Dermatological Drugs

An ointment for acne: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin. List prices, cheap and effective means of acne on the face. Reviews

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The rash of pimples on the skin - a common problem among adults, regardless of gender and age. The causes of acne are many and deal with them you can, using special tools - healing ointment with antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.

However ointments are different: hormonal, non-hormonal, antibiotic in the composition. Popular cheap ointment: zinc, sulfuric acid, and sintomitsinovaja levomekolevaya.

But before you buy should thoroughly understand how the tool will be the best price, quality, efficacy and safety (not cause an allergic reaction of the body) for a comfortable use and achieve quick results from treatment for a particular person.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Indications for the application of therapeutic salves
  • 2 Antibacterial salves
  • 3 Ointment on a natural basis
  • 4 Antibiotic ointments
  • 5 Antiparasitic ointment (insecticides)
  • 6 antiviral ointment
  • 7 Hormonal acne ointment
  • 8 Other anti-inflammatory ointment for acne
  • 9 Traditional recipes compositions for acne
  • 10 How to choose a cream for acne
  • 11 Rules of skin care during treatment
  • 12 Video of ointments for acne
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Indications for the application of therapeutic salves

Each therapeutic skin ointment has a number of indications that give her the foundation to apply. Ointment can be as basic as well as an auxiliary drug substance.

Common indications for the use of ointments for acne are:

  • some rash (acne, pimples) on the skin;
  • rash multiple character;
  • rash closed type;
  • rashes open type.
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • dark spots;
  • herpes.
  • psoriasis;
  • corn;
  • lichen;
  • dyskeratosis;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • diaper rash;
  • burns;
  • inflammation, cuts, deep scratches;
  • ichthyosis.

Antibacterial salves

When the inflammation has slight character, use an antiseptic (antibacterial) ointment.

Among them are popular:

  • Sulfuric ointment.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparinThe substance contained in sulfuric ointments, capable of destroying bacteria, and to make the process faster wound healing. Applied ointment for 7-10 days. Must be applied on skin with acne several times a day for a week. Price money: 60 rubles.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. The composition includes natural substances having a strong antiseptic action: birch tar, xeroform. Ointment treats purulent pimples and boils. When applying a spot begins to mature faster and boil process is accelerated. To eliminate single acne medication should be applied on a bandage or a cotton pad and apply to the inflamed areas of skin. In order to fix you must attach a gauze patch. At small pimples ointment applied point method. Price money: 40 rub.
  • Ihtiolovaya ointment. The drug is based on natural ingredients - ihtammole. Ointment black shade has a specific odor and has a thick viscous consistency. The drug is used to accelerate the maturing and exit outwardly suppurative inflammation. The bactericidal effect of the agent is manifested in affecting streptococci and staphylococci. The ointment should be applied as a thin layer on the place of defeat is not more than 2 times a day, morning and evening. Price means: 20-50 rubles.
  • Zinc ointment Acne is the main active ingredient - zinc, capable of quickly killing microorganisms. This ointment is a potent remedy for acne, copes well with inflammation, dries and heals the skin. Use of zinc ointment accelerates the healing process, traces disappear soon after rash. There are various ways to apply the ointment. In most cases - application of the drug into a thin layer on the skin. Prior to this, the skin should be cleaned. Ointment is used up to 6 times during the day. Zinc ointment on the national average cost of acne in the range of 20-50 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • Salicylic ointment. The medicament comprises salicylic acid. The drug eliminates purulent acne. Traces that are left over from acne can be lightened because of the ointment. Should apply on clean skin once or twice a day. application period may not be more than three weeks. The cost of salicylic ointment is in the range of 20-30 rubles.

Ointment on a natural basis

in the field of dermatology experts give advice: treat rashes of blackheads and pimples better using the ointment, the components of which are of natural origin.

