
Care of patients after stroke: at home, how to care, bedridden, paralyzed

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Stroke often causes disability of the patient. The consequence of the disease may become partial paralysis, in which a person loses the ability to self-service. Care of patients after stroke requires some skill, so families receive the necessary information from medical personnel or study special literature.

Sit at a person's bedside

Basic principles of care

Consequences after a stroke for each individual patient. Some patients only speech disorders may appear minor neurological pathology. Loss of motor activity is a frequent consequence of suffering hemorrhagic stroke. After hospital discharge, the patient passes the rehabilitation period at home or in institutions, if he has no relatives.

In order to eliminate the risk of relapse and accelerate the recovery of bodily functions, in the care of stroke patients in the home must adhere to the following program:

  • provision of hygienic care;
  • nutrition;
  • prevention of pressure sores;
  • performance of special exercises for the restoration of motor activity.
Good nutrition

These are the basic principles of rehabilitation care, the violation of which can lead to undesirable consequences. If you do not provide a complete patient care, it will cause chafing and joining infection. When malnutrition are possible digestive problems with the development of constipation or diarrhea. Insufficient stimulation of blood circulation in the sacrum in a short time lead to the appearance of bedsores.

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Technical equipment of the apartment

for bedridden patient care at home requires a comprehensive approach. Special technical devices capable of making the rehabilitation period is less painful for the patient and for his family. For bedridden patients it is recommended to buy a special multi-functional bed with adjustable head and foot parts. This design allows customers to give the body the patient a comfortable position. In addition, the ability to change the height of the bed holding facilitate hygiene and exercise.

The important point is the presence of built-in bed side rails that prevent the accidental fall of a patient and help the patient to roll their own.

If you can not buy a bed, you can manually change the height of the bed of the patient places with additional mattresses. As handrail and fall protection can be used chairs with wooden boards. For the stability of the chair legs are placed in special iron frame that can be made to order.

Technical equipment of the apartment

It recommended in the room where the sick, deliver equipment for ozonation, humidification and air disinfection.

When the patient starts walking, the most secure conditions must be created for him at home. The bathroom and toilet need to make special handrails, floors in the apartment must not be slippery, the door to the room is better to keep open so that the patient is not making any extra effort. All this must be done taking into account the fact that the patients after a stroke often disturbed coordination of movements, and there is a high risk of falling.

What should be the room

It will be good if the patient will be allocated a separate room. The room should be bright and spacious features. If it is on the sunny side, hang on the windows should be blinds. In the hot season, it is desirable to equip the room with air conditioning, but the most remote from the bedside. If you are unable to install such equipment, it is possible to use a floor fan.

In the cold room should be well warmed. One of the consequences of stroke is poor circulation, causing the patient may feel cold.

People who are caring for a person with stroke should monitor the cleanliness of the room. To cleaning process takes less time, the room is better to remove all the unnecessary things and pieces of furniture. Leave can only wardrobe for linen and clothes, a chair and nightstand.

Room of the house for the patient

Wet cleaning and airing room is necessary on a daily basis. In the summer, when windows are left open, ensure that the patient does not proskvozilo. Bedridden patients are more susceptible to colds due to the decline of the immune defense of the body.

Psychological help

Nursing care in home care includes not only his physical condition, but also the psycho-emotional. Patients who have suffered a stroke, often prone to depression, so it may need the help of a qualified psychologist.

The main stages of psychological rehabilitation:

  • Consultation with your doctor, who will give full information on violations provoked stroke.
  • Psychological interview. The psychologist has to convince the patient that overcome the disease is possible if the body to direct all forces to recover. After a full course of therapy the patient becomes easier, depression is replaced by faith in recovery.
  • Psychological help families and friends of the patient. People who carry out patient care, by the need to get rid of anxiety, because emotional tension will have a negative impact on the general atmosphere and transferred to the ward.
Psychological help

How to style a patient with paralysis

In the care of immobile patients after a stroke, complicated by paralysis, the patient must be properly laid on the bed and take into account any part of the body was paralyzed.

Dorsal position

There are 2 options that recommend alternate:

  1. The patient lies on his back. Next to the bed on the part of the affected limbs put the chair on which is placed a few pillows. The resulting plane must equal the height of the bed. Paralyzed arm is placed on the pillow in a horizontal position, palm up. Forearm fixed with sandbags. The affected leg bent at the knee and enclose the roller. Foot unfold in the back side and also fix sandbags.
  2. Patient is placed on his back. Arms and legs are straight, with a paralyzed limb should be put a pillow that they are a little higher.

The situation in the paralyzed side

The patient lies on his side, placing the paralyzed hand on the bedside table or chair cushions. Between the legs to put a pillow on which to lay a healthy limb bent at the hip and knee. Paralyzed leg is in unbent position.

The situation in the healthy side

Reminiscent of the previous position. Paralyzed limbs folded and laid on a pillow.

By reducing the muscle tone of the patient turn over from the back to the healthy side at least 1 time in 1.5-2 hours. If there is an increase in muscle tone, then on the back of the patient is not allowed to lie down for more than 2 hours, and on the side - from 30 to 50 minutes.

hygienic care

Care for stroke patients using the general rules of hygiene should be daily. Care consists of procedures such as washing, brushing teeth, washing hands and washing away. If you can not bathe a patient in the bath, the body wiped with a soft, damp sponge at least 1 time in 3 days. Caring for the intimate zone is carried out daily, after each diaper change. This prevents chafing and irritation. Prerequisite is the lubrication of the skin of the perineum cream or use baby powder.

Hygienic care in the hospital

Prevention of bedsores

Bedsores are frequent companions of bedridden patients. They are formed due to the violation of trophic tissue when squeezed. In most cases, the pathology developing in the coccyx, as most of the time the person is lying on his back. To prevent the formation of pressure sores, it is necessary as much as possible to turn the patient.

Preventive measures include the lubrication of the skin in the area of ​​the coccyx camphor alcohol 1 time per day. This will increase blood flow to the tissues, improve their nutrition.

In addition, you can buy in a pharmacy special rubber rubber ring, which placed under the patient's buttocks to prevent skin contact with the bed.

People who had to care for the sick after a stroke, it is advised to use as a prophylactic agent bags of barley. They were placed under the coccyx to create additional friction and stimulate blood circulation.

Food and help in meal

The organization of proper nutrition is one of the steps for the speedy recovery of the body. From the patient's diet should eliminate fried, fatty and smoked dishes. Avoid products that can provoke constipation or fermentation in the gut. Cook meat, fish and vegetables should be steamed or baked in the oven.

Care after stroke may be complicated by the fact that the person is not able to receive food on their own or have a problem with chewing. Such patients need liquid food and help in its reception. Patients should be fed often, small portions. Keep track of calorie foods. Bedridden patients the body is unable to digest a heavy meal.

Physical exercise

For the prevention of such post-stroke complications such as degeneration of muscle tissue, the patient shows sessions physiotherapy and massage. They were carried out as physical therapists and people who are caring for bedridden following a stroke.

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