Skin Diseases

Acne on the temples in women. Causes: Psychosomatics, as a sign of pregnancy, which body is not in order. Treatment is to get rid of, remove folk remedies at home

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The most common among the female half of humanity spots at the temples, in most cases they are ignored in vain. To determine the causes of their occurrence should be a priority for girls, faced with this kind of skin defect.

The following article will tell what processes in the human body can trigger the appearance of rashes on his temples, as well as how you can avoid it.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The main causes of acne on the temples
  • 2 What authorities should pay attention to when rashes
  • 3 Hormonal changes and acne on the temples
  • 4 Why do I get during pregnancy
  • 5 Psychosomatics and rashes on the face: the relationship
  • 6 Treatment with medication
  • 7 external funds
  • 8 Folk remedies for acne on the temples
  • 9 Videos about the causes of acne in women

The main causes of acne on the temples

The cause of acne on the temples in women is not always the typical skin contamination. In some cases catalysts spread of the defect may be the pathology of individual organ systems, as well as the hormonal failure.

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For the formation of ideas about getting rid of the rash variants of this kind, women need to know about the most common conditions that can cause acne in the temples.

They are as follows:

  • lack of proper skin care on a regular basis;
    The causes of acne in women on the face, temples, chin. Psychosomatics, treatment, how to get rid
    The causes of acne in women on the face can be due to a lack of skin hygiene.
  • dysfunction of the gallbladder;
  • temples frequent contact with dirty surfaces (e.g., hands and headwear, accessories);
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • approaching the beginning of the menstrual cycle;
  • the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • the use of hormonal medicines, including for protection (e.g., pill);
  • an allergic reaction, which can be caused not only food, but also cosmetics, hygiene products;
  • failure in the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • disturbances in the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the colon;
  • deviations in the lymphatic system.

What authorities should pay attention to when rashes

Acne on the temples in women (the reasons should be determined by a qualified technician) in some cases may be indicative of a serious disturbance to the functioning of specific organs.

The first appearance of lesions in this area it is advisable to the girl as soon as possible to check the status:

  • gastrointestinal tract (enteritis, colitis, dysbacteriosis);
  • Endocrine (nodular goiter, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism);
  • gallbladder (cholecystitis, cholangitis);
  • liver (hepatitis of various classes);
  • female genital organs, particularly the ovaries (multifollikulyarnyh ovary syndrome, polycystic);
  • spleen (splenomegaly, infectious splenitis).

Convinced of the absolute health of the above authorities, the woman should examine her daily skin care, as well as decorative cosmetics, it is used on a regular basis.

The causes of acne in women on the face, temples, chin. Psychosomatics, treatment, how to get rid

In addition, in this case it is also important to adjust and diet, while minimizing the proportion of harmful products, particularly fatty, spicy, sweet, salty and intermediates.

Only normalizing condition of the body, as well as adjusting diet and lifestyle, the girl makes sense to start a direct struggle with the existing acne. Otherwise, do not eliminate the cause, the rash will spread on the face, regardless of medications, local treatment, or any other methods of getting rid of them.

Hormonal changes and acne on the temples

Acne on the temples in women (causes, as a rule, indicate the most efficient way get rid of them) in the majority of cases related to the hormonal changes in women body. A huge impact in triggering rashes on the face of the fair half of mankind play hormones testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

The sharp increase or decrease in their concentration in the blood women can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body, resulting in not only rashes appear, but often begin to develop diseases of the reproductive system, such as polycystic syndrome or multifollikulyarnyh ovary.

The causes of acne in women on the face, temples, chin. Psychosomatics, treatment, how to get rid

The relationship between hormonal failure and the occurrence of acne on the temples is, first of all, that that abrupt changes in blood levels of specific hormones directly affect the sebaceous glands.

Oversupply of fat (sweat) contributes to clogging of pores and skin lesion various infectious diseases.

Upon detection of the increase excretion of fat skin, the girl even before the appearance of acne should be consult a qualified specialist to conduct a survey on the subject of deviations in terms of one of the hormones.

Why do I get during pregnancy

in the temples rashes in women are often the signs of pregnancy. As a rule, they are related to the restructuring of the hormonal background, which is a characteristic feature of the organism during the gestation of the child. Irregularities in the sebaceous glands provoke suppuration and inflammation of the skin.

In addition, given the characteristics of the fetus during gestation in the temples acne active period can also be caused by:

  • genetic characteristics (inclination to a pregnant appearance of skin imperfections by the related line);
  • Nervous system status (during pregnancy, the vast majority of women complain of an unstable emotional state);
  • disturbances in metabolism (due to the work of the body for two during all 9 months of waiting);
  • allergic reactions (during childbearing familiar everyday diet foods women can give a severe allergic reaction, accompanied by rashes on the face and body);
  • failure in the normal functioning of organs or body systems.
The causes of acne in women on the face, temples, chin. Psychosomatics, treatment, how to get rid

It is important to understand that during pregnancy the body the most vulnerable and requires very careful attention to the slightest changes. On this basis, upon detection of a large number of acne, especially cause discomfort or pain, the girl should immediately consult a doctor to determine their causes occurrence.