These ointments are:

  • zinc ointments acne available and safe, and the result will not be kept waiting too long. The drug dries the skin through absorption of excessive fat. If the abscess is an infection came from the outside, and was re-festering use the ointment does not make sense. Because the protective film which is formed due to acne zinc ointment, will create a favorable environment for the reproduction of anaerobic bacteria.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • salicylic ointment kills organisms that instigated an inflammatory process. Since there is an intensive drying effect, as a result of dead skin cells fall off and the skin is updated.
  • Salicylic-zinc ointment, differently called paste Lassara is a complex preparation. It includes in its composition salicylic acid and zinc oxide, taken as the base starch and petroleum jelly. Zinc ointment acne and salitsivo-zinc ointment to whiten the skin, dead cells otshelushat. Apply all over the face, but you should not take too much money. Should not enter the eyes, lips, as well as the area around them. You can do it 1-2 times during the 24 hours. If any skin too become wet, or, on the contrary, too dry, it is not necessary to apply the ointment. 25 g tube Price - 20 rubles.
  • retinoic ointment It contains the active substance retinol. Back in the lineup there bioactive isotretinoin. By the means of the skin cells begin to divide in accordance with the norm, there is a renewal of the skin. Oily seborrhea, black spots, blackheads and pimples - it is the goal of retinoic ointment with which she copes. The drug leads to normal sebum excretion cells. After using the ointment the skin becomes more secure. Means must be applied two times per 24 hours. thin layer. Price tubes 10 g - 300 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • ointment Yam It means a complex containing salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc oxide, tar ingredients are mixed based on the lanolin. Agent is an insecticide, has fugitsidnoe and bactericidal effects. The skin becomes softer, the inflammation decreases. Before use, the ointment should be mixed and applied to the area that is damaged to start at 5 min. Then remove the swab, which was formerly greasy, and then to wash off all the water. The subsequent 2 days to keep the ointment on the skin need for 5 min., Reaching 15 minutes. Do this need on a daily basis over a period of 30-60 days. During the treatment process, use tar soap. Price tubes 20 g - 70 rubles.

Antibiotic ointments

The use of antibiotic ointments has a number of advantages: a high probability to cope with acne, a wide range of drugs, the healing process is faster, antibiotics can act in parallel to other viruses, bacteria and infections body.

Most popular antibiotic ointments:

  • Tetracycline ointment. This means is based on antibiotic of the tetracycline group of tetracycline hydrochloride. In order to use the preparation as an anti-acne agents need to buy ointment with 3% active ingredient content. The smell of the ointment is not very sharp, but rather specific. Ointments yellow. Before using the drug you want to test for allergies. Typically ointment is applied uniformly with a thin layer of skin areas that are struck rashes and inflammation. And it is desirable to make 2 times during 24 hours. ointments cost about 40 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • Erythromycin ointment. The antibiotic erythromycin is used to treat acne, if their presence is due to the presence of microorganisms. Streptococci and staphylococci, and probinobakterii cease to grow due to the drug. The ointment contains not more than 1% of the active substance. An ointment may be in shades from yellow to yellow-brown. Prior to application is important to clean the skin, the ointment should be applied to dry skin apply a thin layer of 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks. The price is low - about 20 rubles.
  • Sintomitsinovaja ointment. The ointment consists of the antibiotic chloramphenicol, and castor oil. The consequences of this antibiotic is minimal. The microorganisms killed by exposure to these two ingredients. And since there is a part of castor oil, the tool has an antiseptic function. Before applying the skin should be cleaned of all kinds of pollution. Apply a thin layer of cream can not use different pads and bandages. Long exposure leads to better results. Price ointments varies in the range of 30-40 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • Combined ointment Levomekol. Ingredients of the ointment not only possess antimicrobial properties, but also to heal wounds. As part of ointments and chloramphenicol Methyluracilum. It is important to clean the skin with an antiseptic. Then the suspension was applied on the napkin, which had previously been sterilized. And like a compress to cover purulent acne and fix bandage. Change the wrap need at least 12 hours. It costs about 125 rubles.
  • Oflokain ointment.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparinThis drug has analgesic and antimicrobial properties. Located as part of ofloxacin antibiotic combats pathogens other element anaesthetises lidocaine hydrochloride. DNA gyrase microorganisms that provoke acne and acne, destroyed by antibiotics. Therefore their reproduction stops. Even edema, which is present in acne, decreases significantly under the influence of an ointment. ointment should be applied on sterile gauze and then applied to the wound and the bandage roll up, and then attach the tape. The compress should be done 1 time per day. Cost ointment about 110 rubles.

Antiparasitic ointment (insecticides)

Sometimes acne appear in the form of demodectic mange symptoms. The disease provoked mite Demodex.

