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Big stomach and problems associated with it

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  • How to recognize the disease
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment and hazardous products
  • Prevention of disease

Mirror disease in men occurs with malnutrition. Modern restaurants and cafes offer a wide variety of dishes. There is an irresistible desire to try many of them. Fast food is high in fat and carbohydrates. Oily food is poorly digested and detrimental to the weight of men. The excessive use of beer beverages and various hop-containing alcohol leads to the appearance of a large belly in the male population.

Mirror disease

How to recognize the disease

An impaired metabolism accelerates the process of weight gain in a person. The male sex suffers from fat deposits in the abdomen. When you look at yourself patient, only the large abdomen and lower limbs are available.

To examine the external reproductive system, a mirror helps a person. You must bring it to yourself or use a full-length mirror. Other ways of self-examination are not available due to the interfering abdomen. The disease has an aesthetic character and is solved with the help of a nutritionist.

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Harm that carries the disease

Syndrome of specularity will help to heal a prolonged diet and exercise. A man who suffers from excess weight should immediately seek help from a dietitian. The disease has pathological complications:

  • Large fat deposits in the abdominal region press on the internal organs and tissues of the urinary and reproductive system. Squeezing the ureter leads to a delay in water and salt in the bladder. There is a need for frequent visits to the toilet. The pressure of the organs on the vas deferens leads to a problem with erection in men. The prostate gland is actively growing and pressing on the bladder, the disease is developing - prostatitis.
  • Acquisition of ischemic disease The system of blood vessels and heart is deformed under a large fat layer. People suffering from a mirror syndrome acquire ischemic heart disease and are prone to heart attacks.
  • Organs of the gastrointestinal system are most affected. The main weight falls on the stomach and intestines of the patient. There are problems with digestion of food and its withdrawal from the patient's body. A frequent phenomenon in patients with large body weight is gastritis and constipation.
  • Diabetes is one of the most terrible complications of obesity. This disease affects all organs and tissues of the human body. The development of ulcers on the skin of a man leads to gangrene and further amputation of the lower limbs.

All side effects help to avoid a strict diet.

Diagnosis of

Treatment of specularity is a long and time-consuming process. For proper selection of nutrition and exercise, you need to contact the center of dietetics. For an accurate statement of the causes of obesity, the patient needs to undergo the following procedures:

  1. Visiting a dietician doctor Interrogation with a dietitian. The specialist needs to find out the taste preferences of men, the frequency of food intake, the period for which the stomach has grown.
  2. Hand over a detailed blood test. A laboratory study of blood will help to determine whether a patient has a diabetic disease, a metabolic disorder, or a malfunction in the hormonal system.
  3. Hardware inspection. A man needs to undergo examination on an ultrasound machine, to pass an electroencephalogram. If the patient has a tendency to cancer, it is necessary to make a magnetic resonance imaging.
  4. Detection of maximum lung volume. It is necessary for the correct selection of physical exertion.
  5. Genetic picture. Modern medicine has established a connection between weight and heredity. With the predominance of men with a mirror in the family, the disease is transmitted to the younger generation.

Treatment and Hazardous Products

Statement of the full picture of the disease specialist selects a dietary table for this man. Fat tissue in the abdomen is developed due to disruption in the work of specialized cells. Mast cells begin to grow actively under the influence of excess water and salt. Water is actively absorbed and leads to stretching of the walls of the mast cell. The peculiarity of the male organism is the increased content of this group of cells in the abdominal region. For this reason, mirroring often occurs in a strong half of humanity.

The main food products that need to be excluded from the menu:

  • Exclusion of salt from the diet Salt and its varieties. The most effective diet for curing a mirror disease is a salt-free diet.
  • Eliminate the use of all types of alcohol. Drinks containing alcohols and hop compounds in their composition lead to increased accumulation of fluid in the patient's body.
  • Coffee drinks. Caffeine adversely affects the metabolism of a person, disrupts the work of the heart and the vascular system. The use of coffee in large quantities leads to an increase in the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes in men suffering from a mirror.
  • Bread, flour products and sweets increase the risk of gaining weight. Carbohydrates, not digested in the body, are deposited in the form of adipose tissue in the abdomen and thighs. This group of products provokes the appearance of shortness of breath and a decrease in the physical activity of men.
  • Meat of fatty varieties. Fans of pork and fried lamb should completely abandon the use of these dishes. Some varieties of sea and river fish should also be excluded.

Prevention of

A patient who suffers from a mirror must seek help from a trainer. The specialist will make a training plan for a specific person, taking into account the loads allowed to him. The combination of power and cardiological training gives a good and lasting result. It is not recommended to select physical exercises independently to avoid the appearance of complications.

Mirroring can be completely ruled out by maintaining the right lifestyle and physical activity. A man must adhere to a fractional diet, observe the drinking regime and actively engage in sports.
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