Digestive Tract

Biliary dyskinesia (DZHVP): Symptoms, Treatment

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DZHVP or biliary dyskinesia - a functional disorder of the work of the gallbladder wall and bile duct, as a result of which breaks timely and uniform separation of bile in intestines.

The importance of this problem is great because the bile is a major component of digestive juices and makes directly involved in the splitting of the food, as well as stimulation of the intestine due to its irritating actions.


Most often, biliary tract dyskinesia are detected in children older than three years, as the disease can occur in younger people.

Bile stagnation in the bladder and the ducts lead to its thickening, stone formation, disruption of bile properties - loss of its antimicrobial function. When violation bilification suffers lipolysis, fat absorption-soluble vitamins, the metabolism, digestion problems are generated - constipation or diarrhea.

Reasons DZHVP:

  • violation of the schedule meals, irregular meals,
  • consumption of excess fat,
  • intake of harmful products - chips, crackers, soda, chewing gum,
  • insta story viewer
  • parasitosis, especially Giardia,
  • digestive problems - gastritisPoisoning, intestinal lesions,
  • taking certain medications.

Biliary dyskinesia often combined with diabetes diabetes, Obesity, food allergiesThey tend to occur in excitable and capricious children.

Types of biliary dyskinesia

Distinguish the main indicators of the biliary tract operation - and sphincter muscle tone and kinesis (bile outflow of moves). Based on these two factors, there are several options DZHVP:

  • hypotonic (decreasing sphincter tone)
  • hypertonic (with increased tone)
  • hypokinetic (with slowing and sluggishness of bile flow)
  • hyperkinetic (with activation of the outflow, sharp emission portions).

In practice, doctors use a dual classification for patients is sufficient knowledge of the hypotonic and hypertonic type, moreover, stands still and the mixed type. Manifestations of various kinds of diseases are significantly different.

manifestations DZHVP

Symptoms of biliary dyskinesia depend on muscle tone and movement of bile.

In hypertensive type is characterized by the following features:

  • occurrence of sharp pain in his right side while running or exertion,
  • episodes of frequent loose stools,
  • burning sensation in the gut area after stress, or the use of sweet,
  • nausea and vomiting with bile,
  • White is worn on the language, its taxation,
  • eating disorders including refusal of food,
  • weakness, headache, asthenia.

When hypotonic embodiment biliary dyskinesia having

  • reduction in the activity of the gall bladder, the weight is shown in the right side,
  • appetite disorders,
  • chronic long-term constipation,
  • reduction in weight.

Mixed variants usually appear DZHVP

  • pain and heaviness in the right side,
  • constipation, or alternating with diarrhea,
  • appetite disorders,
  • tenderness to palpation of the abdomen and the right side,
  • fluctuations in body weight,
  • belching, bitter taste in the mouth,
  • general state violation.


The main diagnostic DZHVP is a thorough analysis of complaints, particularly guidance on nutrition issues and relationship episodes with them.

Important indication of pain in his right side, the problem with a chair and digestion.

Complements the diagnostic laboratory and instrumental examination:

  • general analysis of blood and urine,
  • fecal and giardia coprogram,
  • liver function tests, biochemistry blood
  • holding ultrasound liver and gallbladder with choleretic breakfast
  • conduct fibrogastroduodenoscopy (Swallow "nice cat"),
  • If necessary the gastric and intestinal intubation with bile sampling in stages.

DZHVP treatment

Biliary dyskinesia treating physician, pediatrician or gastroenterologist.

The basis of the treatment of dyskinesias is the normalization of power, and for the first time to establish the physiological operation of biliary tract - a special meal. Sometimes the only dietary correction and normalization of the mode of the day and the activity is sufficient to treat DZHVP.

Diet with biliary dyskinesia

  • imposed a strict ban on potentially harmful or irritating foods (chips, nuts, soda, fast food, salted fish)
  • prohibited all strongly salty, sour, bitter and sharp,
  • sharply limited in the diet of fat by replacing it with a maximum of vegetable oils,
  • limited seasonings and spices, fried prohibited,
  • All power is given at first in warm and semi-liquid form, especially when the pain attacks,
  • all the food is boiled, steamed or stewed, baked in foil.

Should be revised and a diet favored milk, vegetable products, lean meat and fish. Sweets sharply limited.

It is necessary to take into account the properties of the products, it is recommended to eat carrots, apples, cabbage, vegetable oil, beet, as These products have a choleretic effect.

Read more about diet when DZHVP - in our a separate article.

When hypertonic type biliary dyskinesia prescribed relaxing muscles (antispasmodics), and sedatives, unload the nervous system, used exercise therapy and physical limit activity. Mineral water take only weak mineralization and warm.

When hypotonic type DZHVP necessary cholagogue, activation of physical activity mineral water choleretic stimulant and stool properties. This highly mineralized water, cold.

It is necessary to treat diseases caused by DZHVP, since it is rarely the primary condition. When curing the underlying disease, biliary dyskinesia, in most cases, disappear.


In the long DZHVP possible formation cholelithiasis due to violations of the properties of bile and its stagnation. Moreover, disturbance of bile outflow leads to damage to the bile ducts, the development cholangitis (cholangitis) and hepatitis (liver inflammation).

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