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Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, the best cheap medicines for home treatment. A list of names, prices, reviews

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Tablets with hangover intended to deal effectively with its major symptoms. In selecting an appropriate drug based on its composition and method of impact on the body.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The mechanism of action of tablets hangover
  • 2 Rules hangover treatment at home
  • 3 When you need to take drugs for a hangover?
  • 4 What pills help a hangover: groups of drugs
  • 5 antispasmodics
  • 6 chelators
  • 7 Pills to improve digestion
  • 8 Formulations of the pressure
  • 9 heart medications
  • 10 List of the most effective pills on the hangover after the binge: description, instruction
    • 10.1 Alka-Seltzer
    • 10.2 Alka-Prim
    • 10.3 Antipohmelin
    • 10.4 Aspirin
    • 10.5 succinic acid
  • 11 How to choose a tablet from a hangover?
  • 12 Effervescent tablets for a hangover
  • 13 natural products
  • 14 Tablets complex action
  • 15 Videos about tablets from a hangover

The mechanism of action of tablets hangover

Hangover pills most effective influence on the body in stages:

  • Purification of blood of toxins formed due to excessive Incoming ethanol into the organism.
  • Normalization of water and salt balance in the body by content tonic preparations, vitamins and minerals.
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  • The elimination of the painful and unpleasant symptoms (headache, tremor, weakness, stomach cramps, vomiting, blurred consciousness).

multiple medications with different composition and pharmacological action spectrum or one complex means may be used for removing hangover. They are produced in the form of tablets, powders, suspensions or capsules.

Rules hangover treatment at home

When treating a hangover at home is the main task of cleansing the body of toxins.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices

For this purpose several options:

  • Within 15 minutes, 2 liters of mineral water without the need to drink gas. Efficient use of low-fat milk or dairy products.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices
  • Make enema from broth chamomile or stomach wash solution potassium permanganate.
  • Take a contrast shower or a hot bath to cleanse the skin from the fumes of alcohol. A sauna bath or in the absence of contraindications.

For the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract is necessary to have a square meal.

It is useful to use chicken or beef broth, vegetable soups, scrambled eggs. Strong tea and coffee should be replaced with herbal (chamomile, peppermint, rosemary) teas. Compensate for the loss of beneficial trace elements to help yogurt, water with lemon and honey, orange and tomato juice, bananas. Delicious way to cure a hangover is a natural ice cream.

To restore normal liver function is not recommended for 5-7 days after alcohol intoxication eat a lot of fatty, smoked and spicy food.

With special anti-hangover, you must first read the instructions. These drugs have a number of contraindications, can cause allergic reactions that will only worsen the feeling.

When you need to take drugs for a hangover?

Supplementation against hangover (according to the manual) is carried out:

  1. Immediately when a characteristic symptoms of alcohol intoxication.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices
  2. For prevention. This may be adsorbents (activated carbon), which take 1-2 hours. to alcohol. They activate the metabolism and have a biochemical effect on the body. Effective is the use of succinic acid. One day before the drinking of alcohol can take aspirin (0.5 g). It contributes to reducing the impact of alcohol due to increased enzymatic processes. On sale there are special drugs to prevent a hangover. They are taken for 1-2 hours. before drinking alcohol.

What pills help a hangover: groups of drugs

Tablets hangover most effective are divided into certain groups shown in the table below.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices

Group name
sorbents Activated carbon, "Sorbeks", "Smecta" white coal, "Enterosgel," "Fosfalyugel", "lactulose", "Polisorb".
analgesics "Aspirin", "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen", "Analgin".
enzymes "Pancreatin", "Mezim", "Almagel", "Panzinorm".
antiemetic "Metoclopramide", "Osetron", "Reglan" "Motillium".
heart medications "Validol", "Korvalment".
antispasmodics "No-spa", "Tempalgin", "Spazmol", "Pentalgin", "Spazmalgon".
hepatoprotectors "Gepabene", "Essentiale", "Legalon".
rehydration "Regidron"


Antispasmodics hangover allow you to quickly get rid of spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, headache. They act directly on muskulaturnye tissue of internal organs (muscle relaxation), and normalize the transmission of impulses in the brain.

As a result of spastic muscle pain subsides, decreases pain. Hangover rationally apply neurotropic antispasmodics. They have a complex effect on the body (blocking nerve impulses), helping to cope with the pain of various origins.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices

Natural antispasmodics are mint, chamomile, marsh calamus, lovage, tansy, henbane.


Sorbents hangover used to neutralize toxins and output (ethanol, acetaldehyde) from the intestine. These drugs block the penetration of toxins in the blood, establishing the gastrointestinal tract. In this case chelators do not affect the biochemical composition of blood, do not enter into the metabolic processes.

When alcohol intoxication recommended gel sorbents or in the form of soluble tablets, suspensions. They are easy to drink and quickly begin to act. These drugs are best used separately from other drugs at intervals of 2-3 hours.

