
Cholecystitis: symptoms, diet, treatment

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Cholecystitis - an inflammation of the gallbladder.

Cholecystitis are sharp and chronic.


For cholecystitis characterized by pain or heaviness in the right hypochondrium after exercise, heavy meal, a fatty or fried foods, after agitation, at overcooling. Pain may be dull, aching or intense. Pain in cholecystitis may be given in the right arm, right shoulder blade.

Patients are also concerned about nausea, empty belching, feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Perhaps the rise in body temperature.

By the development of acute and chronic cholecystitis predispose bile stagnation and damage to the wall of the gallbladder.

Contribute to the stagnation of bile:

  • diet disorder (long breaks between meals, eating cold food);
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • constipation;
  • pregnancy;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis);
  • obstacles to the outflow of bile (opisthorchis, for example).

Damage to the walls of the gallbladder can be caused by:

  • bile with altered physico-chemical properties;
  • stones;
  • pancreatic enzymes, flows into the bile duct;
  • injuries gallbladder.
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cholecystitis treatment

Bed rest shown only during exacerbation accompanied by abdominal pain, fever. Long-term restrictions on movements adversely affect the course of cholecystitis as contribute to the stagnation of bile.

During an attack of biliary colic is important as it is possible to eliminate the pain faster. For this purpose, you can apply Nospanum, spazmolitin.

During an attack of pain apply moderate heat to the area of ​​the right hypochondrium as an unheated hot-water bottles, hot compress.

The indications for treatment with antibiotics is cholecystitis exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the biliary tract, accompanied by pain, fever. antibiotic course non-durable (7-10 days). Antibiotics cholecystitis be applied in combination with baktisubtilom and necessarily with vitamins (C, B, A).

Resorting to broad-spectrum antibiotics - ampioks, amoxicillin, Amoksiklava. In case of a bile treatment is necessary lamblia protivolyamblioznymi preparations.

Obligatory component of therapy in patients to be vitamin cholecystitis (acute period of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP, and further - status of vitamins B6 and B12, B15, B5, E).

In the treatment of patients with cholecystitis need to make extensive use of choleretic drugs, as they are, reducing bile stasis in the affected bubble, and contribute to more rapid elimination of inflammatory changes in it.

Most often combine magnesium sulfate as a 5% or 10% solution of tea, dessert or tablespoon three times daily with holosas (1 teaspoon three times a day), holagonom (tablets 2-3 times daily) or drug herbs.

Dining with cholecystitis

One of the main factors is the treatment of patients with cholecystitis diet. We need some more frequent meals (4-6 times), as this will improve the flow of bile.

It is advisable to enrich the food bran bread, cheese, egg protein, oatmeal, cod, yeast drinks.

Cholecystitis patients can not tolerate fat, fatty meats, poultry, fish. only butter is recommended to use of animal fats. Very useful vegetable oils (corn, sunflower, olive). They contain unsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic, linoleic, linolenic) stimulates bile secretion, improve the functional state of the liver. Vegetable oils should be added to vinaigrettes, salads, sauerkraut or give for tea, dessert, a tablespoon 2-3 times a day before meals. Because only limited carbohydrate foods containing many plohousvoyaemoy fiber (cabbage, turnip and t. D.). The amount of liquid is increased because it improves the flow of bile.

Patients with an exacerbation of cholecystitis recommend a vegetarian soups. Eliminate fried foods (especially breadcrumbs), very cold drinks and food (ice cream products from the refrigerator), seasoning (vinegar, pepper, garlic, onions, roots, mustard, horseradish), mushrooms, all the sausages, ham, smoked, canned goods, pastry, cream cakes, any fried cakes, pancakes, coffee and cocoa.

Patient give milk, veggie and fruit soups, from main dishes - boiled vegetables in any form, cereals, puddings, boiled fish and meat (except pork, lamb, venison meat, brain, kidney, both rich in extractive substances). Resolved drinks - weak tea, fruit compote, juice, jelly, juices (but unpreserved), milk, yogurt, kefir, "Snowball" fermented baked milk, white bread and black (better yesterday), processed (but not snacks) cheese - "Friendship", "amber", "sour milk", non-sharp cheeses. Useful products containing a lot of magnesium salts of bread and confectionery bran (e.g. bread "Health"), buckwheat and oat gruel; raw fruits, vegetables, berries. Radish is useful (but not radish). Dietary treatment should be carried out at home for 3 years after the last acute cholecystitis and 1.5 years - for biliary dyskinesia.

People's treatment

Folk treatment of acute and chronic cholecystitis is to use herbal concoctions.

The most widely used in cholecystitis received a collection of N. G. Kovaleva:

  • Calendula officinalis (aerial part),
  • garden dill (seeds) - 10 g, white birch (leaves) - 10 g
  • cudweed forest (grass) - 10 g
  • Juniperus (fruits) - 10 g
  • chamomile (flowers) - 20 g
  • strawberry timber (berries) - 20 g
  • Rose White (pitch) - 20 g
  • horsetail (shoots) - 30 g
  • corn silk - 30 g
  • briar brown (crushed fruits) - 40 g

5-6 g brew collecting 500 ml of boiled water, and take 50-150 ml 3 times per day for 10-15 min. before meals. Infusion bitter taste, a pleasant smell.

In recent years, widely used in the treatment of patients suffering from diseases of the gall bladder and biliary tract, formulations containing essential oils (in particular the German - rovahol and enatin). As choleretic can use black radish juice and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for 10-20 days.

Conclusively proven choleretic effect of polyhydric alcohols (sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol). Sorbitol stimulates endogenous cholecystokinin, increases bacterial synthesis of vitamin B1 and B2, increases the absorption of vitamin B12. Sorbitol can be used as a 10-15% solution of 50-75 ml 3 times per day instead of magnesium sulfate. The same dose administered and xylitol.

In chronic cholecystitis commonly assigned mineral drinking waters of low and medium salinity with predominance bicarbonates, sulfates, chlorine, magnesium, sodium, calcium. Applied thermal water (35-42 ° C) or hyper (42-50 ° C) temperature.

Mineral water stimulate the secretion of bile excretion, decrease in viscosity and dilution of it. Water is drunk in an amount of 3 ml per 1 kg body weight sips. Most often used Essentuki № 4, 17, 20, Smirnoff, Borzhom, Slavyanovskaya.

If cholecystitis is complicated gastritis with acidity, the mineral water is allowed for 1-1,5 hours before a meal, gastritis with normal or low acidity - 40 minutes. before a meal. Course of treatment by mineral waters 1-1.5 months. with a break between the next course in 3-6 months.


  • chronic cholecystitis,
  • calculary,
  • acalculous.
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