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Foods containing gluten. A table, a list of dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it

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Foods containing gluten, causing much debate among dietitians and nutritionists. Their harms and benefits written many treatises. The network is easy to find many tables with a list of such products. To find out whether they can be eaten, it is necessary to understand what gluten is, and what its impact on the human body.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is gluten
  • 2 Biochemical characterization of gluten
  • 3 Scope gluten
  • 4 Damage to cereal gluten
  • 5 Acceptable standards of gluten consumption for children and adults
  • 6 Full list of products glyutenosoderzhaschih
    • 6.1 dairy
    • 6.2 herbal products
    • 6.3 animal products
    • 6.4 flour products
    • 6.5 Sauces and seasonings
    • 6.6 Beverages containing gluten
    • 6.7 Drugs formulated with gluten
    • 6.8 Nutritional supplements with gluten
  • 7 Products that do not have gluten
  • 8 The consequences of excess and deficiency in gluten
  • 9 Videos about products containing gluten

What is gluten

Gluten - generic name for the aggregate of the proteins contained in cereals.

The greatest number of his include:

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  • wheat;
  • rye;
  • barley.

Otherwise, gluten is also called gluten. It has binding properties, and in the manufacture of bread production plays an important role: make the dough elastic. Gluten-free bakery products lose their basic taste qualities.

Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it

The dry gluten has neither color nor odor nor taste. In contact with water becomes gray in color and becomes like a glue.

In addition to baking gluten is found in many foods. American scientists have found that a third of all foods stores have it in their composition.

Biochemical characterization of gluten

Biochemical characterization of gluten is described by its chemical composition. 2 basic protein was determined gluten composition: gliadin and glutenin. The ratios of these substances will depend on the quality of flour, but the amount of gliadin is always greater than glutenin.

In addition to protein components are also present:

  • lipids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals.

gluten quality depends on the protein component and is practically independent of nonprotein components. But the lipids, e.g., by reacting with a protein, may also affect the quality of the gluten. Purified gluten is always almost 100% of the gluten protein. The damaging effect on the intestinal wall has namely gliadin.

Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it

This component is soluble in alcohol and it can be arbitrarily divided into the following fractions:

  • alpha;
  • beta;
  • gamma;
  • delta.

Scientists have found that the most toxic to human bodies is an alpha-gliadin, hydrolysis of which is broken in the intestine. However, a complete pathogenesis of the disease gluten intolerance has not been elucidated.

There is a theory that amino acids and protein particles getting into the colon is not fully digested, begin to rot and provide the most detrimental effect on the entire body.

Scope gluten

Gluten is found wide application in many industries.

The following are the main ones:

  1. bakery production and manufacture of confectionery, baking. With gluten not only achieve dough elasticity, but also increase the shelf life of finished products. Gluten significantly improves the physical-chemical properties of the bread produced.
  2. Production of pasta. It is important to get a high quality product, which is determined by the shape. Gluten is just responsible for shaping pasta. It is also a binder in the test.
  3. meat processing industry. Gluten is used as a special dietary supplement for increasing the density of meat products. Particularly relevant is its application in the replacement of meat proteins.
  4. Manufacture of frozen semifinished: Ravioli; ravioli; dumplings; puff pastries.
  5. Production of dry breakfast cereal, mixtures bran. To increase the protein component in the product is added wheat gluten.
  6. dairy industry. Gluten is added to infant formula, infant formula. Cheese sticks and glazed curds usually also contain it in its composition.
  7. pharmaceutical industry: Number of drugs contain gluten.
  8. alcohol industry. Gluten - binding additive in some drinks.

Damage to cereal gluten

At the beginning of the XX century began to talk about the dangers of gluten. And soon, the disease of intolerance to this protein has been identified - celiac disease. Currently, this disease affects more and more people: adults and children. Since the child's intestinal permeability is higher and the risk of developing the disease in children prevails.

