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Goutweed. Medicinal properties and contraindications. Photos grass, recipes, preparation, from what and how to make for women, men

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It has goutweed and second name of the plant goutweed - "The Goat's Foot". It appeared due to external similarity leaves of the plant with a hoof of the animal. This herb folk healers considered unique due to the huge list of its medicinal properties.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The uniqueness of the plant
    • 1.1 botanical description
    • 1.2 Which is often used for medicinal purposes
    • 1.3 collection
    • 1.4 How to prepare
    • 1.5 Storage
  • 2 Chemical composition
  • 3 medicinal properties
    • 3.1 For women
    • 3.2 For men
    • 3.3 For children
  • 4 Contraindications to receiving
  • 5 Methods of treatment
    • 5.1 Infusion
    • 5.2 Tincture
    • 5.3 applications
    • 5.4 The powder from the flowers
    • 5.5 Tea
    • 5.6 decoction
  • 6 The use of traditional medicine
    • 6.1 The mixture to improve the gastrointestinal tract
    • 6.2 Ointment to combat skin diseases
    • 6.3 Lack of iron in the blood
  • 7 Goutweed in cosmetology
    • 7.1 Spring Face Mask
    • 7.2 Face cream
    • 7.3 Baths for hands and feet
    • 7.4 vitamin tea
  • 8 Video of the plant Goutweed

The uniqueness of the plant

Nutritional and medicinal properties of the herbs discussed were known in Russia. It is interesting that goutweed for many years eating Seraphim of Sarov. It was the only product that used the Reverend. Served salads and herbs in the capital's diners during WWII. Today, many gardeners and did believe goutweed weed and ruthlessly get rid of it.

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botanical description

Goutweed represents grass family Umbelliferae. This plant with a straight stem, pointed leaves. The length may be up to 1 m. Blossoms fine pure white flowers, umbrellas collected in fat. They appear at the beginning and the middle of summer. After the flowers tiny brown fruits are formed.

Discussed grass distributed throughout the European part of Russia. You can also find it in the south of Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Eastern Europe. Fall plant mixed forests, along roads, among bushes. And, of course, in the gardens.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications

Vacationers extremely fond of goutweed, as it has a long and creeping rhizomes. The plant is able to spread rapidly around the dacha, and even displace horticultural crops. For example, cucumbers and tomatoes. Therefore, the owners of the territory usually mercilessly weed out the plant, not knowing that it is very good for health when used correctly.

It is believed that the unusual name came from the grass of the word "victuals" - "food". This is because such a plant can be safely eaten without fear of poisoning and other adverse consequences.

The ancient Romans brought goutweed the British Isles and planted her huge territory. Then the grass was planted as a forage crop. In the future, the plant was also used in folk medicine.

Today goutweed particularly fond of beekeepers and actively are planting it areas adjacent to hives. C 1 ha flowering plants can be only one season to collect more than 220 kg of honey of high quality. He is a particularly fragrant and useful.

Which is often used for medicinal purposes

Goutweed, the healing properties of which are well known folk healers, is used for the treatment of various ailments. The most important feature of the grass - it does not accumulate in parts of its toxic and harmful to human any products.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications

part of the plant Features and useful properties
Stems They contain large amounts of vitamin C, choline, carotene, essential oils, numerous macro-and micronutrients. These pieces enhance human immunity, help in case of problems with the kidneys, gout, diabetes
seed Biologically active substances of their composition excrete carcinogens suspend the growth of cancer cells
Greenery In goutweed leaves huge amounts of vitamins (especially C) and trace elements. It is recommended to eat - to add to the salad fresh, stew, pyurirovat garnish, cook soup from them
Tea goutweed (a mixture of plant parts) The beverage is brewed from a mixture of different parts of the dried plant. Ready tea regulates the bowels and restores the water-salt balance in the body
roots Decoction of grass roots quickly reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Also it is being used for the treatment of polyarthritis, myositis

To drugs or food from any part of the body goutweed brought only benefit, cook and use them should be strictly according to the instructions. It should also be remembered that the plant in its raw form is a strong laxative.


If goutweed going for human consumption, it is best to do this before the beginning of the flowering plants. During this period and leaves and petioles and shoots - juicy and tender. Later, they stiffen and begin to taste bitter.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications

If goutweed is growing on its own garden plot, it is possible to extend the collection of grass. For this purpose, at the initial stage of forming cut florets required.

Old leaves goutweed also may be used in folk medicine. They need to harvest and dry. A further - brewed tea from the resulting material. Dry the upper part of the stem with leaves.

Goutweed need to collect away from the railways and roads. For example, in the depths of the park. Often such a thicket of grass can be found around the monasteries. Earlier in their territory specially planted plant in large numbers, to continue to use it for medical purposes.