By simple means in the struggle with the enemy are ointments based on sulfur and tar:

  • Benzyl benzoate ointment. This ointment, the active substance which is benzyl benzoate, specifically combats mite. Within 30 min. mites die, but deferred their eggs disappear. In connection with this treatment will be long (1 to 1.5 months). Prior to use, better to steam the skin. Then put on your skin. You can not use the ointment with soap and water, otherwise it will lose its properties. It costs about 20 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • Aversektinovaya ointment. This ointment is an insecticide which breaks down "nervous system" of the parasite, and so kill him. Aversektinovaya ointment is more effective if you use pulse therapy. skin that struck rashes are treated with the ointment preparation is slightly rubbed. This should be done for a period of 5 days, with an interval - 2 days, and again take a course, to do it four times. When it comes to rest two days, the skin should be cleaned with a solution of decametoxine twice a day (morning and evening). Also, as a recommendation can observe dietary table at number five (liver). Reviews of this ointment opposite. Some say that the ointment helped to cope with the problem, others say the deterioration of the situation and the negative impact on the body. Price tubes 15 g - 70 rubles.
  • Zinc ointment acne help acne caused by worms. Many cosmetic's Skin means the zinc is present. Zinc dries, disinfects, has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, wound healing effect. Zinc ointment can be applied up to six times per day. However, it should be borne in mind that the ointment can cause allergies. Therefore it is better to test in advance. Means applied to the skin areas affected rashes, as a thin layer or a dot. Due to poor absorption ointment after 30 minutes. will need to wet the area with a paper towel.
    Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
    Zinc ointment - it is the cheapest and most effective cream for acne
  • ointment Yam often used against subcutaneous mite. The product contains zinc oxide, which is contained in the zinc ointment, used as a means of getting rid of acne. Also included is an effective element such as sulfur. They added: tar, salicylic acid, petrolatum, turpentine, lanolin. The bacteria are destroyed with this ointment. Ointment can accelerate the process of regeneration of the skin, the skin becomes soft and smooth. The first three days, it is important to apply ointment on the problem area and leave for 5 minutes. Remove excess damp cotton pad. During the fourth day of the ointment should last longer, about 10 minutes. Then the tool can be left on the face for 10-15 min., But no longer, because the burn. Apply the medication, you need to netolstym rubbing the skin layer. Rubbing should be easy. This can be done 1-2 times a day. Price ointment Yam is in the range from 70 to 95 rubles.
  • Sulfuric ointment also effective against parasites. Composition of ointment simple sulfur, water, petroleum jelly and emulsifier. Means a concentration of 33% is great cope with the mite. When the ointment is not allergic, you should start, but using low doses and low concentrations. After the transition to 33% concentration. If the skin is too sensitive, it should be diluted with boiled water ointment. The drug is applied three times in 24 hours. non-thin layer for one or one and a half weeks. Cost ointment starts from 20 rubles.

antiviral ointment

Cold sores and other lesions caused by viruses can be overcome by the use of antiviral ointments.

Among these ointments:

  • Acyclovir cream. Effect on the virus, stopping the synthesis that occurs in viral DNA and has a regulating effect on the immune system. Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparinFormulation is as follows: acyclovir (active substance); lipokomp "C"; 400 polyethylene oxide; emulsifier №1; nipagine. There is also a nipazol, and not without purified water. Cream is effective in dealing with rashes caused by herpes. Experts believe that the ointment does not help with acne, because the latter has a bacterial origin, and the ointment is directed against the virus. Ointment for the treatment of herpes lesions are typically applied to 5 times a day at intervals of 60 minutes. The treatment period is 5-10 days. There may also be side effects. 5 g of a 5% ointment will cost about 20 rubles.
  • oxolinic ointment It is an antiviral agent. The active substance - oxoline. Used when there are viral skin lesions, expressed in inflammation of unknown origin. Ointment 3% concentration must be applied to the affected place 2-3 times in 24 hours. within 14-60 days. Price ointment is about 50 rubles.
  • Ointment Viru-Merz. The drug is useful in the fight with rashes caused by herpes. The basic substance is tromantadine hydrochloride. The drug is carried by the affected skin 3-5 times a day (it is possible and more often) a light rubbing. Treat the inflammation will have five days, but the effect is visible already after the first day of use. The price of the drug from 60 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • Alpizarin. As an ointment, acting against viruses. Means active substance is a medicinal plant Hedysarum. Cold sores are faster, increased levels of IFN-gamma in blood cells. Lubricate the affected areas of the virus can be six times a day for 3-5 days, and possibly up to 21-28 days. 10 g of a 5% ointment will cost 95 rubles.
  • Ointment gossypol. The ointment is a 3% liniment. At the heart of ointment contains the substance gossypol. Compound is obtained from seed cotton and cotton roots. For seven days you must apply ointment to 6 times a day to the affected area of ​​skin virus. The price can reach up to 60-70 rubles.

