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The norm in blood glucose. Table-age women, men over 50-60 years, during pregnancy. Level after a meal, analysis, tolerance test

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Norm blood glucose depends on the person's age. For convenience, specific health data by people without special education professionals usually collect them in the table.

When detecting glucose level is not only important to understand how to prepare such an analysis, but also as a decode result. In addition, we should also consider the frequency of investigations and cases, increasing glucose concentration after a meal.

The content of the article:

  • 1 glucose functions in the body
  • 2 Methods for determining the blood glucose
  • 3 Norms of glucose in the blood by age
  • 4 The norm in blood glucose levels during pregnancy
  • 5 Preparation for analysis
  • 6 The oral test for glucose tolerance
  • 7 How is the laboratory analysis of blood sugar
  • 8 Decoding result
  • 9 Indications in patients with diabetes
  • 10 Increased postprandial
  • 11 Frequency analysis
  • 12 Methods for regulation of blood glucose levels
  • 13 Video on blood sugar

glucose functions in the body

The norm in blood glucose (Table age used by doctors to diagnose disease) is an important indicator of the health of the person. When ingested, the substance is instantly absorbed the system of the gastrointestinal tract, and then transported to the cells of vital organs, giving them the strength to correct functioning.

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The concentration of glucose in the blood at several times higher than the content of other sugars present in the body of living beings. Abnormalities can lead to seizures, vomiting, fainting or even death.

To form an objective picture of the role of glucose for a person should examine the list of processes that take place with her participation.Norma blood glucose: a table for age in women, men. Level after a meal, analysis, tolerance test

The main functions of the substance in question are:

  • forming polysaccharides, e.g., starch, glycogen;
  • selection acid at a particular decay, which is the main source of energy;
  • the ability to support the normal functioning of the body, e.g., restoration after dehydration, intoxication, general weakened condition.

Methods for determining the blood glucose

The norm in blood glucose (Table age is freely available on the Internet) must be diagnosed on a regular basis, even a healthy person.

Frequency of delivery of analyzes by people suffering from diseases caused by blood sugar abnormalities, should be determined by the attending physician. It is important to observe the dynamics of current changes of the disease to prevent complications in case of deterioration of the situation.

Timely detect dysfunction of the body can be using:

  • General analysis of blood required to estimate the concentration of substance;
  • glucose tolerance test conducted on an empty stomach followed by sugar and "load" (allows to identify deviations in plasma);
  • analysis to determine the concentration of lactate in the blood;Norma blood glucose: a table for age in women, men. Level after a meal, analysis, tolerance test
  • research on the level of fructosamine (held during the treatment of the disease for tracking directional speakers);
  • assay for C-peptide is effective in vyschityvanii cells producing insulin (practiced to determine the stage of existing diabetes mellitus).

To ensure that no deviations, enough to pass a complete blood count, or glucose tolerance test. Other methods are generally effective at actually existing diseases and appointed therapist.

Norms of glucose in the blood by age

The norm in blood glucose (Table age, compiled by experts, can help the patient independently decode the received results of analyzes) varies depending on age patients. It does not depend on gender, if it is not a woman who is at the time of the survey in the state.

The norm under standard conditions is considered to be the following indicators:

Age of the patient Normal sugar content in biological material taken (mmol / l)
Newborns (birth to 30 days.) 2.9 – 4.5
Children under the age of adolescence (from 1 year to 13-14 liters) 3.4 – 5.7
The mean age (from 20 to 60 l) 3.3 – 5.6
People postpensionnogo age (from 61 to 89-90 l) 4.7 – 6.5
Older people (over '91) 4.3 – 6.8

Depending on the circumstances, the presence of secondary blood glucose concentration may vary slightly. In this case, patients were administered additional tests that can help to ensure that such deviation is effectively connected with third-party dysfunction.

Given the direct relationship of the sugar concentration of the normal functioning of liver, gastrointestinal system, heart, brain brain and so on, its level is usually stabilized independently while eliminating the main Problems.

The norm in blood glucose levels during pregnancy

During childbearing body expectant mother is undergoing major changes. This is due to a large additional load exerted on the vital systems and organs. To control the concentration of glucose in the period required routine examination, usually held in the first and second trimester.Norma blood glucose: a table for age in women, men. Level after a meal, analysis, tolerance test

If you have additional health problems or identified through the analysis of deviations from accepted norms, pregnant placed under special control from watching her gynecologist.