Of the two main components contained in the gluten, the danger it presents gliadin. Once in the intestine, it affects the villi walls, violating their basic functions. In this case, the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients gives failure, and there is an intestinal disorder.

Can be observed:

  • bloating - flatulence;
  • violation of a chair;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sharp pains in the abdomen;
    Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it
  • vomiting.

To diagnose celiac disease is very difficult. The above symptoms may not be immediately apparent, but a few days after eating a gluten. There were cases of the disease and bessimtomnogo, but with severe consequences for the human gastrointestinal tract. There are laboratory tests for accurate diagnosis.

The lack of vitamins and trace elements leads to a deterioration of the general condition. Appear migraines start falling hair and nails. There may be a drastic weight loss. Celiac disease usually manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions, especially in children. Generally, celiac products are considered to be very allergenic and completely eliminated from the diet for any rashes on the skin.

Gliadin protein is very similar to some of the cells of organs such as the pancreas and the brain. Once in the intestine, the immune system produces antibodies to the foreign object - gliadin. But given the similarity of the structure of proteins, and attacks the body's own cells.

Previously claimed that only 1% of the world population suffers from this disease.

Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it

However, in recent years this figure has grown considerably. Therefore, the detection of celiac disease symptoms it is recommended to immediately turn to the gastroenterologist for accurate diagnosis. After all, the consequences of celiac disease may be sad, from complete exhaustion of the body to death.

Acceptable standards of gluten consumption for children and adults

Foods containing gluten are included in the daily menu of the average person. Complete exclusion glyutenosoderzhaschih products shown only to people suffering from celiac disease. Adhere to the gluten-free diet, choosing a meager diet of the table of permitted products, healthy people there is no urgent need.

On the contrary, speaking about the dangers, we must not forget about the useful properties of this component. First of all, it contained therein fiber necessary for human health.

Speaking of food consumption norms that contain gluten, it is necessary to watch, that everything was in reasonable quantities. Especially in the diet of young children. Breads and pastries will not do much good, so it is advisable to minimize their number in your diet and replace conventional products on whole.

Children begin solid foods better with vegetables rather than cereals. Gluten-free cereal can be introduced only after 4-6 months. Gluten - after 9. Serve gluten cereals child under 1 year - less than 150 g

Restrictions on consumption glyutenosoderzhaschih products will undoubtedly affect positively to the slim figure and overall health. But it should be understood that the complete rejection of gluten absolutely healthy person is undesirable and may result in a lack of vitamins and fiber.

Full list of products glyutenosoderzhaschih

Foods containing gluten (table shown below), make up a large part of the diet of people who were lucky enough not to know what is celiac disease.

Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it
Foods containing gluten. The table shows that.

All products can be divided into the following categories:

  • glyutenosoderzhaschie;
  • containing traces of gluten;
  • gluten-free.

The greatest amount of gluten contained in wheat flour and its derivatives. But because of the wide use of gluten in many industries, today in the stores is very difficult to find gluten-free products.

The table summarizes the list of major products, gluten-free:

food Medications Nutritional supplements
  • Cereals made from wheat, barley, rye.
  • Pasta.
  • Meat products (sausages).
  • Sauces, condiments.
  • Canned tomatoes with the content.
  • Mayonnaise, ketchup.
  • Confectionery.
  • Cereals, dry mixes.
  • Beer.
  • Soy products.
  • Aerovit.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Methionine.
  • Kvadevit.
  • Pentoksil.
  • Bisacodyl.
  • Fenistil (dragees).
  • Digoxin.
  • Dekametazon (tablets).
  • Phenobarbital (tablets).
  • Flagyl (tablets).
  • Furosemide (tablets).
  • Imovan.
  • Metronidazole (tablets).
  • Valerian (dragees).
  • Trazikor (tablets).
  • Theophylline (tablets).
  • Glutamic acid.
  • Dekamevit (dragees).
  • Lithium carbonate.
  • Dinezin.
  • Cotrimoxazole.
  • Codeine.
  • Oxazepam (tablets).
  • Propranolol.
  • Pyridoxine.
  • Spironolactone.
  • Theophylline.
  • Trazikor.
  • Triamterene.
  • E 150
  • E 411
  • E 160
  • E 637
  • E 636
  • E 953
  • E 965
  • E 471


The main property of gluten - "sticking" or binding of components in the mixture. In dairy products precisely because of that, she adds, to give uniformity and density of the composition.