Hormonal acne ointment

Often pimples appear on the hormonal reasons, so sometimes you can refer to ointments that have hormonal effects.

These ointments may have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, their use should be approached with caution.

To hormonal ointments for acne include:

  • Gioksizon ointment. This means comprises an antibiotic oxytetracycline hydrochloride and hydrocortisone acetate. These substances fight bacteria and inflammation caused by them. If there are abscesses in the wound infection got back that triggered the inflammation of the more serious, it is necessary to use this ointment. Ringworm, viral and allergic rashes are contraindications for the use of the drug. Ointment applied as a thin layer on the diseased skin areas 1-3 times a day. The price of the drug about 80 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • cream Triderm. In its composition has three active substances: betamethasone, clotrimazole and gentamicin. Fights a yield of the liquid portion of the blood through the vascular wall into the inflamed tissue. Also reduces inflammation, allergies and itching. If inflammation of the skin are very sharp and have exudation, you should start applying the ointment. Apply the ointment on the skin and the surface beside a thin layer in the morning and evening. This should be done regularly. Price approximately 600-700 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • Akriderm ointment. Main ointment substance - is betamethasone dipropionate. This element does not allow manifestation leukocytosis, it combats activators reduces inflammation and itching, and other symptoms. Dosing standard. Apply the ointment two times a day, about the use of time is 5 days. Price about 130 rubles.
  • Advantan ointment. In this preparation as an active substance represented methylprednisolone. Does not provide the ability to quickly share cells also reduces the unpleasant consequences of inflammation. During the 4 months it is necessary to treat the skin once a day. Price about 36 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • hydrocortisone ointment. As part of the ointment is a glucocorticosteroid. This material makes less inflammation, reduces stains. If the rash does not have bacterial origin, you should use this medication. Should handle the ointment affected area for 7-14 days, 2-3 times a day. Price about 60 rubles.

Other anti-inflammatory ointment for acne

There are many ointments, which have anti-inflammatory effect.

Among them:

  • Heparin ointment. This ointment consists of heparin benzyl nicotinate and benzocaine. Means of rapidly absorbed and has a remarkable effect as a reduction in inflammation. Ointment can be used even when there is a slight redness or feel that this site will eel skin. Clean the skin, apply a thin layer. Repeat this procedure every day 2-3 times a day until complete disappearance of eels. The price ranges from 35 to 80 rubles.
  • Baneotsin ointment. As part of an ointment containing bacitracin and neomycin sulfate. It's a great combination, because these elements are mutually reinforcing. The bacteria are not resistant to it. And if acne bacterial origin, then this tool will do. Price is about 360 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • Gentatsionovaya ointment. Ointment, the active ingredient of which is gentamicin, directed against bacteria, the skin is perfectly perceives it. Ointment disrupts protein molecules of bacteria. The scheme of the standard. application deadline is different. Price ointment is 90-100 rubles.
  • Linkomatsionovaya ointment. Lincomycin hydrochloride and zinc oxide fine cope with pustular eruptions. Again it is clear that zinc is effective in the fight against acne, so do some mix ointments - zinc ointment for acne and other ointments, which are combined with each other. Treating acne 2-3 times a day. Price of about 90-100 rubles.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  • Dioksidin ointment. Quinoxaline, being the active drug substance, capable to influence a wide range of pathogens of skin inflammation. The preparation cleans and restores skin. Application of the ordinary. Price ointment around 376 rubles.

Traditional recipes compositions for acne

Zinc ointment for acne, as well as other means are effective, but are composed of chemicals. If you want to get rid of acne in the safest possible way, you should pay attention to the traditional recipes of funds, which are prepared exclusively from natural ingredients.