Silica in the "Enterosgelya" further helps rid the body of toxic food infections caused by defective food intake in combination with alcohol. The drug is "Smecta" is also a siliceous sorbent. Means to prevent nausea and vomiting when the hangover.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices

Constant reception sorbents can cause constipation, diarrhea, vitamin deficiencies (lack of vitamins and minerals due to their adsorption).

Pills to improve digestion

If alcohol intoxication primarily disrupted gastrointestinal tract. Ethanol with ingestion irritates mucous membranes, the pancreas reduces the production of pancreatic enzymes. Processed food stops and the fermentation process begins.

It leads to:

  • flatulence and bloating;
  • heartburn and gravity;
  • nausea and vomiting.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices

Get rid of the unpleasant symptoms will help enzyme preparations. They normalize the pancreas, improve digestion. Considered effective drugs in capsule form ( "Creon") due to the rapid dissolution and immediate impact in the duodenum. Take enzymes 3 r. a day with meals, drinking plenty of pure water.

Formulations of the pressure

Ethanol contained in all alcoholic beverages, promotes vasodilation. Often, after sobering up person feels headache, dizziness, throbbing temples. This is due to a sharp contraction of blood vessels and blood pressure rise.

In these cases, administration of drugs required pressure. Safe is considered a "No-spa" - a drug relieves spasms, relaxes the muscles. Stabilize pressure readings allows the drug "Magnesia", certain complex anti-hangover (Korrda "" Guten Morgen ") plant-based.

heart medications

Pain in the heart during a hangover appear when:

  1. Spasm of the coronary vessels.
  2. Cardiac arrhythmias.

These processes occur as a consequence of sharp acceleration and vasodilatation of blood flow under the influence of acetaldehyde. Take potent heart drugs hangover is not recommended, as it will only worsen the condition.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices

By the use of authorized medicines based on natural ingredients (tincture of Leonurus, valerian extract, "Glycine", "Corvalol").

Remove dull constricting pain in the chest can be "nitroglycerin", "validol" (placed under the tongue). When arrhythmias (tingling in the heart, shortness of breath) are taking "Inderal". If within 20 minutes. after taking the drugs it does not occur relief, an urgent need to call an ambulance.

People who have had a heart attack or stroke should not take, and especially abuse of alcoholic beverages.

List of the most effective pills on the hangover after the binge: description, instruction

Hangover pills most effective help to quickly remove the unpleasant symptoms of alcohol poisoning. They may be single-component and complex. Before use, always need to read the instructions given with contraindications. Below are drugs that promote the rapid removal of hangover symptoms and binge.


"Alka-Seltzer" is the anti-inflammatory drug with a broad exposure to the complex. The main active substance acts aspirin (324 mg 1tabl.) Relieving headache.

Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices
The most effective pills on the basis of a hangover include atsetilsalitsillovuyu acid!

Sodium bicarbonate in the composition restores the acid-alkaline balance, neutralizes heartburn symptoms. Citric acid accelerates disintegration and withdrawal of ethanol from a process of the organism. When receiving hangover soluble Table 2. 1 Art. water.

It is not recommended to use the drug with the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, asthma, blood clotting problems, rhinitis.


"Alka-Prim" is acetylsalicylic acid The main active substance of the preparation - in Table 1. It contained 330 mg.

They are auxiliary components:

  1. Aminoacetic acid (glycine) - reduces the effect of alcohol on the nervous system, soothes, reduces gastric acidity when hangover (to pH 6-7).
  2. Baking soda protects the stomach mucous covers, detoxifies.

The preparation has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. After 30 min. after taking the pill hangover symptoms disappear, normalizes the work of the digestive system. Take "Alka-Prim" 3-4 times a day on the table 1-2., After dissolving them in ¾ Art. boiled water.


Action "Antipohmelin" is based on inhibition of ethanol to acetaldehyde conversion process. As a result, the toxin does not accumulate, and the body more quickly to cope with the processing of alcoholic products. Active ingredients which act succinic preparation (100 mg) and fumaric acid (37.5 mg) acid.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices

They speed up metabolism, have antibacterial effects.

This drug has minimal side effects - intolerance constituents.

Available "Antipohmelin" as chewable tablets or lozenges.

Take medication as prophylaxis hangover - Table 1-2. to alcohol ingestion and during drinking of alcoholic beverages (for every 100 ml of distilled spirits take 1 tab.).

When necessary hangover drink Table 4-6., Washed down with sufficient water.


Aspirin helps to quickly get rid of the pain.

In addition, it provides a welcome hangover:

  • Liquefaction of the blood and improve its circulation. Due to this, the body of toxins faster.
  • Resorption of clots and blood clots in the blood vessels leading to the normalization of the cardiovascular system.
  • Reduces inflammation and fever.