Gluten is added in the manufacture of:

  • yoghurt products;
    Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it
  • cheese mass;
  • ice cream;
  • cheese;
  • some types of cheese.

herbal products

Foods containing gluten (table above does not contain a complete list of them) consist primarily of plant-based foods - namely cereals. These grains are the most amount of gluten.

Wheat contains up to 80% gluten, semolina - up to 50%, rye - 16%. Accordingly, all the products produced from these grains will glyutenosoderzhaschey.

The fruits and vegetables do not have gluten. However, it should be remembered that vegetable sauces or preform or canned fruit jams may contain gluten as a thickener.

animal products

The meat itself does not contain this protein. But it is unlikely to find the meat semi-finished product without gluten in the composition.

He added in the production of:

  • sausages;
  • sausages;
  • sausages;
  • cutlets;
  • meatballs.
Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it

The density of the product rises, its presentation is improved by adding gluten. In order to save many manufacturers replace meat in the dry pure proteins. Gluten is used for these purposes as well.

flour products

Flour products made from gluten flour (wheat, rye), in its composition will also contain this protein. Moreover, its content can even be increased: in the dough gluten is added to further improve the structure and elastification.

However, in recent years it has become popular products from gluten-free flour (rice, corn). This bakery will not differ a special splendor and fragrance, but good will, clearly, more.

Sauces and seasonings

Sauces and seasonings - ancillary products in the kitchen. But their choice should be treated carefully: to study the composition of the label. Today it is difficult to find any sauce without gluten in the composition.

The sauces gluten is used as a thickening agent.

Well-known soy sauce - a harmless natural product, it would seem. But most often it is produced from soybeans and wheat, so a part of it can be gluten-free.

Seasonings are also manufactured using this protein:

  • Curry Powder;
  • prepared salad dressings;
  • bread mix.

Beverages containing gluten

Gluten content in alcoholic beverages is determined by the composition of raw materials. For example, whiskey or tequila do not contain it. A vodka made on the basis of wheat, will glyutenosoderzhaschey. Beer from barley and malt - the same.

Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it

In view of the undue attention to the harmful properties of gluten, some manufacturers began to produce gluten-free beer. But it was proved that no benefit from it. On the contrary, added flavor enhancers not only distort the true taste, but also harm the body.

Drugs formulated with gluten

Foods containing gluten (the table above contains a list of items), - not the biggest danger for adults and children. After all, some of the components can be replaced or even deleted.

Much more serious situation where the required drugs at a particular disease can be dangerous, due to the content of gluten. And there are a lot of drugs.

Here are some of the groups:

  1. antibiotics - drugs to fight bacterial infection.
  2. antipyretics - means for the normalization of body temperature (ibuprofen).
  3. antihistamines - to relieve allergic reactions (fenistil).
  4. hormonal agents - to improve the hormonal (metronidazole flagyl, dexamethasone).
  5. sedatives - means for removing the stresses and equalization psycho-emotional state (valerian).
  6. Protivoelepticheskie drugs - aimed at the treatment of epileptic seizures (phenobarbital).
Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it

In the appointment of a doctor of any drug, you need to talk about gluten intolerance, if any. Gluten in medications - a phenomenon often and sometimes necessary. It is used as a thickener for many syrups and blends. But science does not stand still: for celiacs made gluten-free medicines.