Norma blood glucose (over the age of the table has no relevance to the pregnant woman) is presented below.

Analysis of women at position done using glucose tolerance test with the subsequent load or total blood analysis.

Reference values ​​are:

The method of taking a biomaterial A common rule
Traditional fasting (the finger) 3.4 - 5.6 mmol / l
Venous (fasting from a vein in the arm) 4.1 - 6.2 mmol / l
Postprandial (typically after at least 2 hours after the last meal) to 7.7 mmol / l
Spontaneous (at any time of the day regardless of the circumstances of the minor) to 11 mmol / l

Ignoring the deviation from the accepted norms of the blood sugar concentration of the pregnant woman can not only lead to the deterioration of her general condition, but also trigger premature birth and death of the baby.

Preparation for analysis

The norm of glucose in the blood can be detected only if properly conducted studies. Compliance, collected in the table by age, it is impossible without the proper preparation for the study under consideration.

The patient is important to follow the following rules:

  • Donating blood is strictly on an empty stomach in the morning. If there is no opportunity to come to the laboratory immediately after waking, the patient should wait 8 hours after the last meal, and only then take a biomaterial for analysis.Norma blood glucose: a table for age in women, men. Level after a meal, analysis, tolerance test
  • For 6-8 hours before the procedure may be receiving normal drinking water or sparkling mineral water.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages 3 days before the expected date of the study.
  • Do not smoke for 4-5 hours before the visit to the laboratory for the purpose of delivery of biomaterial.
  • Protect yourself from stressful situations for 2-3 days prior to analysis.
  • Refuse to take drugs in advance of the day of donation.
  • Exclude any physiotherapy.
  • Make sure no starting infectious or viral diseases. If any is to abandon the next visit to the lab and put the study for a few weeks.

The oral test for glucose tolerance

For blood oral test biomaterial is usually taken from a vein. Prior research has traditionally not allowed to smoke, drink alcohol and drug preparations. In addition, it is important to make sure that the last meal was no less than 8-10 hours prior to analysis.

During oral test the patient is asked to carry out procedures according to the following algorithm:

  1. Take blood from a vein on an empty stomach (before first taking the biomaterial is not recommended even to drink clean water, since it is able to dilute the concentration of sugars, making research result unreliable).
  2. Immediately thereafter should drink about 83 g of glucose monohydrate (dry white powder) mixed with 300 ml of pure water. Drink prepared solution should gulp, without stretching the penetration of the concentrated substance into the body.Norma blood glucose: a table for age in women, men. Level after a meal, analysis, tolerance test
  3. Wait for 2 hours after the last sip. It is not allowed food intake and fluid intake. In this period of time is necessary to limit physical activity to obtain reliable results of the study.
  4. After 120 min. repeatedly donate blood from a vein.

The oral test can not only identify the initial stage of diabetes, but also prevent the development of diseases, indirectly provoking the rise in blood glucose.

How is the laboratory analysis of blood sugar

If you suspect that the existing deviations from the norm, the patient is usually prescribed a laboratory blood test to detect the concentration of glucose in it. Most often initially used the classic method of laboratory research - biochemical.

Biological material for it is recommended to take from a vein, but there are cases where for such diagnostic uses blood from a finger. Such an analysis allows physicians to get a full picture of the health of the patient. Among the key indicators, estimated by experts, is the level of glucose.

To obtain reliable data one should donate blood in the morning, having sustained 8-10 hours after the last meal or liquid.

Analysis usually has a standard method of performing:

  1. Patient biological material collected from a vein in a sterile disposable flask.
  2. After that, in a specially designed container, blood is delivered to the laboratory, where it was carefully examined occupational therapists for the presence of abnormalities.Norma blood glucose: a table for age in women, men. Level after a meal, analysis, tolerance test
  3. Among the items of the result analysis of the patient will be able to find not only an indicator of glucose, but also hemoglobin, white blood cells and other blood components.

Decoding result

After the study results are usually sent to the therapist or doctor, who gave recommendations on the need to determine the concentration of sugar in the blood of the patient. In some cases, the person receiving the result by hand, can independently determine basic deviations from accepted standards of "normal rates".