Goutweed, the healing properties of which are known throughout the world, has several close relatives. Among them, for example, hemlock and hemlock. These are plants that are known for their deadly poisonous effect. They are similar to edible goutweed externally, but it is strictly prohibited for human consumption.

In order not to poison, we must be able to distinguish the useful plants from poisonous. Ordinary goutweed has long oval leaves with light guns and smooth bottom - top. Lower leaves are on long petioles, upper - short.

In the poisonous herb leaves in appearance resemble the carrot or parsley. They are pinnate, melkorassechennye. Such plants can not try, even in the lowest dose. Their use leads to serious poisoning.

How to prepare

Since access to fresh grass is only a few months a year, and for therapeutic purposes, it can be used regularly in the summer should take care of the correct harvesting plants for the winter. To do this, you need to decide the day with sunny dry weather. If your own country site goutweed is no need to go to collect her away from landfills and roads.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications

It is important to remember that absolutely can not be discussed grass wet before drying.

So you need to choose a very clean place to gather, to immediately send the raw material for drying. If the grass grows at their summer cottage may be a few days before harvesting carefully pour clean water, removing impurities, and then - allow to dry completely.

It is best to harvest only the stems and leaves, cutting them with scissors or cutting off hands. Inflorescences do not need to use.

Collected for drying parts of plants laid out in a dry and warm, but regularly ventilated rooms. If possible, it is necessary to scatter the grass on the street, but in the shade or under cover and make sure that it did not rain. Raw better lay a thin layer on a natural fabric or tissue paper. Be sure to periodically stir it. This is to accelerate the drying process.


It is believed that the raw material is completely dried up when goutweed stalks begin to break easily, and leaves - crumbled. At this stage, the plant is crushed and sent to storage. It is best for the "winter" dry goutweed suitable paper bags or pouches from a natural tissue (e.g., a linen).

Grass of the deposit should be placed in a dry, dark place. The room temperature is not important. Therefore, we can send the bags or packets with goutweed in any closet or keep in the attic in the country. Keep the prepared raw material is allowed no more than 2 years.

Chemical composition

plant nutritional value of 13 kcal per 100 g In this case it contained the proteins (1.6 g), carbohydrates (2.3 g) and dietary fiber (1.4 g). Therefore, if necessary (for example, in extreme conditions) of the herb salad quite manage to get enough.

Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications
Medicinal properties of goutweed

In general, the chemical composition of goutweed is still little studied.

But it is known that it contains a large quantity of the following substances:

  • beta-carotene;
  • Vitamins A and C;
  • iron;Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • potassium.

Thus there is a very high content of these substances in addition potassium. Since only 100 g of the plant contains 200% of the daily human requirements for copper and 150% for vitamin C. That is why it is useful to at least occasionally to add fresh grass in your diet.

medicinal properties

Goutweed, the healing properties of which are beyond doubt, equally useful for the fair sex, and for men, and children. But we need to know the features of its use in individual cases.

For women

First of all women are interested in the ability of goutweed accelerate the process of losing weight. In this amazing herb has the property to normalize the metabolism and activate the splitting of fatty tissue. In this case, all parts of the plant are low in calories. For fast weight loss you need to include in their menu dishes goutweed. Particularly useful are fresh salads.

In addition, the grass is able to improve the condition of the skin, which is so important for girls. Cosmetics with goutweed (including pets) increase the elasticity, fight inflammation, regulate excessive dryness / oiliness of the skin.

the use of parts of the plant are not prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

On the contrary, goutweed is even useful expectant and nursing mothers. For example, it is able to in a natural way (quickly and gently) to lower the pressure, strengthen the immune system, increase hemoglobin. The plant also increases the amount of milk during lactation and improves its quality.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications

But these are important for women during any herbs need to be used with great caution. Therefore, prior to the addition of goutweed in your diet should consult with a specialist.

So, you can prepare a special broth, which greatly facilitates the process of post-natal recovery and stimulates the arrival of milk during lactation.

To do this:

  1. Connect the bank 2 parts fennel seeds and 1 part seed goutweed.
  2. Pour ingredients 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Allow the mixture to cool naturally.

Next, you need to divide the broth for a few comfortable to use parts and drink during the day. The course of the receiving means may last from 1 to 4 weeks, all depends on the condition of the woman.

On the healing properties of goutweed should pay and those girls who have problems with the menstrual cycle. Normalize it will help a special composition.

For its preparation is necessary:

  1. Mark 1 handful of dried seeds goutweed and pour warm water (liquid should completely cover the raw material).Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications
  2. Leave the mixture overnight.
  3. In the morning cut her blender.

The resulting need to eat porridge before breakfast. Repeat the procedure recommended 1 times a day for 7 days.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex, who are engaged in heavy physical work, it is useful to use on a regular basis goutweed, to strengthen the immune system, to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals, and along with them - a charge of vivacity and energy.