Nutritional supplements with gluten

Products containing gluten (table above includes examples of specific additives) are combined as a whole complex auxiliaries - food supplements. Today is quite difficult to find a product without them in the lineup. They are a huge number, and most of them contain wheat flour (gluten).

The following are the main groups:

  1. dyes - additives to impart or improve product color (E 150, E 160).
  2. food stabilizers - to shape the product (E 411).
  3. Flavor enhancers - to increase palatability (E 636, E 637, E 953, E 965).

If gluten intolerance is important to study the composition of products for the above-mentioned additives.

Products that do not have gluten

For people suffering from gluten intolerance, there is no complete cure. Celiac disease - an autoimmune hereditary disease for life. Upon detection of the symptoms of the doctor-gastroenterologist appointed by the gluten-free diet.

Despite the abundance of products with gluten in the composition, there is a whole lot and refined products:

  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • quinoa;
  • millet;
  • amaranth;
  • corn;
  • vegetable oils: linseed, corn, sunflower;
  • potatoes;
  • vegetables;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • fruits.
Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it

Today in supermarkets organized dietary departments with special meals, where you can find gluten-free:

  • breakfast cereals;
  • cookies and cakes;
  • sweets.

The consequences of excess and deficiency in gluten

Lately it has become very fashionable to stick all kinds of diets. And gluten-free - no exception. A large number of people, without examining the beneficial and harmful properties of gluten, flatly refuse to eat foods that contain gluten. But is it useful, scientists still argue.

Useful properties of gluten, of course, exist. First of all, the fiber content in its composition.

In addition, gluten contains many vitamins:

  • vitamins B and D;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • folic acid;
  • zinc.

Oddly enough, the lack of gluten in the body can have a negative effect on the human body.

Here are some of the consequences:

  • Depriving themselves of grain products, and the person refuses from vitamins contained in them. Deficiency of trace elements and minerals will lead to fatigue, wasting. Can disrupt sleep, mood swings will occur.
  • Gluten-free diet is often reduced to the fact that the protein is necessary to replace the protein. And of course, try to increase the consumption of meat and meat products. But animal protein can also cause harm. Scientists have shown that the risk of developing cancer grows several times in those who consume large amounts of this protein. Thus, the rejection of cereals and cereal products may lead to the development of cancerous diseases.
  • Also, American scientists conducted a series of experiments that established that the rejection of gluten leads to the risk of developing diabetes. This is explained antidiabetic properties of fiber contained in gluten.
  • fiber deficiency can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Have problems with digestion, it can be broken chair.
    Foods containing gluten. Table, dairy, vegetable, animal origin. How dangerous it
  • Some mistakenly believe that giving up gluten, they will begin to lose weight. It is not so: it is difficult to replace high-calorie breads, rich in vitamins. Therefore, people often begin to feel a sense of hunger, and accordingly, often begins to have "permitted" foods, thus overeating. This desire to lose weight may result in a set of extra kilos.

Healthy people without autoimmune diseases is not necessary or even desirable to abandon the gluten. Of course, an excess of gluten can also lead to negative consequences. But not the protein, and the amount of consumption of flour products. If excessive use of it may not affect the figure.

Overweight and subsequent problems with the cardiovascular system - the consequences of excessive consumption glyutenosoderzhaschih products, especially baked goods and breads.

If you observe an optimal measure of consumption, it is possible to avoid the consequences and to maintain health. It is important to understand that the call to completely abandon the protein - a marketing ploy of big companies, which specialize in the manufacture of gluten-free products.

The cost of such products is about 2-3 times higher than counterparts with gluten in the composition. However, the components therein are purified, devoid of vitamins and minerals.

In another way, the question is for those who suffer from celiac disease. For these products, gluten-free, are contraindicated. They must adhere to a gluten-free diet for life. A table with a list of permitted products are available in many sources. However further necessary to take various vitamin complexes. Living with gluten intolerance in the modern world possible.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about products containing gluten

In some products a high content of gluten:

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