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Ointment to heal wounds and abrasions. List of cheap antibiotic for children on the face. Reviews, Prices

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The home medicine cabinet must exist ointment, heals wounds, abrasions and other skin damage. Modern drugs help speed healing as small scratches and festering open wounds, burns.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Types of wound healing ointments, and how they work
  • 2 At what age can use
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 How to apply drugs
  • 5 Overview ointments for wound healing
    • 5.1 For open wounds
    • 5.2 For closed wounds
    • 5.3 For purulent wounds
    • 5.4 For minor injuries
    • 5.5 For damage of the skin
    • 5.6 With the rapid effect
    • 5.7 with antibiotics
  • 6 The best products for children
  • 7 The cost of drugs in pharmacies
  • 8 Interesting video of ointments for wound healing and their effectiveness

Types of wound healing ointments, and how they work

Ointments, healing wounds and abrasions, are used to protect against infection during the recovery of damaged skin and its disinfection.

There are several kinds of wound-healing means that divided according to the principle of action and the nature of the wounds, they must eliminate:

  • podsushivayuschee: for moist wound treatment, suppurating cracks;
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  • disinfectants: form at the site of application a protective layer (film) does not permit ingress of bacteria and infection to the deep layers of the skin;
  • regenerating: accelerate natural recovery process are suitable in frostbite and open wounds;
  • containing antibiotics: It applies to the long festering nonhealing lesions, erosions.
  • anti-inflammatory: neutralized inflammatory processes in closed wounds and sprains.
Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews

Formulations for healing damaged skin should be capable of liquefaction thick pus, rehydration, and have a long osmotic activity. Ointments stimulate the growth of new epithelium. Ihtiolovye, streptocidal, gentamicin ointment considered obsolete medicines that do not have all the necessary properties.

However, as a preventive and minor damage to their use is quite acceptable.

In the treatment of deep and large wounds is better to use more modern means. The principles of each type of ointment vary, but their common goal - this regeneration and restoration of the damaged area of ​​skin. For the desired effect in regenerating preparations contain active agents such as vitamins D, E.

At what age can use

Ointment to heal wounds and abrasions, as applicable, depending on age. Each formulation has certain indications. Such ointments as Bepanten apply even for infants.

Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews
The article deals with effective healing ointment on the wounds and abrasions.

For some, should consult a physician. Most ointments yet suitable for wound healing in children. Contraindications may be that they have allergic reactions, intolerance, and other diseases.


Each of the funds for the healing of wounds is a list of contraindications.

But some items are similar to each other:

  • the presence of an allergic reaction;
  • the use of funds from the hormone levels can not be used for the treatment of open, festering wounds and boils.
  • idiosyncrasy components.

As regards the application of ointments pregnant and breastfeeding - in this regard need to be careful in the selection of the drug. Before purchasing necessary medical consultation.

Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews

Some substances in ointments by sucking effect on the mother and fetus, which can cause abnormalities in the development. Do not allow contact with the drug on the breast during breastfeeding - components when ingested milk, may greatly harm the child.

How to apply drugs

Small, superficial damage without resulting stab wounds, animal bites, you can cure yourself at home.

  • If any damage to the skin should be treated: wash the blood clean water, apply an antiseptic. If the wound is deep, and to prevent dirt or saliva of an animal, you must seek medical advice. Particles of dead skin also be removed, as they are the source of infection and slow recovery. The wound is then covered with sterile material (bandage, clean cloth).
  • If a minor wound, and the blood stopped, you can use the drug. At the risk of infection, the seriousness of the injury, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics. It is necessary to pass the course and people with diseases such as AIDS, diabetes, ie those with reduced immunity.
  • Depending on certain wounds applied ointment. It is applied in thin layers.
  • It should apply dressings in place of application of the drug. Thus, a person eliminates the possibility of flushing, too rapid absorption and erasure.
  • The ointment should be applied, guided by the advice the doctor. If treatment is independent, it is necessary to follow the instructions and do not abuse the amount of the drug. Frequent and copious application does not mean a quick recovery.
Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews

You can not use several ointments simultaneously - it can cause a variety of side effects, and only further harm the body. The danger arises when there is a risk of infection. If the skin around the wound became dense, swollen, there were painful, burning - consult your doctor.

The infection can enter the bloodstream, and it leads to development of systemic diseases. Sometimes, there are symptoms of infection: fever, chills, weakness, depression. In such cases, besides treating the wound itself, the person assisting in the recovery and purification of the body from infection.

Overview ointments for wound healing

Ointments to heal wounds and abrasions, necessarily used only in combination with sterile bandages and cotton pure water. Only after the fault has been processed, the drug is used. But some of these drugs are used after surgery, for example, festering wounds.

For open wounds

Open wounds - the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Therefore ointments have a rather strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, to avoid inflammatory processes with subsequent spread to healthy tissue.

Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews
  • levomekol - Ointment with marked regenerative and anti-inflammatory action. Thanks to it is the formation of new cells, which come to replace the dead. The active substance - chloramphenicol, which blocks the growth and reproduction of bacteria. The tool can be used by children from 1 year.
  • Baneotsin - one of the best means for rapid wound healing. Product form - powder and ointment. The ointment is applied uniformly over the wound in a small amount. The main active substances - bacitracin and neomycin. These components combine to not give bacteria to multiply, hinder the construction of the cell membranes.

In the treatment of open wounds to avoid products containing corticosteroids.

For closed wounds

For closed wounds (abrasions, cuts) are used disinfecting, regenerating agents, which can also be present drying effect.

Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews
  • Miramistin - stimulator of regenerative processes, protects the wound from bacteria and infections. Also it helps salve for burns. Apply 3 times a day. Active substances - benzyldimethyl, ammonium chloride monohydrate.
  • solkoseril - an ointment for the treatment of various skin lesions, including scars after surgery, and burns. admission rate - not less than 2 weeks. As active substances act dialysate deproteinized.

Drugs with these effects will not only help in the treatment of closed wounds. In addition, they prevent the formation of scars.

For purulent wounds

Festering wounds require immediate treatment. Pus accumulates, can cause a variety of diseases, including serious (the threat of amputation of limbs). After the examination, the doctor prescribes an ointment that will help faster healing and prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria and fungi.

Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews
  • Oflomelid - acts on the deep and shallow sores, suitable for both children and adults. The main components - methyluracil and ofloxacin. It inhibits the development of inflammatory processes, including chronic and acute. Disinfects and dries.
  • Agrosulfan - a preparation composition in which the inorganic compound is silver. Disinfecting and anti-inflammatory agent. After application in the wound no longer accumulate purulent mass, and in wound trace is left in the form of scars. Allowed children from 1 month pregnant is not desirable to apply.

If the patient has purulent wounds it only gets worse, there is a fever, chills, weakness and other symptoms, you should call a doctor for the purpose of a more serious treatment.

For minor injuries

In milder forms of skin damage such as scratches and shallow cuts with a kitchen knife, and should not be neglect healing agents, as this will help get rid of unpleasant sores significantly faster.

In addition, even with a small scratch can get kind of infection that will be the beginning of defeat the whole organism.

  • ihtiolovaya ointment - one of the most famous in the treatment of injuries. It is used in the treatment of wounds, pimples. Active substance - Ichthyol, but also has adjuvants and as plant components, glycerol. Ointment accelerates healing and disinfects.
  • healer - the preparation is more like a cream that contains herbal ingredients, aloe juice. It is used for small lesions, as well as skin peeling. Ointment possesses nutrient and emollient effect, applied 2-3 times per day.
Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews

Small wounds will not deliver worry if engaged in their treatment and not to touch. If you frequently damaged blood crust there is a risk of dirt entering.

For damage of the skin

A person requires special care, and not all products can be applied to it - it can cause irritation, rashes. Therefore, for the treatment of wounds on the face should be selected drugs do not harm the mucous membranes, which have a milder impact.

  • aktovegin - cream with regenerating effect. Suitable for almost all kinds of wounds, and can be applied on the skin and mucous membranes. Acts on burns, scarring, and cracks. The active substance - gemoderivat deproteinized calf blood. The drug should not be applied during pregnancy and the presence of an allergic reaction.
  • Eplan - a drug that can be applied to the skin. The drug is allowed to be used for children and pregnant women. It reduces swelling and is anti-inflammatory agent.
Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews

In the treatment of facial skin you need to be especially careful. If after the application of a drug having itching, irritation, you should stop using the drug.

With the rapid effect

In treating any wounds speed is important. The faster the wound heals, the better, since the turn of the damaged skin to penetrate dirt and harmful microorganisms. Fast action is due to the regenerative properties of the drug.

  • D-panthenol - enhances the regeneration of tissue, prevents inflammation. It is used for dermatitis, eczema, cracks, wounds after surgery and other skin lesions. Apply 3 times a day.
  • betadine - the active substance povidone-iodine. It has antiviral and disinfecting properties. Disinfects the wound and promotes healing. In just a few seconds after application comes complete disinfection.
Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews

Betadine also be applied to any part of human skin. D-panthenol helps with children's dermatitis.

with antibiotics

Ointments containing antibiotics help in the fight against infectious agents that can cause complications. Also, drugs have an analgesic effect and accelerate the regeneration.

  • lincomycin - antibiotic ointment group of lincosamides. It stops the multiplication of bacteria. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​skin. Ointment should not be used if there is an allergic reaction, it can lead to angioedema, as well as pregnant women.
  • Gentamicin-Akos - the active substance gentamicin, has a bactericidal action. Ointment for the treatment of problems such as pressure sores and abrasions. Apply the medication 3-4 times a day. Not applicable for allergic reactions.
Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions on the face of children with an antibiotic. Prices, reviews

Medicines with antibiotics - are those in which the application should always be respected the dosage and time of treatment that have been prescribed by a doctor.

The best products for children

Ointment to heal wounds and abrasions, is used alone or a mother by the child only for small injuries. If a child is bitten by an animal, and he received a deep wound, burn, seek medical advice. As well as an adult, a child must first process the damage, and then apply a specific wound-healing drug.

Title Components Mode of application
The formulations with dexpanthenol (Bepanten, d-panthenol, panthenol spray) Dexpanthenol (provitamin B5) 1-2 times a day with or without using dressing (course of 10-14 days)
aktovegin deproteinized calves blood gemoderivat 2-3 times a day
solkoseril deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves 2-3 times a day
methyluracyl ointment Methyluracilum 2-3 times a day (15-day course)

It is desirable to still use the dressing in the treatment of wounds in children, as in the ointment can easily wear out the active movement.

The cost of drugs in pharmacies

Prices in pharmacies may vary slightly depending on the region. But mainly, the cost of drugs for wound healing is not too high. The cheapest (Metiluratsil, Levomekol) can cost 20-25 rubles, and the most expensive (Betadine, Baneotsin.) - from 150-200 rubles.

The use of wound healing agents alone is permissible, if the wound is not serious, it was not entered infection and pus began to form. In such cases, the ointment will help your skin recover quickly without scars or scars.

Interesting video of ointments for wound healing and their effectiveness

Overview ointment Baneotsin:

Instructions for use ointments Levomekol:

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