Psychosomatics and rashes on the face: the relationship

Acne on the temples in women (the reasons are not always lie in the dysfunctions of the body's systems) may be caused by unstable mental state, an excessive amount of stress in a woman's life, and even emotional overexertion.

Among the most common psychosomatic causes of acne on the face are:

  • acute reaction to the lack of implementation of their plans and make a wish;
  • low self-esteem, in particular dislike for themselves and rejection of the world and the people in it;
  • fear of being in a curious silly or situation;
  • the feeling of loneliness and uselessness none of the family;
  • frequent suppression of emotions, with it not necessarily negative;
  • conflict situations, the outcome of which does not satisfy the woman;
  • preoccupation with the negative circumstances;
  • excessive fatigue and emotional burnout;
  • increased anxiety, which has no reasonable justification.
The causes of acne in women on the face, temples, chin. Psychosomatics, treatment, how to get rid

If in the case where the cause of acne is a dysfunction of the body's systems, just enough to eliminate the disease, provokes inflammation of the skin, in the presence of psychosomatic circumstances, a woman needs to fully analyze the image of his thoughts and outlook generally.

Only to change attitudes towards themselves and the world around them, the girl will be able to get rid of the imperfections of the face and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Treatment with medication

Treatment of acne on the temples can assume as a device specific drugs inside and lubricate the affected areas of skin ointments, gels, lotions and other external agents. Drug ingestion is considered to be the most effective in the presence of the desire of the girl to clean the face of the lesions as soon as possible.

Most often used for such purposes:

  • laktofiltrum. The drug is indicated for reception rates. The principle of operation of the funds is to clean the intestines and stomach of toxins, often contributing to the appearance of acne on the face. When deciding on the use of this drug the girl is important to keep in mind that a quick result, he can not give, and in the first days of receiving the amount of acne on the temples may even increase.
  • tetracycline. Antibiotic assigned for ingestion in minimal doses. Due to the action of tablets of active substances, bacteria reproduction process, provoking the appearance of inflammation of the skin, is slowed substantially. However, given the fact that Tetracycline is an antibiotic, it is not recommended to take it for longer than 3 months. Typically, this time is enough to eliminate the cause of the rash, if it is just the nature of a physiological nature.
    The causes of acne in women on the face, temples, chin. Psychosomatics, treatment, how to get rid
  • erythromycin. A single drug, in some cases allowed for ingestion by pregnant and nursing girls. The composition of this formulation is the maximum sparing that when long-term treatment allows bacteria to adapt to its active substances and not be exposed to them. Such characteristic brevity causes taking erythromycin (no longer than 1-2 months) and situations where acne on the temples appear in small quantities and almost do not cause discomfort woman.

external funds

External agents for the treatment of acne on the face can ensure Woman almost instant results.

However, despite the apparent effectiveness of the effect when using them it is important to bear in mind the adverse effects - skin imperfections again to return immediately after the completion of the application of an external preparation, if the original cause of their occurrence was not eliminated.

The most popular drugs are recommended for use externally, are:

  • Zinerit. The main active ingredient of this agent is an antibiotic erythromycin, providing antimicrobial, podsushivayuschee, healing and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is indicated for use topically 2 times a day. After 14 days of regular skin treatments she will be able to notice the first results, after 3 months, the manufacturer guarantees the complete cleansing of the skin from acne.
    The causes of acne in women on the face, temples, chin. Psychosomatics, treatment, how to get rid
  • Baziron speakers. The action of this drug is that besides the disinfection of the skin, the active components of the gel was saturated with oxygen cell. This feature is vital not only to eliminate acne from the temples of women, but also to give the skin a healthy color smooth and it hydrated. Baziron AC is not addictive and is recommended for use for 4-6 months.

Folk remedies for acne on the temples

Traditional medicine recommends the following effective methods of dealing with rashes on the temporal region:

  • Freshly squeezed juice of aloe. Plant leaf folded in half and crushed using a blender. From the resulting slurry to squeeze the maximum amount of juice. Dip a cotton swab into the liquid and point to cauterize acne. Described procedure should be carried out regularly.
  • Chamomile. 1 liter of boiling water to mix with the 10 v. l. dried chamomile flowers. Bring to boil and simmer for 10 minutes. over low heat. Remove from heat, cover and allow to cool to room temperature. Wipe the face of the resulting solution, 2 times a day.
  • Fruits. Chop in a blender 1 slice of watermelon, melon slice 1 and 2 aloe leaf. The resulting slurry was applied as a mask on affected skin. Leaving it for 30 min., Then the mixture was removed with a cotton pad and rinse the face running water. The described procedure is repeated 3 times a week.
  • Cereals. 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal large add in 100 ml of boiling water. Mix well and let stand 20 minutes. The resulting slurry was applied as a mask 2 times a day locally on the temples. It is important to make an oatmeal mask after the basic procedures to cleanse the skin, preferably in the evening before bedtime.
The causes of acne in women on the face, temples, chin. Psychosomatics, treatment, how to get rid

Despite the large number of possible causes of acne on the temples, they can be treated easily. However, choosing the right method to deal with them, it is important to understand that their appearance is triggered individually for each woman.

Only by removing the cause, following the recommendations of a beautician or therapist, a woman can begin immediate treatment of acne.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about the causes of acne in women

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