Also, goutweed is considered one of the most effective folk remedies to help fight alcoholism. To cope with a dangerous addiction, you need every day to chew the dried seeds of the plant. Suffice it to 3-4 seeds per 1 time. Have discussed plants and another interesting feature - it is at the correct use increases virility.

To prepare such a tool, you must:

  1. Sauté ½ st. seeds of goutweed on melted butter.
  2. Grind the cooled product in any convenient way.
  3. Mix the resulting mass with the same amount of flour from the seeds of dates.

Ready means need to be used immediately before the sexual intercourse (20-30 min), after adding a 1 hr. l. honey or milk. You can drink water mixture.

For children

Goutweed very useful for children. In the first place - because of its high iron content. If a child is suffering from anemia, be sure to add the grass in its diet fresh. Children are allowed to use the plant in salads and various folk remedies has a 2-year-olds.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications

Such herbs improves the digestive tract work, the genitourinary system, it becomes a natural natural remedy for diarrhea in children, quickly cope with constipation. The plant has light analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. If fresh goutweed child categorically do not like, it is possible to ferment as usual cabbage.

Contraindications to receiving

Goutweed - the plant is also unique in that he has practically no contraindications. Eat grass for food is prohibited only in the presence of allergic reactions.

With caution and in minimal doses should try goutweed young children, expectant and nursing mothers. Such patients should first obtain a doctor permission to add herbs to your diet.

Methods of treatment

Goutweed and its different parts are used for the preparation of numerous curative means. The unique properties of plants can be translated to fight dangerous diseases.


Infusions of herbs used in the discussion if you need to quickly clean the body, to deduce from it the toxins. In addition, this tool makes up for the lack of vitamins and micro- and macronutrients.

For the preparation of the standard infusion necessary:

  1. 3 hours. dry or fresh raw sugar and 450 ml of boiling water.
  2. Infuse the mixture for 2 hours. Strain the resulting tool.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications
  3. Strain the infusion through several layers of cheesecloth.

According to the same recipe prepares an infusion of leaves and roots. it is usually taken courses. The exact time depends on the specific disease. For example, it is recommended to drink ½ st eczema and diathesis. infusion just before eating. Just a day should be 4 such admission.

Already about 2 hours there is a noticeable effect. Goes discomfort, rashes become smaller. It means drunk as gout, rheumatism, pain in the kidney and bladder. A full course of treatment for such problems - 7-9 days.


To prepare the tincture of the goutweed need to take high-quality vodka. Suffice it to 450-500 ml of an alcoholic beverage.

Need to:

  1. Pour into a glass of Article 5. l. leaves and stalks goutweed.
  2. Grind them in any convenient way.
  3. Pour vodka and send all the jar / bottle.
  4. Close the lid and place the container in a dark cool place for 3 weeks. Be sure to periodically shake the jar or bottle.
  5. Strain ready means.

Most of these tinctures are used for pain in the joints. They can be both taken orally, and rub the problem areas. Ready means perfectly kept for 1-1.5 months. and quickly eliminates the pain, discomfort during activity.

Accept means 25 drops before meals (3 times a day). Said dose infusions need to be dissolved in ½ st. savory boiled water. You can also rub the tincture of the problem areas. The course of therapy such means - a maximum of 4 weeks.


Such means are suitable only for external use. Fresh leaves and flowers goutweed previously ground into porridge. This can be done easily, for example, an immersion blender. Further finished slurry is applied to the affected area, e.g., in gout or rheumatoid arthritis (articular).Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications

On top of the appliqué must be covered with cotton wool and tie a warm scarf. Hold - from 2 to 4 hours. A full course of treatment should last from 7 to 10 days (4-7 applications per day). Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties help to cope with painful bouts with these diseases and improve the overall condition of the patient.

Pulp exclusively from fresh leaves of goutweed can be used in the inflamed veins. The resulting mass is necessary to wrap in cheesecloth and apply to problem areas 4-5 times a day for 40-50 minutes.

The powder from the flowers

Goutweed, the healing properties of which are known throughout the world, and is used as a healing powder, but much less frequently. To prepare the means crushed flower baskets plants. Ready powder is stored in a glass container or in paper bags.

Tool is used for the treatment of purulent wounds and venous ulcers. To speed up the healing process, you just need to fill up the problem areas a small amount of funds immediately after waking up and before going to bed.


Tea from discussion herb is used to combat vitamin deficiency. It can be drunk as a prophylactic agent in the off-season. In summer it is best to cook it is not out of dry grass, and their young leaves and shoots.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications

Need to:

  1. Cut plant parts or break your hands so that they completely fill the glass.
  2. Pour raw materials with the same amount of boiling water.
  3. Give Vitamin tea infuse for 3 hours.
  4. Strain.
  5. Add honey to taste.

