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The healing ointment for burns affordable for children and adults. List price

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Burn - a violation of the integrity of tissues as a result of exposure to high temperatures, corrosive chemicals or electrical current. In case of damage of the skin, causing no danger of a person's life, at home using a variety of kinds of ointments.

Depending on the depth of the injury and the period of the recovery process dermatologist appointed disinfecting, healing, and anesthetizing agents.

The content of the article:

  • 1 A list and description of ointments groups applied for burns
  • 2 What should be done before applying the ointment
  • 3 Selection means according to the severity of the injury
  • 4 Contraindications to the use of ointments
  • 5 Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents
    • 5.1 levomekol
    • 5.2 tetracycline
    • 5.3 lincomycin
    • 5.4 Baneotsin
    • 5.5 Argosulfan
  • 6 ectylotic
    • 6.1 Iruksol
    • 6.2 Fibrolan
    • 6.3 Protegentin
  • 7 Means for regenerating step granulation and epithelization
    • 7.1 Methyluracilum
    • 7.2 solkoseril
    • 7.3 Liniment balsamic on Wisniewski
  • 8 Ointments based on hormones
  • 9 Analgesic ointment for children and adults
  • 10 Ointments from chemical burns
  • 11 Video of ointments for burns
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A list and description of ointments groups applied for burns

Ointments are used to eliminate the effects of skin damage burn, have a medical division into groups has a therapeutic effect:

  • painkillers (Radevit, Sulfargin). The composition includes anesthetic ointments data components that reduce the susceptibility of the nerve endings, thereby reducing the painful symptom;
  • disinfecting (Bepanten, Dexpanthenol, Furatsilinom). Their use is required by breakage of the skin. Ingredients of ointments protects the epidermis layers infection control. The ointments contain antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal component;
  • healing (Solkoserilovaya, Liphuzol, olazol). Funds are used during the recovery of the skin. Included in the components accelerate tissue regeneration and healing process;
  • hormone (Elokim ftorokort, Afloderm). Hormones are part of ointments, it prevents the development of inflammation, and decrease pain symptom. They have high efficiency, but are forbidden to long-term use because of addiction to the composition;
  • Allergy (Fenistil, Ketotsin, Balimin). Ointments help to eliminate swelling, itching and inflammation.Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices

Before buying an ointment for burns following selection nuances should be considered:

  • any burn pain sensation is accompanied, however it recommended to prefer ointments more liquid consistency as not to cause pain at application means;
  • the versatility of the composition. Ointment can simultaneously possess several properties (anesthetize, accelerate the process of regeneration and protect against penetration of infection);
  • there is a minimum list of contraindications, including age;
  • in the complex treatment is required to take into account the interaction means.

When choosing an ointment it is important to know what had caused the burn. Means for epidermal healing of thermal burns may not be suitable in chemical skin damage. In severe forms of self-medication is not recommended. Medicines can only pick up a dermatologist or internist / pediatrician.

What should be done before applying the ointment

Ointment burns (healing, analgesic or disinfecting) has desired efficiency while respecting the rules of preparation of the damaged area:

  • reassure the victim (especially if the burn was a child);
  • remove the cloth and ornaments, in contact with the wound. If this procedure is possible;
  • when severe pain to the victim, oral painkillers;
  • burn the place (if possible) should be above heart level. This will reduce the blood flow and slow the development of edema and inflammatory response;
  • decontaminate hands using antibacterial soap or antiseptics;
  • applying ointments place gently wash with cool (preferably boiling) water. If necessary, apply a poultice of dense tissue, soaked in cold water. Stand for 15-20 minutes;
    Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices
    Burn, before applying the healing ointment from burns be treated with antiseptic
  • degrease the damaged area;
  • treat the area with an antiseptic;
  • apply the selected ointment (bandage is used if necessary).

When the probability of allergic reactions to the composition, before application of ointment on the burn, it is required to perform the reaction sensitivity. If the burn is caused by the chemical composition, the recommended treatment in the nearest hospital. Since you want to find the right medication, do not react with aggressive means.

