diseases caused by yeast and moldy fungi, spores Hyper-
Treatment of affected places 1-2 times a day p 150
Ketozoral Keto-konazol Dermatitis, skin infections, shingles Intolerance;


Drawing on problem areas and a half months 450 p
Sebozol Keto-konazol the defeat of nails, hair, skin Liver disease and kidney;

Napier dual-tolerability;

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Greasing inflamed-GOVERNMENTAL places p 150
Mikoket Keto-konazol Anti-fungal drug hypersensitivity Application of the composition to the inflamed skin 130 p
Zalain Serta-konazol nitrate All kinds of skin and fungal infections of the scalp Indivi-
Napier dual-tolerability
Lubrication thin layer with capture healthy portion dermis 500 p
Kandibene Klotr-
Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal drug for the treatment of lichen, candidiasis and mycosis The first 3 months of pregnancy;

increased chuvstv-

Rubbing in dry areas of the skin 2-3 times a week 30-180 p
Kanestan Klotr-
Candidiasis, mycosis, scab Intolerance;

age - with caution

cream to treat patients with skin areas 3 times a day 450 p

According to studies and the opinion dermatologists, Nizoral - effective cream that helps to cope with a wide range of dermatological diseases and fungal infections.

Compliance with medical prescriptions and recommendations, which contains instructions for use - the key to fast and definitive recovery, as well as getting rid of the disease that not only causes discomfort, but also provoke the manifestation of beauty imperfections.

Author of the article: Dakian Anna V.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about Nizoral cream

Features Nozoral preparation and method of use:

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Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
Dermatological Drugs

Nizoral cream. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

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