To do this, you need to know:

  • Normally GLU concentration (glucose) in the evaluation of blood taken from the finger, should fall in the numerical range from 3.4 to 5.6 mmol / l and from a vein - from 3.8 to 6.2 mmol / l.
  • An error tolerance of 0.1 mmol / l are not considered a sign of dysfunction of the organism.
  • When sugar exponent above 5.7 mmol / l there is a risk preddiabetnogo condition requiring correction.Norma blood glucose: a table for age in women, men. Level after a meal, analysis, tolerance test
  • Adult indication of the presence of diabetes is the glucose level of 6.3 mmol / l. In such a case the patient should immediately contact a physician is able to determine the stage of the disease and its treatment regimen.
  • In deciphering glucose tolerance test results it is important to evaluate the ratio of numbers obtained on an empty stomach and after blood "with the load." After 1 hour, it should be not more than 1.6; 2 hours - 1.2 maximum.

Indications in patients with diabetes

Upon detection of a diabetes patient should immediately begin to adjust their way of life. Depending on the degree of disease, it can be assigned a different medication volume.

In addition to the regular intake of medicines, including the general recommendations of this nature are usually found:

  • weight loss (in case of redundancy);
  • the daily performance of specific physical exercises of medium intensity;
  • abstinence from alcohol and smoking;
  • Monthly oral examination to identify dental caries and gum disease;
  • daily control of blood pressure;
  • 1 time per month to visit an endocrinologist, nominated by the relevant analyzes to assess the hormonal levels;
  • use the meter at home for self-monitoring of blood glucose surges;
  • sticking to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • regular visits to the general practitioner (doctor usually appoints the frequency of patient visits) in order to obtain advice for further treatment, monitor the dynamics of diabetes and to identify the need to consult with specialists such as ophthalmologist, neurologist (the importance of visiting other doctors due to the influence of high levels of sugar in the work of other systems organism).

Increased postprandial

Increased postprandial glucose is associated with activation of the pancreas, provoking insulin.

Not always exceeded the normal parameters of the sugar concentration indicates the presence of diabetic patients.Norma blood glucose: a table for age in women, men. Level after a meal, analysis, tolerance test

Such changes may be a sign of:

  • length of stay in a stressful situation;
  • impending myocardial infarction, or the presence of other serious dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system;
  • a negative reaction to the reception of individual medicines, differing specific composition is not suitable for a specific person;
  • hormonal disorders, in particular the excessive production of growth hormone.

Usually when complaints sugar spike after eating, doctors prescribe additional tests in order to eliminate the above-mentioned circumstances. Just be sure to practice in their absence, the experts put the patient diagnosis - diabetes. The degree of the disease is diagnosed when assessing blood research data before and after the "load".

Frequency analysis

Doctors have a unified opinion about the appropriateness of the frequency analysis on the level of glucose. Healthy person at a young age is recommended to visit the lab every 4 years in the absence of obvious symptoms of abnormalities.

After 40 years the concentration of sugar requires more careful monitoring. Middle-aged people should donate blood glucose every 3 years. In the case of circumstances relevant to human risk, such a study is required to carry out each year.

This is necessary when:

  • presence of excess weight;
    Norma blood glucose: a table for age in women, men. Level after a meal, analysis, tolerance test
    Norma blood glucose is changing for the worse with obesity. The table will help to determine the optimal weight according to age and height
  • run by an unhealthy lifestyle (frequent consumption of alcohol, smoking);
  • already encountered cases of diabetes in the closest relatives of the patient.

In the event of changes in state of health, indicating a possible development of the disease, it is important how to donate blood sugar quickly.

The circumstances which should alert include:

  • constant thirst;
  • dry mouth or bad breath;
  • general weakness;
  • apathy;
  • itching in various parts of the body;
  • frequent urination and in large volume.

Methods for regulation of blood glucose levels

To bring the glucose levels back to normal, you need to begin to understand what triggered the "jump."

In understanding the reasons for the deviation, depending on the situation, recommend:

  • get rid of the disease indirectly affecting the sugar in the patient's blood;
  • end or vice versa begin receiving special drugs (insulin injection);
  • comply with a special low-carbohydrate diet (prefer products with a low glycemic index, such as vegetables, fish products from durum wheat, etc.);
  • follow fractional power supply system (to eat often, but small portions);
  • eliminate or reduce the consumption of alcohol;
  • pay the proper amount of time to rest and night's sleep.

Blood glucose, depending on the age, must be controlled by each person throughout life. Despite the existence of tables accepted norms, which are freely available on the Internet, only a qualified doctor will be able to identify the cause and nature of the existing deviation.

Diagnose abnormalities at an early stage, the patient will be able to get rid of it as soon as possible without negative consequences for their own body.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video on blood sugar

What you need to know about the level of glucose in the blood:

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