Selection means according to the severity of the injury

Skin burns vary in severity from redness small, until the bubbles with the liquid contents. In severe cases, the process is accompanied with quick withering away the upper layer of the epidermis with formation of open deep wounds. Before using the ointment is required to determine what degree of severity of the skin.

The degree of severity of burns a brief description of
1 Damaged area skin becomes red color, it may be a slight swelling. Blisters and bubbles, liquid contents are missing. Pain symptom runs for 1-6 hours. Full recovery of burn locations observed after 3-5 days. Treatment is carried out at home. Recommended ointment Bepantenol and Vishnevsky.
2 The fault location has a red tint, quickly blisters and bubbles with the liquid content. Requires the use of a cold compress followed using levomekol or Bepanten. If the wound is small treatment can be performed at home.
3 burn zone may have a reddish blue shade, since the skin cells die. There are open wounds. It requires urgent treatment in a nearby hospital. Recommended intake of internal analgesic medication for pain. Further treatment is chosen specialist.
4 Burn damage not only the skin cells but also muscle tissue. Requiring emergency care specialists.

Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, pricesFor burns it is important to determine the overall condition of the victim and the area of ​​destruction. With extensive damage to the skin even in the stage 2 requires urgent specialist care. Also need to know the source of skin lesions (hot object, the chemical composition or the effect of electric current), to find the right specialist can further treatment.

Contraindications to the use of ointments

Ointment burns (healing, hormonal or disinfecting) and a medicamentous agent is contra that should be deleted prior to use.

Basic prohibitions are typical ointments (as may increase or decrease depending on the composition of the list):

  • intolerance or allergic reaction to the agent components;
  • ointment containing an antibiotic can be used only under supervision in the presence of pathological liver or kidney;
  • hormonal drugs are prohibited when the fungal infection;
  • potent ointment may not be used in children, during pregnancy and lactation;Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices
  • in the presence of infectious skin lesions (pustules, eczema, psoriasis), ointments selected dermatologist. Maybe getting an infection in open wounds;
  • can not be used independently ointment for burns 3 and 4 severity;
  • at mucosal damage drugs are appointed expert.

Ointments prepared by folk recipes, can also cause backlash. Especially when non-compliance or cooking recipe if misused.

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents

If there is damage to the integrity of the skin to possible infection from entering the open wound to further development of suppuration and dissemination of the pathogen organism. To prevent this process requires use antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ointment for the treatment of a burn site.


Ointment active substances are dioksometiltetragidropirimidin (accelerates cell regeneration) and chloramphenicol (antibiotic). Means capable of pulling pus from wounds and eliminate the process of inflammation. The ointment is prohibited to use in case of intolerance or components of chronic skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, fungus).

The composition can be used in the treatment of children over 3 years, with any degree of severity of the burn. Before application of the ointment requires wash the skin. Further means is applied to the bandage and is attached to the affected area with the use of the dressing. Change the bandage with ointment requires a minimum of 5 times a day. Duration of treatment 5-7 days, but not more than 10 days.Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices

composition of components can cause itching and burning, increased swelling, as well as provoke allergic rashes. During pregnancy and lactation is permitted use under the supervision of a specialist. Sold without a prescription.


The basic substance is an antibiotic ointment of tetracycline hydrochloride. With prolonged use, the components stored in the liver, lung and kidney, and is deposited in the bone tissue. Consequently, the means used are not recommended in pathologies in these organs.

Tetracycline is indicated for the treatment of patients older than 8 years. The ointment should be applied to the burn place 1-2 times a day, if necessary, use the bandage. Course duration 7-15 days. Therapy may be accompanied by skin rash, swelling of the treated area, and itching.

Means prohibited for use during the childbearing and lactation, as it violates the development and formation of organs. It sold with a prescription.


The active element is an antibiotic ointment lincomycin. Using the smoking intolerance to the components and the presence of hepatic and renal pathologies in severe form. Also means not being used for treatment in children under 6 years.Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices

Lincomycin burns required to apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day (a thin layer) for 7-14 days. Therapy may be accompanied by increased redness of the treated area of ​​the epidermis, with the emergence of itching and burning. Long-term use can cause the development of fungal infections.