The dosage of aspirin depends on the purpose of its application:

  1. For the prevention of hangover for 12 hours. take up drinking alcohol 0.5 c. the drug.
  2. Hangover aspirin resolved through 6:00. after taking alcoholic drinks. It is assumed in Table 1-2., And the removal of hangover symptoms occurs within 1-1.5 hours.

Aspirin disabled people problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer, gastro), kidney and liver diseases, asthma, hemodialysis, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Aspirin is not combined with alcohol because of bleeding disorders process. It becomes a liquid that can lead to internal bleeding.

succinic acid

Succinic acid hangover has a complex effect on the organism:

  • increases metabolism;Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices
  • oxygen enriches the bloodstream;
  • It accelerates the decomposition of acetaldehyde less hazardous components;
  • It helps the body to produce ATP components to compensate for energy losses;
  • normalizes the nervous system

In the treatment of alcohol withdrawal and dependence regimen assigns Narcologist succinic acid or toxicology. For removal of hangover symptoms the drug is taken with 100 mg (1 tab.) Per hour, but not more than 7 times a day.

For the prevention of hangover 1 hour before drinking alcohol is taken in Table 2. acid. Among contraindications to the marked formulation diseases of the digestive system, urogenital system, hypertension and glaucoma.

How to choose a tablet from a hangover?

When choosing a tablet from a hangover is necessary to consider the mechanism of their effects on the body.

There are two main groups of drugs:

  1. Integrated tools.
  2. Tablets, relieving specific symptoms of a hangover. If only the head hurts, it will be enough to take an aspirin. In case of violation of the digestive tract enforce appropriate enzyme preparations. In such cases, the person does not need a complex preparation.

The use of any pills hangover requires:

  • a careful study of the instructions for the account of existing contra-indications and adverse reactions;
  • compliance with the assigned dosing / treatment regimens;
  • Treatment in a hospital, if after the medication has deteriorated;
  • receiving sorbents are not combined with other medications to prevent their absorption.

Effervescent tablets for a hangover

effervescent tablets of a hangover are the most effective on the attack. A soluble form of the current components allows to influence the body immediately after application. Effervescent soft drugs act on the walls of the stomach and intestines, not irritating the mucous membranes.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices

If symptoms of hangover effervescent tablets (1-2 pcs. according to the manual) is dissolved in a glass of warm water. The course of treatment with these agents should not exceed 7 days.

Among the contraindications of effervescent tablets admission note:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • impairment of blood circulation;
  • disease of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergies to medicines.

Effective effervescent tablets are "Tselaskon". They contain large amounts of vitamin C, hinder the development of hypoxia, is a powerful antioxidant.

natural products

Among natural products effective against a hangover protrude tinctures of medicinal plants - ginseng, Echinacea, Siberian Ginseng. They have a tonic effect, help to relieve stress state of the body. Tincture taken before eating 20-40 drops.

Help to cope with the symptoms of hangover following dietary supplements:

  • "Korda" - preparation of the extract of grape juice, accelerates metabolism in the body, has an antioxidant effect.
  • "Alkobufer" has choleretic effect due to content in the milk thistle, accelerates cellular metabolism.
  • "Drink Off» tones, relieves hangover symptoms. Active substances is succinic acid, ginger, ginseng, licorice extract.Pills from a hangover. The most effective drugs after the binge, cheaper drugs for treatment. A list of names, prices
  • "Buffalo" based on succinic acid and soda reduces hangover length, accelerates toxic substances.
  • "Zenalk" It contains an extract of chicory and grapes to prevent the defeat of the internal organs and uneven acetaldehyde system. Reception for 30 minutes. to alcohol drinking 2 capsules help prevent a hangover.
  • "PES-Alco" removes vasospasms, reduces pressure, cleanses the liver and gallbladder of toxins, normalize brain function.
  • "Stand-ka" based on ginseng, St. John's wort and thyme improves the functioning of the digestive system, restores the metabolism, has a calming effect.
  • "Filtrum" - herbal drug. Has a high ability to cleanse the intestines of toxins from alcohol, prevents their absorption into the blood.
  • "Limontar" includes citric and succinic acid, it accelerates the metabolism, oxygenates cells and activates their protective function. The drug is considered safe for use during pregnancy.

Tablets complex action

Hangover pills most effective have a complex effect on the body. All the components in their composition specially selected taking into account the manifestations of all possible signs of a hangover. In most integrated tablet contains soda and citric acid. In the reaction of these components increase the tone of the body contribute to the rapid absorption of active drug substances.

The advantages of the use of complex products are:

  • ease of use;
  • anti-toxic effects;
  • preventing dehydration;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • vitamin complexes in the composition (calcium, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins) to help compensate for the loss of energy, strengthen the immune system;
  • eliminating dryness of the mouth, burning or sore throat;
  • antioxidant effect.

Contraindications to receive the complex preparations are diseases of the digestive system, liver, kidney, hypertension.

Hangover pills help effectively relieve unpleasant symptoms. For the treatment of alcohol poisoning complications should contact a specialist to obtain timely medical treatment.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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