Drinking tea should be at ½ st. approximately 15-20 minutes before main meals.


This versatile herbal remedy to help cope with a diathesis, an attack of rheumatism, improve kidney function. Drink it need only fresh.

Preparing the broth as follows:

  1. It is necessary to grind the leaves and grass.
  2. Take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials and to fill their 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  3. Send the mixture on a water bath and its simmer 15-17 min.
  4. Cool the resulting agent strain through cheesecloth, squeeze.
  5. Top up with warm water, to again obtain a full glass.

Cool broth and drink during the day 3-5 visits.

The use of traditional medicine

As noted above, ground elder, you can select a variety of useful properties - analgesic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory.

This unique herb has the following effects on the body:

  • It relieves migraine, normalizes night's sleep;Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications
  • It copes well with different skin ailments;
  • outputs of bladder stones / kidney;
  • strengthens blood vessels, it purifies the blood;
  • normalizes the gastrointestinal tract;
  • suppresses the craving for alcohol;
  • removes waste products and toxins;
  • relieves joint and muscle pain;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • Treats cough;
  • It fights inflammation;
  • improves potency;
  • prevents diseases of the female reproductive organs;
  • It copes well with fungal diseases;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle.

It is also believed that the addition of fresh goutweed in your diet - it is an effective prevention of cancer.

The mixture to improve the gastrointestinal tract

Such means increases appetite, cleanses the bowel, and improves digestion.

For its preparation is necessary:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. dry seeds of the plant, and then to fill in 1 h. l. lemon juice.
  2. When the liquid is absorbed, turn the raw material into a powder.
  3. Add a small pinch of black salt.

Receiving means for 1 h. l. per day until it is completed.

Ointment to combat skin diseases

It helps fight acne, eczema, urticaria. Heals wounds.

For the preparation of the tools you need:

  1. Grind a handful of seeds into a powder goutweed.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications
  2. Dilute with warm water to a state of slurry.
  3. Apply to the problem areas.

Repeat the procedure to obtain a stable result.

Lack of iron in the blood

With this problem, you can just eat the leaves of goutweed raw. It is advisable to use them fresh. For example, just chew the leaves before eating or adding them in vegetable salads, along with other favorite herbs.

Goutweed in cosmetology

Goutweed rich composition allows it to favorably affect the skin of the face and body. Therefore, it is often used in cosmetics. There are many effective home recipes.

Spring Face Mask

This mask is always prepared with fresh herbs.


  • goutweed fresh juice - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • honey - ¼ hours. l .;
  • cucumber - 1/3 pcs.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications


  1. Skip tuft of grass through a meat grinder.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. pressed juice and mix with honey.
  3. Add grated cucumber (peeled), together with the liquid.
  4. Mix well.

Apply the mask on the face with a thin layer for 20 minutes. You can repeat the procedure on a regular basis 2 times a week. After 2-3 masks the skin becomes healthier, more beautiful and radiant.

Face cream

This means perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It can be applied in the morning and at night before going to bed every day.


  • a vegetable oil or milk - 30 ml;
  • vitamin A and E - 1 drop;
  • chopped fresh herbs goutweed - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Connect the base and vitamins. If skin is oily, you need to take milk if dry - oil.
  2. Add mashed green goutweed.
  3. Mix well and apply on the skin. Rinse-off products is not required. If you use milk, you can remove the excess with a cotton swab.

After the course of using the cream 1 month to take a break for the same period of time.

Baths for hands and feet

It is especially important to do it before a manicure and pedicure.Goutweed. Medicinal properties, photos, recipes, preparation, from what and how to take, contraindications


  • Fresh goutweed - 80 g;
  • boiling water - 2 tbsp.


  1. Pour boiling water over chopped fresh grass.
  2. Let stand for 35-40 minutes.
  3. Pour the resulting infusion into the bath for the feet or hands.
  4. The procedure should last at least 10 minutes.

Repeat these baths can be regularly 1-2 times a week.

vitamin tea

If the skin has become dry and lifeless, covered with rash, you can improve her condition by a special tea.


  • goutweed - ½ hours. l .;
  • currant leaves - 2-3 pc .;
  • fresh raspberries - 1 handful;
  • lemon - 2-3 cloves;
  • ginger - 1 pinch (dry).


  1. Cut the leaves of goutweed and currants.
  2. Crush the raspberries.
  3. Send all the ingredients of the recipe in the teapot and pour boiling water.
  4. Give the drink a brew for 17-20 minutes.
  5. Drink 2 cups per day in the form of heat during the week.

So useful drink can replace the usual tea.

Grass goutweed has many useful properties. It is used for preparation of various medicinal compounds, and simply as a general tonic for the body. The main thing - do not abuse, and do not begin to use the plant for food or drink infusions of it every day for a long time.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of the plant Goutweed

Medicinal properties of goutweed:

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