The most popular folk recipes for getting rid of pimples and acne are as follows:

Element Recipe
Aspirin Mask based on acetylsalicylic acid and Suprastinum. You must take one tablet the two substances. You need to turn them into powder, mix, pour warm after advance zakipyachennuyu water. Apply to your face and keep it for 20 minutes., Rinse with water after.
Toothpaste Need white toothpaste. It is necessary to apply the paste dot on acne before going to bed. Do not get on a healthy skin.
Activated carbon 6 pulverize activated carbon pellets. After adding boiled water, keeping uniformity in proportions. To obtain a homogeneous slurry. In a thin layer applied to the skin and to keep no more than a quarter of an hour, rinse and apply a moisturizer.
Plant extracts (for example, from birch buds) Prepare the infusion of birch buds, leaves can. One tablespoon of shredded birch buds fill one cup of boiling water, for about a quarter hour boil, and also about a quarter hour to brew. Applied as compresses or just wipe the face.
Bay leaf 100 g of laurel leaves to fill one cup of hot water. Hold at heat for 7 minutes. And the lotion is ready. It remains only to perform the procedure straining, cooling. After each use, tightly closed.
tar soap You can make point-packs. Scrape with soap bar quite a bit of material, and so to put it on the pimple. And in the other container a foam tar soap, and then put on top of a dry soap acne. This should be done before bedtime.
Parsley Grind parsley leaves (dried or fresh), keeping the proportion of one item. l. one glass of filtered water. Boil, allow to cool, filter, used as an additive to the mask as a means for washing.
Cereals Grind oatmeal flakes. Two or three of Art. l. flakes pour boiling water so that the flakes are slightly hidden. Then apply on face. And held for about 30 min., To wash off. Water can be replaced by milk.
Aloe 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice mixed with two drops of essential oil of tea tree. Wipe data lotion face.
nutritional yeast 1 tbsp. l. dry yeast, pour boiling water. Allow time to swollen, then add half hours. l. milk. Mix and apply on face, allow time to dry mixture. Rinse with cold water.
Green tea Brew green tea, strain it, let it brew time. Wet cloth into the liquid and wipe the face.

How to choose a cream for acne

When choosing an ointment you need to carefully study the ingredients in its composition. Perhaps there is an individual intolerance of some of them. You should also familiarize themselves with the application of the recommendations. Be sure to know what are the contra-indications, and to begin to test the tool in a small area of ​​skin.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin

It is important to pay attention to the type of skin:

  • For the combined skin and normal type you want to use products that do not contain soap.
  • If the skin is very dry, then apply the following tools that will create a thin film, which will prevent the evaporation of moisture. Zinc ointment acne approach to combat acne and acne because disinfects the skin, helps to relieve inflammation. But the owners of dry skin is important to know that it desiccate skin, so it should be used with caution. Do not use a lot of tools and much ointment to rub into the skin.
  • Owners of oily skin should not use products containing soap.

By precipitation also depends on the nature of what remedy to apply. If it is the black dots, it means that you need to fight the clogging of the pores. Subcutaneous pimple cure more difficult, but you need to deal with it as quickly as possible. For example, applying ointment ihtiolovaya.

To pick up the ointment, to be sure exactly why the problem occurs. Also in various forms and severity of disease, should choose a more suitable alternative. Some tools are designed for a mild form of the disease, others - on the heavy.

Rules of skin care during treatment

During the treatment of acne should comply with certain rules of skin care products.

you must:

  1. Eat right. Take those food products that contain vitamins and fiber. It should abandon the sharp, sweet, roasted, chocolate and beer.Cheap effective ointments for acne. List: zinc, retinoic, Vishnevsky, ihtiolovaya, sulfuric acid, tetracycline, eritromitsinovaya, salicylic, sintomitsinovaja, heparin
  2. Ignore the rules of hygiene. You can not wash your face with soap and squeeze pimples. Washing process can be followed using neutral cosmetics.
  3. It is better to avoid the sun, although it should not be completely abandoned by ultraviolet rays.
  4. Healthy lifestyle has a positive effect on the healing process. Exercise, walking outdoors is very useful for the organism as a whole.
  5. Be a regular in the treatment of acne.

To insure against rashes and inflammations, skin care must be correct and daily. moisturizing lotions, and liquid gels should be used regularly with useful ingredients in the composition.

Zinc, sulfuric acid, and sintomitsinovaja levomekolevaya ointments are among the most effective agents in the treatment of acne and pimples. However, before the application of any drug should examine the composition of the skin test reaction to a possible an allergic reaction, to determine whether the ointment is suitable for a particular type of the patient's skin by susceptibility.

Author: Yulia Zhukova

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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