Lincomycin should not be used in conjunction with other antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs because of the likelihood of increased side effects of both agents. It is also forbidden to use during pregnancy and lactation. It sold with a prescription.


Ointment active substances are antibiotics neomycin sulfate bacitracin and zinc. This composition provides a pronounced antibacterial effect. Means is recommended to use in the treatment under the supervision of a specialist in kidney pathologies and cardiovascular system are severe.

Baneotsin applied under a bandage 2-3 times a day. Duration of the course is determined individually as a general condition of the patient. It may cause a violation of the nervous system, allergic rashes and itching. Ointment prohibited applied to large areas of the skin due to the likelihood of increased side effects.

Baneotsin allowed to use in children, during pregnancy and lactation only under the supervision of a specialist. Sold without a prescription.


Ointment active substance is sulfathiazole silver salt which has antimicrobial and analgesic effect and accelerates the recovery of the skin. Means can not be applied to large areas of the skin and in severe the patient's condition. With caution used in liver pathologies and childhood.Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices

The composition is applied to skin treated with boric acid, 2-3 times a day. On top you can use a bandage. It allowed long-term use up to 60 days (control required to produce the kidneys and liver). The treatment may be accompanied by a manifestation of allergic reaction (itching, swelling, rash).

Argosulfan not recommended to use during pregnancy, the use of prohibited during lactation. Sold without a prescription.


Healing effect have keratolytic and ointments. They contain acid (salicylic acid, benzoic acid or lactic) which softens the dead cells and accelerates the process of separating them from the new layer of skin. Additionally, means have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which accelerates the process of restoring the epidermis at burns.


The active ingredients are the antibiotic chloramphenicol ointments and klostridiopeptidaza (accelerates the exfoliation process of the dead cells). Using the process to accelerate the recovery of the damaged layer of the epidermis, and further protects against infections in open wounds.Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices

Application contraindicated intolerance components and blood diseases.

Iruksol applied 2 times a day. The course of treatment is determined individually as a general condition of the patient. After application of the ointment on the skin possibly a burning sensation and irritation. The tool is not recommended for use in treatment, as well as during pregnancy, lactation and under 12 years old. Sold without a prescription.


The main elements are ointments plasmin (provides keratolytic action) and deoxyribonuclease (prevents the development of virus). Means contributes to the rapid removal of dead skin cells and prevents the development of the virus. Fibrolan banned for use in the presence of intolerance to the components.

Ointment is required to apply 3-4 times a day at regular intervals, until full recovery of the skin. On the treated area may cause allergic reaction symptoms (rash, swelling, itching). During pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood applications made under the supervision of a specialist. It is available for sale.


Ointment active ingredients include antibiotics (gentamycin and erythromycin) and the enzyme C (softens necrotic tissue and facilitates their rapid exfoliation). Protegentin prohibited applied to large areas of the skin due to the likelihood of increased side effects (rash, itching, swelling).

Composition requires applied 1-2 times a day, but not more than 5 g per application. The course of treatment is 5-10 days (as determined by the attending physician). The ointment is not used during the period of childbearing, lactation and under 12 years old.

Means for regenerating step granulation and epithelization

Ointment heals burns used to restore metabolic processes and cell regeneration. The use of funds is expedient during the recovery phase of the skin. With the rapid renewal of the epidermis reduces the risk of infection and joining scarring.


The active element is an ointment methyluracil (normalizes metabolism and accelerates the regeneration of cells). Additionally agent exhibits analgesic, antiinflammatory and immunopotentiating effects. Methyluracil contraindicated in the presence of tumor formation, diseases of the blood components and intolerances.Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices

Composition required to cause 2 times a day, but not more than 5 g per application. Course duration of 15 to 90 days (depending on the dynamics of treatment). The therapy may be associated with allergic reactions (redness, itching, burning). Allowed to use the ointment during pregnancy and lactation. Up to 3 years product is used under the supervision of a pediatrician.


The basic substance is an ointment deproteinized dialysate obtained from the blood of calves. Element normalizes metabolism, eliminates pain and improves tissue regeneration. Means are contraindicated for use in the presence of intolerance to the preparation components.

The composition is applied to the peeled skin 1-2 times a day, allowed overlaying bandage for accelerating the healing process. The ointment is applied to the full restoration of the epidermis. After application Solcoseryl possible manifestation of an allergic reaction, then the use of tools is canceled.

Tool fits well in treatment. During pregnancy, breastfeeding, and childhood is used under specialist supervision. Sold without a prescription.

Liniment balsamic on Wisniewski

ointments acting elements are tar, castor oil and xeroform that provide normalization of blood supply and metabolic processes. Also it has a disinfecting agent, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effect. When kidney disease in a severe form of ointment used with caution.Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices

The composition is applied to the peeled skin 2-3 times a day. It recommended the use of bandages. Treatment continues until full recovery epidermal layers. Application means may be accompanied by itching, burning and redness of the treated area.

During childbearing, lactation and in children allowed to use under medical supervision. Sold without a prescription.

Ointments based on hormones

The healing ointment for burns based on hormones used only after the appointment of a specialist, as they have a large list of side effects. Hormonal means structure helps to reduce inflammation, edema and removal reduces the likelihood of allergic reaction.

Ointments used for burns:Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices

The name means Age restrictions Terms of use notes
hydrocortisone after a year Apply 3 times a day for 10-14 days. If necessary, the course may be extended to 20 days. Prolonged use of the ointment can cause infection joining. It contains a minimal amount of hormones.
Elokim After 2 years Ointment is used 1 time per day for 14-20 days. It promotes rapid elimination of inflammation and swelling process.
Advantan After 3 months Composition requires applied 1 time a day for 7-14 days. If necessary, and after consultation with a specialist is allowed to extend the treatment for up to 30 days. The composition is struggling with the development of edema and inflammation. Also eliminates the pain symptom.
Lokoid After 6 months Ointment is used 3 times a day for 7-14 days. The composition is rapidly absorbed, so the use of bandages is necessary.
sinaflana In childhood, used under the supervision of a pediatrician Means used 4 times a day for 14 days. It contains a minimum concentration of hormones.
Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, prices

Hormonal ointment is not recommended to use during the childbearing and breast-feeding him. Sold only with a prescription.

Analgesic ointment for children and adults

Analgesics used ointment for burns 1.2 and 3 degrees of severity. At 4 degrees victim does not feel pain due to nerve damage. Independent selection means is allowed only at 1 and 2 degrees.

Ointments used for burns:

The name means Age restrictions Terms of use notes
Sulfargin after a year Apply three times a knock during 20 days. It has antibacterial properties.
Bepanten It has no age limit Apply 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is chosen individually. The ointment is allowed to use during pregnancy and lactation.
Radevit It has no age limit Use 1-2 times a day. It is recommended to use a bandage. The course of treatment is chosen individually. It mitigates the skin and accelerates the regeneration process.

Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, pricesIn case of damage burn large areas of the skin or the presence of bubbles, liquid content, the ointment is chosen specialist. Self-selection is not allowed.

Ointments from chemical burns

Before the appointment of the ointment after the chemical burn is required to know the type of the reagent caused the damage to the skin. Chemicals, even after their elimination, remain in the skin layers and may react with the composition means used, increasing the area and severity of burn.

Ointments used for chemical burns:

The name means Age restrictions Terms of use notes
zinc There are no age restrictions Apply 2-3 times a day. Duration of the course is chosen individually. It has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.
Eplan In childhood, used under specialist supervision Bandage with ointment composition impose daily. When severe burns to replace every 3-4 hours. Duration of treatment 7-14 days. Antibacterial, wound-healing and analgesic properties
Turmanidze In childhood, used under specialist supervision Apply to skin 1-2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic effect. It has a plant composition.
ihtiolovaya After 12 years Ointment is used 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined individually. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties.

Ointment for burns healing for children and adults. A list of names, pricesImportantly, not all chemicals can be eliminated with the use of water. For washing is required to choose the correct antidote (the drug reduces the effect of chemical substances). Ointments are allowed to use only after complete removal of the reagent.

Healing of the skin after burn can be accelerated with the use of external preparations. It recommended approval with a dermatologist. Depending on the severity, the area damaged epidermis and type of burn (thermal or chemical) selection is made ointments.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of ointments for burns

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